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Messages - Dean Starwind

U.S.S. Windsor / Mission 1: "Antiquity"
July 10, 2006, 07:56:03 PM
OOC: Did the mission already start?
U.S.S. Windsor / Mission 1: "Antiquity"
July 19, 2006, 06:48:33 PM
OOC: To be honest... I did not see any point in this mission at all... what exactly did we do besides go in some random wormhole... kill tholians... and take an old derilict?
U.S.S. Windsor / Mission 1: "Antiquity"
July 11, 2006, 01:13:48 AM
*Dean enters the bridge in his new uniform and commander pips and takes a seat at his XO chair.*

"It has indeed been a long time since I last sat here. Captain Commander Starwind reporting in."
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
April 25, 2006, 02:05:06 AM
=/\=Starwind to Cook=/\=

"What is going up there on the bridge? Sorry I have not been so talkitive, had an issue with the the transponder."
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
April 14, 2006, 07:01:31 PM
*Dean walks in shortly after with a package wrapped in a ribbon hidden behind his back. He walks up to Cook, gives him a nudge on the back and gives a warm humble...*

"Happy birthday Weasly!"

*He hands him the gift and cooks opens it with a large smile and the inside of the package contained a a small disc. A disc that was ment to be inserted into a Holo Deck and onm the disc the name, Uss Excalibur, was engraved on it. Cooks looks at him with a baffled look and Dean explains.*

"It is a Holo Deck program, of the entire Uss Excalibur. A perfact replica down to ever corner and ever layer of dust. I figured that you must miss your old ship so I figured we could bring her here for you."
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
March 02, 2006, 10:11:59 PM
*Dean walks over to Weasly and he looks at his LCARS screen aside him. In bafflement he looks to cook and he looks back to the screen.*

"This is really unusual. Commander, arrange a team and prep. them for zero grav. We are going out to take a look."

OFF: I know what you mean Weasly. Like what the borg were going to do on First Contact on the Uss Enterprise E. They set up those beacons on the dish and were going to signal the collective to come and assimilate earth and Kill Dr. Krokrim before he made first contact with the Vulcans with his warp ship The Phoenix
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
March 08, 2006, 03:06:47 AM
Lets get back to the ship and up to Ops Weasly. I just gotr a bad feeling in my stomach. I dont think this is goig to be so good."

*About ten minutes later the team enters teh ship and exit there suits.*

"Attention all crew I am upgrading ship status to yellow alert due to events that are occuring on the station. be alert and prevent all new boarings of any crew as soon as Commander Cook and I leave the ship. Lt. Commander O' Reilly will be in command."

*Cook and Starwind head out to return to the station.*

=/\= Starwind to ops, we are on our way.=/\=

=/\=Starwind to security, I want a couple teams down here in docking bay 2 to secure the Windsor. MAke sure no one leaves or boardss the ship.

Security: Aye, Sir. I have sent three squads of 6 to secure the bay.

Good, Starwind out.=/\=
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
March 05, 2006, 04:47:39 PM
*Dean gives a nervouse look around the room and says with a sarcastic tone*

"Weasly, I do need to take a six month survivial course.*He points to his rank pips and gives an evil smirk* I think these clear everything up with the boys done at the DSA. So lets get these suits on and venture on out."

*He begins to put on his Zero G. Suite*
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
February 28, 2006, 08:38:55 PM
*Dean was going over his PADD and he looks up and speaks to Commander Nasmith*

"Commander Nasmith, could you take a team down to re-alighn the long range scanner and run an efficiancy diagnostic. It looks like at has been knocked around pretty bad. We might have to replace it."

*By now the engineering teams from the station have all boarded the ship. Four officers enter the nearly completed main engineering.*

One of the offcers: "Sir, I am Lieutenant Commander O'Reilly. I am here to assist in the refit of the ship. These gental men are Lt. Bradly, Lt. J.G. Conner, Lt. J.G. Pristen. They have been selected to help lead the refit. We have braught along with us ten engineering teams of ten men each. Each team with a designation of one threw ten. They are all aiting int he main Hanger bay for orders."

"Ah, welcome Commander O'Reilly. I am Rear Admiral Starwind. I am the Station Commanding Officer of Engineering. I will be leading this project. Also, Admiral James Madison will be assisting as well. I do not beleie he is onboard at this moment."

*Dean shakes his hand*

O' Reilly: "Thank you, Sir. the staff and I are ready for our briefing. We would like to start as soon as possible."

"Of Course. Lets begin now. Shall we? Attention all engineering command staff. Report to main engineering for a full breifing on the refit of the Uss Windsor. Commander Nasmith, belay my order stay for the breifing and then you may continue."

*Dean then walks to the front of the room and awaits the staff to report to engineering.*
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
March 03, 2006, 10:01:47 PM
*Dean grins and speaks with a playful tone.*

"Well of coarse, I am and admiral it it is rare that I can ever go out and play around with Zero Gravity. It has been nearly two decades since my last time out."
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
February 26, 2006, 04:00:07 AM
*Dean looks to weasly with a confused expression.*

"What was that Weasly? The station is malfunctioning? How can that be?"

=A= Admiral Starwind to Fronteir Station Ops, come in. Do you read me? Over...=A=
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
March 06, 2006, 08:31:18 PM
"Alrighty then, so Weasly do you have any more details that I should know about the Windsor?

*The team continue there trip to the deflector. They encounter a massive hull breach about 20 feet out.*

"Oh my, looks like we are going to have to tak a detour."
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
February 25, 2006, 02:55:41 AM
*Admiral Starwind enters and looks about engineering. He looks to one ed and sees that cres have already been through and repaired it. Then looks to the other end to see it all in shambles. He walks to Commander Cook and speaks.*

"Commander, could you see if there are any idle engineering teams onboard? I would like to get engineering finished double-quick. We will need it as our base of operations."
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
April 25, 2006, 09:02:19 PM
=/\=Starwind to Cook=/\=

"I have sent a team of engineers to manually disable the Engines and warp nacells. We do not have much for security but its enough I will send Lt. Commander O' Rielly out to search for the intruder. Stand by"

*Dean taps his badge and contacts O' Rielly*

=/\= Starwind to O' Rielly =/\=

"We have an intruder on the ship and is attempting to steal her. I am not sure how mnay there are  but they are locking down the computer and if we loose acess we are screwed. Search the ship and find the intruder, Starwind out."

Lieutenant Commander O'Reilly: "Roger that admiral."

"Lt. Bradly, Lt. J.G. Conner, Lt. J.G. Pristen fall in! You each have 7 men to hunt down this intuder and if he fires on you then use what ever force necessary to obtain him. Move out."

The teams leave Engineering and scatter all throught the ship.*
Engineering Section / U.S.S. Windsor
March 06, 2006, 06:03:31 PM
*Dean attacjes his helmet and then he signals the team to move forward into the airlock.*

"Well lets get this show on the road, as the 20th century preformers would said. We got a long walk ahead of us. On our way out we can tak a look see at the ventral phaser array."

*The air lock doors shut and decompressed and then the airlock doors to let them out opend. Dean looks to the team and signals to move out.*

"Lead the way boys, I am sure you know your way around. This is a first for me."