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Romulan Base

Started by Trell, November 11, 2003, 04:34:05 AM

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*Tgol soon departs and boards the Scarab II to command the fleets at the Romulus II Planetary Base.*


"Admiral I am departing to command the fleet and defend Romuls II from federation Capture. Sir, the breen have 5 ships that are loyal to us. When you receive word from them please send them to aid me. They under estimate our power. We have grown in power, we will not be as easily defeated as we were before. I will update you on the situation asap Tgol out."


(OCC: How about Romulas II be a planet that we control  We can jsy assume they thought Romulas II Was our Capital and New Carraya is the real one that they have not yet found)

"The capital palca has been completed. The defencive planetary sheilding has been completed and is awaiting your command to be activated. My entir fleet is currently guarding the Planet. Commander T'gol has requested my assistence in fending of the Starfleet assualt."


"Sir, the enemy flag ship, the Uss New York, is about to fall. Any new fleet orders?Also, Sir, the Planet Gorgan II has been captured by starfleet marines. That planet is one of our more primary sources for starships construction materials. It is most important to recapture it at all cost."

Patrick Brown

==^== Powell, This is Brown Delta is returning to the Reliance Belta should be following close behind Your team should leave as well we are to far overruned==^==
Name:Patrick Brown
Postion:3rd in Command 17th SFMC

S Tev

After re taking OCC, I send a private comm to the Admiral.

"Sir, I have re taken the Operations Control Deck and have some more prisoners. Shields will be online in a few seconds with weapons systems coming online after words."

As I was talking, serveral of the Romulan Officers took stations and brought each systems online one at a time. Shields came up very fast with all weapons systems afterwords.

"Sub Commander T'Gon, prepare to fire on the federation starship out there. continues bargared. Fire when ready. S Tek, open a communication relay to the fleet. Order them back to the station ASAp and then open a system wide channel to all ships in this system."

Replys came from both officers and my channel open up a few minutes later.

" This is Colonel S Tev of the Romulan Base to the federation starship Reliance and Unity. We have taken your Commanding Officer prisoner and other officers with him. Surrender now or die with your crewmen. You have 30 seconds to comply to this order or we will destroy your ship and all your crewmen. RB out."

(OCC: Now that sounded like a good and angry romulan there.)
Colonel S Tev
Sub Director of the Order of the Shadows


Yes sir I am here. I have little medical expirtise, but I have to tend to the wounded.
Major Trall,
Science Department Head,
Station Avalon


http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Trell.gif" border="0">


Ha! Qrell, you old dog! I hoped someone would come.....we need to rescue the rest of the crew from the Romulan rebels!
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Trell.gif" border="0">


*Subcommander Tlach*  are all damping feilds in place.

    Disable all turbolifts, I want security on all decks.

Our ships standing bye. If they try to board they will

have a big suprise. Weapons target the lead ship,

sheilds to 150%.

General:< The Order of the Shadow>
Serve And Defend


"I am new here, my previous CO, Commander Galon, Sugessted to his Co to give me a promotion. I came here to request station XO."

OFF: Commander Galon was a romulan officers that infiltraited Nova divison.


" I was under the impression those attacks failed, badly might i add. Our odds are not as good as you seem to believe i fear"

(Edited by Servik at 11:48 pm on Mar. 10, 2005)

Regimal Allurian

"Excellent. I will await your return, Commander."
Admiral Regimal Allurian
High Commander, Romulan Coalition

"All will bow before my power or be crushed by the might of my wrath."

Regimal Allurian

"How proceeds the efforts at New Carraya?" (OFF: My new name for Romulus II.)
Admiral Regimal Allurian
High Commander, Romulan Coalition

"All will bow before my power or be crushed by the might of my wrath."



"Sir, The Starfleet Flag Ship has been destroyed. I have also collected the escape pods from the ship and  am bringing them in for interigations."

*The channel is cloesed and the prisoners are brought to the cell blocks*

William Richerd

=A= POWELL WE NEED BACK UP, WE ARE BEING OVER RUNNED, REPEAT WE NEED BACK UP. =A= Richerds voice yelled over the captured comm badge
http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5811/starpheonixidricherdscopy8gy.jpg" border="0">
The security of this organization is number one