Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

DATABASES => Personal Logs => Topic started by: Marco Diaz on July 15, 2003, 03:02:06 AM

Title: Personal Log: M. Diaz
Post by: Marco Diaz on July 15, 2003, 03:02:06 AM
Personal log

Today I recieved my assignment after much resentment from a few people. I went to main engineering to find it a mess and had to clean it up. Once that was done I opened my office. I enjoy engineering and look forward to doing many repairs aboard the station.

Title: Personal Log: M. Diaz
Post by: Marco Diaz on July 15, 2003, 07:27:58 PM
My second day on the job. I believe I will check the replicators and then the docking port for malfunctions.

This station is beginning to grow on me. The people onboard are very helpful, since I am new to the station they give me directions and such.


Title: Personal Log: M. Diaz
Post by: Marco Diaz on February 16, 2004, 02:56:55 AM
====BEGIN LOG====

Chief Engineer's Log Stardate 57125.8

Working down in the bowwls of the ship I came to realize that my job doesn't give me the excitement that I had come to hope of it. I work all day doing minor things for certain people and I do not gain any recognition for accomplishments. Just once I would like to hear from a member of the station that I did a good job and not, finally you came Captain. I feel that I would be better off doing couseling for some Bajoran children, but what can you do. I have been working on the ship now for a few months and I have been promoted up to Captain and I am very proud of that. I only wish I could do more for this station. Perhaps in the future..........

====END LOG====