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Mission 1: Into The Shadows

Started by Leonard McCoy III, July 19, 2005, 12:25:21 AM

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Ian Graham

"Good to see you again as well, Admiral.  I just saw him a few minutes ago, and should be returning real soon."
Lieutenant JG Ian Graham
Chief Engineer
USS Interceptor

Hobson noticed the cadet enter the mess hall they were now all in, and beckoned him over.
"Cadet Graham, you are needed here as well, I had forgotten. This promotion ceremony will be for two then".

Charles Tucker

Tucker put his hand on the Admirals chest.

"Touring time is later, go to the ceremony room for now"
http://venus.walagata.com/w/argonath2/tuckID.jpg" border="0">

Hobson looked around swiftly and nodded.
"Then it is time!".
He tapped the nearest console and his voice echoed throughout the ship.
"All crew who are not of the USS Interceptor, report to Deep Space 20 at this moment".
He hit it off, and turned to Riker.
"Mr. Riker, I do not know where Captain Brodie is, nor Commander Kellanis, untill one of the two in ranking fashion appears, you will command the departure. Waiting for one of the two is no longer an option. You have your orders, all crew carry on. All officers, guests, anybody who does not belong on this ship will need to tend to thier proper stations on DS20 or accompany me to Main Ops".
He taps his comm badge and transports directly to DS 20.

Leonard McCoy III

*Sits at the Science station on the bridge*
"All systems are functioning as they should. It looks like a smooth start for us."
http://venus.walagata.com/w/argonath2/McCoyIDNEWINTERCEPTOR.jpg" border="0">

Revan Young

"Yes, lets...This ship is indeed a fine one...does it have a full compliment of crew, i heard you had an Commanding Officer, and such..."

*follows hobson*
Revan Delacroix Young
Nova Division CO

"I am sorry to hear you are being troubled by the Borg still".
He turned as Young exited.
"Commander Kellanis, if you will join me back to Deep Space 20 then, and Captain Brodie you also. We might have a small conference on the Interceptor, and a minor ceremony for the new ships XO".

Leonard McCoy III

"The medical decks are 98 percent complete, thats some good news for you. I have given a hand to the science decks since we don't have a science officer yet. Other than that I am free for another assignment on here"
http://venus.walagata.com/w/argonath2/McCoyIDNEWINTERCEPTOR.jpg" border="0">

Ian Graham

Ian drops his tool and wipes the sweat from his brow.  He looks over at one of the other engineers...

"What's everyone massing together for?  We should probably go check it out."

He does a quick check on his equipment and takes off in the direction of the large group.
Lieutenant JG Ian Graham
Chief Engineer
USS Interceptor

Richard Ransom

Mr.Tucker I was invited on bord the Intercepter by Fleet Admiral Hobson.
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

"Thank you, Mr. Riker. I think the tour can move into main engineering now...that is, if there is anybody interested or still here for the tour itself? If not, I think we might want to launch this ship. We are nearly a week behind schedule".

Jasmine Kellanis

"If you wish, i was planning on coming to  you on my way around the ship..."
Jasmine Kellanis
U.S.S. Interceptor XO

"It is good to meet you. You might be interested in being the Executive Officer on the Interceptor then? Wonderful! The postion would be yours of course, since there are no others who show interest. You might wish to meet with Captain Brodie. Or you may accompany the tour here, there is much to see even on an unfinished ship".

Ian Graham

A young cadet enters the hangar.

"Cadet Graham reporting for engineering training and duty.  Admiral Hobson told me to report to Admiral Fisher.  I am ready for orders, sirs."

Ian throws up a hand to salute his superiors
Lieutenant JG Ian Graham
Chief Engineer
USS Interceptor

Gary Fisher

Fisher comes out of a porthole.

"Both Engineering sections have been completed and all consoles put together. I believe she's ready to run. The warp cores check out and have given off perfect power. The ships lighting systems have been tied to main power."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/paris_owen.jpg" border="0">
Gary Fisher
Former Starfleet Engineering CO
Nova Division