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Mission Three: Treading Lightly

Started by MalcomReed, June 20, 2006, 03:59:14 AM

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Tobias Bashir

Yes Commander That would have been a suggestion that I would have come up with because If you were injuried down there Green blood would have been a little difficult to deal with.

I took Lt Brown to the bio bed and let out the anthiestic gas and about Ten minutes later I was finished and Commander Sitgor Was looking quite Brutishly like a Klingon rather than a Romulan.

Well done Ensign, You take Crewman Haynes and I will start on the others arriving now.

About and hour later All were ready to return to normal duties. The Ensign followed the others to the Bridge and sat using one of the consoles.

Stefan Haynes

Science Crewman - USS Mannon


OOC:Thats a shame...forgive me, but where are we? im lost

http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/confused.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'>
Lt. Reg Hiller
Chief Helm Officer
USS Mannon

Tobias Bashir

Leaving the Medical Bay as the team beamed down I desided it was time to go to the bridge to see the Captain.

=/\= Commander Bashir to Captain Rajnus, Captain I am coming to the Bridge. I would like to do some of those tests I was talking about earlier so maybe your ready room sir would be the most comfortable place to do it sir. =/\=

Simon Rajnus

OOC**Does this mean we are to throw the Agent avatars away and go to the normal Starfleet avatars ?


"I agree Doctor, but ill be back in a few days to check up on things.  But I see you have your hands full here.  Ill let you go and train this young Medical assistent of yours.  Once hes done here, send him up to the bridge.  So he can meet the rest of the senior staff.  Oh and we will be sending an away team down to a planet probly full of Klingons so prepare yourself for making the away team into bulls." <Chuckles and smiles at the doctor, then Simon leaves the medical bay and goes to the bridge where he appears a few minutes later>

<Walking out of the turbolift, Simon, goes and sits in his chair>

"Status report."
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Tobias Bashir

Ah welcome Ensign Haefling. I hope that your stay here on the mannion will be pleasant and useful. I would like you to get aquainted with the set up of the Sickbay. I shall be over at my desk looking over the Captain results to the tests I just went over on him.

Once you have famillierised yourself with the equipment for making people look like Klingons I would suggest that you get up to the bridge to find out who is going and get ready to make those people look like Klingons.

You won't be alone in doing that But you will need to get to know there facial structures to make them look real.


<sick bay>

commander bashir i was thinking, what if we use changling blood in a hypospray and induce it into the away team...wouldnt that let them change into klingons?
if u agree to this i will start running test right away


captain i am ready to perform the medical procedure on the away team to change them into klingons

King Sitgor

Finally returning to the bridge I return to the Captain.

Captain the away team is ready as soon as we get to the planetoid sir.


Sir whats funny is i figured after i learned of the away team that id be on it so i brused up on my klingon but wouldnt we need to be able to hide the medical equipment and find a safe place so incase someone gets injured noone will see me help them because from what i learned i am pretty sure klingons dont have our medical equipment

Richard Brown

*Richard Looked at the Commander*
Oh, I forgot you used to be an Romluan Officer Commander Iam just so used to you I never though of it.but Commander I suggest we send the Secuitey Team ahead to make a Point Defence of the Area so we do get any surprises.

*Brown said this as they were heading up the Hill there was a small wind blowing in there air and the smell like honey and roses mixed together*
Name: Richard Brown
Rank: Lieutennent
Poston:Cheif Tatical/Secuitery Officer
Station:U.S.S Normandy

Simon Rajnus

=^= "Very well, Doctor.  Ill meet you in my ready room." =^=

<Turns to Reg>

"Well, Reg.  You have the bridge.  So dont let it go to your head."

<Simon then gets up out of his chair and heads to his ready room to look over some logs>
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">

Stefan Haynes

"I can see that it is contagious Mr. Brown"
*Speaks to the Captain*
"Captain. If I may go as well. I think it is felt that I am a fool in my field. I am new to starfleet. Not new to science. My expertise can be put to use in a situation such as we are going into"
Science Crewman - USS Mannon


walks on bridge

Captain, Commander Bashir wants me to find out whos on the away team so I can help make them look like klingons

Tobias Bashir

Well I am sure the Captain will let us know before it is needed so that we have a warning that they are coming and I don't believe that the stop of Frontier station will be overly long. So be prepared.