Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

ALIEN SPACE TERRITORIES => The Dark Passage => Topic started by: Kragon on November 28, 2002, 12:53:39 PM

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kragon on November 28, 2002, 12:53:39 PM
"Shuttlecraft Tiandra  this is Starfleet Intellegence Officer Kragon, calling Ryan Caldarian. How are old buddy? What brings you to this region of space. I am still in your debt for saving me on Krinak V."

(Edited by Kragon at 1:54 pm on Nov. 28, 2002)

(Edited by Kragon at 1:54 pm on Nov. 28, 2002)

(Edited by Kragon at 1:55 pm on Nov. 28, 2002)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 29, 2002, 01:03:32 PM
OFF: Like the twist.
As he watched Kragon's ship go into warp, he watched the shuttle engage its warp engines, Ryan wondered why he has responded to the beacon he had detected from nearly 100 light years away. The fact the beacon could be detected that far certainly explained Section 31's presence. he pressed the comm channel to Station Avalon again,
"Admiral Vorak, this is Mr Caldarian again, I have sent my associate, Kragon to the station to acsess files on Section 31, please make sure, he is either stationed on the Lhasa or Station Avalon and please make sure your Intellegence Officers work closely with him. Please respond."
All he could do was hope that Kragon arrived in time incase Section 31 came back.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 02, 2002, 04:04:51 PM
"Mr. Caldarian we are now on our way to your position, our ETA should be approximately 3 hours, 48 minutes and 22.6 seconds in average.  Mr. Kragon has contacted me already, and we have agreed that he will come aboard the USS Lhasa and travel with us to your position.
As for the USS Lhasa, it is a small ship, normally used for field training for our cadets from the academy, but quite maneuvrable.  I will send you some specifics of this ship's class."

OFF: if you go into the Starfleet Main Site (blue button on the left of this forum), and then you click on "Expansion HQ" you will get a number of links, under which "Deep Space Academy".  In there, you'll find information about the USS Lhasa as well, including a few pictures.

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 17, 2002, 11:03:14 AM
OFF: People people, I have good news, I hav my own RPG up and running, published it today, the adress is


I need all the people I can get my hands on. You'll find all the info you need on the Contact us page. That is the adress, there is no www. bit.

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 20, 2002, 11:26:34 AM
Ryan stuck up for Torrima. "I agree with him. Intellegence Officer always take risks and if we can repair the Shadow-Walker we could sneak in without realising. Admiral Vorak What do you think?"
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Jack mannion on December 25, 2002, 06:35:33 PM
I thought I was going to be CO of the FSS?
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Geordi on January 12, 2003, 11:57:57 PM
When it comes to S31 Ensign, anything and everything is possible, but noone really knows if they actually exist.

*Computer Alert*

Holy mother of god, a Borg Sphere, why on god's name is it doing out here.

=^= Geordi to all crew =^=

Battle Stations, we have been detected by a Borg Sphere.

(Edited by Geordi at 12:58 am on Jan. 13, 2003)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Locturnus on January 21, 2003, 11:58:59 PM
*beams aboard*

WE are the Borg. Resistance is Futile.

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 27, 2003, 04:12:41 PM
Apart from a slight touch of wind I'm fine Major Mannion. Oh and by the way the crew do not know I'm part of the FSS apart from Mister Torrima. Thanks for exposing me.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Peter Svensson on February 07, 2003, 08:32:24 AM
off: then he probably left. Maybe we cak keep him on board the shadow-walker when we blow it up ;)
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 26, 2002, 12:46:48 PM
Ryan Caldarian dropped his shuttle out of warp. Ahead of him lay an old unused Starship. It was definitaly Federation design It had the nacelles, it even had a Federation beacon on it. He swung his shuttle down towards the saucer section to take a closer look. The saucer section was riddled with hull breaches. Lights flickered on and off. The saucer was scarred with black marks from weapons fire. Ryan observed the brisge, rising from the saucer section. That too was riddled with holes. He flew so close to the bridge that he saw, the captain's chair, command consoles and even the floor colouring. Dark Red. As he flew his shuttle across the saucer section, he saw the name,
U.S.S Shadow-Walker NCC 5674
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 28, 2002, 12:34:37 PM
"Admiral Vorak, thank you for the offer. I will take it up. I have some interesting information on this corporation you have encountered, but I cannot discuss this over subspace channels. I require assistance. Can you patch your cheif Intellegence Officer and I would like assistance. Maybe you could come along as well." However as he was about to respond, a gruff, Klingon voice came over the intercom,

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 12:05 pm on Nov. 29, 2002)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kragon on November 29, 2002, 01:13:50 PM
OFF: the story splits into two halves for a bit. Ryan bit and Kragon's bit.

As Kragon engaged into warp he coulden't stop asking himself why that ship was there andwhat had happened to that ship. Kragon then sent a message to Ryan "i have just set my course for Station Avalon. but i have just picked up a Section 31 vessel, closing in on me. I'm heading to high warp. ETA at Station Avalon, approximatly 4 hours."
As he finished, Kragon pressed some buttons to engage high warp and leave the Section 31 ship following behind. He thought to himself, Qua'pla Ryan, old pal.

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 02, 2002, 04:00:50 PM
OFF: I'll pass on all profile information to Dalen Winterspoon.  He's having problems with his internet provider right now so thats why it might be a bit slow there for the moment, until he can come online to lead everything in the Corporation again.  So, for the coming two or three weeks, he'll probably only be able to come online a few times a week.
However, last time he was online he asked me that if you are interested to join the Corporation, he advices that you check out the sections of the Corporation-website of Expansion, and read the stories and articles so you'll know what the Corporation is about and what it stands for :)
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kragon on December 17, 2002, 12:54:07 PM
Kragon stepped forward,
"Ryan, old buddy, how are you."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Geordi on December 19, 2002, 11:09:34 PM
The risk im afraid is un-acceptable in my opinion, we arent all experienced enough to handle what may lay beyond.

What r your thoughts Vorak ?

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Jack mannion on December 25, 2002, 06:35:37 PM
I thought I was going to be CO of the FSS?
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 10, 2003, 11:39:35 AM
OFF:I'm going to build a board for the new divison but if it fails I'll use your board Vorak. Lets continue with the mission.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on January 26, 2003, 08:05:42 AM
** Torrima was running behind Ryan when a Borg blast came out of nowhere. Torrima turned around , pulled Ryan to the floor and shot the Borg.**
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 22, 2003, 10:44:49 AM
Oh yeah, take this.

*Wacks Loctournus over the head. He falls back and torrima fires on him. He adapts.*

Nice try now lets get the topedo tubes. Maybe they have a hidden secret we could use.

*While Loctournus get up. Ryan and torrima dash out.*

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Zack Mannion on February 07, 2003, 03:25:12 PM
Hehe, I wont stop you this time. =P
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 26, 2002, 12:53:14 PM
Ryan rose out of the shuttle's chair and walked to the rear of the shuttle and to a small command console. A display of the shuttle, the  Tindara . he pressed a button and the display disspaered, instead another display cam up flashing red. It read
YOU HAVE ACCSESSED THE STARFLEET GALACTIC MEMORY BANK PLEASE SPECIFY SEARCH. Ryan sighed and raised his eyebrows momentarily before returning them down to their usual resting place. "Computer, acsess word, U.S.S Shadow-walker." He waited for a reply, it came in the usual female voice,
"U.S.S Shadow-walker key word not found."
He turned his head slightly to view the Shadow-walker.
"What the #### is going on here?"

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 1:46 pm on Nov. 27, 2002)

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 12:53 pm on Nov. 29, 2002)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on November 27, 2002, 04:19:28 PM
OFF: yes I certainly do like this story and, though we usually work with the system that we assign people and give them orders and missions to do, I think we are onto something here and I would love to see this storyline continued.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 29, 2002, 12:54:20 PM
"Listen to me Kragon, if you don't go now, then Section 31 will come back. I don't have enough data on Section 31, Station Avalon and the Lhasa will have alot of information. I don't want to order you, but I will if I have to."

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 1:56 pm on Nov. 29, 2002)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 16, 2002, 03:41:44 PM
OFF: a team from the USS Lhasa will beam on board here.  Sorry if i may seem posting irregularly, i had a bad computer crash that needs to be fixed and i can only be online a little from work.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 20, 2002, 05:44:27 PM
OFF: Ok this is really going to annoy Geordi but I need to ask Vorak: I want to post a message to tell everyone that the Avalon Special Forces Intellegence Divison will be up soon, all I need is a board (*cough* Vorak *cough) can you put some info on the News bit after that REALLY annoying computer voice when you first arrive at Expansion main site.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 03, 2003, 02:27:27 PM
"Admial Geordi, what are we going to do know, Admiral Vorak is no longer here, the mission could be comprimised. Mr Torrima, please accompy to Engineering. We will find the warp core."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kibran Norbram on January 21, 2003, 03:53:03 PM
After leaving the meeting Kibran proceeded to the bridge, where he had gained acsess before. Maybe he could find some information to suggest what the S31 ship was doing there. As he entered the bridge, something seemed odddly strange about it, he turned round to see a Borg Drone standing behind him. Before he could fire. The Borg injected him with nanoprobes. He slowly lost conciousness. The only thing that could be heard on the dark gridge, was Ryan Caldarian's voice over the commbadge,
"Mr Norbram report to Engineering...
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Zack Mannion on January 23, 2003, 04:10:25 PM
Status report major!
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on February 08, 2003, 02:23:30 PM
Torrima runs around a corner on his own and runs into a Borg facing the other way.He kills it quickly and carries on looking For Mr Caladrian
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 26, 2002, 01:03:11 PM
Returning to his chair at the front of the shuttle craft, he pressed the long-range communication button and spoke into it,
"Station Avalon, this is Ryan Caldarian aboard shuttlecraft Tiandra  I have stumbled across a Federation starship, the  U.S.S Shadowwalker NCC 5647  it does not conform to any known Starship type, it is not in the Starfleet Galactic Memory Bank. I am about to dock with the starship. Shall I proceed?

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 2:04 pm on Nov. 26, 2002)

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 12:55 pm on Nov. 29, 2002)

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 12:55 pm on Nov. 29, 2002)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on November 27, 2002, 04:18:10 PM
*Vorak touches some buttons to clear some distortions, and then speaks up again*

"Mr. Ryan Caldarian, my apologies I could not reply, I had some interference in the communication signal.  It appears you are located near the Dark Passage, a sector in space known to disturb long range sensors and com signals, though you are not too close yet so our comsignal will hold apparently.

Thank you for notifying me about your assignment, and you are welcome to my fleet, naturally.  If you wish, you may dock to the abandoned ship you have discovered, but please do not forget the Starfleet safety guidelines and scan thoroughly for life forms or possible dangers.  We have, in our one year presence in this sector, discovered that this is not a very safe place to linger, after all.
Do you wish assistance?  I have the U.S.S. Lhasa docked to my station that can help you with your investigation."

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kragon on November 29, 2002, 12:58:31 PM
"fine i'll go but you owe us a drink when i get back!" and with that Kragon put his ship into warp.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Zach T Schmidt on January 01, 2003, 07:19:17 PM
Sorry sir.

Geordi then. I will be there unlees you need me.

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 16, 2002, 03:59:15 PM
Ryan saw the other team from the Lhasa beam in. He stood there wth Mister Norbram and Mannion (OFF: Where the #### is Mannion.). When they had finished materailizing Ryan stood forward,
"I am Commander Ryan Caldarian. Pleased to meet you."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 20, 2002, 04:02:01 PM
"I believe this does call for a closer investigation, indeed.  However, taking unnecessary risks is illogical.  Therefore, we must investigate while taking minimal of risks.  Therefore, we must proceed with one step at a time: investigate everything regarding this abandoned ship, for it may give more answers to questions than we know now, perhaps.  Once we exploited all our current information sources at hand, we have more material to base a plan on to investigate with a minimal of risks.  Of course, being a Starfleet officer, risks are never completely avoidable, yet we can minimize them."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on January 21, 2003, 07:06:33 PM
Sorry, yes Sir
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Peter Svensson on January 23, 2003, 03:44:17 PM
"We need not answer to anyone for our actions. It will suffice for you that we work for Starfleet."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on March 06, 2003, 03:41:00 PM
OFF: assuming that everyone on the Shadow-Walker has been evacuated back to the USS Lhasa, can someone post the return of the USS Lhasa to the station again? So we can close this topic too. Thank you.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on November 26, 2002, 03:56:44 PM
=^= Station Avalon to Ryan Caldarian =^=

This is Flag Admiral Vorak responding.  I am unaware of the presence of a ship named U.S.S. Shadowwalker either, nor can our computer databanks confirm the existance of this ship.
However, Starfleet has also not informed me of you being assigned to this region of space.  May I know who you are?

=^= Vorak out =^=

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 29, 2002, 11:08:40 AM
OFF: Vorak (or whatever your name is) I know this may sound stupid, but what rank am I? I'm confused.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 29, 2002, 12:44:18 PM
"Kragon, I already know that Admiral Vorak told me. Thanks any way. Apparently from data recieved at Starfleet Intelegence, there is a Cardassiaan Fleet, under the command of Admiral Rugar, or something like that. I need you to head to Starbase Avalon and request a station aboard the starship Lhasa, wait for me there. I've discovered that the Shadow-walker is a Section 31 vessel. You have to speak to Admiral Vorak. It's imperitive. Reapeat its imperitive. Vorak may come to see it. I've alreadt asked for more help. but this communication blackout, the Dark Passgae sometimes does that, it may not get through. Hurry up Kragon!"
Ryan started to breathe heavily.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 06, 2002, 11:00:05 AM
"Thankyou Admiral Vorak. Can I please speak to Mr Mannion immediatly. If he is part of the FSS, then I bet he wil know something about the Shadow-Walker."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on December 17, 2002, 06:55:40 PM
OFF if u can maybe even the highest position u can get for the uss prometheus
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 19, 2002, 03:22:09 PM
"Most fascinating.  Can you also access information regarding this planet Dunkae and why the ship was travelling there?"
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on January 15, 2003, 07:12:03 PM
Torrima grabs his phaser from his pocket and follows Mr Caladrian.**O yeah i gonna get me some BORG!!!!!!!**
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Zack Mannion on February 05, 2003, 05:19:08 PM
Hm.... Indeed. And could soeone please change mine and Peters member titles?
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Geordi on March 11, 2003, 10:55:24 PM
Helm set course for Avalon maximum warp.

(Off: speeding this up a bit)

Admiral Geordi to Station Avalon, where home, all be it in not to good a shape, but we made it.

Helm take us in and Dock nice and easy.
(Off:  We have now arrived and all further posts r to goto Avalon or Academy)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on November 26, 2002, 03:57:31 PM
OFF: I like the beginning of this story so far :)
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 29, 2002, 11:08:00 AM
"Thankyou Admiral, I won't dock until the Lhasa ges here. Caldarian out." Ryan switched to the conversation between his Klingon partner Kragon and himself,
"Kragon, go into the Starfleet Galactic Memory Bank and try to find out what this Dark Passage is."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kragon on November 29, 2002, 12:52:17 PM
"i won't go Ryan i wont leave you here. i will wait untill the U.S.S Lhasa arrives."

(Edited by Kragon at 2:15 pm on Nov. 29, 2002)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 06, 2002, 12:49:10 PM
OFF: Have u checked out Subspace Communications. I've started a thread called Avalon intellegence.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 18, 2002, 09:15:22 AM
OFF: Command postion on the Trident? deal!
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 19, 2002, 10:14:32 AM
(OFF:OK) Admiral, we have begun to acsess the databanks on this vessel. It appears that this ship was heading for a planet identlfied as Dunkae
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 16, 2003, 12:40:28 PM
Mr Torrima, as your superior, I would advise you not to go over the top. But hey, let's kick but.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Peter Svensson on February 04, 2003, 04:18:45 PM
OFF: doesnt Ryan Calderian post any more? Seems like he has disappeared.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 27, 2002, 10:41:04 AM
"Admiral Vorak" Ryan spoke into the comm system "I have been transferred here from Starfleet Intellegence. I am sorry for commuicating with you earlier. I am going to engage docking sequence. I will keep you posted." he paused and smiled, "You are doing a great job and are a credit to Starfleet and your people."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on November 28, 2002, 04:43:18 PM
"Mr. Caldarian, I will send the U.S.S. Lhasa to your coordinates immediately, and attempt to get a hold of one of my Intelligence officers.  I shall attempt to be present as well, however I am currently in negotiations with the Torrans, but I will endeavor to be present anyway."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 29, 2002, 12:06:44 PM
Ryan ran to the vessel's front and ran to the comm system, "Admiral Vorak respond, this is an old Section 31 ship, reapeat and old Section 31 ship, what they were doing here, I don't know, but I can tell you, this is a Section 31, vessel. There isn't any life signs. The sensors can comfirm that, advice please."
He waited with dread.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 16, 2002, 01:18:49 PM
Ryan, though the bulky enviromental suit, managed to dock with the Shadow-Walker. The rear of the shuttle dropped down to reveal a dark and forbidding passage way. Another officer, was standing opposite, already in the Shadow-Walker. Ryan stepped forward. Mr Mannion accompanied him. "I am Commander Ryan Caldarian, Starfleet Intellegence and you must be Major Kibran Norbram. Pleased to meet you."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on December 17, 2002, 06:37:57 PM
hello sir i am glad to join you.OFF i have applied for your rpg you must have put loads of time and effort into it**where are we going first
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on December 19, 2002, 09:26:04 PM
well Sirs I say the we should all take the risk. I for 1 will do it with your permission sir
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on January 14, 2003, 03:46:41 PM
OFF: I will set up your board asap, wont be long any more, im finally getting over my illness at last
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: K on February 04, 2003, 07:32:23 AM
K to Shadow-walker. final warning. Leave this ship and it's contents immediatly or be destroyed.

First and last warning

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 27, 2002, 10:42:10 AM
OFF: Thanks alot.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 28, 2002, 12:59:49 PM
Ryan smiled as he saw a shuttle craft drop out of warp. It was a Rhinannon class Intellegence, shuttle, much like his own. A poded front, with two long nacelles protuding from each side,
"You didn't have to follow me, you know, I mean I only saved your ass five times. Any way can you hang on." He switced to Admiral Vorak,
"Admiral Vorak this Mr Caldarian again, I have another little suprise, my Klingon partner from Starfleet Intellegence Kragon, has dropped out of warp and is offering me and you his services. And where is that Cheif Intellegence officer of yours."

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 12:52 pm on Nov. 29, 2002)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kragon on November 29, 2002, 12:39:15 PM
"ok Ryan the dark passage is a reigon of space, which intereferes with comlinks and sensors like the Bermuda triangle on earth. Now what do want me to do old pal?"
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 06, 2002, 04:04:40 PM
"I am still attempting to hail Mr. Kragon and still await his response.  Meanwhile, I will patch you through Mr. Mannion."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 29, 2002, 03:32:30 PM
As Ryan suited up, to board the mysterious Section 31 vessel, he wondered why they could have come that far out. he knew very little of this region of space, apart from what Admiral Vorak had told him. He wondered wether Vorak would let him board in light of this new piece of information. As he pulled on his helmet, he sighed and said to himself, "Damm Section 31 forever"
all he could do was wait until the Lhasa arrived and he could be assisted by its crew. He hoped to see Kragon again, after all their reunion was brief, but hopefully not the last
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 02, 2002, 10:52:38 AM
Ryan waited for the message he had sent to Vorak, probably onboard the Lhasa now (OFF: See other thread) as he waited a growing fear of what might be lurking on the Section 31 starship took hold of his mind and as he stared at the ship, he felt a fear he had not felt since the Dominion War. Something was not right and he was walking into it, head first.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 04, 2002, 03:32:12 PM
"It was the only vessel I had available.  The others are all out of reach, or repairing extensive damage. I have an Intelligence officer on board with me, his name is Jack Mannion and he works for the Federation Secret Service"

OFF: S31 is a section of Starfleet, while FSS is a section of the Federation itself, just to clear that up :)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 13, 2002, 12:53:52 PM
Ryan pondered the outcome of the mission. He had been sent by Starfleet Intellegence to set up an Intellegence beaurea on Station Avalon and he was going to do that. He spoke to Mister Mannion, who was suting up, "Tell me more about the FSS"
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on December 17, 2002, 06:44:44 PM
OFF i woul like a CO position on the uss Trident if you dont mind great rpg again
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 19, 2002, 03:45:57 PM
Ryan nodded in acknowledgement, "Dunkae seems to be a Section 31 plnet on the other side of the Dark Passgae, we could be looking at a covert Section 31 base. Its also possible that we may be walking into a trap.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Tomas Goransson on December 25, 2002, 09:49:17 AM
(OFF: Many. Mr. Ryan, please sign up for the FSS board and start a new topic there, then we [You, I and Jack] will discuss who is XO of FSS. :))
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Zach T Schmidt on December 31, 2002, 05:18:12 AM
Admiral Vorak? I you are not needing my help, I will be in the astrometerics lab.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on January 09, 2003, 03:20:50 PM
OFF: Vorak was struck with a sudden illness and returned to station Avalon, something about a virus spreading among the higher admiralty that causes them to act insane, its part of another storyline, but we're keeping our eyes on this storyline as well.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 14, 2003, 04:03:10 PM
Torrima, grab a phaser,

*taps comm badge*

This is Majo...Commander Caldarian, arm your selves, we have a borg landing party.

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 23, 2003, 01:03:13 PM
*Sees the new vessela nd hails it from his comm badge.*

Unknown vessel this is feild commander Ryan Caldarian please identify yourself.

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Geordi on February 02, 2003, 09:24:39 AM
Settle down please children ro you'll both be colling off in the brig for a while.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 27, 2002, 10:43:06 AM
Finding no reply, he spoke again, "Starfleet Intellegence should have contacted you but Admiral Yardley has been bogged recently." he paused and looked around the shuttle. "Do you want me to return to Station Avalon and get an assignment from you, or do you want me to continue onto the Shadow-walker. I might need help."

(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 1:32 pm on Nov. 27, 2002)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on November 29, 2002, 04:49:58 PM
OFF: regarding assignment/rank/... we'll discuss that in the off-game forum in the topic that you opened.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 05, 2002, 12:52:50 PM
Ryan spoke again "Thankyou Admiral Vorak. Has Kragon arrived yet on your vessel. Please can I speak to this Mister Mannion. I have heard of the FSS although I have had no idea what exactly it is. Anyway when will you arrive I am getting impatient." Then a small beep from the console alerted his attention. He looked down at the button and gasped,
"Admiral some-one is on there and there hailing."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 13, 2002, 12:51:41 PM
Ryan was about to dock his little shuttle-craft when the response came through. He hailed back,
"Mister Norbram, I will contact the Lhasa and request medical assistance for you. We are about to dock with the Shadow-Walker."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 21, 2002, 05:44:46 PM
Mister Geordi, I'm a Commander, not a Cadet.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 30, 2002, 03:34:47 PM
OFF: Hi again.
ON: Ryan looked around trying to find Engineering, "Ill go to Emgineering and fix up the warp core, Mr Torrima, your with me."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 05, 2003, 05:33:49 PM
A while later.

"Hmmm... this has to be the warp core, but I've never seen anything like it. Mr Torrima, data read out."

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 27, 2002, 12:48:10 PM
OFF: Does anyone like this story? There's a really important message on the Mesaage Board.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 29, 2002, 03:37:30 PM
OFF: OK Vorak a few questions: how do i get promoted, how do you inform the crew of their missions and what rank am I,, I'm ded confused!?! I dont mean to b rude. Cya.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kibran Norbram on December 05, 2002, 01:21:20 PM
"To anyone out there. This is Kibran Norbram. I was a prisoner aboard the Shadow-Walker. When the ship was attacked by unknown raiders I tried to escape, but failed. Please help."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on December 22, 2002, 01:01:52 PM
well we had better get ready then
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kibran Norbram on December 11, 2002, 12:34:15 PM
Kibran held his side and spoke with a twinge of pain,
"Mister Caldarian, Mister Mannion. I am located on the bridge I am injured. I am detecting your vessel. Good. Please contact the Raven-Class vessel above and request medical assistance.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on December 27, 2002, 09:33:53 PM
yes please do
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on January 03, 2003, 06:41:47 PM
yes sir
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 29, 2002, 12:04:35 PM
Ryan looked at the identification of the Shadow-walker again, he read it out loud U.S.S Shadow-walker NCC 5476" something felt wrong about that. But he didn't know what.
Then it hit him. He said out loud,
"That's it. It should have the registry number NX-5467. I've got it. He dashed to the computer terminal, he pressed the button and image of the shuttle dissapeared, the familiar Starfleet Galactic Memory Bank message came up,
"Computer, search for U.S.S Shadow-Walker NX-5467"
After a small beep Ryan looked at the computer, and the responce came,
"I matched item found for U.S.S Shadow-Walker NX-5467."
Ryan nearly jumped for joy, but refrained hinself, he looked at the screen, but his jubilation turned to horror as he trawled through the data.
"It cant be. They don't have Starships." he read out loud, "Section 31, vessel, U.S,S Shadow-Walker NX-5467, Commander unknown."
Ryan stared in horror.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kragon on November 30, 2002, 06:39:37 PM
" i will come with you Vorak but only because i want to see Ryan again where shall i meet you?"

off: i like the way this is going.

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kibran Norbram on December 05, 2002, 01:23:40 PM
OFF: Did u get my email on that Division I thought of?
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 10, 2002, 03:46:57 PM
Ryan spoke "Major Norbram, this is Ryan Caldarian aboard Shuttlecraft Tiandra. Please give me your location, we are about to board, that is myself and Jack Mannion FSS Major. "
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on December 18, 2002, 06:34:07 PM
OFF: deal!! when can i start? first i need a crew!!**this place has baaad vibes
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 22, 2002, 06:03:35 PM
OFF: The FSS board has been set up, when I know the url to link the site as well, and Zack has finished setting up the board further, I'll announce it.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 26, 2002, 11:31:15 AM
OFF: could we continue with the mission please?
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 06, 2003, 10:17:32 AM
Very well Mister Torrima. Inform me when...*Sees what looks like a cloaking device.* Woahhhh...Mister Torrima, look at this, its a cloaking device. Is it active?
OFF: What is wrong with Admiral Vorak.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Zack Mannion on February 06, 2003, 05:42:01 PM
He might have. Not sure. But I have not heard or seen anything from him.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on November 29, 2002, 11:12:32 AM
"While you look I'll ask for help," Ryan paused, "Caldarian out." He pressed the automatic comm system, "To any ship within the sound of my voice, this is Federation Intellegence Officer Ryan Caldarian, in the Dark Passage, I have discovered a Federation Starship that does not appear to exsist in Starfleet circles, I need help, the U.S,S Lhasa is on its way, however it might be enough, I also need help to identify it. If anyone is out there, please help."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on November 29, 2002, 04:52:39 PM
"Section 31 you say?  I have never seen any confirmation of proof of their existance, so we may not yet come to any final conclusions.  However, I do wish to investigate this matter.  I will launch with the USS Lhasa within the hour."

*Then, a commsignal from Kragon comes in*

"Mr. Kragon, I have just been informed of this situation indeed.  However, I cannot simply give anyone access to all database files of my station's computer.  In 4 hours from now, I will no longer be on the station, but on my way to the Dark Passage.  If you wish, you can join us on the ship, or if you wish to continue your travel to Avalon, Fleet Admiral Nocturnus, head of the tactical/security department, will assist you in this matter."

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 05, 2002, 04:06:40 PM
"Our ship is now detecting the ship of Mr. Kragon and we are about to hail him now so he can come on board.  After that, we should arrive soon."

OFF: could Kragon respond to our hail in the other topic in here?
Also, i did receive an email about making a division (didnt know it was from you) and i replied to it, did you get my reply email?

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kibran Norbram on December 10, 2002, 08:54:02 AM
The bridge of the Shadow-Walker was riddled with holes. Kibran was wearing an enviromental suit. The entire bridge lights flickered. He went to the comm panel, it seemed to be operational. He pressed it, "To the Starfleet Intellegence shuttel, this is Major Kibran Norbram. Please Identify yourself."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Geordi on December 19, 2002, 04:04:57 AM
(OFF:  Can we get on with the mission and put all off topic stuff in the of game forums :) saves me getting confused, hehe )
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Geordi on December 23, 2002, 08:07:19 AM
My appologies Commander.

(Off:  Can somsone adjust his rank tital so it sais Commander instead of Civilian plz for Mr Ryan Caldarian)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Tomas Goransson on December 26, 2002, 09:05:35 AM
(OFF: Hm..... This was whery stupid of me. Hm. But first things first= I am and always will be CO for the FSS. And Jack was XO from the beginning. So, I think that he should be XO also. I am whery whery whery sorry, Mr. Ryan. But I hope you would like to be 3rd in command or something. :) Or if you like you could lead any of our departments.  And I a,m whery sorry that this situation have occured. It is just becouse of me. =(
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on January 05, 2003, 08:56:02 PM
Sir, the data readout says that the structural damage to this warp core is about 77%.We are going to have to fix it or it could blow.Also the certain type of this warp core is a type that i have never seen.We need someone to look at it, pronto, with your permission sir.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Peter Svensson on February 06, 2003, 03:46:09 PM
OFF: Calderian hasnt posted for since 10 days, did he leave or something?
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 01, 2002, 05:51:43 PM
OFF: I have signed in on the Corporation, but I accendentally signed in on Expansion as well, can you dlete that acoount, but not the Corporation account. Oh yeah and tell Dalen I have started a thread in the shuttle-bay thread. Thanks a bunch (P.S Great site)
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 02, 2002, 04:29:51 PM
PS: where did you start a thread? I cant find it lol sorry
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on December 07, 2002, 09:22:20 PM
"Very well.  mr. Kragon has come aboard the USS Lhasa, and we are due to arrive any moment now."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Jack mannion on December 21, 2002, 07:03:55 AM
Then, Admiral geordi, we must keep our eyes and ears open. I too feel that this vessel still has a hand to play.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 23, 2002, 03:59:15 PM
OFF: I'll be the XO of the FSS soon. He he he he
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on January 01, 2003, 07:16:38 PM
yes sir.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 08, 2003, 10:39:23 AM
Two things Mr Torrima, 1 that Admiral Geordi should get down here and 2 that Section 31 are breaking the rules.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on November 30, 2002, 10:35:37 PM
"From the traject your and my ship are following, our both ships should meet on the way in about one hour.  Then you may come aboard."

OFF: Ryan please read the off-game, there's a request for you :)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 03, 2002, 09:50:06 AM
Ryan replied back "I have found the specs on the Lhasa. It will be sutiable for the mission, although I would have liked another bigger cruiser, maybe, however like i said, this will have to do. I'll see you in three hours. I have news on this Corporation you have discovered. It may be of some use to you. Have you gotten hold of an Intellegence Officer for me? Please respond." The wait continued.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on December 07, 2002, 07:35:53 PM
"Welcome aboard the Tiandra I am Ryan Caldarian. See that ship, we are going onboard it. Suit up, that is an order."
OFF: Some time later.
"Admiral Vorak this is Ryan again, me and Mr Mannion are about to beam onboard there is one surviovr, one Bajoran Major, he is not part of Secetion 31."
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Geordi on December 20, 2002, 09:58:08 PM
(Off: lol .. i don tmind a lil bit of off topic .. just not heaps of it :) New Boards are always good)

I will corrolate with Cadet Caldarian and try and repair this Shadow Walker.  Although something about thi ship and the easiness of getting it greatly disturbs me.

(Off: I feel a Tremmor in the Force)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Tomas Goransson on December 23, 2002, 05:03:00 PM
(OFF: well.... There have been some... missunderstandings from my side there. I thought that my XO I have now did not wanted to be XO anymore. But now he apparently wants it... Hm....)
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Vorak on January 01, 2003, 02:30:52 PM
OFF: Vorak is already on the USS Evolution on his way back to the station, to be treated for his illness.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on January 07, 2003, 07:16:52 PM
It is active sir. It seems to be quite a new model as well.What are you thinking Sir?
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kragon on November 29, 2002, 01:18:41 PM
"Flag Admiral Vorak, this is Klingon Starfleet Intellegence Officer, Kragon. I will be arriving at Station Avalon in approximatly 4 hours. I have a Section 31 vessel following me, please respond. I will need full use of your database on section 31." Kragon sped faster and faster away from the Shadow-Walker and Ryan.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kragon on December 02, 2002, 01:29:37 PM
"ok vorak"

(Edited by Kragon at 1:41 pm on Dec. 3, 2002)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Kibran Norbram on December 04, 2002, 10:04:05 AM
The Shadow-walker was dark and forbidding, its corridors black from scars of weapons charges, let off by the invading aliens. On one of these Kibram Norbram came round, he was lying face down. When the ship had been under attack from the unknown vessel, the brig force-sheid, where he was being held, went off line and he tried to get to the shuttle-craft bay, but he was knocked unconcious by a Section 31 officer, whot hen it appeared died. He looked around, his vision slightly blurry, he weakly amaged to say,
"Is there anyone out there?"
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Jack mannion on December 06, 2002, 11:58:35 PM
*Beams in*
No need for that sir.
Hello, I am MAjor Jack mannion of the FSS. WHat can I do for you?
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Zach T Schmidt on December 31, 2002, 05:18:16 AM
Admiral Vorak? I you are not needing my help, I will be in the astrometerics lab.
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Torrima on December 23, 2002, 07:30:35 PM
how many off messages??????????????
Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Ryan Caldarian on January 09, 2003, 03:39:47 PM
OFF: Vorak-Website is online, this is the adress:


(Edited by Ryan Caldarian at 4:45 pm on Jan. 9, 2003)

Title: The Shadow-walker
Post by: Peter Svensson on January 22, 2003, 03:54:24 PM
Suddenly, blasts of firepower come out of nowhere, hitting the Borg ship seriously... another blast appears, hitting the Borg cube once again and causing considerable damage...