Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

THE EXPANSION FLEET / AVALON DIVISION => Finale Episode: "Beyond the Veil" => Topic started by: Will Karelia on March 21, 2008, 12:08:15 AM

Post by: Will Karelia on March 21, 2008, 12:08:15 AM
The posting style in this finale is one that we've never used before. In the past, each ship had it's own forum, where it's crews would be separated from one another, and this stopped anyone from getting confused as to who belonged where.

However, for this final venture, we are combining the posts into one forum. This would undoubtedly cause confusion, having many members serving on many ships in different situations. So, we ask that, for all posts in the finale, an opening descriptor of your character's location be added to every post. For instance, if Admiral Karelia were onboard the Evolution, my post would begin like this:

Fleet Admiral William Karelia - Bridge, U.S.S. Evolution

Karelia lifted himself from the floor, sore after being slammed in the back by a falling bulkhead...

...and so on. As you might notice, I added my character's name as well, and while this is even more helpful, it's not required.

All in all, this will help us determine what characters are located where, because we'll no longer have the name of the current forum to help guide us.

Will Karelia