Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

THE EXPANSION FLEET / AVALON DIVISION => U.S.S. Rivendell => Topic started by: Kassie on October 27, 2005, 07:24:11 AM

Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Kassie on October 27, 2005, 07:24:11 AM
Yes Maam.......Initiating docking Clamps now......*a few minutes later the ship shakes as it gets secured to the station*.......Maam Ship is secured........Should I prep the ship to launch immediatly if needed ?
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on September 19, 2005, 07:32:31 PM
After having all remnants of the Nanites removed, Baphomet went to sit by Commander Freeman.
As she sat there he began to gain consciousness:

"You are in the Medical Facility on Vulcan, I am T'Krell uh Baphomet, Chief Science Officer of the USS Rivendell."

She checked the Bio-monitors...

"The Isolinear chip malfunctioned and had to be replaced, due to the chips function, you have slight amnesia, which will return in time."
"The doctors suggest that I take you back to the Rivendell and to familiar surroundings, are you prepared?"
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Kassie on August 28, 2005, 05:05:41 AM
Yes doctor.......So I suppose I cant report to my duty station for another 2-4 weeks I take it ?
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 15, 2005, 01:32:51 PM
Freeman chuckles in the shuttle looking very folish.

~O ye of little faith Baphomet.   If one can't convince an AI one goes around it~

Freeman pulls off one of the access panels in the shuttle and re-routes s few AI subroutines so it will except his direct commands.

~Now we can go.~

"Begin prelaunch sequence.  Computer, set course to vulcan.  Prepare to engage the Shift Drive."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on October 12, 2005, 09:17:34 PM
"Yes Sir"

Turning to her console, Baphomet used all of the Rivendell's Sensor grid to find an answer to the anomalous Subspace distortion pick up by the Stations sensors.

"Commander Freeman, I do not why this was not picked up by the sensors before, but the Subspace distortion is still there, just off the bow of the remains of the station, 235 mark 15, and holding position sir."

"But there is no visible cause."

Baphomet turns to the console and begins to do an analysis of the readings.

"The energy readings are consistant with an interphasic cloaking generator, sir"
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Ferando ONeil on September 13, 2005, 04:15:32 AM
=/\= Doctor ONeil To Captain Taurik, Sir Commander Freeman has just beeamed hi,self and Commander Baphomet out of sickbay sir. =/\=
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on October 08, 2005, 12:30:42 AM
Baphomet glanced at Freeman's PDA, then turned to her station and began a full analysis of the data...
"It appears that your analysis is correct Commander, with one thing I would have to add, there seems to be an unexplainable Subspace field distortion in these records that appear to coalate with a Warp signature, but you would think that if a Starship was next to the station it would have been visible, unless cloaked."
Baphomet then switched it over to the sim she had been working on.
"Commander, you might be interested in this (motions to Console), I take it you now remeber my shuttle and it's Shift-drive, well I have been running simulations to incorporate it into the Rivendell...well this is the results"
Baphomet then proceeds to run the simulation...
After the simulation completed Baphomet looked at Commander Freeman.
Nearly looking like she was searching for approval, but then quickly raised her left eyebrow.
"What is your analysis of this Data, Sir."
OOC: Oh okay Taurik, no probs. How are we? :D
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on September 17, 2005, 02:47:35 AM
The Vulcan Onterage works quickly, picking up Baphomet and Morgan with the greatest of ease and placed them on the V-shaped alter, then the High Priestess's keepers step back as she moves forward.
The High Priestess places her aged fingers on Morgan's head and Baphomet's, closes her eyes and mutters an ancient Vulcan mantra of reunification...approximately half an hour later, the rite was complete.
Baphomet was still unconscious and it wouldn't be known how much of her Katra survived the transfer for an underterminable amount of time.
The High Priestess motioned for her medical staff to scan Freeman for any neurological damage, the medtechs did so and reported back to her excellency.

"Your emminence, it appears the human has a neural regulator in the frontal spherical cortex, that controls his higher brain functions, it is currently operating at 15 percent, it is a simple device and easily replaced."

The Priestess nods and the Vulcan doctors beam Morgan and themselves to the Medical Facillity for the operation.

During all this Baphomet, back in her own body started to rouse, at first all she could do was just lie there, given her body refused to obey an mental commands...

"Your emminence, will Commander Freeman survive"

The High Priestess looks at Baphomet credulously.

"Yes my child"

Baphomet could finally feel her body and then wished she couldn't, but she had to see Morgan, commanding her shuttle to beam her to medical facility to wait and have all trace of the Nanites removed.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on September 01, 2005, 10:04:17 PM
"Very well, Mr. Matthews, I tend to agree. While your service has not been long, it has been exemplary. As such, I hearby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade, with all of the rights and responsibilities thereto."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on August 25, 2005, 05:47:57 PM
Captain Taurik strides onto the bridge and presses a shipwide intercom button.

"All hands, report to your stations. We are to depart for the Envidia system immediately."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 16, 2005, 05:59:10 PM
Freeman transports himself and baphomet to the alter.    He mutters "....Heeelllpppp..  Then passess out."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on August 30, 2005, 07:35:33 PM
T'Krell looked up in the general direction of Morgan, finally noticing him.
~This is my shame Morga...Commander, this is the reason I soon after joined Section31, leaving Vulcan behind me.~

~To fight the inevitable would be illogical and by going into your brain, I have sealed your fate, for that there is no repent...I am sorry.~

Baphomet then turns around.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on September 13, 2005, 07:51:01 AM
Baphomet,bemused at Mr. Freemans actions arrouses her consciousness.

~Commander, might I ask what it is you are attempting to with my ship, the "Unbounded Grace" (I think that's what I called it), has an AI computer and you will be hard pressed to convince it to put your life in danger.~
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Ferando ONeil on October 05, 2005, 12:53:39 AM
OOC: No Offence was intended, but it was soully aimed at you for removing him from the Vulcan Hospital early, than you should have, not the Vulcan race. It wasn't a faulty Chip, but even the best medical inventors have some faulty equipment.

IC: By all means Commander Freeman I believe your quarter would be the best place to recouperate. But with the warning sir that I want to see you once a day until I return you to the Active Duty List sir.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on September 15, 2005, 02:41:57 PM
Baphomet mentally rose an eyebrow...

~Typical of your species, if you can not get your own way, you break things.~
If Baphomet was not Vulcan, or bodiless, she would have smiled.


The Vulcan prototype shuttle flew out of the shuttle bay at break-neck speed and angled itself away from the Rivendell's subspace field.


With that the shuttle vanished in a blaze of quantum energy.
From inside the shuttle, space in front of the vessel, blurred and then snapped back in to focus, with the planet Vulcan less than 40, 000 klicks away.


OOC: Heeheehee... born writer.  :D
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on October 06, 2005, 12:42:20 PM
Baphomet, still alone on the Bridge, was at the Science station running simulations and structural analysis of incorporating her SHIFT-DRIVE design into the Rivendell.
It was really just a matter of raw power, the Riviendell's Antimatter/Matter Reactor would only need 15% more energy production for a successive "Shift" jump, which amused her a little, what would the V'Shar (The ones really responsible for making sure humans gradually increase their technological advancement) think if she were to incorporate this engine into a Starfleet vessel.
She then programmed the computer to run a Shift-jump sim, and was pleased with the results.

"Computer. . .incorporate results from energy analysis and compare it with the Flight simulation, then report on results."


Baphomet was about to see if she could increase the percentage, when the Ops station beeped, looking at the read out, was fascinated by what she saw and who authorised it.

"Commander Freeman, might I inquire as to your activities sir? Seeing as you are supposed to be at rest, it would be logical to assume you are not doing so."

OOC: Where is everyone? You can't tell me this ship is being run by three people, even the Cpt. hasn't posted in a while.
Oh well.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on September 21, 2005, 02:48:26 PM
=A=Baphomet to Cpt. Taurik=A=

"Captain, what is your staus sir."

Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on September 10, 2005, 11:01:47 PM
"Hand phasers will suffice, Lieutenant."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Will Matthews on September 10, 2005, 10:41:28 PM
He stood.
"Aye Sir, I am unsure of what the situation is. Of to go with the standard phasers we already have, or to gather more lethal arms...or weapons at all".
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on September 10, 2005, 09:39:00 PM
(OFF: Works for me.)

"Helm, throttle back. Take us out of warp and into a low geo-sync orbit over the remains of DS12. Lieutenant Matthews, Ensign Kassie, you will accompany me to the surface."

Taurik opens a comm channel to the Evolution. "Captain, we are organizing an away team. I assume you will be joining us?"
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Ferando ONeil on October 13, 2005, 02:26:41 AM
OOC: this will only work if we say that you went to you quarters Commander Freeman so let's just humor me please.

IC: All of a sudden in sickbay I check my console once more, to check the time.


Okay now he was an hour late.

Computer where is Commander Freeman?

Commander Freeman in in his quarters.

=/\= Doctor O'Neil to Commander Freeman, Commander Freeman you are an our late for you appointment time sir please make you way to sickbay. =/\=

Five minutes go past and still no Commander Freeman in Sickbay.

I walk to Commander Freeman's Quarters and ring the bell.

Commander Freeman..... Are you there.

Computere site to site transpoter of Commander Freemans communicator to my hand.

Computer Medical screen for Commander Freemans Bio sign.

Computer where is Commander freeman located?

Commander Freeman is on the bridge.

I put the communicator in my pocket and make my way to the Bridge.

*On the Bridge Commander freeman and Commander Baphomet were talking.*

Coming into the conversation I make a statement.

"Ah Commander Freeman there you are. and working I see. Commander I told you to rest then come and see me at 15:00 Sir. It is now 16.15 and by the way are you missing something sir. =/\= The last being said with a red flush to the face and a little verminency in the tongue.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 19, 2005, 03:35:59 PM
Freeman slowly regains consiousness.  

"Where am I?  Who are you?"
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Ferando ONeil on September 21, 2005, 02:51:37 AM
Stands There next to Commander Freeman. Feeling a cold shudder as the EMH appears over me and runs through his spel.

Computer end program as he got through Nature and the emh disappeared.

Commander Freeman people don't normally call for a EMH when ships Doctor is right next to them sir. So how may I help you sir.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Ferando ONeil on September 27, 2005, 03:52:16 AM
Well Commander The Gold Uniform that you wear indicates that you are of Engineering or Tactical Crew. You are the Chief Engineer of this ship Sir. Until a couple od months ago you were of the same rank as me before being promoted to Commander due to your continued good work Sir. The Captain made you the first Officer but then his real first Officer returned and assumed the duties that were his. You returned to Chief Engineer with pleasure.

As to what I can do to help I can finish the programing in your head so that the new chip works as it should. That is if you would like me to. Remembering Sir that you may not regain full cognative fuction that it was your before the malfunction.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 12, 2005, 08:32:24 PM
~listen to me Baphomet, we are not finished yet damnit.  I will prove it to you~

As if forcing himself with pure will and Irish stubborness Morgan regains concousness.

=A= Computer activate level 5 forcefield around biobeds 1 and 2 =A=

As the shield snaps into place the doctor notices Morgan is awake.  

Morgan programs the computer to beam him and Baphomet to her personal shuttle and deactivate the Forcefield.

=A=Computer initiate program Freeman 432 =A=

Morgan and Baphomet disappear from sickbay.and appear in Baphomets shuttle located in the lower cargo bay.   There presence in the ship causes a preprogrammed alarm to sound on the bridge.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on September 16, 2005, 04:57:18 PM
=Q=Vulcan High Command to Cmd Freeman=Q=
"Land your shuttle on Mt Selaya, we will inform the High Priestess of your predicament."

As the shuttle lands on a small out cropping of Vulcan's most infamous and largest mountain, the High Priestess and her onterage, beam-in to where the alter has stood for millennia.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Kassie on October 25, 2005, 10:39:20 PM
*Soon following Taurik still looking worse for wear not having time to take a psonic shower.....heads for Helm and plots a course to Avalon station Maxium warp*

I set course Maxium warp and im engaging sir.....should be there in roughly 10 hours give or take.

OOC**Oh my Nice comfy Swirly chair again YAY!!!!!
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Will Matthews on September 02, 2005, 02:32:59 PM
"Thank you, Sir".
Happily, he returned to the Tactical console and took postion.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Ferando ONeil on September 22, 2005, 01:48:30 AM
Hearing that from Commander Freeman I begin to take scans. After about half an hour I come to my conclusion. The damn Vulcans have Chgnaced the finely balanced set up up your device in your head Commander It is a easy fix. My guess is that you and Commander Baphomet left Vulcan in a little bit to much of a hurray and they were unable to finish the intergration process. That and the Operation to replace one of those devises leaves some people a little confussed. Back on this ship is the best place to recover.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on September 16, 2005, 02:20:21 AM
OOC: Yeh sure, why not my mum thinks I've got Multiple Personality Disorder :O  Why not prove it.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Ferando ONeil on August 26, 2005, 12:51:02 AM
OOC: Continued from last.

*In Sickbay hovering over Ensign Kassie's Biobed.*
Well it may take some time Ensign. It will also need at least two weeks on the non active list before coming slowly through the light duties list until you can return to full active duty.

While you on non Active duty list you will not be able to do anything with it outside of light exercise and as you get stronger the exercise can progressively get harder but nothing in the lifting range outside of maintaining health until you are returned to the light duties list. Is that understood.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on October 26, 2005, 11:39:27 AM
"Aye Captain."

Baphomet logged out of the Science station and took her place in the Command chair and logged in as temporary bridge commander.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Kassie on September 11, 2005, 06:46:20 PM
Yes sir.......Ill get my gear and meet you at the transporter room.......

OOC** Are we supposed to post here ? or at the ruins of DS12 or what ?....where we supposed to post ?
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 16, 2005, 03:43:31 PM
=A= Commander Freeman to Vulcan High COmmand =A=
 I am here to request fal-tor-pon.  Commander Baphomet is in my mind.  Request instructions.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on September 26, 2005, 08:53:56 PM
"Rivendell, scan for any other starships in the area."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on September 27, 2005, 07:02:08 PM
Baphomet walks over to her Science station and activates the active sensor-array at maximum effective range.

=A=Rivendell(Baphomet) to Capt. Taurik=A=

"Captain deep sensor scans show no vessels within 5 lightyears, sir, what is it may I ask sir."

OOC: I'm not going to say there is a ship out there when I am not sure of the circumstances, I used my imagination with the nanites, look what happened. :)
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on August 29, 2005, 09:17:26 PM
~Morgan walks up to Baphomet stunned at why this scene presented itself.

"Baphomet, are you alright?"  

Baphomet does not answer as if she doesn't recognize the name.  

"T'krell, do not give up yet.  We both still have fight left in us.  You hear me?"
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on October 27, 2005, 07:46:36 PM
Taurik stops at the turbolift doors.

"You have my approval, but I'd like to wait to use it until we've tested it thoroughly under controlled conditions."

He then leaves for the Admiral's office.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 20, 2005, 02:04:45 PM
Freeman is sitting in sickbay trying to remember is surrondings.  After a few minutes he remembers one thing.  

"Computer, activate the EMH program."

Out of no where a bald man appears saying: "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on October 27, 2005, 10:15:10 PM
"Aye Captain."
Baphomet walks over to the Science Station and downloads the schematics to the Industrial Replicators and activates them, then walks to the Turbolift, pauses for a moment...
"You have the Bridge Ensign."
...Then continues on to engineering.
=A=Baphomet to Cmd. Freeman=A=
"Please meet me in Engineering if you are not already there sir, you have a new toy to play with Commander."
OOC: Your right Taurik this would open up a whole range of interesting stories.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on September 14, 2005, 08:46:36 PM
(OFF: Since DS12 was on the border of Nigillian space, I'll post a topic in the "Nigillian Space" forum of the Delta Alliance.)
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on October 06, 2005, 07:55:46 PM
(OFF: I'm monitoring the page, I'm just not onboard, so I'm not posting here.)
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 19, 2005, 08:17:04 PM
"Yes, that ship sounds firmiliar.   Is it far?   I know you from somewhere but I do not know from where excactly at the moment.  
Is the Rivendell my home?"

Freeman tries to stand up but falls back down.  

"I may need some assiastance."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on October 27, 2005, 09:02:41 AM
"Negative Ensign, power down the Warp core and place all systems on standby."
Baphomet thought for a minute.

"Ensign I think a small respite might be prudent, would you be capable of working out a rotation shore for the crew?
That is all but myself, Commander Freeman and Engineering staff A."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on September 20, 2005, 09:36:31 AM
"I suggest you find out for yourself Commander."

=A=Baphomet to Unbounded Grace=A=
"Two to Transport"

Baphomet and the bemused Commander Freeman, desolved from the Medical facility and re-solved on to her shuttle.
Once Baphomet made sure Freeman was comfortable and secure in the Sleep section of her run-a-bout, Baphomet went to the C&C section and piloted the shuttle into space, where the shuttle initiated it's Shift Drive...
Once aboard the USS Rivendell, Baphomet undid the changes Freeman made and Transported the both of them to the Sickbay.

"Mr. O'Neil, see to it that Commander Freeman is rested and then fit for duty, I shall be on the bridge."

Before the Doctor could say anything she went out of Sickbay to the nearest Turbolift.
Once on the bridge, she realised that she was the highest rank the command structure and went to the Command chair, sat and signed in.

=A=Baphomet to all sections=A=

"Report on our status."


"Comm, hail the Captain and tell him that Commander Freeman and I have returned and I have asumed Command and requesting an update."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 21, 2005, 03:03:59 AM
"I am sorry... uh  Doctor, I didn't remember what it would do.   uh...  Why can't I remember anything?"

Freeman scratches his head and looks around sickbay.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on October 26, 2005, 05:55:29 AM
OOC: Thank you Taurik, I was beginning to think the Rivendell was a Ghost Ship. What about the Shift Drive though? I sent you a PM, Freeman and I were discussing it.

IC: "Welcome aboard Captain, all systems are function within normal parameters and we should be arriving at Avalon station in nine hours and fifty three minutes at present velocity"
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on October 05, 2005, 04:14:03 PM
"Thank you doctor, I will be in contact with you."

On the way to his quarters morgan stops the turolift and instead of going to his quarters heads to cargo bay one.   Once he arrives there.

"Computer, transfer all cargo from bay 1 to  bays 2 and 3.  
Access SCE File SC117.  Ahorization Freeman 171Alpha

Command acknowledged, File access granted.  The compute transports all the cargo into the apropriate places. Also sending that information to the bridge.  

"Alright computer, now I need you to tie all the cargo bay replicators and transporters into 1 secquence and prepare to replicate parts as instructed."

Morgan begins putting in commands to and a frame beings to appear in the now empty cargo bay.

"Computer, I need to following tools:
An arc welder,
A hidro spanner,
A box of self sealing stem bolts,
Strutural integrity tester,
And A standard Engineering Mantaince kit."

Acknowledged, transport in progress.

The kit appears in front of Morgan and he goes to work connecting the pieces that lie  on the deck.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 15, 2005, 04:16:36 PM
OOC:  Very nice writing so are you going to be the vulcans?
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on October 26, 2005, 11:33:02 AM
"It is good to see you again, Commander. I assume the Fal-Tor-Pan went as planned? In any case, keep me appraised. You have the bridge."

With that, Taurik walked into his ready room.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 26, 2005, 05:36:49 PM
So, Doctor?   What can you do to help me?   And, Uh.....What do I do on this ship anyway.  I see I have a gold uniform on and yours is blue.  The pins on your collar are different then mine.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on October 25, 2005, 08:22:09 PM
(OFF: Let's kick this one in the ass and get it moving again.)

Taurik strides onto the bridge after beaming up from the surface. He takes his seat with what looks like anticipation.

"Set course for Starbase Avalon, maximum warp!"
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on September 19, 2005, 08:30:15 PM
(OFF: Once you two return to the ship, Baphomet will be in command until Freeman is fit for duty again.)
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on October 04, 2005, 05:43:25 PM
=A=Baphomet to Freeman=A=
"Commander, good to see your memories have returned, I am currently in Command and apparently the only one on the Bridge, what is your status."

OOC: Vulcans are one of the oldest and most powerful race in the galaxy and you made it a bad chip O'Neil?:O
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on October 27, 2005, 05:11:14 AM
The time it took for the Rivendell to get to Starbase Avalon, happened without incident.

"Ensign Kassie, bring us out of Warp."


"All hands station keeping, Captain to the Bridge."

Baphomet then turns to Ensign Kassie.
"Open a channel to the Dockmaster Ensign and prepare for docking."

=A=USS Rivendell to Avalon Station=A=
"Space Station Avalon, this is the USS Rivendell requesting permission to dock."

"Permission granted Rivendell, welcome home."

"Acknowledged, Rivendell out"

"Ensign, initiate Docking proceedure."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on October 12, 2005, 04:51:07 PM
Thank you for the confirmation.  The shift drive does look promising  however we may need to revamp the SIF generators to insure everything is in one piece.  Good work.

=A= Freeman to Taurik =A=
Sir, we have detected the Najat energy signiture in the stations reactors.  It is very puzzling to me, the signiture seems to be trapped in the housing itself.  

Also Commander Baphomet has detected a Subspace field distortion that as of yet we have not explained. I am going to conduct an intensive scan of the surrounding area.

=A= Freeman out =A=

Commander Baphomet run a level 1 scan of the surrounding area.  Look for explinations of the distortion.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Will Matthews on September 12, 2005, 09:51:32 PM
"Aye sir".
He gathered phasers and distributed them among some of the duty officers not already equiped with them, and entered the turbolift for the Transporter Room.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Taurik on October 27, 2005, 11:19:58 AM
"Make sure they are ready to return at a moment's notice," Taurik adds as he leaves the ready room toward the turbolift.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Ferando ONeil on October 01, 2005, 12:38:03 AM
Okay Commander, Quickly I begin to get the reporgramers ready. Then over a short period of sedation I set to work. About half an hour later I have finished and Commander Freeman was then in a recovery room awaiting the effects sedative to wear off and then Maybe I could start to get the straights of this.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on October 03, 2005, 05:48:17 PM
As Freeman wakes up all of his memories come flooding back to him at astonishing speed as tears filled his eyes.

"Doctor ONeil, I must be allowed to return to my quarters please."  

Relizing that his head is less crowded Morgan remembers Baphomet and there trip to Vulcan.    

"Computer, Locate Lt. Commander Baphomet"  

Lt Commander Baphomet is on the bridge

=A= Freeman to Baphoment =A=
Commander are you alright?
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Randall Sanchez on September 13, 2005, 12:47:53 PM
=^= Evolution to Rivendell =^=
Captain Taurik, we are assembling our away team right now, we will meet soon.
=^= Sanchez out =^=

OFF: where are we beaming over to anyway? To what surface? The planet to find the debris? Or are still parts of the stations floating around that contain gravity?
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Randall Sanchez on September 09, 2005, 12:19:24 PM
OFF: I suggest we state that we're arriving about now?
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on October 06, 2005, 01:26:49 PM
"Baphomet, I will be up to see you in just a little while, I have an... Idea that could be quite useful.  See you in about 10 minutes"

Morgan continues with the work of welding the frame after a few moments he finishes with the basic frame construction and then steps back.  

"Not bad, not to bad at all.  Computer, save file perameters as Freeman_Scorpian_2beta.  Lock out access to cargo bay one to all personel except the senior staff under my authorization."

Working.......File saved under new perameters.  Bay access secured.

Morgan goes to his quarters to change.  
"Computer, please access all sensor data we have collected on Starbase 12 since its destruction and transfer it to my data assistant."
Working.......Transfer complete.

Morgan grabs his PDA and heads off to the bridge anilysing data as he goes.   As the turbolift starts the assent to the bridge something strange shows up from the sensor scan of the stations reactor.  

"Fasinating, quite strange.  Computer overlay the energy signiture from the stations reactor with the Najat signiture."
The two signitures are identical

The turbolift spits Freeman out on the bridge that except for Baphomet and 2 ensigns, one at tactical and one at helm, is supprisingly empty.  

"Commander Baphomet, will you double check something for me.  According to the sensor records there is an intermitant power signiture in the stations reactor that matches the signiture for the Najat."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Baphomet on October 27, 2005, 01:46:26 PM
Baphomet turns to the Captain.

"Aye Sir, Sir I have recieved the go ahead from Nova Division to install the Shift Drive if it has been worked out sufficiently, which I believe it has Sir.
With your permission..."
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Will Matthews on August 29, 2005, 11:27:40 PM
Matthews steps onto the bridge after departing from Sickbay. He checked his station, and walked to the Captains chair.
"Captain, I would like to file for the postion of Chief of Tactical and Security, considering Lieutenant Baklavars resignment. I feel I have learned more than enough about the ships tactical systems, and I am very interested in the challenge, Sir"
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Ferando ONeil on August 30, 2005, 04:43:49 AM
You would be correct Ensign Kassie. You have suffered quiet badly and so I would suggest that you don't play the Klingons or anything else overly heavy without antigrav pads for atleast three weeks and the last is a precausious week between not being fully active but judging your limits.
Title: Mission 7: "Ghosts of Envidia"
Post by: Morgan Freeman on September 27, 2005, 04:38:18 AM
Go ahead Doctor, if you think that it is best.  I apoligize for asking stupid questions.  Its just I can't remember.   I wish I could, I mean its there, but I just can't focus on it.  

Freeman looks upset with himself for being unable to function fully.