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The Starfleet - Corporation Alliance Treaty

Started by Vorak, June 29, 2003, 10:54:09 PM

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*slips in quietly*

My apologies for my late arrival.  I am fasicnated by the speed your enginers make repairs Mr Kerriadoc.

*snickers at Vorak* how's the head http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>

"To whom do you fear the most.  THe person who says they will kill you? Or the person who's still thinking about it."

Ristran Keriadoc

"Uhhhh, uhhhh.... Mwell, that's really more than acceptable, from your part, Admiral Vorak. Really. Thank you. Huuummmmm.... *thinks about the Corporation Part of the Treaty.... and checks Procedures in his Padd.*
Very well. Here are the proposals of the Treaty from the Corporation :
- Corporation will share every informations and technical facilities with StarFleet
- Corporation will continue to perform StarFleet Ships and Freighters. (Your Lancelot Freighter, bye example, as noticed in Revanche's Datas, needs some inprovments)
- Corporation will develop more links with StarFleet and grants Embassy on Deska
- Corporation will send a Ship to Avalon as a "Share Ship". It means that this Ship will have StarFleet Officers and Corporation Officers on it.
- The Corporation will open immediately all their Markets for the need of StarFleet Avalon Ships, Base and Personal.

The rest will be decided by our Major Seniors.

I'm ready to plug my padd to your comm modules and send my Signature and the Part of the Treaty to your Databases, Admiral."
///And eat ALSO something!!!! This baghol is perfect!///


"That is most gracious of you, Mr. Keriadoc.  I am most pleased with the result of this negotiation. It may have taken a long time before it would take place, but it was worth the wait. I gladly sign this treaty."

And Vorak pushes some buttons to sign the treaty.

"Computer, declare my signature on voice recognition and authorisation Vorak Alpha 524 Delta."

Computer: "Recognised and authorised."

"Very well, sign the currently open treaty in my name."

Computer: "Treaty signed. Procedure completed."

Vorak turns to watch Mr. Keriadoc and awaits his signature.

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet


"Is there anyone who wants to have some more food or drinks? Geez, first I'm a merchant, now I'm a waiter, and tomorrow I'll be a captain. How life can evolve!"
Enoch, Camelot Medieval Store
Drop by, you may find something you never knew you wanted, and remember... if we don't have it, surely we can find someone who does!
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Enoch.jpg" border="0">

Ristran Keriadoc

*Finishes his beer hastely.*
"Okay!!! Now that is done, let's go to Deska, then. Where do we report to leave Avalon Station, please? I mean : where to join the USS Evolution?"
*grabs the last bottle of Chouchenn and put it in one pocket of his strange grey coat.*


Vorak leaves the Embassy and closes the room behind him, hoping it will soon become more active again when new personell can be recruted for the Embassy.
Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Randall Sanchez

The doors open again and captain Sanchez walks into the Embassy.

"Wow, I haven't seen this place SO crowded ever, even when the station still had ambassadors alive! Ahem... oops, that was a bit cruel, my apologies.  Either way, you called for me?"

Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">

Randall Sanchez

"Ahem... could anyone tell me please why I am supposed to be here?  This seems to be an important moment, but I don't know what is the reason for my presence. Could someone enlighten me?"
Captain Randall Sanchez
Captain USS Evolution
Avalon Division
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-sanchez.jpg" border="0">


*Vorak eyes the pill suspiciously, thinking that it is illogical for a Vulcan to do so, but then again, this Vulcan was under influence of Couchenn, and so Vorak decides to trust his new ally on this too and accepts the pill*

"Thank you, councelor. The effect works quite fast, I notice.  My... hickups... appear to be gone instantly.
So, Captain Sanchez, let me start by explaining you why you are here.
We are about to sign a treaty between Starfleet and the Corporation. A treaty of alliance.  As you have seen, they have offered us help beyond repay, and so we will assist them too, from now on, wherever they need it. The Corporation has suffered quite some damage and loss with the Metatraxi attacks.
When  this treaty is signed, and the... party... has been completed, you will be ordered to take the U.S.S. Evolution INTO the nebula, and head toward Corporation space.  From that point, your main order is to work as closely with the Corporation as possible, assist them in all things, as Councelor Keriadoc or his Corporation seniors see necessary.
I know, Mr. Sanchez, that this is an unusual situation. You are used to take orders from me and Starfleet, and you still do, but my order to you now is to take orders from the Corporation as soon as you embark on that mission.  This way, I hope, we may improve contact between Starfleet and the Corporation seriously."

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

Ristran Keriadoc

"Heheheheheh! Klingon cooking. I like Klingon cooking... Baghol, yummmm! Yes, thank you, Mr Enoch, one more glass of this millesim. It's perfect for such an event!

Yes, Admiral Vorak, I will be glad to be on the USS Evolution with Mr Sanchez and Mr Enoch. That will ease my task....

*grabs suddenldy his padd, opens the upper part of it to reveal one screen and a multistandard connexion. Then he activates a special software....*

I'm ready to share the Peace Treaty with my padd and give you my signature. How do we process, now?"
*And he grabs a plate full of Klingon food.*


*Whispers to Nocturnus and Sanchez*

"But we will never give him any Couchenn anymore, it's dangerous http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>"

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-montrell.jpg" border="0">

Ristran Keriadoc

*Ristran smiles and nodds. He swallows a glass of chouchenn, grabs some food and initiate his comms module.*
"There we are. *Taps some codes*"
+++Vocal aknowledge only. Repeat procedure+++
http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/disagree1.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':disagree1:'> ///These secured comms padds, I swear.///
"On Command Senior Counsellor Ristran Keriadoc, Code Gener-Kythal-Beta-004-120, Procedure Sign-on, Peace Treaty approoved."
+++Destination, please+++
http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/disagree1.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':disagree1:'>
///I will have to ask our Engineers to modify that....///
"Destination StarFleet Avalon, On Delta Quadrant Sector 549-233-c-2, Admiral Vorak."
+++Procedure done, Sign-on sent... Lag from StarFleet Avalon Computer : 2 seconds. Reception of Admiral Vorak signature : complete. Procedure complete. Other procedure/task?+++
"No thanks, stand-by."
*Smiles a bit and contemplates the last bottle of Hydromel...*
///Heheheheh! The Friendship Ceremony? Nooope, maybe on Deska, after all... Yeah, on Deska. Because I have some clouds in my head...///
"Well, if we finished our meal before taking an other decision?"

Ristran Keriadoc

"And you don't imagine how life can be seriously versatile when it comes to receive gifts from it.... Thanks for your welcoming and...er.... may I have a Klingon Beer?"
*Looks at Admiral Vorak*
"Then, it will be time for leaving. I hope the USS Evolution is strong enough and fast enough to travel through the Nebula. We could risk to meet "unfriendly" beings.... IF you wee what I mean....."


"Will I go with you on the USS Evolution to Corporation space, Mr. Keriadoc?"
Enoch, Camelot Medieval Store
Drop by, you may find something you never knew you wanted, and remember... if we don't have it, surely we can find someone who does!
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Enoch.jpg" border="0">


"Live long and prosper, councellor. And I believe this would be a human expression... 'may the winds be at your back'. I will certainly hold you to your invitation."

*And he pushes the buttons to dematerialize Councellor Keriadoc and Enoch to the USS Evolution*

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet