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EXPANSION FLEET H.Q. => Starfleet Gazetteer => Topic started by: Julia Rellek on March 09, 2007, 02:16:50 AM

Title: Interview- Julia Rellek
Post by: Julia Rellek on March 09, 2007, 02:16:50 AM
OFF: I'm a Vice Admiral     lol   it's okay, i find it amusing    :D
Title: Interview- Julia Rellek
Post by: Maguid Velotian on March 16, 2007, 06:44:21 PM
OOC: I don't know if this is the right place to say it, but I loved the interview. Excellently done.
Title: Interview- Julia Rellek
Post by: Julia Rellek on March 17, 2007, 10:40:34 PM
OFF: This topic works great. He does amazing work!!  :D
Title: Interview- Julia Rellek
Post by: Lois on March 08, 2007, 09:54:27 PM
I'm getting ALOT of feedback from people, thanks alot for the positive comments guys! Send me a PM if you have any comments or concerns, or if you want to be interviewed. Remember I can't interview everyone but I'll get to you guys soon or later.

Have fun!  :D

By: Ensign Mark Lois        
Interviewed: Rear Admiral Julia Rellek          
Stardate:  60149.6  

Interviewer: "Good morning," Mark said smilling, shuffling some papers, "Any comments before we begin?"

Rellek: "Not really, however i would like to tell you that i have truly enjoyed reading your interviews and i hope their are many more to come."

Interviewer: Mark grinned, "Do you like it so much that you'll give me a promotion?"

Rellek: "No, you know as well as i do that promotions are besed on performence in the field, not performance behind your desk. However this does make your name stick out in my mind and that can only be good." She chuckles "Besides i'm serving as an advisor to Starfllet Command and in that role i see little reason for me to promote anyone."

Interviewer: Mark laughed, "Ah I tried. So, do you have any kids or family?"

Rellek: "No i do not actually i haven't even been on a date in over a year. You know how it can be, sometimes Starfleet and a personal life don't always mix"

Interviewer: He nodded, "Are you planning on pursueing a relationship soon?"

Rellek: "I wouldn't be opposed to it but I dont plan on pursueing it. But i've thought that it might be nice someday. Then i think to myself i'm 36 years old those days are long behind me." **She Sighs**

Interviewer: "Do you think you'd go out with me if I asked?" Mark said, grinning.

Rellek: "I don't know enough about you to say, but i'd give you a chance." **Julia Laughs out loud at the question**

Interviewer: Mark grinned yet again, "So are you planning on climbing up the rank ladder, ma'am?"

Rellek: "I would love to!" **She said proudly** "Like i said i'm only 36 so i hope i have another good 30 years in me. One day, hopefully i'll make it to Flag Admiralbut for now i'm very content with my rank. But i wouldn't turn down Admiral" **She chuckled under her breathe**

Interviewer: "Have you been any battles in your time in starfleet?" Mark asked curiously.

Rellek: "I've actually been in some rather large and important ones. From my days as Chief of Operations on up the ladder it seems to be one after another. Most notabally was the battle in which DS12 was destroyed." ** She pauses for a moment and thinks** "You know. . . . . throughtout my career i've seen a lot of good people go. It's actually something i haven't given much thought to until recently. But battles are scary things. However, believe it or not i miss the days of commanding a starship through battle."

Interviewer: Mark looked at his PAD, "Oh I believe you alright, I can't wait till I get to be in command." He said, an eyebrow raising. "What are your hobbies?"

Rellek: "In my younger days i was a giant science nerd and that seems to have spilled over into my later years. I enjoy doing science expirements just for the fun of it. I also enjoy Cal-To, which is a Vulcan game og strategy. However, i tend to put more emotion into then they do." **She laughs** I also have my trusty oboe which i learned to play when i was a child"

Interviewer: He smiled, he always liked it when people laughed at his questions. "If you would choose anybody, even if I don't know them. Who would you say would be a perfect couple with me?" He asked.

Rellek: **Rellek had to take a moment to laugh at the question** I"I used to work closly with a half Klingon officer named Tara Lollock. I think she could use someone funny in her life and you certainly fit that description. But i don't know you weel enough to say for sure."

Interviewer: He nodded, than a wide smile spread over his face as he read his page, "One last question; Do you find Flag Admiral Vorak Sexy?"

Rellek: "Let me just say, theres something very attractive about a man in power."

Interviewer: "Thank you,"

Title: Interview- Julia Rellek
Post by: Lois on March 09, 2007, 02:33:58 AM
OOC: Whoopsy lol
Title: Interview- Julia Rellek
Post by: Quinn on March 16, 2007, 07:48:24 PM
OOC: I tottaly agree! Oh wait.. I'm Mark on another character...