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Mission 3: "Rescue and Retrieval"

Started by Jeroen Bode, August 26, 2007, 03:40:27 PM

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Ali'aln Tulak

Chief Medical Officer and Chief Counselor Ali'aln Tulak reporting for duty sir
Lt. J.G. Ali'aln Tulak
                       Chief Medical Officer
                          Chief Counselor
                         U.S.S. Lothlorien

Jeroen Bode


"Lt Johnson, take us out of here!, Maximal warp! Any word from Admiral Julian?"
http://www.jeybe.nl/images/jeroenbode.jpg" border="0">

Clyde Eastwood

as the last pelican landed out came a very firmiluar figure for balkazar.

Eastwood walked over to Balkazar and saluted him

"Sir sorry im late but i got held up by some idiot LT upstairs, they wouldnt let me fly until i told them who i was, like most of the crew doesnt anyway, stupid new guys"

Clyde dropped the salute and looked around at some of the new guys down here.

"looks like we got the same problem down here sir hahaha"
Lt Col Eastwood
XO Marine Battlion


"I guess it is a normal day." Balkazar responded to Richerds.  "Im guessing his mind wasnt his own.  Its like some spirit took over Browns mind and forced him to do things against his better judgement.  Its like he has amnesia." Balkazar said outloud.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

John Simpson


"Got it, Staff Sargeant." John responded to Moore as he went to the Brig where Brown was being kept and took a few scans of him.

<Questioning Richard>

"So how are you feeling, Richard?" John asked casually.
2nd Lt.
Combat Medic
http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q299/UFPVCINC/Jake-Gyllenhaal1.jpg" border="0">

John Moore

John stood watching Balkazar with his eyebrow raised. Fortunately he'd received worse in the past - mostly from his mother - so he wasn't about to break down into tears over anything. He noticed that the colonel spat when he shouted too.

"Yes Sir Colonel Sir I'm sorry Colonel Sir." he said, obviously trying to say the two words as many times as he could in a sentence.

John Moore

"Sure, Corporal, why not. It's can't be anymore boring that sitting up here, can it?" he said, turning to follow the man.

"Show me what toys we got..."


~"Keep an eye on them, tell me what their emotions are.  I dont need them to crack underpressure if we get trapped behind enemy lines.  Do you have your gear for this fun lil trek we get to go on?"~ Balkazar asked Moore telepathically.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


<While everyone was busy, Balkazar decided to hold a private conversation using his Betazoid heritage to talk to Moore>

~"I wonder if, Bode realizes hes far safer then most Captains in the fleet.  What do you think?.  Also dont be scared of being honest with me.  I count on the opinions of my officers in every aspect, both on duty and off.  Be open and honest with me and ill do the same.  Also remember whatever private things you wish to discuss with me, remains private.  Thats the bond of brotherhood we have here, we take each other's secrets to the grave."~ Balkazar told Moore Telepathically.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


<Sees Clyde walking up to him and shows no emotions as he gave his report then hit him hard in the arm in a friendly manner>

"Yeah, most of the people these guys are new, we got a starfleet officer whos trying to act like hes a marine and a one man army, hes either deluted or an idiot." Balkazar whispered to Eastwood.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


"Probe ready!" said Dolan.  He wondered how they were going to use it to help them...probably a sensor trick of some sort.  He then continued, "The vessels are confirmed as Felian."

OOC: Someone pick a target, the Felian vessels should be ready to fire by now.  However, it would seem more likely they would try to destroy/capture the Lothlorien since the marines could be taken out later since they don't have another way off the planet.  Unless the Pelicans and Pumas have warp drive...
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">
Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html

Richard Brown

<Richard walked up to the Door of the Brig and Looked direcly at Balkazar>

You *Richard Glares at Balkazar*

As Per Starfleet Requlations you have no Grounds so release me Now, and I will forget this Happen, this is a Starfleet vessels as Marines you have no Grounds
Name: Richard Brown
Rank: Lieutennent
Poston:Cheif Tatical/Secuitery Officer
Station:U.S.S Normandy


"Captain put down your weapon.  Hes not going anywhere.  Hes behind a forcefield for crying outloud." Balkazar told the upset Captain.

"Im sorry but its not 2382, its almost 10 yrs sense the newyork exploded." Balkazar told Richard.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

John Moore

<Before returning to the Lothlorien>

8 Marines plus Johnson and John climbed onboard the Delta Flyer and got the systems fired up. Within moments it was hovering about 30 cm off the ground.

=^="Marines Group 2, head back-" he started saying, before seeing 10 Felians appear out from behind a ridge about 100 meters in front of the Flyer. "Head back to the Pelicans for evac. Moore out."=^= he then took to the controls of the Flyer and flew one pass over the Felians, reducing them to smoldering pits.

=^="Moore to Col. Balkazar and Lothlorien. The Delta Flyer has been secured. Marines are returning to Pelicans for evac, and Starfleet can have their toy back within a few minutes. Moore out."=^=


<After returning to the Lothlorien ((OOC: and the exchange shown above http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>))>

Moore had taken part in the repairing of the Lieutenant's mind, but being a fairly strong telepath, couldn't quite shake the feeling of anger he had felt emanating from the man before he was stunned. He felt as if he hated the entire Galaxy right now, though he knew these were not these feelings and he pushed them from his mind to the best of his enhanced abilities.

"Sir, I - I don't normally go into people's minds without permission, but this man's - it seems to be pulling me in. I can't help but see some of his mind. Frankly, it's a mess, Sir."

William Richerd

Richerd smiled darkly. "Just another normal day in the office then?" He then turned to face Brown.

"So... you say you don't remember the last ten years?" He was finding it hard to believe this. "Did you have any contact with any Romulans that were dying?" He remember a small reference about a Medical officer going crazy with a Vulcan mind... He was just trying to figure out everything now.

He was not happy either, although he felt that keeping his temper in check would be the best bet at the moment, since Balkazar temper was good enough for both of them but his voice sounded strained and on the verge of going into a drill sergeant yell.
http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5811/starpheonixidricherdscopy8gy.jpg" border="0">
The security of this organization is number one