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Started by Leela Kaz, April 21, 2004, 12:24:01 AM

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Leela Kaz

Stone, i'm so sorry to dump all of this on you w/o warning. But i just cant do it anymore. I asked YOU personnally to be my XO because i thought that i might be forced to do this.

You are more than qualified and seem MORE than ready. I will truely miss you all, but i just want to let you know that this isnt a heartless immpersonal desician. I spent weeks trying to hold on, but it just reached the boiling point. There just aren't emough hours in the day.

I will truely miss you all from the depths of my heart.

OFF:Please keep my character, so i can talk to you guys when i get the chance. I WOULD LOVE TO KEEP IN TOUCH,

OFF2: Stone, if you have any questions about the admi*n board or anything else feel free to email me. Actually i'd love to hear from you every once in awhile.

Name: Leela Kaz
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Position: Chief Science Officer
Vessel: USS Evolution


thank you admiral Stone!

Off: good bi admiral, i hope you will rejoin our division someday

shawn he

Leela Kaz

I wanted to to use this opportunity to make a few announcements. First of all, i am very proud of each and every one of you and i'm sure your careers will all prosper but, i am saddened to inform that for reasons beyonf my control I (and all my other Epsilon characters) am forced to resign.

In my last act as CO i would like to formaly promote Rear Admiral Jack Stone to the rank of Admiral, and with that i entrust in him all the duties that fall upon the CO.

And in my last request, Admiral **Looks to Jack** PLease make your nest ship the Odyssey.

I shall miss you all http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>

Name: Leela Kaz
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Position: Chief Science Officer
Vessel: USS Evolution


umm sorry to here u leave admrial? who going to being the first officers on both ships?
shawn he

Doug Oneal

Admiral Stone and myself would like to announce the following two positions.
First off Lt.Commander Irene Jamison has been promoted to Commander and Chief Engineer of the Uss Odessy.
Also Ensign Cliff Williams has been transfered and promoted to Chief Ops Officer for the Odessy.
Captain Doug O'Neal
Commanding Officer USS Endurance

Doug Oneal

"Would the following crew members please report to the USS Odessy by the end of the week.
Commander Irene Jamsen
Lt.Commander Betty Harrison
Lt. Bruce  D'Armien  

Thank you.

Captain Doug O'Neal
Commanding Officer USS Endurance


Farewell Admiral http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>
I request to become division XO (as this character if possible) I am on daily, and sometimes if I were able to, could approve some new officers quicker. It would be more conveinient to the new crew.
Captain Fred Lurado
U.S.S. Iroquois
Commanding Officer

http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/6444/luradoxm9.jpg" border="0">
http://stborderland.proboards47.com/index.cgi" target="_blank">Star Trek: Borderland

Doug Oneal

First off Admiral Kaz it has been a pleasure serving and simming with you and all of your characters , you truly were the backbone of this division and we will miss you very much. Admiral Stone I accept the promotion to Captain and Commanding Officer of the Oddessy. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. I look forward to my new ship and it's crew.

OFF: We will miss you Leela. Admiral Stone please email me so we can go over crew assignments and possible promotions. Shawn we will know about the positions on the Endurance and Oddessy as soon as possible. We will post open positions soon.

Captain Doug O'Neal
Commanding Officer USS Endurance

Jack Stone

Here is the full list of promotions and transferes if there are any problems please contact me or your commanding officer.

----Division Command----
Division CO: Admiral Jack Stone
Division XO: Rear-Admiral Travis Harden

----Station Epsilon (DS18)----
CO: Commodore Fred Lurado
XO: Major John Riker
Security Chief: Lieutenant Commander William Stevens
Ops Chief: Available
CSO: Available
Chief Engineer: Available
CMO: Available

----USS Endurance----
CO: Captain Sirius Kosur
XO: Commander Shawn He
Tact/Sec Chief:  Available
Tactical Officer: [Available
Security Officer: Available
Helm/Comm Chief: Available
2nd Helmsman/Navigator: Available
Ops Chief: [Available
Ops Officer:  Available
Chief Engineer: Available
Assistant Engineer: [ Available
CMO: Commander Chi Fu
Assistant Medical Officer: Available
CSO:  Available
Assistant Science Officer: Available

----USS Oddssey----
CO: Captain Doug Oneal
XO: Available
Tact/Sec Chief: Lieutenant Betty Harrison
Tactical Officer: [Available
Security Officer: Available
Helm/Comm Chief: Available
2nd Helmsman/Navigator: Available
Ops Chief: Ensign Cliff Williams
Ops Officer:  Available
Chief Engineer: Lt. Commander Irene Jamsen
Assistant Engineer:  Available
CMO: Available
Assistant Medical Officer: Available
CSO: LT. Bruce D'Armien
Assistant Science Officer: Available

Lt. Cmdr Jack Stone
U.S.S. New Orleans - NX-94735

Jack Stone

_I am Sorry to hear that Admrial but i will get this division up and runninf to the best of mine ability and fred you can have the postion if you sign up with a new name._

"welcome everyone to the 1st Promotion ceremony i am your divison CO. You all have done a great job. my first act as the division Co is to let you all know of our newest edtion to our fleet the Uss. Oddesy a nova class starship And its captain is Commander Doug Oneal, if you want it is Commander your rank will ofcourse be promoted to Captain....

Lt. Cmdr Jack Stone
U.S.S. New Orleans - NX-94735

Jack Stone

I would also like to Promote Commander Shawn He as The Endurance Xo and Captain Doug Oneal you can have any Xo you want.
Lt. Cmdr Jack Stone
U.S.S. New Orleans - NX-94735

Cliff Williams

Thank you for the promotion Admiral and Captain I will not let you down.
Ensign Cliff Williams
Ops Chief
USS Odessy