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Mission 2: USS Shadow meets the Corporation

Started by Strider, April 29, 2002, 08:26:43 PM

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=^=USS Shadow to Unidentified vessel

This is Starfleet Ambassador Strider. Please state your intentions.

See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations

Melann DeRiquers

(OFF: It is pronunced nook-NEKH. It is spelled nuqneH. I just wanted to get that straight. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>)


See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations


"Suggestions accepted, Mr Strider. Do you want to stay in your shuttle or do you want to board the Scorpion? There are still some free shuttlebays, in our Negh'Var. We could go faster with our Ship, you know?"

Jake Harris

*Jake's left foot hit a medium steel box on the floor*
======^ Harris to Engineer deck
What the #### is a bi-phaser box doing in shuttlebays? Send someone to bring it back to the arsenal!
======^Engineering to Harris
Sorry, Commander. We're on our way.

*Jake has a look at the shuttlebay and notices immediately the familiar pointed-ears face and the long strange robe of a Vulcan Ambassador covering a StarFleet uniform.
He walks to the Vulcan, salutes him and ...*
"Welcome, Ambassador. You are on the CorpShip Scorpion, Klingon Negh'Var WarShip of the Corporation. Our Captain needs the coordinates of your Station and, then after, we will have a look at the Ship while we will go to the Bridge.
Do you aggree with that?"


=^=Strider to Ops

Parting Avalon with permission of Commodore Thomas Riker. I am on my way to a nearby planet for a Vulcan Ritual. Strider out.

See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations


*Man Tuil didn't know what to think about the discovery of this shuttle. Of course, StarFleet was about to investigate the Nebula subject, sooner or later... But it was sooner than expected. But only a shuttle, there?*
"Lynn, open a channel for this shuttle."
"Okay... Done."
"Well, Ambassador, we are surprised to meet you here. Our intentions are to explore the borders of the Nebula before entering it for an Exploration Mission. We are not in this sector to open a conflict with StarFleet.
May I ask where you have come from?"
*Turns to Olgar and Ka'Lar*
"Humm, buddies, please, take the usual caring measures, okay?"


Greetings Captain. I am from a new Federation outpost in this sector. The name is Station Avalon. I am Abassador Strider, and since you have no noticable bad intentions, I would like to invite you to our stations Embassy. Perhaps we could negotiate some sort of alliance.
See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations


*Jake Harris is smiling apart him.*
"As you can notice it, Brendan, we are facing a VULCAN Ambassador. That could remind you something familiar, right?"
"Ah-ah-ah! Very funny, Jake..."
*Lynn is looking at Olgar, trying to hide her smile, too.*
"Lynn, Olgar, Ka'Lar, no more word, please."
*Everyone on the Bridge tryes not to laugh. With a deception grin, Man Tuil looks at the Vulcan Ambassador.*
"Well, Mr Strider, I would be glad to follow you at... *whispering to Lynn something... Lynn replying...* at Avalon Station, but I need to consult my crewmembers first. *...activating a voting session on his Console.* Every Officer of the Scorpion, please, vote for joining this StarFleet Base."


As far condition one, I suggest this instead. Myself, Ambassador Dailik (another Vulcan), and Fleet Admiral Vorak (Vulcan) will be present to represent the Federation.

Condition two is logical, proceed.

Condition three, I propose 1 Federation guard and 1 of your crewmen for Security during the negotiations.

Are these acceptable?

See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations


*studies Harris for a minute then replies* Very well Commander. The Coordinates are on this PADD. *hands Harris a PADD*
See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations


*the shuttle is almost halfway to the planet. Suddenly the sensors pick up an unidentified vessel. The shuttle goes to Red Alert.*
See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations


"As far as my scans and my sensors can work, I can only detect the Shuttle, our Ion tracks, so our Ship, and the Borders of the Nebula. There are some other ion tracks, but it seems they are old."
*Notices Man Tuil nodds affirmatively and is satisfied.*
Guess what is grey, metallic and going up and down?
A Borg in a Turbo-Lift


Incorrect and Illogical. I wish to make an alliance with your organization of behalf of the Federation.
See each crisis as an opportunity. Never believe you have learned all you need to know. And whenever possible, find a way to turn an adversary into an ally. - Admiral/Ambassador Spock
-----Ambassador Strider; Retired Starfleet Admiral-----
I.D.I.C. - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations


*Looks at Olgar.*
"Send one warp 7 M-Probe to KeyHole with a complete report about the encounter."
*Olgar winks and taps codes on his console.*
"Suggestions/Conditions accepted, team. *Man Tuil winks back.*
"Well, Ambassador Strider, what do you think of that?"