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Classroom 9

Started by Nekturn, November 05, 2005, 04:48:24 AM

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I was not revruited from any division sir. As to where I plan to go, I have not really decided quite yet. So far I have thought about the new Vangaurd division the most. It seems to have the most need for officers. Not sure about the other divisions or ships.
Live by the bat'leth, die by the phaser


Ender deftly manuvered the shuttle through the astroid belt and engaged the warp engines taking them to warp one he again looked down at the panel and noted the panel telling him warp status.

"Approching Neptune dropping out of warp, engaging full impulse"

He then piloted the shuttle close to the planet and sling shoted around the planet

"Would you like to warp back all the way sir or should I give you a ride." he said jokingly
Ensign Ender Wiggin

Graduated Helm Training


"Beta three aye sir."

Man a full spead of torpedoes is stronger than I thought.Ender said to himself.
He then pioloted the ship in a large arc as the enemy ships weapons impacted the sheilds and Tactical pomptly returned fire, neither ship reciving much damage.

"Clear sir!"
Ensign Ender Wiggin

Graduated Helm Training

Marco Diaz

(OOC: sorry for not posting sooner, I have what you'd call writers block)

"Dane, take the ship and head for the stronger Romulan ship.  notify the Fighters of a possible attack patter"

=^= Wiggin, dont get hit, lock weapons on your closest target and attack, let me know if any situations come up=^=
Captain Marco Diaz,
Commanding Officer DSA


Um I seem to have been forgotten, my laast post was several pages ago, and have been waiting for judgement for a couple months now where is every one
Ensign Ender Wiggin

Graduated Helm Training


"Starboard and up. The difference between Starboard and Port being left and right. You will have to highlight"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics2/garak-small.gif" border="0">
Ensign Ghemor / Operations Officer / USS Evolution
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f132/Startrekdude1992/RedEnsign.png" border="0">


"I think I am ready to jump into action. I hear there is a new ship. The Unity. Might that need me?"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics2/garak-small.gif" border="0">
Ensign Ghemor / Operations Officer / USS Evolution
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f132/Startrekdude1992/RedEnsign.png" border="0">

Marco Diaz

"Excellent, I'm glad you are here. Please take a seat" Begins to write on the board while talking

"Now, you've chosen to become a helmsman, one of the most active persons on the ship. You are responsible for maintaining the position of the ship and directing her to where you need to go. Also, if you are in battle you will be called upon to make manuevers to protect the ship, but we'll get to those later."

Directs the attention to the board
"Here is a listing of things that will be important for you to follow in your first term and thus will be taught":

(Items Listed on the board)
Astrogation:Warp Drive
Pilot: Starship

"As space is your ocean you must know the stars as if it were your own mother" Chuckles and clears his throat "Seriously, If you input a wrong course in space there are no second chances."

"Ok Mr. Wiggin,First question, What problems might you have in space while plotting a course? what are five things that you could think of?"  He finished while sitting back in his chair.
Captain Marco Diaz,
Commanding Officer DSA

Marco Diaz

"Alright, ok so you've got the hang of it"
Gives Ender a small bar with 2 stripes on it

(OOC: Take the second year cadet avatar now)

"Computer, initialize program Diaz-alpha-one"

COMPUTER: Program running

The shuttle disappeared into a full starship, Diaz was sitting in the captain's chair and his Cadet was at helm

"This is the USS Tiberon, an Admiral friend of mine gave me this training program"

Pulls his arm console over and begins inputting information

"There are main crew at their posts, they aren't real people so they dont have real names, simply use phrases such as operations, or tactical, you get the idea"

"Set a course for the nuetral zone, any problems or questions Cadet?"
Captain Marco Diaz,
Commanding Officer DSA

Marco Diaz

TAC: We're picking up more ships on intercept course Captain!

"Initiate course Dane!"

Diaz Stared at the viewscreen intently, and thought to himself 'Come on, what are you doin here?'

Soon afterward the Romulans returned fire on the Tiberon, impacting the shields and draining them down to 40%. At the same time more ships were inbound from Romulan space.

It seemed that their intentions were not peaceful, they broke the neutral zone with warships.

"Regroup at that M class planet Dane detected, as fast as possible. Ops, send a distress signal to Starfleet, tell them we need reinforcements immediately"

OPS: Underway Capt'n

The Tiberon was still on its evasive course while the two closest ships were restoring their shields and weapons. Although they should have been focusing on repairs considering their engine was severely damaged
Captain Marco Diaz,
Commanding Officer DSA

Gunn Mann

Cadet C1 Gunn Mann reporting as ordered Sir.
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e60/gunnerman1971/gunnmann.jpg" border="0">


Ender ran on to the flight deck and jumped into the Perigrine fighter.

"Requesting clearence!"

(FLIGHT DECK) " Your cleared to go, good luck."
Ender slammed the ship out of the rapid launch bays seeing other fighters launch as he did. They were outnumbered but the enemy vessels appered to be taking more damage.

=^= Ensign Wiggin to Tiberion, whats your status?"=^=
Ensign Ender Wiggin

Graduated Helm Training

Eugene Archer

Cadet Wiggin, first of all I would like to apologize for keeping you waiting so long. The flight instructor a couple of months ago, has left expansion fleet, without telling anyone. I have been here for only two weeks now, and I'm still busy cleaning up the 'mess' the previous CO has made. I have looked back at your performance during the flight simulation, and it appeared to me that you are a very good starship pilot. That alone is reason for me to let you graduate from the academy. I have, however, also seen that you have command capabilities. This is highly appreciated within the fleet. I haven't come across a talented young man like you for a long time.

Hereby you are graduated from the academy, excelling in Flight Control/Helm. You are granted the full rank of ensign. You may change your avatar to match your newly achieved rank.

The next thing you have to think about is how you want to continue your career. There are basically two options:
1. Continue studying at the academy in another course as cadet C4;
2. Leave the academy and find a position in the fleet. According to the open positions list (which you can also find in the academy forum), there are no open positions in Helm. You could however ask on some ships if this has been changed. You could also report to SS Avalon to see if they need someone like you. If you'd like, I could write some sort of a recommendation letter to the senior officer of the ship/station you would like to work.

Whichever option you prefer, I will always be there to guide and help you and I wish you good luck in your further career.
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Archer.jpg" border="0">

Eugene Archer

"So if I tell you to head for bearing 070, mark 322, which way would we be going cadet? Right or left? Up or down?"
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Archer.jpg" border="0">

Eugene Archer

"Welcome cadet. If you could please take the correct avatar - Cadet C1 - then we can start as soon as possible. We are currently moving Avalon Station, and I am one of the leading officers in that mission. Therefore, I will first have to finish the mission before I can start here, with your training. "
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Archer.jpg" border="0">