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The Attack of the Loxian Government

Started by Vorak, November 10, 2004, 03:26:04 PM

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Comm One

"I understand, admiral. We will return soon."
*Comm One and Kowan leave ops, heading for the transporter room to beam over to the U.S.S. Skytoucher.*
http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/6403/commone4yz.jpg" border="0">
Grade 5 Director  Comm One
Delta Alliance Officer
CO of the ASC Revox
http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/alliance-general.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/alliance-contact.gif" border="0">

KHa Var

*The Kahless slowly makes its way to Avalon Station.  KHa'Var requested permission to dock and have repairs done to the ship.  Avalon Station granted her request along with the other ships.  Once it was their turn to enter Avalon Station KHa'Var gave the order.*

"Helm proceed to dockingport 5."

"Moving to dockingport 5 m'lady.  Initiating docking procedures.  Docking is complete m'lady."

"Captain, repair crews from the station are coming aboard to begin repairs."

"Very well, I need to see how things are going with my son."

*She turns to Mitch Walker and his crew.*

"I assume you can find your way to the Rivendell from the dockingport.  Follow me, I will show you the way off my ship."

*KHa'Var leads Mitch Walker and crew to the dockingport entrance.*

"I hope you had a pleasant trip on my ship.  Here is where I leave you, I must speak with Vorak immediately."

*She walks off to Vorak's office.*

-"Duj tlvoqtaH"
-(Always trust your instincts.)
http://www.foederationsdatenbank.de/fdb/personen/bilder/kurak.gif" border="0">


"Welcome, Mr. Brodie. It is good to see you have arrived in time still. You are clear to dock, and you may come aboard whenever you are ready. Vorak out."
*Then he turns to Hedford.*
"I have not seen major Embries either. Computer, locate major Embries."
Computer: "Major Embries is not on board Avalon Station."
*Vorak raises an eyebrow.*
"Most curious, he did not make any departure request. Computer, how did the major leave the station, and where to?"
Computer: "That information is not on file."
*He looks up in surprise, and then turns to Hedford.*
"We will look into this later, after the Loxian battle is over."
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Simon Rajnus

Simon to avalon.....

Requesting orders............Do u need any assistance with the defense of avalon station ?

http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

KHa Var

OFF: by my calculations there are about 88 fully operational Loxian vessels in total, including the 2 very large ships.  There are about 12 ships damaged (including the flagship).  22 of the ships are disabled.
-"Duj tlvoqtaH"
-(Always trust your instincts.)
http://www.foederationsdatenbank.de/fdb/personen/bilder/kurak.gif" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

*on teh stations veiw screen they see how the baatle is progressing but for some reason that avalon station cant figure out is that the USS Newyork B is moving away towards the skytoucher*

*an incoming transmission from teh USS newyork.....*

Admiral One of your ships is in danger of being over run.....I am moving into transporter range and sending relief help to them....They are currently being boarded and im sending some MACOs that are aboard to aid in the defense of the skytoucher......Ill be back in just a tick Admiral.....

*End transmission*

http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">


*On board the Loxian flagship, the Prime Commander is looking at the viewscreen, as his ship is firing immediately upon the station.*
"Soon, this will be over, and Loxius will be the primary power of this sector again!"
*Suddenly, their weapons stop firing at the station. The Prime Commander turns around to look at his tactical officer.*
"Why did you cease fire! We've got a perfect opening now! Fire weapons, NOW!"
Tactical officer: "Sir, I'm being locked out of my panel. I can't access any system any more!"
Computer: "Auto-destruct sequence has been initiated. Countdown 5 minutes."
*The Prime Commander slams his fist on the chair arm.*
"Someone is tampering with our system! Get control back of the ship, NOW!"
*Suddenly, the Loxian flagship comes about to face its own smaller Loxian fighter ships, and opens fire... Instantly, 6 smaller fighters are destroyed. Next, a salvo of torpedoes is launched, destroying 4 more Loxian ships. No firepower is directed anywhere near the Starfleet vessels.*
Tactical officer: "Sir, we're destroying 10 of our own ships, and there's no way I can get access to any system at all... engines, weapons, shields... Not even the auto-destruct sequence!"
*The Prime Commander furiously gets up from his chair, pushes the tactical officer aside, and attempts to take control over the panel himself. But he too, is being locked out no matter what. At that moment, the flagship fires another salvo of torpedoes as well as disrupter fire, destroying 12 more ships.*
Computer: "Four minutes to auto-destruct."

Simon Rajnus

OOC**Yea chris Just say that all ships were towed in.........I would have done it while waiting for orders......
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Marcus Brodie

The Venture moved about coming to the side of the Loxians. They fired Photon Torpedos at several of the smaller ships and phasers after disabling 5 and destroying 2. They did the best they could to come into the lines of the Loxians letting off Anti-Matter Mines.
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/keogh.jpg" border="0">
Captain Marcus Brodie
Avalon Station Operations


*The Loxian Prime Commander stands at the bridge, looking on the viewscreen at how the battle is progressing. Ships are firing and being fired upon all around his flagship, but it is clear that the Starfleet ships are suffering most damage. They are hopelessly outnumbered. The Prime Commander turns to his second-in-command.*
"Behold this battle. This is why we, the Loxian Government, are great, and people like Starfleet or the Loxian Exiles, are weak."
*At that moment, another officer informs the Prime Commander of an incoming hail from Avalon Station, stating that they want to know why the Loxians attack them, and that they prefer to talk instead of fight. The Prime Commander laughs.*
"Weaklings, that's what they are! Trying to get away with excuses of not knowing why we are attacking them. Open a channel to Avalon Station!"
*The other officer pushes some buttons.*
"Channel open, sir."
"Avalon Station, this is the Prime Commander of the Loxian Government fleet. We did not come all the way here with our fleet, spending our energy resources to fuel our ships and feed our men, just to talk to you! You know why we are here. You have captured some of our men, and we will not accept such an insult. For this insult, you will pay and suffer dearly. There is nothing to be talked about, except perhaps about how we will utterly wipe out your entire existance in the Delta Quadrant! Prepare to be destroyed!"
*Then he cuts the transmission. At that moment, the officer points his attention to the viewscreen, displaying the appearance of the U.S.S. Skytoucher.*
"Sensor readings match perfectly, sir! It is the ship that sent us the information from our spying device."
*The Prime Commander smiles.*
"Good, very good. They will be in for a surprise, when they find out how advanced our technology really is! Do you have the access codes of the Skytoucher?"
*The officer checks his panel.*
"I have them all right here, sir. All access codes of the ship as provided by the device. We can take full control over their ship at any time."
"Good. DO IT!"
*At that moment, the Skytoucher suddenly stops firing at Loxian ships, but remains hanging in space... The crew aboard the ship discovers that they are being locked out of all computer panels, no longer able to control any system of the ship.*
"Control of the ship has been tranferred to our ship, sir."
"Good. Now transmit orders to the ship's main computer, to come about and attack their own Starfleet ships instead! And set a self-destruct countdown for 10 minutes!"
*The officer puts the commands into his computer panel.*
"Aye sir, the ship is responding!"
*The Prime Commander turns back to the viewscreen, and sees how the Skytoucher opens fire on the U.S.S. Venture and U.S.S. Rivendell. Aboard the Skytoucher, the crew is entirely obvlious of what just happened, and hear a 10 minutes countdown of the ship's self-destruct sequence...*

Kathryn Janeway

*one of the senors stars to give a warning*

uhhhmmm admiral i think we have a problem one of the larger ships is moving towards the station

off: pleas stop posting of mesages

http://www.startrek.nl/images/head-janeway.jpg" border="0">

Mike Nickerson

"I concur, Admiral. We'll never be able to take out that ship from the outside."
Fleet Captain Michael Nickerson
Chief Medical Officer,
Avalon Station
"Far be it for me to turn up the chance to be a hero..."


*Kowan carefully steps forward to address admiral Vorak.*
"Admiral, I have worked for many years, with these very people you are fighting now. I have put my life on the line to defend the noble causes of the Loxian Government. I have assassinated their spies only so they would be silenced. But foolish and naive as I was, it had never occured to me that what I did to others, would once be done to me as well. I realise now that the Loxian government is not here with the purpose of finding and releasing me from your custody. On the contrary, they are here to silence me, to kill me. And your presence in the Delta Quadrant along with it, as they perceive you a threat. I know how they think and work, so you can trust me on this. I know now, that I have nothing to go back to. Likely, my wife and children back home on Loxius are already killed. While they would kill me, you did not but you kept me in relatively good conditions during my imprisonment on this station. For a short time, Varnek was imprisoned there as well, and he spoke to me about the Burma... After he left, I was alone, I had nobody to talk to, nobody would visit me, and I had much time to think about what Varnek said of the Burma. I have come to believe in his cause, and to prove it, I intend to help you surviving this battle."

Clyde Eastwood

+=Taps=+ Eastwood to the bridge, sir me and my team are ready for your orders, just say the word and me and my boarding team will transport and take the ship.

*Eastwood looks at his men he has selected and is very happy with it*

Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion

Chris Blaisdell

OCC: look at the KHC Alpha41 boards on the mission to find out more.


The KHC Alpha41 was sitting dead stop in subspace with little to no power left in it systems. Only life support and medical labs where still operating after the attack and release of the blast which backfired some how. The main Battle Bridge has been destroyed and exposed to space with multiple hull breaches.

Medical Lab 1.

Chris continued the process until Kayla was total healed.

Chris: Mike, how is she doing?

Mike: Fine, her injuries are healing at a rapid speed.

Chris: Thank you, hope she will be alright.

Kayla started to come around.

OCC: anyone can tow me in if they want.

http://usera.imagecave.com/trek/chrissig.jpg" border="0">

http://usera.imagecave.com/trek/yearone1.gif" border="0">