Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

OUT OF GAME => OFF-Game => Topic started by: HK47 on September 12, 2004, 08:24:24 PM

Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: HK47 on September 12, 2004, 08:24:24 PM
Kelli........Im not saying HK47 is all powerful........Just like all characters hes got a weakness..............and that weakness is power........take his power away and hes useless........If you are to beat him try and figure out a way to drop his shield.........Yeah see without power HKů cant function and he has no shield.......there for hes powerless...........

I Just came to the realization that when i posted both things that even started this whole thing I Was either half asleep or taking the stress of RL and putting it into my characters i was running..............HK47 is supposed to be a support droid only.........he can serve any position.........But I dont appreciate ppl trying to make HK47 out to be the next pooper scooper of the future.......If you can respect him.........#### respect you right back............You do something for him.........And #### go to any lengths to pay that kindness back........Yeah see where im going with this Kelli......

In RL......ppl treat me like im dirt.........#### even lower then that because I have autism.....there fore they will treat more with lil to no respect period...........When ppl do that against my characters.....I feel its being done towards me..............How would you feel if i treated you like Sh*t.........I bet you wouldnt feel all to great would you ?............So im asking you and everyone who meets HK47 to treat him with some degree of respect...........Even if you shortner HK47s name just to HK............That is better then treating him like a normal android/robot............Because hes more then that...........to me HK47 is things I cant be...........Things I will probly never be IRL..........So thats one of many reasons why i asked Aaron to let me play this kind of character.........All I ask is that you and everyone on evolution to treat him like hes one of you and not treat him like one of service robots of the pooper scoopers of the future things........Alright ?...........Treat him like you would treat your dog..........or your mom.....or your dad..........likes hes an organic..........Alright ?........Do that and there will be no problems..........

and yes I do sometimes take over a story But I try and let ppl know that i dont mean too and if i do tell me to calm down and slow down.............Thats all..........sometimes I need to be told things every 5 minutes just for me to remember them.........Thats how i am irl..........So thats what you must do so the game will be fun for everyone alright ?...........

Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: HK47 on September 13, 2004, 12:39:17 AM
I get what you guys are trying to say But next time KElli if you have a problem with me just icq me....Or ask for a way to get ahold of me or even Email me so then we can get it all sorted out that way............

When you said you would push charges against me thats what set me off.........the rest was merely a interesting thing to read but those charges is what made me mad.......most of all..........Alright ? Try and not use your power with your other characters to make this characters life a living abyss ::) and then we can be all fine with the story alright ?

Im still working out the kinks in HK47s purpose.........Hes like 7 of 9 trying to find a place in the ship........HK47 isnt really part of the ship until the ship accepts him otherwise hes off doing his own thing.........He has a purpose and im trying to RPG that purpose without over throwing the current story line.........

however I do agree with you on one thing :) lets put this behind us...........and i also agree with orpheus we are a family and we fight just like any other family :) Just we are a military one lol.........grrr I hate military families there all a pain I should know since i have a military family thats been traced all teh way back to the civil war :)

Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: Skon on October 14, 2004, 12:20:54 AM
Me? I never called the Burma...err Captain Burma...a god. I have no idea what you're talking about. But, if you want to be demoted to Toilet Scrubber Second Class, just keep it up :P ;)
Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: HK47 on September 12, 2004, 08:32:45 AM
Alright kelli....Dont threaten me because that doesnt really solve anything....That just proves you got a bee up your butt or something...........Your turning my idea into something its not so i would appreciate it if you would stop

And another thing I never knew about these complaints so if they actually do exist then the ppl who lodged them can talk to me.....Not other ppl who decide my fate when I never even did them...####! I dont even know what i did............This is the freaking second time I have been threatened with charges or whatever there called for something i didnt do...........Im still trying to learn the ropes of ambassador and stuff..........Your character may hold power....So what....Power corrupts and your using it to cause trouble for me....Its pointless when i have done nothing.....

And since you wont listen to reason im taking this up with a higher power then yours.!

Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: HK47 on September 12, 2004, 08:27:13 PM
Now my fingers are cramping up im tired and bored and i dont wanna play any puter games right now and im most of all HUNGERY! so im going to go for awhile and the only movement my fingers will be doing hopefully is either eating top raumen OR! pushing buttons on the TV rremote or reading :D!

Im a good guy outside of the game if you take time to get to know me for me........So purhaps then the game will be hella fun :D

Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: ftima on September 19, 2004, 05:15:59 PM
ok then lets PLAY :agree1: :agree2: :agree3: :agree4:


:love4: :love4: :love4: :love4: :love4: :love4: :love4: :love4:

Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: Hedford on October 13, 2004, 10:28:13 PM
Me strange? Nah *Points at Skon* "He's the one who's for the "Great Burma"....why calling your former Captain a god? And that's STRANGE." :P;)

Ow and I just remembered....he's my commanding officer too....whaaaaaaa..

Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: Kelli Lauren on September 12, 2004, 03:13:46 PM
If I offended you, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to. But I would appreciate it if you would stop monopolizing the duties on the ship. I know you have been told before, by Jackson, by me, and even by Sanchez. All I want is a part in this RPG. So just choose one position and serve that position the best you can, and I would have no problem. It's just the unrealistic über-powers you seem to have that bug me.
Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: Kelli Lauren on September 12, 2004, 08:35:58 PM
I never had a problem with you personally and I respect all members of this game just for playing and adding to it. I never judge people by the way they play their characters. I think it's great that you are creative with your characters, and that can add a lot to the story, as long as it doesn't interfere with our parts as well. I simply wanted to convey what I thought, and I have, and so have you. Now I hope we can just put this behind us.
Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: Taurik on October 11, 2004, 03:00:36 PM
I swear, you are one of the strangest people I know. :)And that's saying something, I know some very strange people... :rolling1:
Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: Skon on October 15, 2004, 12:33:12 AM
Certainly, Commodore. I shall comply. :P
Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: Montrell on September 12, 2004, 04:39:30 PM
Gentlemen, I appreciate it that you have taken this matter away from the mission forums and took the time to talk this out. I hope you can come to a clear understanding of what went wrong and will adapt accordingly.
Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: Orpheus on September 12, 2004, 10:07:46 PM
Treat each and everyone as you would your family.  For in expansion we are one large family.  Learning off each other, Guiding each other and helping one and other.

We are a crew, a home a family.  Treat it as such :)

HK: perhaps you might wish to study "Data" a bit more, I beleive he would be a good role model for you to play off while still keeping your character original.

Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: Hedford on September 29, 2004, 02:55:18 PM
I suddenly began to sing "the Loveboat" but this has got nothing to do with this right :$
Title: To Kelli Lauren
Post by: Hedford on October 14, 2004, 09:42:55 PM
*thinks for a moment*

"Second class ain't that bad :P. But let's pretend I'm smart and stop :P"