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Messages - Gramaracose Luxor

The Dark Passage / TCT Outpost Tritheladee
June 03, 2004, 12:43:46 AM
~Scene flashes back to lab~
a young darkhair aparent human glances from a computer terminal built into the desktop.
Gram leans back in his chair and says "Sorry guys that was me shutting off all com badges on the station. Sorry to have awakened you at such an hour, good morning.  Let me start by explaining who I am and why I am here, but first we must make sure there are no unwanted ears"  Gram lifts a triquarter from his hip and with out speaking into he asks, "how many are we then?"  Ramsey looks at Gram and his head ever so slightly cocks to the side, on why a civilian would even be addressing him like that and then replied "5 essential".  With that the Aldean lifted the triquarter and with a blank stare in his eyes spoke, "6 to beam directly to area beta."  It was at that moment Ramsey noticed beeds of sweat on Grams forehead and cheeks.

~Scene shifts to a gridded holodeck with 6 starfleet personel standing and sitting in relation to their postions before beeming, the desk and floor of the room have been duplicated.~

"Gentlemen, as I'm sure you have been able to tell I am not a starfleet officer, although I graduated starfleet acadamy.  I work for U.D.D. a private defense contractor, special weapons division.  My only job here is to advise the command, and advise them of orders already in place.  The orders in place will be discussed after some briefing.  First," Gram cleared his throat. "First, -computer run program one dash a-5"
A smaller table phases into existance a few feet from the end of the duplicate lab/conference table.
Gram continued...
"What they discovered, who knows how long ago, I was briefed 18 hours ago, is that the borg, with aparent help, are or have developed a new weapon."
At that moment the lifeless body of what eveyone recongnizes as a Trill with out a host appears on the table.
"a new form of cybronetic organism.  The normal relationships between Trill & host dictate a Trill brian that is consisting of 2 lobes.  (a medical hologram of an enlarged Trill brain appears) these interface and become in all essence 1 personality involving of course a host, but enough of Trill anatomy 101.  What has been done here is a third lobe added in the species.  (a metalic looking 3rd lobe is added to the hologram) A lobe made of nanites.  We will get into them in a few minutes.  After the newly created cyberorganism survives it's initial shock and rejection period, we are guessing in a human host that doesn't survive, it is emplanted or joined with a Borg host and the Borg collective.  The Nanites have full control over hormonal levels as well as DNA structure.  From the information gathered from caputred nanites, they are estimating the size of one of these Borg warriors at nine feet tall, give or take, and the upper body strength of a Klingon woman fighting for the lives of her children.  The result of these nanites means that coming in contact, or even in an area where one of these worriors has been means possible infection.  I'm going to use the term anyway, though some argue that a sentient lifeform can not be an infection.  Infection means a nanite probe hearing, seeing, reading brainwave patterns, sencing everthing in the envirornment of the one infected.  Gentlemen, your lab has been infected.  This can make mission compromise a likely event."  Gram pauses for a moment then speaks "computer, water" (a pitcher of iced water with 6 full iced and lemoned glasses appears on the table) Picking up one of the glasses Gram takes a sip and continues.  "I mentioned orders in place.  These orders are on this disc" Gram hands a tiny disc to Ramsey.  "Basically they are the installation of protective software on station computers, it's desigened to detect nanite hacking.  No physical deliveries. unauthorized traffic to or from the lab, you know the rig-a-ma-roll, it's basically quarenteened."  At this point the computer starts playing recorded images of nanite testing.  A battle vehicle desolves in a mater of a couple of seconds, what appears to be mercury becoming a solid and then a liquid again as the view zooms in to show the tiny creatures all grabbing and then letting go of each other.  A photon topedo being defused in mid flight after being intercepted by a nanite defusing crew.  "Well I'll let everyone get back to your duties.  Sir," Gram steps closer to Ramsey and looks him in the eye and says, "Make sure the software update is complete and all diognostic testing done before  you view the disc.  The computer will ensure a sterile enviornment away from prying nanite eyes."  Gram looks over at the holodeck door and says "I'll be returning with you to monitor activity. computer, end program, bridge, 6 to beam to area alpha"  The group dematerializes from an empty holodeck.

(Edited by Gramaracose Luxor at 12:26 pm on June 3, 2004)

OFF-Game / A humble ensigns views...
June 03, 2004, 07:05:17 PM
LOL an apology?  Did I lie?  and why are you posting anyway?  Is your friend incapable of backing his own words up?  "You will", no I won't... remove it if it embaresses you!  Maybe his reply to my messege should have been "Hey!  there are people here you just haven't found us yet"  but as you see it, assuming you are not a child, you know it's out of line, and I doubt you even mentioned it to him.  Your tone, upon reading your post makes me believe that you are on some kind of  power trip brought on by the game.  When i showed disrespect, and I did, it was aparent that it was not directed at any one person but a group of people that have abandoned the site months & months ago and I even comented on how I doubted anyone would even see it.  Hey, I like the site!  just bumed me out when it appeared to be completely abandoned.  Why are you two so defensive?  You know your site is 75% empty and needs to be reworked.  If that causes problems with people that are not regular visitors to these kinds of sites then you should be interested in that fact with the intent to fix it so that it doesn't keep happening.  Instead, you champion a friends words and they aren't even in the right here.  
By the way, deleting this post would be dirty, yes dirty, an abuse of your power, you would be censoring me simply because YOU disagreed with me, not because of any rule violation.  In the event this happens I will email all of the corrosponding posts to every member i can dig an email address up on.  In other words, turning down my volume here may have me putting a megaphone up to ears of those who ARE this site and ARE this game and it's not only one sim/person.

I see you altered my post, negative spamming? I am not allowed to mention another star fleet?  where is the dot com? the dot org?  where am i asking anyone to do anything?  Are you paniced that your site may be dying.  Please restore my post as written!  "Spartan Fleet" even notice i comented on how chaotic it is... that is spamming? lol their chaos brought me here,  You are benefiting from their advertising.  I do not believe it's disrespectful to call it a chaotic mess either, it is.  Didn't say that about this site, because it's not... just appears empty and need to be "pruned".

Lets discuss what you had to say...

"Simply bashing another's work with out proving you can do better..."

Where do I simply "bash" another's work?  Lets see if we can find it.  Ok, "areas that should have been deleted 10 months ago"  bashing? NOT! Service the site.  Hello?  Do  you think that if I or anyone could do better it gives them the right to bash someone elses work? Kind of looks to me like you are going off in another direction here because you have the low ground if we stay on topic.  In otherwords you are avoiding what was truely said.
what was next...? oh the whole "you can leave" thing... go read what you wrote.  Why did you write it? with what intent?  Do you think I don't know how to close Explorer?   It makes me wonder if it's the same person posting with two names (both admarials lol).  
Next: R-E-S-P-E-C-T (find out what it means to me)  http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Where do I disrespect any individual on this site?  If one of the members got a stern reply it's because it was in order.  Are you able to put friendships aside in order to make a proper judgement call?  Seems to me that about the same level of respect has come from both parties, but pick and choose or Play favorites if you must. (yes implying that you are/have been)
Oh and the "more than deserve" part... nobody gets extra respect as a person because they play a rpg. lol  Nor you for being an admaral (x2) in the game.  I do not expect an ensign to get less real life personal respect than an admaral, or someone simply because they post on boards.  Everyone here gets the same respect as anyone I encounter outside this site.  Thus far people are fine with the general level of respect I show to them.  In the future, when accusing me of a fault, please have supporting evedence of the offence.

The last part is pure game induced EGO!  Need i say more?  Maybe we should go back to the whole respect thing for this one.  Please don't talk to me like your 8 year old child, you have them for that http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

and finally the final warning part.

sorry the only warning I saw was getting cencored for not giving into your "apologize to my friend" blackmail.


OFF-Game / A humble ensigns views...
June 03, 2004, 08:17:33 AM
just a couple of questions...  What led you to believe that I was to only one board?  The amount of times that I happend to post?  Do you really believe applying for a position in the wrong area caused any fustration?  What are these "High standard" DEMANDS?  do you really think 3/4 of this site should still be here when most were last posted in '93?  Should the navagation bar on the main page be fixed so that it's not greyed out and you can actually navagate to a place to sign up?  with out those "grey buttons" to the left the sign up guide/page is all but useless.  Please explain these demands that were outragous enough for you to coment like that about.  The post script kills me... may i translate?  "the next time you come to this site do it right and we'll do our part.  Maybe posting a rant is more fun for you than playing the game the way it was intended, but hey I think you are an okay writer".   If that's not the intended comunication then please clerify, because it looks to me you simply attempted to say rude things nice enough that someone wouldn't call you on it...   ::RING:: pick up the comm, I'm callin you on it http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>
OFF-Game / A humble ensigns views...
June 03, 2004, 07:47:58 AM
LMAO!  I'm half offended... how is it you make a position when you are so fast to make sure it's someone elses fault? pfft!  Listen chump... there are 3 people on the active list... 1 is you 1 is me and 1 is named guest... if i think this site blows it's because I investigated the evidence.  So ok... it's my fault lol feel better?
OFF-Game / A humble ensigns views...
June 03, 2004, 07:12:36 AM
Okay, I have come to the realization that you all are whacked!  I mean WTF?!!  Lets look and see what I'm talking about.  Hmmm, I blindly land and end up in a science lab... I'm new so i post.  after reading here for a while i go back and realize that the last post is a month old and the 2 before that A YEAR OLD!!!  So, I'm like, okay, just happened to land in a dead area that should have been deleted 10 months ago.  Then I come back here, and lo & behold the "Off game" post... well the last was mine tonight... the one before that is FOUR MONTHS OLD!!! you guys should be ashamed!  At least delete your site(s) so folks don't spend a couple hours here before they figure out you all fell off of the planet!

*maybe someone will come by and read this sometime
then again... doesn't look like it.

So, I guess I'm off to check out **** [negative spamming not allowed] some more though that thing is a chaotic mess... you know? AD&D seems about half the head ach this s$$t is... sorry about the bad attitude if you all are sorry for wasting so much of my time this evening.  Since I'm a civilian, I quit. Yup take this job and shove it... By the way... I hope those nanites I wrote into your abandoned science station find their way into your wheaties!

OFF-Game / A humble ensigns views...
June 03, 2004, 09:24:41 PM
lol what a grandstand... your people love you!  Your friend needs help looking silly, you on the otherhand do not.  please delete my account.  thank you
OFF-Game / A humble ensigns views...
June 03, 2004, 06:40:58 AM
Hey guys i just landed a character, civilian at Tritheladee.
If you would like to assign/reasign me that's cool, just like to avoid having to watch the bloody power struggle for FSS by it's two remaining members lol

Thanks http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

(Edited by Gramaracose Luxor at 1:43 pm on June 3, 2004)