Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

STARPHOENIX FLEET MISSIONS => U.S.S. Sphinx => Topic started by: Lucas Bailey on May 03, 2004, 02:47:30 PM

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 03, 2004, 02:47:30 PM
OFF: 14!?!?!?  Wow....I had a few more characters than this about a year ago...

My Other Characters: SP-Lucas Bailey, Aidiran Miller. Omega-Malcolm, Lucas Bailey...I have a few other inactive characters...about 9-10 others....i used to be fairly active...not much anymore

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 21, 2004, 01:01:06 AM

setting course for the astroid belt AYE AYE XO sir.

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 26, 2004, 05:20:21 PM
OFF* Im not accident prone its usually because i get a 20 20 19 19 instant death or its because of one of the players attacking me for no darn reason......

ON* lalaalalaalaalalala....*Sneaks up to the firing control andshoots some astriods and fades back down too the helms chair before the CO and capt seese me*

lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaa *hums the shrek 2 hymn*

Flying too close to the astroids im backing off a few meters......

OFF* Hey Lucas I got 2 other characters :) ones in omega as cheif of security and the other is a security officer aboard the USS Skytoucher at avalon base :D

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 30, 2004, 04:41:40 PM
OFF*This is true 5of9 But Aliens who are born in space may have natural weapons......And they range from anything ffrom a plasma-ions.......aliens who live in space can have whatever weapons they need to defend themselves, but this alien had an ion beam :)
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 04, 2004, 11:38:01 AM
off:its an exchange in crew between the delta allience and starfleet.adn nova has 3 ships and their constucting a 4th right now and also because that is the most active board and why dont you join lucas and me in omega im captain of the uss ares and lucas their is my xo

well something is wrong whit this ship you can even fire a weapons ore you'll dammage something

Title: Bridge
Post by: Aidiran Miller on June 08, 2004, 09:04:08 PM
True Enough,its up to you...
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 26, 2004, 05:39:55 AM
Sir Star pheniox base is being attacked....Orders?

OFF**HELLO 5ERS!.....How ya BEEN! hehehehehe :)

I been on vontak nor with Balkazar doing his security/civic duties :D

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on July 01, 2004, 05:28:18 PM
*does a site to site transport to the transporter room and starts to beam all the civilians aboard*
Title: Bridge
Post by: Darby McCoy on July 27, 2004, 03:35:05 AM
=/\= Doctor McCoy to Uss Sphinx one to beam over. =/\=

A few seconds later I am away to the Sphinx.

Then I immediately go looking for the Doctor in charge.
First to Sick Bay.

Title: Bridge
Post by: Event Horizon on August 13, 2004, 08:13:21 PM
*As the vessels receive orders from Admiral Parker to set course to Avalon, the cloud divides into a few smaller masses. The Lothlorien takes off instantly, and one of the smaller masses tries to catch it, but to no avail, while the remaining vessels are enveloped in the energy-draining storm. The ships caught begin to experience severe draining of power to all of their systems.*

"Yes! Energy! We need more energy to rid of those mental pesks! One ship has escaped! ...These others provide plenty! Absorb it all!"

*The energy continues to deplete until light and life support begin to fail as well.*

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on April 16, 2004, 08:36:32 PM
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on April 30, 2004, 11:35:12 AM
yes sir increasing power to the impuls engines

off:try having 14 characters spread out over all divisions :)

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 21, 2004, 08:33:25 AM
eta on teh field valen
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 26, 2004, 05:06:37 PM
off:no problem and lucas should your insignia be red not bleu
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 31, 2004, 09:21:28 AM
off:he joe. Its ok Valen
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 03, 2004, 11:07:49 PM
OFF**Darn 5ers!!....Drex hmmmm lol I seen that guy post a few times hehehe sounds like a scientist to me :)

Why so many Characters in nova ? they have only one ship ?.....And why go delta alliance ? whats over there ?.......I looked at there website and it blinded me!...All yellow YUCK!!! it looks like the color of puke :).....
So why go over to delta alliance ?

And how can I!! get into delta alliance anyhow ?....Same way i did for starfleet ?

Luke What post is malcom on ?

ON**Uhh capt.l.....ITs your fault this time.....You just blew a astroid up alright but you also blew up one of the subsystems along with it....

*Looks for the problem*................................*2 minutes later* Sir yea you blew Navigation :( *snickers* sorry sir this one is on your head :) I cant fly without navigation :)

*Heads down to find where the problem is and starts to repair it*.............................

*Balkazar to capt*

Found it and fixed it heading back to the bridge lets try this again and not blow the nav comm out please capt...

Balkazar out*

Title: Bridge
Post by: Jeremy Sullivan on June 09, 2004, 01:22:34 PM
OFF: Proposal for a better ship????  For where??  Anyone care to explain this a bit?

OFF: Mr. Bailey if you can't find anyone to play your characters Ill make a news announcement on the expansion main page.. but just post here and let me know..

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 25, 2004, 07:36:09 AM
ok we've un stuck here
Title: Bridge
Post by: Event Horizon on July 02, 2004, 02:44:17 PM
*Meanwhile, on Starphoenix Base, the Na'jigat swarm is suddenly alerted...*
"Energy... gone? Where is energy??"
"Energy is rerouted to other end of the base!"
"Seek energy!"
*And the cloud begins to move toward the other end of the base, attacking the buildings to reach the energy source. The nearby buildings explode, debris falls in each direction, setting other buildings on fire. Then suddenly, detonations are taking place nearby, in space...*
"Detonations... energy in space? Ships!"
"Must capture ships! Energy!"
"No, must concentrate completely on this strong energy source! More energy here than in space!"
"Agree, sensing their thoughts... they try to trick us!"
"We could send part of us to neutralize them... and take their energy..."
"But we never split up!"
"There is too much energy here not to do it! We must gather it, and then rejoin!"
"We don't want to split..."
"We must... if Gallifreyans come, we must have enough energy to be strong enough... we can do it!"
"Yes, we must split and then rejoin!"
*And after some long moments, a small part of the dark energy cloud tears off, and heads toward the U.S.S. Lothlorien.*
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on July 25, 2004, 12:48:53 PM
*valen to Doc Mccoy*

Read you loud and clear......

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on August 14, 2004, 01:43:40 AM
*starts to swear for a minute as we loose life support....*

What will we do with all these wounded!.........We need someone here to help us out....We cant leave the crewmen of the base here....Hmmmm....What to do!....

*valen starts to go mad as he tries to think what to do and starts to pull his hair out*......Im supposed to be acting captian....OH!! yis yis yis.....What to do...Nothing to do....we die now...Ohhhh yis yis yis.....*

*after a few hours of going mad he recompusures himself and tries to think of what to do again....Will anyone or anything help us?......*

*sends out a priority one distress call to any and all ships who can help get the wounded and the rest of us away from this thing.....**

OFF**Rest is up to you Event holder :)

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on April 17, 2004, 07:52:56 AM
what are your orders sir
Title: Bridge
Post by: Aidiran Miller on April 29, 2004, 08:32:29 PM
"Lets see what she can do, increase thrust and try some manuevers...."

OFF: What ever you want to do with her...

OFF2: Wrong character, supposed to be Lucas Bailey....ahhh,i keep posting with the wrong character, despite the fact i only have two here...

(Edited by Aidiran Miller at 2:41 pm on April 29, 2004)

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 20, 2004, 12:19:37 AM
OFF: well of course not now your not in the helms chair cuz im here :P....Oh no i just booted the XO :Dhehehehe opps :P

Any orders capn or should i just sit here lucky a duckling who doesnt know where to go and it keeps quacking an dcrying momma *smiles*

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 30, 2004, 11:05:15 AM
off:ion weapons are starwars this is startrek we have phasers and photon torpedoes[i really love those transfasic] :)

welcome doc

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 04, 2004, 03:56:11 PM
your right this is a piece of junk
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 11, 2004, 06:27:32 PM
off: like it :agree2: but in starfleet we dont destory planets [cant we assmilate them :android:]
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 27, 2004, 07:30:35 PM
Aye aye sir....Beaming all civilian aboard....

But what of the officers ?

Title: Bridge
Post by: Darby McCoy on July 24, 2004, 04:05:02 AM
=/\= Doctor McCoy to the USS Sphinx We have two patience from the planet surface that I am tranfering to you sick bay. You have the better facilities to deal with their injuries. =/\=
Title: Bridge
Post by: Tyn on August 17, 2004, 03:45:35 AM
OFF: Please read pages 37-38 of the Lothlorien's current mission in the Starphoenix division.
Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on April 19, 2004, 02:49:50 PM
Not much...you and i are the only people assigned to the Sphinx as far as i know...its gonna be awhile before she's set to go...
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on April 28, 2004, 05:50:31 PM
sir we are out of spacedock we are at full impuls
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 09, 2004, 05:16:44 PM
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 20, 2004, 09:20:51 AM
off:i've been in the xo's chair the enteire time

valen we were heading for an astroidfield to test oure weapons

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 24, 2004, 01:05:26 PM
bill prepare weapons for full testing
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 27, 2004, 04:25:27 PM
*heads down to engineering
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 28, 2004, 04:32:35 PM
OFF** hey guys when we decide to actually get a crew make sure the ship doctors are women :) gotta love female nurses :) if you get my drift *winks*

ON** Wakes up (oh darn this EMH is ugly its no female *grumbles* get this emh away from me I can tend to myself) *few minutes later leaves sick bay with a headache and goes up to the bridge* ohhh....Well Capt and XO we are home at star pheniox base......Lets not go back to that astroid belt without some decent weapons i dont need an ion beam attack again....Maybe a few explosions but no ions *Remembers why i dont like ions**Remembers that lil accident with the ion distablizers on teh farm back on earth* Yeah those suckers threw me back and my parents are BEGGING!@ me to join starfleet :)

Title: Bridge
Post by: Reginald Barclay on May 30, 2004, 02:16:26 PM
Thank you for your warm welcome. So, tell me what I can do.

OFF: hey 5 of 9, remember me? Joe Braxton from Orion Fleet

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 02, 2004, 11:54:12 PM
OFF**hahahah poor 5ers....:)...Thats your new name is 5ers :)......I can enter avalon and omega :) but you cant enter nova poor baby :D

ON**Sir it wasnt my fault the alien attacked i had to do something since there was no one on tactical :).....

ON**Redy to go out and test weapons again *snickers*

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on June 04, 2004, 02:52:08 PM
OFF: I don't mind him joining us, just don't try anything crazy...at least nothing crazier than we've been doing...not much, drex and i seem to be the only ones posting...and starrting june 13th,i will only be able to post once a week....maybe...it all depends....

"#### ship....hmmm, I'll be in my office."


Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 06, 2004, 06:47:29 PM
OFF**I dont think starfleet will allow us to have THAT! ship....Altho It would be cool to do it tho....

ON**Setting course XO Engaging at full warp now Should be there within 2 hours

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 09, 2004, 02:09:33 PM
ofF:ypu cpould give valen the ares xo it would be nice to have him as my xo :)
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 11, 2004, 05:41:21 PM
HEres a story idea 5ers :)

We are sent to a alien world to help the populace out with a plague that is going on on there world....But find out later its not a plague and its man eating air :P and the only way to destroy it is to destroy teh planet heheheheheheheh

You may alter this however you wish OR!!!!!! just say NO!:D

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 12, 2004, 04:37:38 PM
Ohh cool learn something new everyday :P
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on July 01, 2004, 01:38:03 PM
they will stay onboard as long as posible
Title: Bridge
Post by: Event Horizon on July 23, 2004, 07:31:53 PM
*The darkness that the energy cloud casts over the base, seems to keep growing stronger and more intense, as the Na'jigat feeds from the station's energy source almost first hand through the water. But then suddenly... there is a momentary faltering, and for a moment the cloud looks like a sky of thunderstorm clouds that are beginning to clear just a little, and leaving just one ray of the sun through... some bright white light appears to be shine through the vast darkness of the energy cloud, so bright and clear that it does not seem to come from the Na'jigat cloud itself, and neither can be undone by the Na'jigat... The bright ray of light grows slightly wider and stronger, shining brightly upon one of the buildings of Starphoenix Base... even so strong that the light almost seems to easily go THROUGH the thick walls of the building, making it look a bit brighter in its surrounding darkness... and then gently, the light fades away again... The Na'jigat cloud seems to become restless, and even more eager to feed itself from the energy as fast and as much as it can...*
Title: Bridge
Post by: Event Horizon on August 08, 2004, 12:27:38 PM
"Energy...receiving lots of energy!.."
"Gallifreyans are trying to fight us....But we have lots of energy.."
"They are becoming weaker...we must overwhelm them..we shall oppose them.."
*Then the storm on Dantor increases and several buildings of the Starphoenix base collaps by the power of nature.
"..We still need energy...Dantor is almost depleted...to oppose the Gallifreyans we need more energy..."
"..Searching...Searching...Energy coming to us...ships are entering this part of space..."
At that moment the energycloud in space went away from planet Dantor and set course for the incoming vessels.
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on April 19, 2004, 06:23:30 PM
we could go out for a test run sir that wont harm anyone
Title: Bridge
Post by: Bill Sutherland on May 09, 2004, 02:55:54 PM
"Lt. Bill Sutherland reporting in, Chief of Tactical and Security"
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 18, 2004, 11:57:14 PM
*boots 5 of 9 outta the helms chair*

*waits further orders*

Shall i set course anywheres cap'n?

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 25, 2004, 11:12:39 PM
Off* Ohhh when did we get a cheif of tactical?

And why hasnt he posted ?

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 26, 2004, 05:41:40 PM
OFF: I thought sense the Sphinx is a medical ship the avatar's would be blue....correct?

OFF: Ok, david....but you seriousley have crappy luck at D&D....

OFF:Doh! I'm starting to think that maybe having valen as helm wasn't a good idea....hmmm....

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 27, 2004, 06:46:56 PM
ON** Sets the computer to warn us of any intruders around a 300 meter radius around the ship and heads down to engineering

ON** Capt I dont think you should be doing that (Watches the capt. fly to his back) I warned you Ill go get the med kit I fear ill be needing it *smiles*....Atleast i know how to use a med kit its required of all personal *smirks*.....

20 minutes later.......all better capt altho i think you shouldnt do that.......**Reminds the capt to get an engineer when we get back to base**

OFF** im having so much fun with this game i think i may go and make an engineer for this ship......hehehehehe SOO!!!! FUN!!!!!!!!**

ON**.....**Computer goes off and says to the crew Enemies enbound** **starts a site to site transport to the bridge**

**Materializes on the bridge** uhhhh *informs the XO and capt to hurry up and get those weapons online An alien life form from teh astroid belt is inbound im going to warp to try and escape it I just hope the engines dont blow...

**does a few manvuers to try and shake this alien being and doesnt help** **Gets hit with an ion beam from the alien being**

Ummmm im going to warp now and we definataly need a engineering team.....**the being fires again hits the bridge this time....ValenGoes down with a few cuts from teh blast and starts to enter warp....Before the Sphinx enters warp it hits again the brdige again Valen goes down unconcious.....**Valen hits the go to warp button before he falls totally unconcious**

OFF**hehehehehehehehehe I got an active imagination :) sorry boyos**

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 28, 2004, 02:30:58 PM
OFF: Ouch, that would hurt getting hurt by your guy.

OFF:Ok, no problem on the imagination,but try not to kill yourself...

See ya tommorow David(Valen)

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 01, 2004, 04:30:18 PM
off: aaaaaaaaaaaaah im going mad i still cant enter nova division

(Edited by 5 of 9 at 6:30 pm on June 1, 2004)

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 03, 2004, 04:55:10 PM
Yes sir going to yellow alert.....

*plots a course to a safer astroid feild*

Engaging....*pushes the button*

Should be there within 2 hours sir

OFF**Hey 5ers :) how many guys do you have in avalon ?.....I got one aboard sky toucher and im trying to get an engineering gig aboard USS evolution but there is none to be filled :(....Im having tomuch fun on sky toucher hehehehehe So far i have a total of 5 characters 2 are in avalon :PD

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 04, 2004, 08:29:41 PM
OFF**OH!!! god i love causing trouble Altho :) I think I should lay off but on teh a side note if i laid off then life would be boring now wouldnt it :)

OFF**Hey 5ers Send me the info on joining Nova to my email acct at Balkazar@cvc.net.

The Side Navigation bar doesnt seem to be working all to well because it says you only have one ship :) so send me the info....

Yeah I think i may join Omega with another character heheheh.........Altho i think that guy may be a vulcan Inventor or something :D

ON**Capt Lets fire the weapons again......And we do need upgrades :).....

*fires the torpoeos and hits teh astroid......*runs diagnostics of the ship*.....

Everything went ok just then.....Lets try the phasers....

*shoots the phasers*........Well i must be doing something right *smiles*.....No problems just happened :)

OFF**I was being nice just then hehehe

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 06, 2004, 07:06:52 PM
off:i love that ship


Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 11, 2004, 03:36:37 PM
off: he lucas have any ideas
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 14, 2004, 06:36:14 AM
off:we will adapt
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 27, 2004, 03:34:01 AM
Sir we are here

OFF**and event horizon went and done what was going on :P**

OFF**Oh 5ers lol Luke is gonna try and get on that new omega site....And be my XO lol i hope!.,...Or atleast i asked him to be weather or not he is i dont know

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on August 07, 2004, 09:47:03 PM
Engaging Full warp....
Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on April 19, 2004, 08:10:31 PM
I talk to the admiral and see if that is possible.

=Captain Bailey to Admiral Sullivan=

"Sir, I was wondering if it fine with you if 5 of 9 and i take the sphinx on a test run?"

=Bailey out=

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 07, 2004, 06:01:18 PM
well i posted at startrek.com but no 1 responded :(
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 19, 2004, 01:02:55 PM
*looks at valen*
i was never in the helm chair
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 25, 2004, 02:54:14 PM
bill sutherland oure chief tactical
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 27, 2004, 02:26:44 AM
OFF* hehehehheheehehe I still dont know what im playing on saturday :) thinking mage just to make everyone mad but then since your leaving im considering a theif.....Altho after your other characters died im not so sure now :)

ON** We should be getting xtra personal sirs....Itll make things like this much easier

ON** Sir im detecting a malfunction in the phaser banks......I dont recommend shooting until we find out whats going on......Ill go down toe th engineering bay and see what the problem is.....

ON** Transports to the engine room and checks what the problem is....few hours later.....

**Valen to XO**

We burnt out the phaser relays....We should get them fixxed before shooting anything else and get them 3x checked      before doing anything else

OFF** Sorry 5 of 9 I had to put some spice in :) since its only us :) and the capt when hes here so i had to put in some spice :)

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 27, 2004, 08:33:05 PM
OFF: I'm going to regret this...

*Hurrys to the bridge to find Valen lying on the floor*

=^=Captain to XO=^=

"5 of 9, i need you to go to sickbay and be ready for a wounded,valen's been knocked out."

=^=Captain out=^=

*lifts valen up and carries him to sickbay*

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 28, 2004, 11:03:06 AM
its ok ;)
Title: Bridge
Post by: Reginald Barclay on June 01, 2004, 04:38:16 PM
OFF:Why not?
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 03, 2004, 02:06:36 PM
off:sounds good and nova is back up :cool:

well then go to yellow alert

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on June 04, 2004, 08:21:00 PM
OFF: I'm thinking about putting in a request for an upgraded Galaxy.....*sighs* *starts to daydream* only if...of course i don't think it would be possible....hmmm
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 07, 2004, 06:13:38 PM
OFF* hehehehe thats cool :P.....Do one of your guys have that ship ?.....

OFF**I just got a vulcan researcher person and engineeering person onto the USS Evolution at avalon :P hehehehehe fun fun

ON**ETA 30 minutes

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 11, 2004, 10:47:45 AM
off:yea i now but im bad whit creating  stories :P
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 14, 2004, 02:53:33 AM
DIE!!!! you Borg SCUM!!!!!! :pulsephaser:
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 27, 2004, 11:33:48 AM
off: :P

prepare to beam all civilians of the station and on the ship =/\=5 of 9 to sickbay prepare to recieve casulties=/\=

(Edited by 5 of 9 at 1:45 pm on June 27, 2004)

Title: Bridge
Post by: Sarah Parker on August 07, 2004, 06:44:42 PM
Parker to all present vessels: Set course for Avalon Station. It seems Dantor has been depleted, and they've set sights on what power our vessels have.
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on April 20, 2004, 01:41:21 PM
sir promision granted should i engage trusters
Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 04, 2004, 02:40:35 PM
OFF: Hmm, how ironic....well, i hope we get some people to join the Sphinx fairly quickley...
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 17, 2004, 03:44:44 PM
sir we could set course for a astriod field to test oure weapons anr warp engines
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 21, 2004, 10:04:28 PM
Sir...At full warp 3 hours...Should i go to full warp sir ? or half that ? itll take longer tho.....

OFF* this is sorta fun :P

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 26, 2004, 02:52:42 PM
OFF: Forgive valen, he gets completely lost even when we play D&D on saturdays.....unfortunatley he is the king of accidents ;) :p ,just kidding....

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 27, 2004, 06:31:16 AM
i understand :)
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 28, 2004, 07:06:20 AM
OFF**Yeah i know i need to concentrate on my typing but i sometimes type faster then my head is thinking and i get things turned around Altho i think i should work on controlling it :)

OFF**Lucas and 5of9 Sorry to cause SO!!! much trouble But i got one heck of an imagination :)

OFF**and lucas im thinking of a mage with a dagger with poison that takes conn off for primary and initial damage :)

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 30, 2004, 06:08:19 AM
**Turns from teh helm as Reginald comes in.....*Alerts the XO and Capt of our new medical officer*

Reginald they should be here momentarily

OFF**hehehehehehe Couldnt resist.....Since im on and the other 2 are being lazy :).........But for real WElcome..........Shoulda been here when we got attacked :) Ion weapons suck :) specially when they target the bridge :)

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 31, 2004, 10:53:31 PM
OFF**Next time Ill make it a plasma gun from a romulan fighter :)**

ON**Lets hope we got everything fixed and we got atleast one enginneer who knows what there doing :).....Redy to test weapons again Ill find a more PEACEFUL! place to test weapons Maybe an inhabitable planet hmmmmm*thinks*

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on June 03, 2004, 08:41:52 PM
"Target the asteroid in front of us"

"Fire on my mark..............Fire."


Starphoenix--> Lucas Bailey, Aidiran Miller

Omega--> Malcolm,Lucas Bailey, and Adrian Sinclair

I think there are more, i 'll get back to you if i remember...

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 14, 2004, 05:49:08 PM
well that aint up to me you'll need to ask the admirality
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 26, 2004, 09:54:05 AM
what set a course wemight not be heavely armed but we can still give a punsh set corse max warp
Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on June 08, 2004, 02:51:54 PM
OFF: Achilles class would be nice...sorry for not posting friday through monday...i became ill.....


"Well, I've finished my proposal for a better ship."

OFF2: David,I need a favor, i have some characters that when i won't be posting(June 30th until about August 2th/28th) will be inactive, i was wondering if during that time you would assume control of them until i get back...

Lucas Bailey-CO-Sphinx
Aidiran Miller-XO-Lothlorian

Lucas Bailey-IC-EI Bartender/Manager
Dr. Adrian Sinclair-DS19 Cheif Counselor

Or maybe drex you could assume malcolm sice you're the co of the aries....

Title: Bridge
Post by: Jeremy Sullivan on June 11, 2004, 08:25:45 AM
OFF: As much as I would love to have different ships.. The Owner of the RPG (Vorak) whom I am very good friends with..  Feels that we need not make any changes to the ships... So... You will have to keep the ship you have.. And the CO/XO of this vessel are responsible for creating a suitable mission and submitting it to the "Mission Planning" Forum.. I thought I made that clear but maybe I didn't.. I got so much going on and i can't remember who i have told what sometimes..
Title: Bridge
Post by: Event Horizon on July 22, 2004, 11:31:38 AM
*The energy cloud is drawn to a particular concentration of power at the station, and heads toward it fast, casting a dark shadow on the buildings below it... As it came within range, the inverse energy phasers were fired...*
"Energy... absorb energy..."
"What is this? Inverse energy! They try to trick us!"
"Ignore their tricks, they cannot weaken us..."
"They are annoying us!"
"We are being delayed! Gallifreyans may come soon, must hurry..."
"We will trick them back..."
"And we will take all energy at once..."
*At that moment, the dark energy cloud seems to expand as if to cover the entire landbase... but in fact it is moving toward the nearby ocean.*
"Water... water makes energy stream easier..."
"We will be able to assemble all energy and take it at once..."
*At that moment, what seems to be some sort of heavy lightning strikes into the ocean, several kilometers away from the station. The lightning seems to pierce into the depths of the oceans, and for an instant there appears to be a hole in the water... then the water begins to react and a huge wave begins to form. The large wave of water grows higher and more massive, as it sets for Starphoenix Base... In a matter of moments, the immense and high wave reaches the coastal area nearby Starphoenix Base, and the people on the base can see how the waves are taller than themselves... even taller than the highest buildings of Starphoenix base... and then the wave comes crashing down on top of the first buildings, and tons of water flows into the base, flooding the streets so much that only the highest buildings barely come above the water. The violent ocean water keeps flooding into the base, even tearing apart some of the smaller buildings and taking them with the stream, as the cloud hangs above the flooded areas, and begins to concentrate its power on an open area... The power of the energy field seems to look like a tornado coming down from it, heading for the water... and when it strikes the water, it begins to whirl with a heavy wind, as the Na'jigat cloud begins to extract all energy that is being flown through the water...*
"Energy... energy... Want more energy!"
"We still have part in space attacking ships..."
"They must make ships pay for this trick as well, and make sure they no longer delay us again!"
*And at that moment, in space, the separated part of the Na'jigat cloud turns aggressive, attacking all ships with what also seems to be a surge of energy lightning. The ships suffer a heavy shock, upsetting their systems as the ship is pulled back, away from planet Dantor.*

OFF: this is the last post I can make before I go on vacation. I won't be able to post until september again. Now you can continue the storyline and admins could post with Event Horizon, if they want. The idea is that the Na'jigat is about to destroy everything and everyone, when again the Gallifreyan cavalry appears. Gallifreyans are humanoid people, and the only species in the universe that is strong enough to fight the Na'jigat through mental energy. Even they can't defeat or destroy the Na'jigat, but they can force them to retreat - for now. I will ask Montrell to post as Legudon (main chief of the Gallifreyans) when he returns from his vacation soon. The Gallifreyans will use no weapons except pure concentration on telephatic energy. They are a species that does not like to interact with other species and will be short in answers, if they tell you anything at all. Little is known about them, and nobody really knows yet where they are from and who they are. But the war between the Na'jigat and the Gallifreyans has been going on from the beginning of time and will never end.
As for the Na'jigat, remember they can NOT be destroyed. You can delay them, confuse them a bit (but remember they CAN read your minds, they are the purest form of telephatic power as well) and besides trying to win some time, there's little you can do - but that doesn't mean you can make it spectacular, like I now just gave you some material to work with for some time ;)

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on August 07, 2004, 06:10:03 PM
*heads back to the bridge to get the spinx out of here and starts to go to warp to head to avalon station*
Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on April 20, 2004, 02:43:57 PM
Engage thrusters...
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 04, 2004, 07:18:16 AM
off:well i think you will be happy to know that im also drex
Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 17, 2004, 08:17:08 PM

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 21, 2004, 10:05:03 PM
Sir...At full warp 3 hours...Should i go to full warp sir ? or half that ? itll take longer tho.....

OFF* this is sorta fun :P

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 26, 2004, 10:38:49 AM
off go back a few pages you´ll see that he has reported in
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 27, 2004, 07:03:36 AM
Sir i think we should put in for repair before trying anything with weapons.....I could jury rig something to fix it but im no engineer.....I just know how to fix minor things with engines and ships.....Thats it.....So if you want more permanent fix we need to get an enginneer who knows what there doing aside from me.....I could make things worse or better or not at all....AS i said im not engineer.......Just know how to make things NOT! explode

Altho with the damage to those relays and the phaser cannons I wouldnt reccommend firing it again until its fixed because it may blow up the ship or the entire system all together and we would be defenseless......

Other then that What do you want to do ?

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 27, 2004, 08:36:24 PM
OFF: Valen,could you please type your posts a bit better,i've been having some trouble reading them...
Title: Bridge
Post by: Reginald Barclay on May 29, 2004, 09:34:58 AM
Good Morning Captain. I'm Lt. Commander Barclay. I'm your new Chief Medical Officer. Anything I can do?
Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on June 01, 2004, 02:44:35 PM
"Well the ship is now fixed...,and Valen, try not to fire the weapons without consent...

OFF: Hey David,(Valen)-->I don't have a problem with you running your campaign as tawnia is gonna be gone this next weekend,i think she said reno...but oh well....

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 03, 2004, 05:25:36 PM
avalon:2[one is exchange crew going to the delta allience]
starphoenix:1[5 of 9]
intel:1[johny q]
shadowfleet2:[brax & Neelix]
epsilon:1[7 of 3]
nova:6[dutchman,tom paris,8 of 12,frans bauer and sisqo] and bob but that one is an ambasador from task force 10
a total of :15[dint even count my tf10,denobula and orionfleet chracters whit it]

prepare weapons

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 08, 2004, 05:07:06 PM
off: well i would but isnt that strange that would mean i would be talking to myself :P
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 11, 2004, 05:39:06 AM
Sorry Puter has been acting up the past 2 days and the 2 days before that I was at my brothers house :).....

I could do it Luke....Just email me the info and ill do my best lol.....

Ill need the passwords and stuff but i could RPG for ya but itll be hella confusing with my characters now.....heheheh but sure!....I would LOVE@@!!! to cause 5ers somemore pain :) id be HONORED!

BTW that was all off :)

And Jeremy :) GIVE US A NEW SHIP@!!!!!! heheheheh PLEASE :D?

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 14, 2004, 04:20:33 PM
ROFLMAO!!!!....Get us a mission Dutchess
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on July 22, 2004, 08:47:23 PM
*the ships systems explode and power offline.....Auxillery power comes on....And i head to the bridge to move us back into transporters range.....*

*tends to the wounded from the base.....*

OFF**Have fun Horrizon Im going ot miss you :)

Title: Bridge
Post by: Event Horizon on June 26, 2004, 04:48:32 PM
*Meanwhile, at Starphoenix base, the cloud of energy was delighted.*
"Energy... energy! Growing stronger!"
"Want more energy!"
"Receiving energy from their weapons!!!"
"But want more!"
"Seek all energy now!!"
*Parts of the dark cloud start moving into a different shape, as if it is becoming a tornado, extending its tail at the power core of Starphoenix Station. In a matter of moments, it hits the building that houses the power core.*
"Energy in there! Need the energy!"
*As the cloud hits the building, a huge explosive sends large pieces of debris in all directions, crushing down on other buildings, setting them all on fire. The tail of the cloud penetrates into the ruins of the building, seeking the energy source, and starts feeding from it. One by one, the lights and all systems go down in the different buildings on the station...*
Title: Bridge
Post by: Jeremy Sullivan on August 04, 2004, 06:41:06 AM
Do to several in accuracies and people not following the story line I am going to make a post on each ship that will update the storyline where we are starting from at this point.

The Galifreyans are holding the Na'jigat at bay while the 4 ships for Starphoenix and 2 ships from Avalon division work to beam up the survivors to get the #### out of the area.

So All ships will coordinate through the lothlorien... Any questions?  I hope not..

HK47 the Droid from the DA will also be helping....

And why on earth is there a sickbay thread?  I made a post regarding this and infact I think the thread is still here.. ALL STORY NEEDS TO TAKE PLACE IN ONE THREAD!  The stories are taken and compiled into a book and when they are in tons of different threads it makes it VERY DIFFICULT

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on April 20, 2004, 02:45:59 PM
Engage thrusters...
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 24, 2004, 02:34:39 AM
Aye aye sir going to full warp

*3 hours later at the astroid field*

We're here sir Awaiting orders.....

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 27, 2004, 02:34:51 PM
OFF: I'm here once in a while, just been busy...with school and stuff...gonna be gone during the summer time........
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 29, 2004, 04:55:02 AM
I would XO but reprograming isnt in my job descriptiion :).......I may be a competant medic and helm and soldier if needed but programer no way.......*goes to star Pheniox base to get drunk and laid* bye bye ill be be in the morning

OFF hehehehehehehe

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 05, 2004, 09:24:30 AM
off:how about an achilles class

nice job valen
Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on June 09, 2004, 06:00:11 PM
I think we will get a mission when their are more people,currently we have a cheif of tactical,helm,CSO,CO,XO, and thats it...so maybe a few more people and we will get a mission....
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 12, 2004, 09:03:55 AM
off:when you post you will the the bar whit the register adn profile etc. clikc on hel and a pop up will apear in the pop up you will see all kinds of options klick on View Emoticons legend adn again a new pop up will apear whit all the smilies
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on April 20, 2004, 05:02:21 PM
aye sir engaing trusters
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 22, 2004, 07:36:17 AM
go to full warp
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 27, 2004, 03:20:31 PM
we should get started on those repairs then
Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 28, 2004, 08:19:20 PM
*shakes his head and sighs*

"Well, i am going to see if i can get some engineers to help us with the repairs."

*leaves for sp base*

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 05, 2004, 06:45:21 PM
Off** :)......

ON**Should i set course back to star pheniox ?

OFF***I think we should go and get a mission to help cure a planet of a plague or something like that :)

And whats an Achilles class ship ?

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 09, 2004, 05:20:36 PM
so when do we get a mision anyway does any1 know
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on June 12, 2004, 02:25:38 AM
YA!!! lets assimilate them :) and a new char will be BORN!!!!!!! :P.......WE need the crew :) so why not :D

And 5ers how did you do that Face with teh visor red thingy ?

But propose it too the mission thingy

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 10, 2004, 02:31:32 PM
"Ahh, welcome Mr. Sutherland...I was wondering when you would arrive...."

Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on May 24, 2004, 10:35:02 PM
OFF*Whos bill?

Flies a near the edge of teh astroid feild on impulse drive

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on May 27, 2004, 03:45:02 PM
OK, Lets get to it.

*goes and starts to work on the repairs*

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on May 28, 2004, 06:02:27 PM
*looks at valen*
why dont you just reprogram the emh for now
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 01, 2004, 05:26:01 PM
off:the server there has problems ore something
Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 06, 2004, 10:21:27 AM
yes do so

off:achilles class

Type: Attack Cruiser
Commissioned: 2374
Production: 3/per year
Design and Production Facility Schuster Yards, Simonia III
Unit Run: USS Achilles  
(USS Cox)
USS Altair
USS DeSoto  USS Freedom
USS Hiroshima
USS Imperious
USS Indefatigable USS Katimi
USS Millennium
USS Patriot
USS Ultima

Mass: 850,000 tons
Crew: 535
Propulsion: One cochrane warp core feeding two warp nacelles; two subatomic unified energy impulse engines
Armament: 16 x Type XII Phaser arrays
8 Type XIV Pulse Phaser Emitters
5 x Pulse fire quantum torpedo tubes
compliment: 290 quantum torpedoes
500 micro photon and quantum torpedoes
Defense Systems: Auto-modulated high capacity regenerative shield system
Heavy Duranium/Tritanium double hull plus 18 cm Ablative armor,
High level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Capabilities: Normal Cruise : Warp Factor 8
Maximum Cruise : Warp Factor 9.9
Maximum Rated : Not yet established; expected to be Warp 9.99+
Hull Life: 80 years
Refit Cycle: Minor : 1 year
Standard : 3 years
Major : 12 years
Dimensions: Length : 612 m
Beam : 193 m
Height : 114 m
Decks : 12
Shuttle Compliment: Shuttlebays: 1
1 Warhammer Class runabout
2 Type 10 Shuttles
2 Type-11 Shuttles
12 Rogue-Class Starfighters
Class History: Faced with both the Cardassian Hutets and the Jem'Hadar Super Cruisers the Federation needed a hard-hitting heavy cruiser that was easier to make than the Sovereign-Class. Starfleet specified a long-range, multi-purpose, heavy cruiser that could penetrate Dominion defenses and strike Strategic installations with little or no escort. The Achilles' exceptional low profile, quickness and armament could pit it against fighter class vessels, heavy cruisers, and small defended installations, specifically K-W production facilities. With the introduction of the Mini-Quantum Torpedo Phalanx weapons systems the Achilles-Class could cripple enemy warships while maintaining target on an enemy objective. One of the critical strategic problems faced by Starfleet Command, if the Federation was going to win the DOMINION WARS, was that the Federation forces were being spread too thin.
Between defending the Federation territory from the Dominion, and keeping a wary eye on the Romulans and trying to go on the offensive against the Dominion, Starfleet found it had too many obligations and too few resources. This problem became even more acute when Starfleet strategists had determined that the 'Achilles Heel' of the Dominion was the dependency of the Jem'Hadar on Ketracel-White. If the Federation- Klingon Alliance could destroy, or even severely threaten, the Ketracel-White facilities the Dominion's Alpha Quadrant Offensive would grind to a halt. Unfortunately the only ships the either Starfleet or the KDF had that could do the job were the Galaxy and Negh'Var class ships. Unescorted long-range strikes against heavily defended multiple targets currently could not be performed by any existing vessel.

The Defiant-class with its firepower and cloak had too limited operating range and the Galaxy/ Negh'Var classes, while having the range were too expensive in to be feasible. Neither the Federation nor the Klingons were willing to commit such large fleets required to hit these targets. To do so would have entailed compromising defense of key Federation and Klingon systems. A new ship of revolutionary design would be required.

Ship designers of Utopia Planitia were up to the change. They not only designed a totally new class ship, the Achilles, they designed and built it in under two years. By adapting current anti-Borg designs to the new threat a ship with revolutionary features that would enable the Achilles to fulfill the role as long-range cruiser with firepower equal to a Sovereign Class cruiser. This was accomplished with the new micro-torpedoes arranged in a 'phalanx' array allows an astoundingly high rate of fire that will cripple any Dominion ship. With the 'broadside' arrangement of the 'phalanx' the Achilles can defend itself against Strike fighters defending the Ketracel-White facilities while it maintains its focus on destroying the target. Redundant warp and impulse nacelles were designed so the Achilles can sustain heavy damage, and still maneuver.

Quad rapid-fire Quantum torpedoes and enhanced Pulse Phasers enables the Achilles sufficient firepower to destroy most large fixed targets in one pass. The new retro-thrusters enable the Achilles to maneuver as well as any Class 3, and most Class 2 ships. And finally, the Achilles has an unsupported, self-serviceable range equal to the Galaxy Class exploration vessels that is required to operate effectively behind the Dominion defensive perimeter. These Phalanx Launchers are rapid launchers designed to fire Micro-torpedoes at a very high rate of fire, designed to overwhelm targets in a short time.  These arrays are located at the back of the ship, facing up.  Because of there location they give the Achilles 3600 protection from above.

These Launchers have the ability to target and destroy smaller ships with ease.  It is equipped with 8 fixed Pulse Phaser cannons giving it a fearsome frontal assault capacity.  Plus it had three Quantum torpedo launchers, one rear and two forward tubes.  

The USS Achilles was launched in 2373 right after the Dominion War started the Fleet sent to retake DS9 was smashed.  The Achilles first mission was to proceed into Dominion space and destroy a small Ketracel-White facility.  The USS Achilles on its own, under the command of Acting Captain Thomas Riker attacked and destroyed the small KW facility and the half a dozen ships protecting it.  The USS Achilles made several more similar strikes on Dominion facilities over the next few months until the next Achilles came online.  15 were built before the end of the war with the Dominion. All were present in the Cardassian Invasion.  These days, the Achilles-Class Ships are station largely in defensive positions along the Cardassian Frontier.

Title: Bridge
Post by: Lucas Bailey on June 09, 2004, 02:48:39 PM
OFF: Thats fine with me,though it would be only temporary,until i get back.....how about it valen?

OFF: Jeremy,It would just be until i get back,because i do want to continue rpg'ing...about the ship proposal...its pretty much a dream for the class i'd like ....*stars to daydream* "ahhh, an uprated galaxy." *sighs* "but, thats never gonna happen....." *laughs* any way....

Title: Bridge
Post by: 5 of 9 on June 12, 2004, 05:49:50 PM
off: lol you will be assimilated
Title: Bridge
Post by: Valen StarChaser on August 08, 2004, 02:16:13 PM
OFF**Event arent we supposed to be leaving this part of space and heading back to Avalon ?