Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

THE EXPANSION FLEET / AVALON DIVISION => U.S.S. Evolution => Topic started by: Spock on June 24, 2004, 06:24:31 PM

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 24, 2004, 06:24:31 PM
*Heads into sickbay with Morgan and a team of engineers...*Nods to the doctor and starts to instruct morgan and his team where to start working at*

Morgan start working....We need this sickbay ship shape soon.......

Thats all

*heads to start to work on sickbay*

OFF**Like a Said under with Balkazar on Skytoucher im gone Tuesday and part of wednesday and Friday and saturday during the week.....So dont miss me too much :D

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 13, 2004, 11:25:22 PM

=A=VS to Spock
Lt. Spock, Perform diagnostics on any current energy fluctuations that have occurred in the last two hours. Say of any drain or just a fluctuation in general. Thank you.
=A=Vurak Out
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 01, 2004, 05:38:51 AM
Yes sir Powerring up....

OFF**Sorry Sun burn must sleep or do something YES!!! SLEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 07, 2004, 02:31:12 PM
Sorry if i confused everyone when i said the evolution was about to be scrap metal....I was sorta being half sarcastic.....


IF you wanted drama you got it from me because i actually thought the evolution was going to be destroyed....:).......So you did accomplish something :P

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on August 15, 2004, 10:02:44 PM
Sir, if it is possible mabybe we can take a sample of this thing. So i can make a scan and report this in the starfleet database about its construction etc. It can prevent us in the future. That is if we ............ you know what i mean
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on August 29, 2004, 03:16:01 AM
=/\= Lauren to HK47. I can give you access, but you understand I must lock out all core computer functions. Just standard procedure, nothing personal. =/\=

Kelli punches a few buttons on the arm consore of the command chair.

=/\= There. You should be able to proceed with repairs now. Lauren out. =/\=

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 24, 2004, 07:56:29 PM
"I will start to work on the surgery bay. "

Morgan starts to work.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 13, 2004, 11:21:42 PM
According to long range sensors, Captain, there has been an increase in the energy fluctuations as we approach closer to our destination of the Starpheonix base Captain. Also, I have not received any response from the S.S. Rivendell as of yet or of any recent communications from Starphoenix base. I have been monitoring the progress unfortunately not one response as of yet. All operations are still in full function. Captain. I am currently monitoring the ship for any change of power due to a drain or a fluctuation of any kind to see if the N'ygat will influence our capabilities.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 01, 2004, 05:50:08 AM
*HK47 contacts evolution*

Im here on starpheniox base....Its rough down here...Ill see what i can do to help things humans down here but I think an evac should be done quickly....I hooked up to there computers and it wont last long.......the base inegrity will not last much more.....Ill do what i can to stop this place from emploding but i cant promise the command staffs safety.....And if thats an issue.....I will forgo the niceties of staying down here and do a mass beam out of everyone on the base to the nearest ship ......And deal with teh reprocussions later....

HK out*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on August 07, 2004, 03:19:03 PM
i think you all have been infected by a brainvirus. I see no problems. wait i will give you all an injection for clear thinking. Do you all see what happens when you dont't check in in sickbay on a regular basis. come all to sickbay to solve this problem :agree3:
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 14, 2004, 12:30:22 AM
Sending out a distress call to the lothlorien sir.....

*sends the distress call*

besides the destress call I think we should do what jackson has reccommended and see what happens....

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 30, 2004, 12:18:29 AM
*HK47 to kelli*

I understand.......*proceeds with repairs.....*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 24, 2004, 02:14:28 AM
OFF**I meant no offense with that lil Shocking Experience Morgan....Just having some fun no harm was intended I hope you dont think less of me :)

ON**Yes cheif.....Ill start heading to sick bay now

Your with me i think morgan ? or are you staying here with those Diagnostics ?.....

*Gathers a team of engineerers.....Exits engineering and heads down to sick bay*

Cheif...My Cheif.....If you need me Comb badge me sir *does a nod and leaves*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 14, 2004, 11:02:33 PM
Very well. Thank you Lieutenant. Please inform me if you do notice any major power fluctuations. I am also monitoring the power on this ship currently from all sectors and decks. Monitoring the any reactions of the power would be sufficient at the moment. Lieutenant. Please let me know of any change especially if a major drain is occuring.  
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 25, 2004, 01:45:20 AM
Logically speaking, I am acting a bit out of sorts. Mr. Jackson, but it's clear nothing should be done without everyone's free will involved, but strangely I see an energy beam protruding from the outskirts of the Starphoenix base. (viewing from the viewscreen) Magnify viewscreen. Bring us a better view of the lighted area.

Off: You, Nick Brook. It's a true honor to be serving under ya. lol. It's been a pleasure working with you regardless and is perfectly understandable that you have obligations in the real world. Just inform Vorak of your intentions before you leave. That's all. :). Take care old friend and come back soon if you can. (Vurak salutes in true starfleet protocol.)

VS to Crew: Hold and Prepare for evasive maneuvering upon my command!! Are you with me crew! Hold!
(As he observes the screen.)

VS to Lt. Spock:
Ready when I command. Hold until I say.

VS to Helms:
Maintain Impulse speed at 1/2. Maintain course and proceed with caution.

VS to Security: Maintain yellow alert.

(I hope whoever is event holder is watching. lol. :))

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 01, 2004, 02:17:11 AM
As the story is told, it shall be written.....

The U.S.S. Evolution goes into offensive beginning its assault on the N'ygat. The first volley of the photon torpedoes hit the cloud, but as the torpedoes are launched. You see the torpedoes spread out in sequence into the cloud itself. You all notice the Evolution is in full power mode. To everyone it looks like a suicide run!!!!!! First volley has been shot awakening the sleeping beast!!!!!


Now Mr. Thomas is the BAIT part. Be prepared to turn once three volleys of the torpedoes hits the clouds then make a turn with our power at maximum then PREPARE to warp on my command. MAKE sure we get its FULL attention!!!!!



Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Sarah Parker on August 07, 2004, 06:54:08 PM
Parker to all present vessels: Set course for Avalon Station. It seems Dantor has been depleted, and they've set sights on what power our vessels have.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Tyn on August 17, 2004, 03:48:31 AM
OFF: Please read pages 37-38 of the Lothlorien's current mission in the Starphoenix division.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 29, 2004, 12:02:55 AM
*HK47 to kelli*

I would like security clearence to plug into the entire ship?....You can monitor me if you wish and feel safer that way

HK47 out*

*heads to engineering and enters*

Spock im plugging into the warpcore and ill do what i can with the repairs of it until i can get further access to teh ship......

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 24, 2004, 02:50:21 PM
off:  No problem Spock.  

On: "I have completed my diagnostic and will accompany you to sickbay Mr Spock."

Hands a padd with diagnostic data to vurak Spock, grabs his tool kit, and heads out the door with LT. Spock.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 14, 2004, 04:08:21 AM
*recieves the communications from vurak spock*

Yes sir......Im keeping an eye on it right now....There was some flucuations but not to be concerned about...I took care of it....

Spock out*

OFF**Due to a new computer Ill post in a few days when im at my brothers house :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Nick Brooks on July 24, 2004, 03:20:23 PM
OFF: Sorry I have been away. I regret to inform you I must take a leave of absence for an undetermined time. :( I'm just to busy. Sorry again, and if you wish to fill my position with someone else, I completely understand.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 01, 2004, 02:18:50 AM
Off: (if there is an event holder. Now would be the time to start entering this. :) Thank you. lol.)
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Event Horizon on August 08, 2004, 10:32:50 AM
"Energy...receiving lots of energy!.."
"Gallifreyans are trying to fight us....But we have lots of energy.."
"They are becoming weaker...we must overwhelm them..we shall oppose them.."
*Then the storm on Dantor increases and several buildings of the Starphoenix base collaps by the power of nature.
"..We still need energy...Dantor is almost depleted...to oppose the Gallifreyans we need more energy..."
"..Searching...Searching...Energy coming to us...ships are entering this part of space..."
At that moment the energycloud in space went away from planet Dantor and set course for the incoming vessels.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 16, 2004, 05:50:58 AM
I Can make up some sorta way to capture some of this cloud in a modified containment field to where it doesnt drain us of energy ? but of course we are alredy loosing power and the containment field wont last without power
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 29, 2004, 12:04:23 AM
*notices HK47 walks in and watches him head over to plug into the warpcore....*

*starts to monitor what HK47 is doing while trying to fix the ship*

*spock to VS*

I hope your doing well......HK47 is trying to fix the Warpcore....You wwant me to stop him ? or let me try and fix it ?

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 23, 2004, 03:57:49 PM
off:  actually I am a he.  

(addressing Vurak Spock)
I will run the diagnostics that you requested.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on June 30, 2004, 10:45:55 PM
Off: To spock, It's really not so unusual. he he. lol. Just have a good background story to back it, but keep it original to your character specifically to avoid too much copy catting. Not a good thing. Everyone likes to be a spock on occassion though, so why not. LOL. :)

Yes, Captain as flight and navigational systems are finally in good shape. Departure in 5 minutes counting. I will initiate departure procedures to give our new helms officer a breather if you wish. Captain.

(Addressing Lt. Spock)

Good work Lieutenant.

=A=Vurak Spock to Transporter Room:

One to beam to the U.S.S. Rivendell. Lieutenant Comander Morgan Freeman, Chief Engineer of U.S.S. Rivendell. Thank you

=A=Vurak Out

Off: Lt. Spock, Please change that avator. At least get the right uniform. It's yellow uniform with two dots not three. Same area you found the other uniform avatar.  LOL. Take care. :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 13, 2004, 02:09:01 AM
ETA is now 3.3 hours. We ought to be able to pick up a visual pretty soon.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 01, 2004, 12:17:32 AM
I've located a good spot to head for. Far away from anything inhabited and a young black hole in the area. I'm prepared to warp out as soon as the torpedoes launch and we get that thing's attention.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Hedford on August 08, 2004, 11:33:42 AM
*Major Hedford steps out of the turbolift and walks onto the bridge. He adresses the first officer he sees, who seemed to be the chief science officer*

"Mr Jackson I believe? Could you tell me where I can find Mr Brooks? Or at least the person who is in charge here."

OFF: I came onboard when we left Avalon, just assume that I have been in my quarters and such the whole time ;).

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 12, 2004, 10:53:32 PM
Off: Going on vacation for the next five days. See you all then. :). Have fun. Proceed with plan as far as I am concern if you want. I am not sure what is going to happen since I have not seen any further posts from Montrell or any of the admin.  You all know my point. Get the Rivendell involved. They need some pushing in this mission. Take care and have a good weekend. Please communicate everyone!!!! I want something to do when I get back. LOL.

VS to Ftima:

Well. The results seem to be making the N'ygat a bit more aggravated. It dispelled them a little, but it seems to be growing more intense. You definetly got their attention. Lt. Ftima.

VS out.............

(You are now hearing the engines beginning to power up as Thomas Jackson begins to power up the warp engines.)

Have fun. Still have room to turn back, but increasing the tension. That's all.:). Where's the event holders. lol.

Lt. Spock: Thank you Mr. Spock for your support. (In and off line. :))

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on August 23, 2004, 12:44:56 AM
"Thanks, these will come in handy. Have a nice... um, charge."
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 31, 2004, 10:58:10 PM
*gets a PADD and starts to get a report going on whats been repaired and whats still broken*

*enters into the PADD.....Life support up to 50%.......Ships hull 100%......Ships internel structual integrity 100%......Weapons 60%.....Sheilds 50%......And starts to enter the rest as he goes along with seeing whats been repaired and stuff.....

Starts to see how the other repair teams are doing and heads over and sees how the repairs of the warpcore is going......Holds a very amusing conversation with HK47 before Spock departs....And gets status updates from the other repair teams so he can enter it in the PADD*

*Spock to VS and Kelli Lauren*

Hear yea loud and clear.....Im getting a report going now.....It should be available to you and sanchez when you get out of the sickbay......Repairs seems to be flying bye.....And should be ship shape in no time.....Sir......

Held a breif conversation with HK47......He says he can repair the warpcore without the engineering teams help....which should be a big help so i told him to go and start repairing the warpcore........so im putting the repair teams on more urgent areas of the ship.......Right now im sending a team to help with teh repairs and power flow in sickbay......Im going to go and try to get a good power flow going threw the entire ship so the work can proceed more rapidly..............HK47 said that he could increase the power output of the ship and increase the integrity of our hull so it can withstand the perils of transwarp more easily..........And he said if you were okie with it....To make the warpcore more compatiable with the vigors of transwarp......But i told him i had to ask you first......But Kelli your the ranking one on board so you have the final say if he can make these modifications hes recommending.......But its your call Miss Lauren....

*Spock out*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on June 23, 2004, 10:25:06 PM
Off: Morgan, I am sorry about that. I heard that name used on females, too.  lol. I will make that edit correction on that last posting. Sigh. Once again, my apologies. lol. :).

(Addressing Morgan Freeman)

Thank you. I appreciate all the help.

(He listens for orders from Commander Brook as he goes over the latest reports with him.)


Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 01, 2004, 05:12:19 AM
*spock to sanchez*

Engineering set

*spock out*

OFF**PICKY PICKY PICKY!.....Sheeesh.....Your so picky vurak......

Ill just say your my DADDY!!!! :D

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on July 12, 2004, 02:27:41 PM
OFF: Sorry, been a bit busy these past few days.

"Mr. Jackson, what's our ETA?"

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 01, 2004, 02:06:57 AM
Off: Well. I will do then. :). I was never fond of leadership roles, but here goes. lol.

Vurak Spock to HK47:

The cloud is known the N'ygat. A creature that drains the very energy of all matter from what our records deploy. It would drain all energy until it is but an empty vessel of it's former self. Currently, we are in a bait and switch. We are drawing the creature AWAY from the Starpheonix base and lead it to a place where it can buy time to the rest of the starships time to do their part in helping Starpheonix base in the rescue and saving part of the scheme. We are draw it away to a black hole. The ship is to leave an enormous amount of energy and hopefully if it works. The energy and the N'ygat would kinda get "sucked" in the whole, but if not. It would buy the rest of the ships more time. We will be able to warp out of arms way if everything goes according to plan. No matter what happens. The N'ygat should be far enough to take care of business here in Starphoenix base. There is a chance we may not return........................so HK47. I do not ask you to sacrifice your life for us. Helping everyone here at Starpheonix base with your sophisticated knowledge would be of great help and assisting in getting the casualties out of the way. Medical help is a great necessity at the moment for the U.S.S. Sphinx and helping everyone at Starphoenix base would be a great help unless you know something on fighting the N'ygat.........It would help, but plans are now being implemented. Farewell. For now good friend......Don't sacrifice your life for us.........:)

(He closes the communications to HK47 as the command being declared.....................................................................HELMS AT MY COMMAND! ENGINEERING AT MY COMMAND!!!!! TACTICAL READY!!!!! ALL OPERATIONS AT MY COMMAND!!! READY!!!!! LAUNCH SEQUENCE FOR TORPEDOES!!!!! AIM!!!!!!!!! (As he view the screen, he replies. NOT TODAY!!!! N'YGAT!!! YOU ARE GOING DOWN!!!!!!! in his heart, mind, and in reality!)



Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 08, 2004, 02:32:10 PM
OFF**If youve been in your quarters mr Hedford then you would know whats been going on :)

And as for whos in charge..........Well thats a toss up :) theres 2 ppl in charge here....Jackson and Vurak :).........im just his LOWLY!!! *Shakes head in guilt* Assistant *snickers*

ON**Goes around to make sure everything is ship shape and fix whats broken*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on August 12, 2004, 12:22:03 PM
Open the box as soon as the volley hits in, I expect the virus to work immediatly after releasing. I hope it will do his job as expecting. we must succeed
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 23, 2004, 03:17:43 AM
OFF**Yea see Kelli the only way i can give you any military tech of that magnitude is if im ordered to do so.....Otherwise i cant......To hk47 you must have authorization from the DA queen (aaron) and he must send me a subspace message (msn or the like).......So sorry.........But even if you get aarons okie i still cant give it to ya.......HK47 doesnt think starfleet is ready for the tech that he possesses so he wouldnt give you teh tech.....Understand ? thats his point of view that is :)

ON** HK47 awakens and heads over to engineering to help with repairs of the warpcore....*

*turns to kelli*

Would it be ok if i had access to the entire ship ?.......I wont be a security risk.......to the computer core

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on September 01, 2004, 12:14:06 PM
=/\= The captain will need to look it over first, but he's incapacitated right now. Hold on to that idea until he can talk with you about it. =/\=
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 22, 2004, 05:33:30 PM
off:  I asked your captain if you needed help and he said yes so me and my captain came to help.  

On:  Morgan starts to scan bottom decks up.  Sending repair crews to damaged sections of the ship.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 13, 2004, 07:57:58 PM
*Spock continues to work on engineering and starts to see if there is anyway to enhance the phaser matrix energy output bye atleast 20%*
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 29, 2004, 11:33:43 PM
Aim for the thickest part of the cloud. THe darkest part our scanners are picking. Set your coordinates there. Mr. Jackson. Aim for the deepest part of dark space away from all living life forms in the area where we are the only ones as far as our warps can carry us AWAY from here. The nearest black hole...... Closest one in the vicinity. (Vurak types in the coordinates for helms.)
READY!!!!!!! ON MY MARK!!!!! TORPEDOS READY!!! RED ALERT EVERYONE! AIM!!!.........................(Vurak watches intently and sits in his chair. He closes his eyes for a moment then says................AIM!!!)

(A last chance to respond for anyone before implementing. Be back in a day or two.. :)

Off: Captain Sanchez is currently not available for a time. I am sorry about that. lol. Welcome though. he should be back in a couple of weeks. :))

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 08, 2004, 11:53:24 PM
OFF: Well. Well. It's about TIME!!! HA. HA HA HA HA!. Ai. I am at your command shall we commence. Eh. Nick Brook currently is not able to post anymore according to reasons he has not specified. Hedford. I request that you will trust me on this and it will NOT destroy the evolution. You will like the dramatics. I seem to have the support of crew if you read a few posts back. You can tell my character to step down and you take control. That's is fine. :). I will respect your decision, but I will play that you just as you come in.............As the story goes. :)

(As Major Hedford steps in, He sees before him a certain vulcan near the viewscreen pushing buttons very rapidly as he also views the viewscreen. He is in perfect motion like he is in perfect sync with the controls on the ship itself. Eerily, like he is part of the ship. Thomas Jackson currently at the Helm's control also as you see Lt. Spock rushing off on tactical operations. In another area, Lt. Ftima, Medical officers,  works feverishly on getting the treatment completed to assist Captain Sanchez in his fight for life. As you see before you, Commodore, The ship is on a red alert and in full power capacity. A commotion all over you as you see every single Ensign to the highest ranking working rapidly on what is about to occur........................ :))

Lt. Spock. Fire the third volley and Mr. Jackson prepare to warp when the third volley is fired!!!! The N'ygat is being drawn on us. PREPARE TO WARP AFTER THIRD VOLLEY!. I want the N'ygat on our tail. Maintain FULL power. Coordinates for the nearest black hole from here. Mr. Jackson. We NEED to draw the creature away from the Starpheonix base NOW. Keep an eye and make SURE it follows us.


(As you see before you, the third volley is fired on to the thickest part of the cloud.......................The N'ygat seems to have been drawn back a little. Darkness recedes a little........... then Darkness increases. And Vurak's head quakes with a loud booming noise. "MUST FIND MORE ENERGY!!!!! GET ATTACKING SHIPS!!!!" Vurak squints from the strain as he hears the voices in his head get louder then he becomes emotionally serene as he declares in his mind. NOT TODAY! COME AND GET ME! N'YGAT!!! COME AND GET TASTE ME AGAIN!! N'YGAT!!!!!)

I may not be your Captain everyone, but if Captain Sanchez was here. HE would be very proud of all you. Prepare to go where no man has gone before everyone. I PROMISE you. I WILL bring you home..........................to the cost of my own life if need be............................

(As he prepares for the final assualt...........He hears another presence entering the room. He quickly turns arounds and here's the voice of Major Hedford speaking............

Off: I had to use this part. Sorry if I borrowed from your post. Hedford.:)

Major Hedford steps out of the turbolift and walks onto the bridge. He adresses the first officer he sees, who seemed to be the chief science officer*

"Mr Jackson I believe? Could you tell me where I can find Mr Brooks? Or at least the person who is in charge here."

Major Hedford. AH.........I apologize for my action. Major.....Please excuse my actions Commodore. I may have disobeyed orders with the higher command. I did not mean to.........................I will step back if you wish to take command Mr. Hedford. I....I....

(pause) :). Have fun with me. See you in a day or two.
This would resolve any issues since I left my self open in this part of the story to resolve the issue. Take care everyone. Please make it a #### of a story for everyone. :). I love this part of storytelling. lol.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 13, 2004, 08:26:06 PM
*Jackson watches the power drain register across his board.*

Sir, we're losing power. Shields down to 80% Engines at 75%. If we can't break free, we're going to be "dead in the water" within 30 minutes.

I suggest we blow the doors in the shuttle bay. The release of air should drive us forward without providing the cloud any more power. Then we could warp out ahead of it...hopefully.

(Edited by Thomas Jackson at 5:31 pm on Aug. 13, 2004)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 30, 2004, 09:18:25 PM
=A=Vurak Spock to Lt. Spock=A=
Lt. Spock. HK47 has come to assist you. You are to monitor him and work with him. You are to make sure that warpcore is fully functional and also work on getting tactical systems as well. I am sure the Avalon Station egineering crew will come to assist very shortly. And yes, Lieutenant. I will make it on one piece, but Doctor's orders is for me to rest a few days. I will be working on life support systems in sick bay and run a diagnostics on this place. Status report in 72 hours to be placed on my desk and Captain Sanchez's desk. =A=Vurak Out=A=  
=A=Vurak Spock to Kelli Lauren=A=
Following Doctor's orders, I am doing better. Warp Core is out of commission. We have maxed out warp and pretty much blew its fuse. Old old earth term. Well. Ill attempt at humor. Logically speaking. All systems with the exception of life support is currently holding at 30% efficiency. There is also damage to the inertia vents in the ship. Lt. Spock will keep you posted on further development. Besides the warp core. Navigational systems need to be looked at as Level 3 diagnostics has been performed in the last 24 hours. Please monitor the activities of HK47 in engineering, clearance is left at your discretion in engineering currently. Thank you for your help. Mrs. Lauren.  Lt. Spock is currently monitoring the activities. Currently, Captain Sanchez is doing well and recovering nicely and Thomas Jackson will recover to be on duty very soon. I must be off for Lieutenant Ftima will threaten me with another shot if I don't get back into bed and rest. Logically speaking, I am not prone to having to sleep more than what is necessary.=A=Vurak Out=A=

Yes. Dr. Keliah and Dr. Ftima. I am NOW going back to bed. I would not like another shot after the last episode.
(Vurak gets himself situation into his bed and goes into a Vulcan meditative state to eventually leads to his eventually falling a sleep. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........................:))

Off: Be back in a few days. :).

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on June 22, 2004, 11:14:40 PM
Off: (Answering Spock's question.) Eh? Me promoted. I did NOT know that. LOL. Unless Captain Sanchez himself informed me of this. I really don't think so. I am a Lieutenant Commander. My job is Chief of Engineering. You are my engineering assistant. Your rank is Lieutenant and the avator has only two pips not three. :). I noticed QUITE a interesting development happenning. Eek. A little more courtesy on Lt. Commander Freeman on her years of experience. oi. It would be dreadfully bad for her to be fried. He is a good engineer and a comrade at that and the Rivendell Captain would be DREADFULLY miffed. :) lol. Well anyway, Lt. Commander Freeman is sent here by Captain Taurik to assist in getting the U.S.S. Evolution up and running according to the story and she is of the same rank as I to get that straightened out.  :) Spock also talk to Admiral Montrell on fixing your civilian to Lieutenant when he gets back from his final exams. The same guy who gave you your rank and position in the Avalon division. Nice story telling everyone have opened my eyes today. lol.

As the story goes. :)

(Addressing Nick Brooks)
Diagnostics according to Lieutenant Spock and Lieutenant Commander Freeman have shown all the repairs are right on schedule and have been completed. The warp core and the modifications are nearly complete. All Operational and Computer Systems are running ath 100% efficiency. Flight Control Systems have been tested and passed with flying colors. Seperating Systems have been tested and completed. Power and Propulsion systems diagnostics show no further repair needed also at 100% efficiency. Tactical Systems are nearly 100% functional from what I have gotten from further repair results from the repairs being coordinated by Lt. Spock on tactical systems. (weapons).

(Addressing Lt. Commander Freeman)

Lt. Commander Freeman, I thank you graciously for taking care of the shield generators. I am very sorry for an Lieutenant's misrouting of electrical circuitry. (Only for humor purposes do not take offense Lt. Spock. lol. :)) Lieutenant Spock will make sure everything is fully repaired and he will give me a FULL report on what he has done in the tactical systems. As for your assistance. I am still getting problems in the lower decks like you prescribed any assistance in that area will be greatly appreciated. I will also request to a quick diagnostics in Sick bay. We have been putting sick bay under alot of duress please make sure all repairs are done on that area and everything is in full working order.  I will request Lieutenant Spock to assist you in any way possible, but strictly under your guidance while I finish the necessary repairs to the warp core and make final preparations.

(Addressing Lt. Spock)
Please assist Lieutenant Commander Freeman in her duties. I require you give him due respect as you do for me. Lieutenant. (He looks sternly at him from his facial features.) I also wish for you to make sure no harm is to come to anyone or to you. I only expect the best from you, Lieutenant. You have a good ethusiasm in your work and have a strong technical background. Let's not forget our duty to our crew. Shall we continue. Thank you Lieutenant. Also keep up the good work in your inventive ingenuity. I am looking into your ideas currently. I will talk more as your time with us progresses.

(Addressing both Freeman and Spock)

I would request no more harm is to come to both of you. You are both very excellent engineers and I hate if any harm happens to both of you. Logically Speaking, I have a very healthy respect for my fellow colleagues in this field. I have grown more appreciative of my colleagues since leaving the U.S.S. Evolution not so long ago. A while ago. Thank you both once again.  (A very brief flash of emotion flashes in Vurak's eye followed by a quick return to his normal Vulcan Features. He turns to address Commander Brooks.)

(Addressing Nick Brooks)

I estimate no more than 24 hours. The ship shall be ready to embark on it's next mission. The ship will be running at 100% efficiency and the report shall be on Captain Sanchez's desk and your desk in that amount of time. I request returning  to completing my task. Commander. Ready at your orders.

(He awaits his orders.)


(Edited by Vurak Spock at 12:29 am on June 24, 2004)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on July 13, 2004, 02:50:17 PM
"Very good. Tactical, do long-range sensors pick up any hostile activity yet?"
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on July 30, 2004, 03:38:26 AM
*recieves teh communications from the Evolution......and sends a reply*

May I talk to the second in command ?...........I have instructions to help starpheniox base bye order of the high queen...And i was ordered to talk to sanchez...But I suppose the second would do.....

And mind telling me what this cloud is?.......

Ill transport to starpheniox base........

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 09, 2004, 12:46:29 AM
Fireing Thrid volley now sir

*the third volley is away*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Event Horizon on August 13, 2004, 08:21:53 PM
*As the vessels receive orders from Admiral Parker to set course to Avalon, the cloud divides into a few smaller masses. The Lothlorien takes off instantly, and one of the smaller masses tries to catch it, but to no avail, while the remaining vessels are enveloped in the energy-draining storm. The ships caught begin to experience severe draining of power to all of their systems.*

"Yes! Energy! We need more energy to rid of those mental pesks! One ship has escaped! ...These others provide plenty! Absorb it all!"

*The energy continues to deplete until light and life support begin to fail as well.*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 31, 2004, 10:46:54 PM
*HK47 proceeds with the repairs of the ship.....bye sending his bots out into the warpcore to fix what broke with the fight against that energy sucking cloud*

*starts a diagnostics of the ship*

HK47 to kelli*

I dont mean to bother you against miss lauren but i need your permission to use my bots to fix the warpcore...................I use the bots to fix my internet and external components.....And i can tell my bots to do the same with your warpcore.......But i need your permission to do it.....So i dont get into trouble so to speak with the capt.....When he is fit to be back on duty........

Even I have procedures to follow when it comes to repairing alien ships......

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 30, 2004, 01:21:20 AM
"I shall return to my ship.  Its been a pleasure to help here. "

Morgan salutes Captain Sanchez and then leaves the Evolution

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on July 22, 2004, 08:23:41 PM
sister bowl fast, here is the captain, what a smoky situation is it in here, captain can you me hear, my neural transporter give no sign of life. Bring him to the sickbay but carefully because this does not seem good

In sickbay, the captain still don't give a sign of live my neural transponder gives signs of dead, even after this 10 mg disphoniniyne injection i gave him.this can not be true on my first day i let the captain die, no i will give everything to let him live again, even if i have to go to the prophets.

Wait where did i leave this database of this cardassien doctor, he had some information about this he bought it from this ferengi bartender who got it from somebody who stole it out of this borgcube. But in wich box did i leave it.

what nurse another injured ok leave him on operation table 3a, make him ready for a minimal braintransfer.

after i dont even remember how many hours i return to my cabine, but sleep won't come, i still have to search for this database it is our only hope to help our captain......

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 09, 2004, 05:02:03 AM
*As the third missle hits the cloud, Jackson's fingers race across the helm.*

Engaging warp, Vurak. Let's hope they follow us.

*Turns to see Hedford on the bridge*

Commodore, it's good to see you. We're trying to draw the N'ygat away from Dantor. Hopefully, this plan will work.

OFF: Like VS said, it's open-ended now. We can keep going with this plan, or we can change course and do something else. Frankly, I wasn't expecting the Gallifreyens to be here so soon...wish they'd showed up that quickly in a mission I was recently involved with ;)

(Edited by Thomas Jackson at 2:02 am on Aug. 9, 2004)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 22, 2004, 09:34:48 PM
(Well. It's time to take care of business shall we. I will be gone for the next few days due to work schedules. Bleh. Take care everyone.)

(The Evolution reaches its destination point in time. Vurak finally punches in the codes. Thomas Jackson at this moment at Helms makes his a giant U-turn about the border of the back hole known  to all aboard.............with the extra energy boost provided by HK47, a droid who seems to have literally became a power conduit for the ship since you are fully focusing keeping the ship's energy afloat. Eek. (Good luck on that one. Don't get fried. :)) As the story goes, As the story is written. The Evolution literally makes U-turn at the edge of the black hole heading into a hard right. The N'ygat at their tail is met with a sudden surprise. A HUGE plume of energy is blown literally from the tail of the U.S.S. Evolution into the "Face" of the charging N'ygat. And the N'ygat is suddenly begins feeding upon the energy that was let loose from the Warp Core of the Evolution. While momentarily distracted, The N'ygat begins literally being pulled into the black hole as its energy is also being sucked into the black hole. As the N'ygat is being "sucked" in, The Evolution begins its descent to leave the area and begin to warp and suddenly runs out of power. The ship goes into a drift except the life support and minimum energy reserves. Currently, the Evolution is drifting toward an white energy source for some strange reason. As the Evolution drifts into the white wave of energy,..........................................................Vurak falls to the floor unconscious breathing very shallowly. The Viewscreen becomes extremely bright as everything turns white. Everyone on the ship begins to slow down like time is stopping..............................................Then all white flashes in front of everyone's eyes.........)

(Dramatic Pause Fade out. :))

(As you all awaken the ship is still as you see it during the battle, energy at minimum. Everyone is laying on the floor begining to stir as you were in a very long sleep. On the viewscreen, you see what you never thought possible. The space station Avalon in front of Docking bay 4. Safe, but in serious need of repairs. The U.S.S Evolution is HOME. Vurak Spock is currently out of commission on the floor. He has not awakened.)

By the way, HK47, In case you need to know, you will be totally drained in case you wanted to know. It's up to the rest of the crew to take care to get to your point of destination since you will be literally on the ground with no energy. Your power cell ran out of energy. IT's a good time for you to get a re-charge. :). Use Lt. Spock if you need too to get him to where you want him. lol. Take care. :).

Lt. Spock. You are in charge of Engineering since Vurak is out of commission for the next few game sessions. lol. Good luck. Don't kill the Evolution will ya. lol.  :). Any future modifications to the ship. Speak to Captain Sanchez about it. :). Thanks.  lol.

Thomas Jackson. You take command until Captain Sanchez returns in the week. :). You are now beginning docking procedure for Docking Bay 4. The rest is up to you.

As for everyone else. You all know what you need to do. The story is set. It's been a #### of a run. Thank you for all your support. Wonderful RpGing. Everyone. Thanks very much for this wonderful opportunity. Live long and prosper as always. :). Be back in the next few days. Vurak Spock.)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 20, 2004, 04:43:51 AM
*Taps commbadge and whispers into it **Spock to Vurak*

Our new ship mate really likes his job....Spunky isnt he for a human....


*nods to mr freeman*

Very good morgan.......Go about your business....

*points to freeman as he reaches into the sheild battery*

Dont pull that *too late and theres a very loud noise and freeman became a lightening bolt rod*

*Spock to the doctor*

We got an injured crewmate down here....I think itd be wise if you got down here to tend to him


*The doctor comes walking into the egineering bay and tends to freeman*

Mr freemen i suggest routing the power from that first before you do anything like that again....*nods*

*goes back to work*

*few hours later after keeping an eye on freemen and helping him where needed I get the weapons systems back up and running at 75% efficentcy

Cheif weapons are up and running at 75%

OFF**Vurak you got Email or ICQ ?....My email is Balkazar@cvc.net :)

I wanna talk to you more but not on the forums :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on June 25, 2004, 12:37:46 AM
Off: :). Be back in a day or two. Happy travels.

Thank you, Morgan and Spock. You are a blessing in disguise. Keep up the good work and (Addressing Lt. Commander Morgan)  keep an eye on my Lieutenant. (looking actually more relieved and reads all the information from the diagnostics. :))

(In the interest of time. :) Time goes by as everything is about ready in time for the next mission for which will commence in the next 8-12 hours. (or when Captain Sanchez or Nick Brooks gives us the word. :) Medical faciiliies are currently much more refreshed and fully repaired better than it did a day or two ago thanks to the efforts of all our fine engineers. :)  You are hearing humming of a nicely tuned ship!! And a WARP CORE is finally installed on the U.S.S. Evolution WITH the modification added! YIPPEE! Anyway, Vurak writes up his reports and puts it on the desk of Captain Sanchez and Nick Brooks. All with 100% efficiency.) The rest is up to you folks. he he. Any last minute modifications or ideas. Is all up to you. Be back in a few. :))

And this may be the time to ask about the torpedo idea to Captain Sanchez when he starts posting again. lol. Last minute modification are his call. Lt. Spock. He makes that final call. Change THAT avator. Yellow uniform with two dots not three!! Your are close to correct you must subtract a dot. Sheesh. LOL. :)

Off: Your call Nick Brooks and Captain Sanchez and Morgan and Spock.  :) Wonderful, WE HAVE A HELMS OFFICER!! :) Welcome Darren Steer.  See you in a few. lol.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on June 30, 2004, 03:20:48 AM
Science ready to go, sir. Let's get out there and save the universe...or at least Starphoenix.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on July 04, 2004, 10:16:20 AM
"Thank you, Mr. Spock."
*Sanchez touches a button near his chair, and sees that Hedford has been beamed aboard.*
"Good, we're ready to go. Helm, maximum warp, engage!"
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 19, 2004, 02:37:15 AM
OFF**I got my new system home and its all hooked it it took me about 5 hours to figure out how to turn teh computer on....I couldnt figure out why it wouldnt turn on until I got the notion of flipping that switch on the back side of the system over and it turned on :)

OH! and i woulda posted yesterday BUT! my brother didnt tell me he locked my computer up with a key and we forgot the key and when we got home here we found out it was locked and my brother forgot....HE! didnt tell me he locked it :)


*Spock to VS*

That thing on deck 30 is still there.....Orders ?

*spock out*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 22, 2004, 07:17:49 PM
*engineering to bridge*

Just had a thought.......Just be rady to fire missle tubes 1 and 2.........

*spock out*

*rushes down to where he was working on the cluster missles and makes a few modifications*

*spock to bridge fire at will.....the missles should drain it of power considerably........*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 25, 2004, 12:47:28 PM
*spock to VS*

Missles are ready just give the word

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 10, 2004, 10:31:31 PM
Off: Ready or not. :). I will wait a little more before commencing. Hedford where are ya. LOL. :).

Major Hedford. I await your orders. Shall we or not...(As quickly as he faces Mr. Hedford. Quickly, he turns back to his operations.)
At your command Major Hedford..........

Thank you Mr. Jackson. Ready at my mark!!!! (He hesitating looking directly at Commodore Hedford awaiting orders.)

VS to Ftima:
Quick Status report on Captain Sanchez. Please inform.

Vurak Spock to Lt. Spock: Thank you Mr. Spock. I hope we raised enough turbulence. Logically Speaking.

(What's this no more Helms officers again. Sheesh. :) LOL.)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 20, 2004, 07:22:27 PM
*HK47 was walking around Avalon station seeing the distress of one evolution still not in dock and there not here......So HK47 decides to go looking for them.....HE enters transwarp to max speed and heads for the location spock sent out his last distress call from and starts to take scans.......few minutes pass of scanning he picks up what seems to be a warp ionized trail leading towards 456.9......he reads threw his database for this anomoly and sees its a very gravitation black hole.....HK47 heads towards it at max speed and as the black hole gets closer he sees the nijgat cloud and sees the evolution.......HK47 takes scans of teh evolution and sees there running down on power and there on minimal power as it is....HEads into transporter range and transports to the bridge of the evolution*

*turns towards VS..*'

*The command staff of the bridge sees a very advanced droid....With Delta alliance markings on his shoulders identifying him as DA......The droid talks to the person in charge*

im HK47.......I lothlorien safely into avalon. but I couldnt get you ....I had no power with get the entire fleet in a stasis field........I see you need power....Well im a walking power plant

*plugs into engineering station like he did aboard the Lothlorien and starts to reroute power faster then any engineer possibly could.....Spock notices power being transffer all over the ship into the warpcore.....Spock also notices the warpcore not going critical but instead beats like a heart with energy.....*turns to helmsman*

You can go faster now.....Im rerouting power from myself into the ship.....Ill keep this power level up......Evolution does need to get back to avalon in one peice after all....

*turns back to the person in charge*

Once you deal with this ill get you back to avalon.....My mission here isnt a complete success just yet......You must get back before my mission is finished.........

OFF**I added to the story....Altho i think i threw off the story line just a tad :)......But atleast HK isnt being the hero....Hes just being one heck of a power conduit from the abbyss :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on August 22, 2004, 09:43:05 PM
OFF. Commander I know there was a time when there was no medical officer on your ship. but do you think it is really necessary just when i got the captain almost on his feet, you fall down.

Don't worry commandor as soon i wake up i will take care of you

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 26, 2004, 08:24:33 PM
YAY!!! your admittiing your wrong :) good JOB!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on August 28, 2004, 02:30:40 AM
(OFF: Dr. Karelia? I play Admiral Karelia, but I dont have a Doctor Karelia...)

Kelli sits in the command chair for the first time.

"Ooh, cushy. Too bad we're docked, I'd like to take this one for a spin."

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on September 04, 2004, 11:11:38 AM
thank you  lt.cmd jackson for clearing the air this is what the problem was. I almost thougt i needed this shot for not turning crazy. On this i see you well enough to return to youre post thanks.

Let me take a look at you vurok spock i think you can also return to youre duties. But take it easy youre not 100% fit but i think youre help is wanted

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 22, 2004, 02:54:38 PM
OFF**I would make a whos on TOP!!! joke But it would be too traumatic :)

OFF***Im just curious morgan your ID thing says that your Cheif of engineering on the Rivendell but yet your on teh evolution?

ON**Very good mr morgan......Go to it......

*Starts scans from top decks down......And starts to send repair teams to the decks that needs to be fixed up....*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 26, 2004, 05:16:52 AM
Capt about that Cluster technology i mentioned about ? enhancing our current torpedoes into....More devasting if fired at the right spot....

ITs up to you.....I can start to install it

OFF** or for timely sake....You say yes and POOF! you got a cluster quantum torpedoes at your calling :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 30, 2004, 03:21:43 AM
**Sanchez......Vurak was right in what i said about the cluster tech.....Its an area effect weapon that combines a bunch of torpedoes into one tube instead of several tubes to have the same effect.....So you can fire only 1 shot to have the effect of 10 torpedoes......So in essense its more damaging and you can set the area to fire on....So it can go from a full spread to a circle effect to damage the ship more extensively.....So if you fired at engineering.....Instead of hitting just that area.....Youll be hitting the entire area and about 3 or more decks besides that.....Get it ?

But to make it more simplier...Its pretty much what Vurak said above....

*Spock to Freeman*

Thanks for the help....Couldnt have completed the repairs without you :)

*Spock out*

((Vurak spock))

OFF** Are you my daddy!.....You got eh same name as ME!!! :D**

ON**Yes sir.....Ill run them right now.....*Few hours later*.......Vurak there done *hands vurak a padd with the analysis on it*

The propulsion and the power is redy to go.....

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 04, 2004, 05:16:40 AM
*Gets done working on the missles and rises from his position*...

*Spock to Sanchez*......

The armory now has 5 cluster quantum missles redy for use.....If they prove to be what i expect they will be then Ill make more.....Only way to really test them is if we actually use them......((Sounds logical to me))

*Spock out*

*Spock to Vurak*

Heading back to engineering now..

*Spock out*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 10, 2004, 06:16:46 PM
Off: Heck why not. :)

=A=Vurak Spock to Rivendell
U.S.S. Rivendell,
Checking status of your departure is everything ready to go. We are departing Avalon Station currently. Please respond. We need your confirmation.

=A= Vurak Out

Off: I let that one work itself out. :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 19, 2004, 11:14:41 PM
Off: Spock, It's ok. You don't have to post every single day every few days is fine too when you get a chance. You have more than proven your sincerity. :). You don't have to give an excuse why you have not been posting unless you are gone more than a week then say something. :). Thank you for your loyalty. You have more than proven it. LOL. By the way, We have only 6 decks on this ship. There is a section right on this forum (U.S.S. Evolution Forum) is a topic called Ship Specifications posted by Marianne Webber another character from Avalon Station. She took the liberty to write out the Evolution's specifications for which was located on the Online Database section of this site. This may help ya with your ideas. :).

Welcome back Darren Steer. lol. Finally, we got our helm officers. :).

To everyone:
Please be patient with our Captain. He is going through many schedule crunches at this time. He will come back soon as he can. He is going through many changes for which will affect the rest of his life. :) Trust me when I say that. lol. :)

=A=VS to Spock
Well. Do a security scan of the area if necessary find out who it might be Lieutenant. I will request security to check into the matter right away.

=A=Vurak Spock to security=A=
Requesting assistance for Lieutenant Spock in Engineering. Relaying coordinates from Spock to check in a possible security break in a possible equipment tampering. Please send assistance to Lieutenant Spock. He is requesting assistance. Thank you.

=A=Vurak Out

Captain (or Commander), Monitoring our power supply to check into any changes of our status of power. Readying should the need arise. Everything is on-line currently. Logically speaking, There is no drain as of currently for which the N'ygat are well know for it seems. A beast of power hungry nature. Logically speaking.

Off: Spock you can handle security matters from here unless otherwise instructed by the rest of the crew. ;) lol. Take care.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on July 22, 2004, 11:43:50 AM
*As the cloud attacks the Evolution with a strong surge of energy, the ship shudders heavily, and the different computer systems begin to falter. Sanchez tries to hold on to his chair, as to not be thrown on the floor. He sees on the viewscreen what is going on.*
"Those bastards, whatever they are!"
*He pushes himself away from his chair and runs toward the science station of Thomas Jackson, who was still controlling the helm station.*
"We must try to reverse their energy surge, give them back what they've given us!"
*He begins to press some buttons, as another surge hits the Evolution, and puts the panel under heavy electricity. A powerful surge of electricity rushes through the captain's body, until it releases him and he falls down on the floor, unconscious and in neural shock..."

OFF: this should give the new medical officer something to do. I will remain unconscious until I return from vacation in september. Meanwhile, until Brooks returns and posts again, Vurak Spock and Thomas Jackson will have to get control over the ship...

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on July 27, 2004, 12:06:49 AM
Commander Lauren walks onto the bridge slowly with partially healed plasma burns on her face and shoulders. She takes her station, but overhears Jackson.

"Conventional weapons do no good against Na'jigat, Commander. We have to find some way to distract them."

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 07, 2004, 02:24:50 AM
Off: Enough is enough. Well Said. No fight. Let's Game. :). But can we. lol. I'd like to continue this plan, but  I also don't want to bring trouble either. I will not edit my posts that I will not do. :), but the story can be altered to return to it's original intent once a event holder returns to his duties or the idea may have to proceed. Everyone's call.  :). I want to play. I am waiting. LOL. :).
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Tyn on August 19, 2004, 03:58:31 PM
OFF: You're correct, at the time I had done my transportation, the crew had been in a storyline they would have wanted to complete. I agreed that simply RP'ing that this had happened before the transportation would be alright.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 20, 2004, 07:05:15 PM
OFF**hehehe yeah HK47 is a good droid.....All except hes scanning consrtantly and monitering calls in and out of avalon station since his mission to help Starpheniox is over and he cant get threw to the Queen....He goes about his business of flying in space until im told otherwise......:D

ON**.....VS im pushing the engines but there starting to burn out....IF we dont get threw with this we will not have the power to get us back home.....Im going to reroute power from the armory and weapons.....That should allow us more power but i fear after this there will be no power except life support and the bare minium of power......for the door and turbo lifts but im pushing it but i cant hold hold....

OFF**Oh yes....Time for a rescue :P

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 22, 2004, 11:13:17 PM
*spock wakes up out of the trance he was in with the bright light and sees hes home at avalon station.......He notices the droid is shut down........and VS is unconscious on the floor.........*

Spock to med bay)    Send a docotr up here and tend to VS......

*turns towards the droid and heads towards him and starts to see if he can get him back up again......*takes a few hours and he notices that this thing is auto regenerative and enters this find in a PADD for sanchez when he wakes up...........*

interesting......Lets get him down to engineering.....We maybeable to help his regenerating abilities;........Speed it up atleast.......Hook him up to the warpcore.......

*Spock is astounded at what he sees inside HK47 and enters it in his PADD.........*

*spock closes up the last of the panels and he hopes i didnt set things off.....and closes him up*

*turns to the repair teams and tells them to start fixing up the ship.......He tells the repair teams to start with a deck bye deck scan and starts to tell them to repair the decks........*

*runs a diagnostics of ship*

Ugh this is going to take a awhile..........*turns and leads a repair team up to deck 4 and starts the repairs.......

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: keilah on August 27, 2004, 10:12:59 PM
*Dr Keilah was walking back to sickbay as he had responded to an emergency call from engineering.*

                 =A= Dr Keilah to Dr Ftima =A=
"I'm heading back to sickbay and will evaluate the situation there. Are there any critical cases I should be aware of?"

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on September 02, 2004, 12:48:48 AM
*In sickbay, Jackson groans and tries to sit up.*

d*mn, feels like I was hit by a truck. Ugh. Dr. ftima, what is going on with the ship?

Off: Sorry, I didn't mean to be gone this long, but The Great Richmond Flood of 2004 got in my way. The city is a freaking disaster area...

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on September 04, 2004, 04:17:03 PM
OFF**How did i know ? I didnt know :) thats why The doctor should state Spock OR!!! even better VS :).........Works wonders

ON**...Continues to work on the sickbay and get power back....into this deck....A few hours later after a few shocks and the doctor taking care of them Full power to sickbay is returned to normal*

There you go doctor....Now Mind sedating Vurak *does a rare smile* so i can get work done......**JK Vurak**

*leaves with teh repair teams to go and get a report on how things are doing weith repairs....

*spock to Sanchez*

REpairs should be done within a few hours....

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vorak on October 15, 2004, 03:53:37 PM
#Moderation Mode

Moved here

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 22, 2004, 01:05:35 AM
"Very good, how about I will start on the bottom and you start on the top?"
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on June 25, 2004, 03:31:52 PM
OFF: we'll be back very soon now to get the new mission going. Things got started at last, so expect quite a bit of action ;) I hope you guys had time enough to get the ship all fixed up, because it'll need to be able to take quite a beating soon :P
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on June 30, 2004, 03:23:25 PM
"Good, very good. Mr. Spock, you have my approval to work on this torpedo project. From the reports I've been getting, Starphoenix is being attacked by a force I had hoped never to encounter again: the Na'jigat. Conventional weapons and shields will be useless, and we won't even know how to communicate with it. If we don't get there soon, there will be no Starphoenix Base left to save."
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 11, 2004, 03:49:58 AM
OFF**Back to my regular schedule :)  4 days gone insteead of the week but i hope my new system can handle Expansionfleet im gonna be mad if it doesnt :)

ON**Goes and does his work and hope we dont die in the process of defending starpheniox base *does a rrare smile*


YEah another one :).........I got another char whos a capt :) ofd the omega which is also the flagship for a RPG game :) and I need a Cheif of engineering and helm opfficers still hehehehe :D

YES! im recruiting :) email me at Balkazar@cvc.net if your interested :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 03, 2004, 02:07:21 PM
Acknowledged, Engineering Ready, Captain.

(To Spock)

Thank you, Lieutenant. Good work. :)

=A=Vurak Spock to Transporter Room

Beam one aboard when ready. Commodore Hedford from Avalon Station wishes to board the U.S.S. Evolution. Sending required information to you. Thank you.

=A=Vurak Out

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on July 20, 2004, 02:49:44 PM
OFF: sorry for not getting around to post for some days, as things are quite busy for the moment, and will continue to be so for another week. I will be on vacation from July 28 until August 26 (I may not be able to return fully the day after yet). I haven't seen Brooks around for some time either, but someone will have to command the ship into the Na'jigat battle. Anyone who can do so until Brooks returns?

*Sanchez silently stares at the viewscreen that is unfolding a horror of destruction before them, as the Evolution arrives.*
"Drop out of warp, bring us carefully closer, one quarter impulse power. Maybe we should try to communicate with this... life form. Try sending a friendly message on all hailing frequencies."

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Event Horizon on July 22, 2004, 11:32:30 AM
*The energy cloud is drawn to a particular concentration of power at the station, and heads toward it fast, casting a dark shadow on the buildings below it... As it came within range, the inverse energy phasers were fired...*
"Energy... absorb energy..."
"What is this? Inverse energy! They try to trick us!"
"Ignore their tricks, they cannot weaken us..."
"They are annoying us!"
"We are being delayed! Gallifreyans may come soon, must hurry..."
"We will trick them back..."
"And we will take all energy at once..."
*At that moment, the dark energy cloud seems to expand as if to cover the entire landbase... but in fact it is moving toward the nearby ocean.*
"Water... water makes energy stream easier..."
"We will be able to assemble all energy and take it at once..."
*At that moment, what seems to be some sort of heavy lightning strikes into the ocean, several kilometers away from the station. The lightning seems to pierce into the depths of the oceans, and for an instant there appears to be a hole in the water... then the water begins to react and a huge wave begins to form. The large wave of water grows higher and more massive, as it sets for Starphoenix Base... In a matter of moments, the immense and high wave reaches the coastal area nearby Starphoenix Base, and the people on the base can see how the waves are taller than themselves... even taller than the highest buildings of Starphoenix base... and then the wave comes crashing down on top of the first buildings, and tons of water flows into the base, flooding the streets so much that only the highest buildings barely come above the water. The violent ocean water keeps flooding into the base, even tearing apart some of the smaller buildings and taking them with the stream, as the cloud hangs above the flooded areas, and begins to concentrate its power on an open area... The power of the energy field seems to look like a tornado coming down from it, heading for the water... and when it strikes the water, it begins to whirl with a heavy wind, as the Na'jigat cloud begins to extract all energy that is being flown through the water...*
"Energy... energy... Want more energy!"
"We still have part in space attacking ships..."
"They must make ships pay for this trick as well, and make sure they no longer delay us again!"
*And at that moment, in space, the separated part of the Na'jigat cloud turns aggressive, attacking all ships with what also seems to be a surge of energy lightning. The ships suffer a heavy shock, upsetting their systems as the ship is pulled back, away from planet Dantor.*

OFF: this is the last post I can make before I go on vacation. I won't be able to post until september again. Now you can continue the storyline and admins could post with Event Horizon, if they want. The idea is that the Na'jigat is about to destroy everything and everyone, when again the Gallifreyan cavalry appears. Gallifreyans are humanoid people, and the only species in the universe that is strong enough to fight the Na'jigat through mental energy. Even they can't defeat or destroy the Na'jigat, but they can force them to retreat - for now. I will ask Montrell to post as Legudon (main chief of the Gallifreyans) when he returns from his vacation soon. The Gallifreyans will use no weapons except pure concentration on telephatic energy. They are a species that does not like to interact with other species and will be short in answers, if they tell you anything at all. Little is known about them, and nobody really knows yet where they are from and who they are. But the war between the Na'jigat and the Gallifreyans has been going on from the beginning of time and will never end.
As for the Na'jigat, remember they can NOT be destroyed. You can delay them, confuse them a bit (but remember they CAN read your minds, they are the purest form of telephatic power as well) and besides trying to win some time, there's little you can do - but that doesn't mean you can make it spectacular, like I now just gave you some material to work with for some time ;)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 26, 2004, 12:28:03 AM
OFF: I think I'm still manning the helm? Unless someone has taken over for me...

On: Coming up on the cloud now. We should be in firing range in 10 minutes. What the heck was that energy beam from the station?

OFF2: Also, didn't the Sphinx contact us a couple days ago? Did we respond?

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 06, 2004, 01:54:33 AM
OFF: There's no real reason for a fight...Vurak is right, David left command of the ship up to the two of us. He (Vurak) seems to have been working on this plan for a while...and David knew about it, as far as I could tell. The Evolution isn't going to be destroyed...It's drama and diversion. The problem, as I see it, is exactly what VS said...no Event Horizon driving the story across all ships...'cause David's not here. Was someone supposed to take over that role?
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Sarah Parker on August 19, 2004, 04:31:02 PM
OFF: Docking bay 4 is opened for immediate emergency docking (once you RP that all of the ships have arrived. I know that the Evolution wanted the black hole thing.) So when that does happen, simply post your own ship's arrival in the docking bay.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on September 04, 2004, 04:20:48 PM
OFF**Sanchez :) Mind if you actually responded to my Emails :)......Email me at ((Balkazar@cvc.net))....I got some Important things to discuss with you!!!!

And if ya dont mind and answering HK47s Suggestion about the warpcore :)...Being more transwarp friendly since HK47 almost tore the ships hull apart BUT!!! DIDNT!!!!.....

ON**Capt I Really need to know if you are okie with these modifications...To your warpcore....So when i threw you guys into another transwarp portal the ship wont be too bad off.......The modifications will be made in about 4 hours if you say the OK with them....??????????????????????????????

OFF***Mind answering me now hehehehe :) I Think the honey moon is still going on hes ignoring me :D :D

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on August 20, 2004, 02:25:38 PM
*ftima walks into the sickbay seeing dr.keilah for the first time*

Welcome back dr. I am delighted to meet you, I heard so much about you. I hope i you will be delighted with me to.

I will give you my database so you will be up to date in no time.

*ftima hands over her database containing these distressfull days*

I really do hope we will get the captain on his feet in no time.
If you excuse me now as you see there are a lot of wounded in sickbay needing my help.
As soon as things turn to there normal way we can sit down and talk everything over.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 22, 2004, 11:25:22 PM
*a couple hours later HK47 reactivates himself and does a site to site transport to where kelli Lauren is at*

Lauren......Those modifcations i made to those missles are classified......I apologize but I cant give you access without a Admiral or highers Authorization........But i will tell you how to make those torpedo casings a lil bit more better.........Would you take that instead of know how i made those missles slow the cloud down ?.....

*hooks up to tactical and shows kelli how to make the missles fire without dropping shields.....*

*unhooks from tactical*

You see if you decide to use those cases then you wont have to drop shields everytime you want to fire the torpedos.......But for now however.....I must go and recharge......*heads over to a corner to finish his recharge*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on August 27, 2004, 10:53:55 PM
(OFF: Guess this means I'm in charge...)
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on September 02, 2004, 03:30:04 AM
OFF**is kelli a man or a women Because i need to know so i dont say yes maam when kelli is a sir :)


Goes around and tells one of the more experienced engineers to watch HK47....Im heading to sick bay...to see how the work is progressing....

*heads out of engineering heading a team of engineers to sick bay......Few minutes laters Spock walks into the sickbay*

Hello doctor....Hows VS....Jackson....And the capt doing ?.....*tells the team to start to repair the medical facility.....*

Dont worry doctor...We need this medical bay up and running asap incase we get wounded....while repairing the ship.........Ill try to get you atleast 80 % power but cant promise nothing

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on September 05, 2004, 09:18:16 PM
"I see, I see... Well, it's all a bit much to cope with still, for now, after my recent recovery. I will retreat to my ready room and contemplate on this. Contact me when all repairs are ready or if any transmissions from Avalon Station come in."
*He heads toward the door of his ready room, then stops and turns around.*
"Oh... and if Vurak Spock happens to be on board at the moment, please ask him to see me in my ready room as soon as possible. Thank you."
*And he enters his ready room.*

OFF: Continues in the topic "Mission 9: The Maviduli Crystal".

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on June 27, 2004, 06:52:31 PM
Commander, All operations are at 100% efficiency. Transmission channels are clear and mesage has been sent. The ship sounds real good right now. I am actually more relaxed right now. Commander. At your orders.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on June 29, 2004, 07:34:05 AM
*Sanchez looks around at the bridge, all renewed since he stood here last time, and smiles.*

OFF: what cluster tech?

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on July 02, 2004, 11:48:26 AM
"Permission granted, Mr. Hedford. It is always an honour to have you on board. Sanchez out."
*Then Sanchez sits down in his chair and stares at the viewscreen before him.*
"Helm, set course for Starphoenix Base, maximum warp. Engage on my mark, as soon as Hedford is well on board."
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 17, 2004, 09:33:57 PM
We're in visual range, sir. Looks like there's at least one ship fighting the cloud...signature reads the USS Lothlorian. She just fired something into the cloud. If I'm reading this right, they were energy-draining torpedoes. Looks like they're trying to fight fire with fire. Should we hail them?

OFF: See the Loth's board. That's what they've been trying to do...

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 21, 2004, 01:00:19 AM
Aye, sir.

*Maneuvers the ship slowly toward the battle*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 24, 2004, 02:34:46 AM
*Spock to VS*

Alredy am making those modifications to the missles.....Ive made4 of the missle able to drain this thing....And the last one to drain it then it will Explode with immense amount of energy to much that itll slow it down.....Not sure if it will work....Since these missles are portotypes.....

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on July 27, 2004, 04:06:35 PM
Sickbay to bridge Is there anybody available comming to sickbay, i register these strange messages from the brain of the captain. After i injected him with 10 cc  inprobal his heart started to beat and i see these stranges curves on my screen. it is like he wants to tell us something although he is still in his coma.

Commander in the database of this cardassien doctor he also explains how to load a virus into a missile which will slowdown these electrical *****:angry3:But i need youre permission starting the test which will create these virus

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Tyn on August 17, 2004, 11:09:01 PM
OFF: I do. I volunteer to RP as several characters. Unlike some, I don't find it difficult to post with all of them. Hope that clears some things up.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 20, 2004, 12:04:37 AM
We're in range. Estimating 5 minutes to the breakoff point. I could get closer, but with the power drain on the engines, we should probably play it safe. Ready to change course on your command.

OFF: Thanks for the update, Doc ;)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on September 03, 2004, 03:33:27 PM
captain you have been in a coma for almost a month, every now and than you was consious, but after a while you fell in a coma again. I feared for your live because you was really nasty hurt by this cloud. I gave you a new treatment wich a found in a database of a cardassian doctor and as you can see it worked.

Excuse me for now because there is stil a awefull lot of work waiting for me, and dr. keilah with all respect is not that much on sickbay i suppose he has his duties also some place else.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 21, 2004, 10:47:08 PM
OFF**Gah i wish VS would post so we can get the story going LOL.......Yes i an ambassador avatar.......

Thats cool im glad someone recognized where i got the name from lol.......I like HK47 he always called humans meat bags plus he always had something funny to say....He kicks butt once all his programings have been activated :)

ON**VS im loosing power in my cells I Cant maintain this amount of velocity.......Im taking power from the warpcore but it shouldnt alter our speed much......Im trying to maintain hull integrity......Once we are out of this ill power down and should be back up once we reach avalon station....

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on August 27, 2004, 11:22:01 AM
Let me trough, so i can get Jackson to sickbay, as i can see first sight nothing really serius but i have to make him asleep for at least a few days. But he will be alright just like our captain who is doing real fine. Every now an then i wake him so he can eat something. he is letting you all now he is real proud of his crew. after eating i put him down asleep so he will not get up to go to the brdge wich would not be good for his recover.

Almost all sick are healthy to help with the repairs. Ok for now let me take Jackson to sickbay.
By the way anyone seen dr. keilah i can really use his help

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on September 03, 2004, 06:17:29 PM
OFF**Well i tried to give you teh story line as best as i could...from what Me and my other characters have experienced....ITs not always accurate! HUMANS!!! they want EVERYTHING! accurate!SHEEEEESH!!!


What of those modifications with the transwarp drive....I can get them done in a few hours.....I need to know before we are sent out again

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on September 05, 2004, 09:10:55 PM
"HK47 mentioned this while you were out. I'm not sure exactly what they plan on doing, but I assume it involves some form of modifications to make the ship more compatible with the Alliance's forms of propulsion."
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: William Travis on June 27, 2004, 04:10:28 PM
=A="Travis to Taurik, we've recieved a distress call from Starpheonix base. Thier under attack by the Na'jigat. Calling all able ships"=A=

off: I hope Captain Taurik is still here. I havn't seen any posts but he said he was here with Freeman.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Nick Brooks on June 29, 2004, 02:31:11 PM
*Walks on to the bridge*

Captain! Welcome back.

We should be ready for departure within 20 hours. If Im not needed I might get some sleep.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Hedford on July 01, 2004, 10:49:48 PM
=A= Hedford to Captain Sanchez =A=
"Captain Sanchez, I was hoping to still see the Evolution docked at Avalon. I have packed my stuff and am asking permission to come aboard."
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 16, 2004, 07:09:14 PM
*Spock to VS*

*VS hears a beep in the background*

Uhh sir We got a problem.....Its not the power really BUt someone is trying to access a relay conduit on deck 30....hes in jefferies tube on deck 30 I cant pin point his exact location..........

OFF**I have yet to get my new system :) so ill post when i can :"D

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Event Horizon on July 23, 2004, 07:32:23 PM
*The darkness that the energy cloud casts over the base, seems to keep growing stronger and more intense, as the Na'jigat feeds from the station's energy source almost first hand through the water. But then suddenly... there is a momentary faltering, and for a moment the cloud looks like a sky of thunderstorm clouds that are beginning to clear just a little, and leaving just one ray of the sun through... some bright white light appears to be shine through the vast darkness of the energy cloud, so bright and clear that it does not seem to come from the Na'jigat cloud itself, and neither can be undone by the Na'jigat... The bright ray of light grows slightly wider and stronger, shining brightly upon one of the buildings of Starphoenix Base... even so strong that the light almost seems to easily go THROUGH the thick walls of the building, making it look a bit brighter in its surrounding darkness... and then gently, the light fades away again... The Na'jigat cloud seems to become restless, and even more eager to feed itself from the energy as fast and as much as it can...*
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 21, 2004, 06:07:51 AM
OFF**YEah I know VS but i was raised to tell ppl where im going and to give a reason..........Thats all :) just the way i was taught when growing up lol


*sees security enter engineering and motions them over to where i am working on............shows them where the tampering was located at and tells them to check it out*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 27, 2004, 12:55:15 AM
Commander Lauren, I thought the plan was to fire the modified torpedoes at the Na'jigat so we could lure them away from the station and use Mr. Vurak's warp modifications to give them something else to feed on. Maybe I was wrong, but I certainly didn't mean to imply that we would be using "conventional weapons."
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 17, 2004, 10:59:24 PM
OFF**More reading your kidding right ? I do enough reading reading the posts i miss and stuff :).............Say Who does all these NPCs.....Like Tyn....Vakin....Event when davids not here.....Who does all these characters ? im still confused on this....
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 19, 2004, 10:13:44 PM
Off: No worries, Lt. Spock. Just raise #### do what you do best. Keep ME going!!! I like your HK47 concept. We need to discuss some ideas eventually on different uses for that character. It would be nice to better incorporate it in future adventures.  And Dr. Keliah. Welcome back!!!! Ftima would do you VERY proud. :) Thomas Jackson, You are a #### of an helms man and I am proud to work on your side as always. lol. ANd to everyone else, THANKS!!!! :) I will play it as it goes eventually bringing this ship home. Captain Sanchez COME HOME SOON!!!! LOL.

(As the story goes, The Evolution is within earshot of it's destination. In the scene, A dark twist cloud of N'ygat is biting at the tails of our extremely underdrained ship as it finally reaches within five minutes of its destination. You see before you a dark hole in the part of the space of what looks like the infamous black hole. Where our fellow travelers have boldly risked life and limb to reach, but as destiny has it. Their paths take a turn to a more fateful fortune.................................)

Thank you. Lt. Spock. I will punch in the final sequence codes when we reach the black hole. Keep me flying!!

Mr. Jackson Are we in range of the black hole. Keep us out of range of the gravitational pull of the black hole. We only need to be within range. The energy will do the rest......... How many more minutes until we reach it.

Lt. Ftima, Is their enough of the N'ygat sample I hope. Energy bomb. Eek. I had not heard that one logically. Well done regardless. Is Captain Sanchez doing ok. Please let me know any further development on his condition. Dr. Keliah, you have a very gifted medical officer on your hand. Take care of her. And Lt. Ftima, Dr. Keliah is a #### of medical officer. You will learn much from him.  

(He looks at Commodore Hedford at his side watching him, but making no move to intervene so as he observes his actions. Vurak continues on with what needs to be achieved. The mission and bringing the Evolution home.........:).( Back in a couple of days.)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 22, 2004, 05:16:57 AM
Increasing speed...we're past maximum warp...looks like that thing is gaining on us, though...
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 27, 2004, 08:20:05 PM
OFF**Your treating HK47 like hes an Android.....So let me get this threw to ya HES NOT AN ANDROID! he doesnt even look like one!..........He may be humanoid in appeareance but hes not an android........Hes been built with the purpose of being self recharged and he can recharge himself while walking around and with 10% eneregy.........HOWEVER! HK47 will be hooked up to the warpcore to recharge since he did blow all his power on 2 catapult manuvers

ON**HK47 heads down to the warpcore and recharges*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on September 03, 2004, 01:50:56 PM
"With HK's help, we should be able to get all repairs done in a few hours."
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on September 03, 2004, 06:20:54 PM
Hk47 please keep that doctor away from my team and I...We dont need to be sedated for any reason....Im not bleeding...Or unconscious but if you go on with using strange things on me....Ill never report in as being sick as long as your the doctor to take care of me.....I rather have a trained monkey and a droid work on me then a strange doctor whos obseesed with using that concoction on me!....So keep away from me.....

*motions for HK47 to move between the doctor and the repair team*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on September 05, 2004, 08:29:12 PM
*Jackson enters the bridge.*

Jackson reporting for duty, Captain. Dr. Ftima cleared me to leave sickbay. Did someone say something about transwarp drive?

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Darren Steer on June 24, 2004, 09:47:41 PM
Sits down at the helm - "awating new heading sir"
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 28, 2004, 08:28:43 PM
=A= Freeman to Vurak Spock =A=
" I have completed work on the Surgical bay and sickbay is pretty much spick and span.  Let me know if I can be of further assistance."
=A= Freeman out =A=
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on June 29, 2004, 09:44:35 PM
"20 hours? Starphoenix Base is under attack, and needs our help soon! We don't have 20 hours. I want everything and everyone ready for departure within 20 minutes!"
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 01, 2004, 05:21:34 PM
*Starts to incorperate the cluster tech into our missles*

*Thinks I can make atleast 5 cluster quantum missles before we reach star pheniox base*

*Spock to Engineering*

Make sure everything is ship shape and everything is running smoothly

*Gets a response back*

Yes sir

*Spock out*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 21, 2004, 06:12:09 AM
*while the security is checking out a possible threa the the evolution..........

I scan around starpheniox base to see whats up.......*

*spock the bridge*

My scanners down here are picking up what looks like the USS Sphinx..........The Sphinx reads as a medical ship.......I guess they got outta the way of things to take care of the wounded......Thought you should know

*Spock out*

OFF**6 decks!!!!!!!!! for one ship !!!!!!! BAH! the STar trek USS enterprise had like 30 or so decks!......

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 28, 2004, 11:15:47 PM
We're in range. Helm standing by to implement the plan on your mark. What heading do you want to take to lure them away from the station?
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 22, 2004, 11:00:30 PM
*Jackson watches the Captain fall and looks at Vurak and listens to what he has to say. *

Y'know, Vurak, sometimes you talk more like a Klingon than a Vulcan...and I mean that as a compliment. I'm with you. Your plan makes sense to me. Let's do it.

OFF: I'll also be gone for a couple days, but I should be back by Sunday.

*Jackson grins*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on August 01, 2004, 01:37:06 PM
Wait before shooting an other missile, Ftima is shouting when she enters the bridge holding a small box, I am sorry for this behavior but it is really important for us to load this on a missile so it will slowdown these ... what ever they are. It is solid energy but there is this bug in it. It will not destroy but it defenitly will slow it down. Maybe it will give us just enough time for escaping. It was the captain him self who told me this. i told you about these strange curves. well i decode them and it was the captain searching contact with us. He is still fighting for his live, he is full of this nasty energy shock but i have good hopes. load the next missile with this box and we will see what happens
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 19, 2004, 08:59:31 PM
OFF**VS you realize this may leave us without power.....and whats interesting is that when i sent the Distress call to avalon...My droid was there.....I forgot lol.....

As far as story lines I didnt know....SO HK47 didnt get to the ship and get power back up.....So lets just earase that from teh year book.............But if this manveir gets us out of power.....HK may make his presense since hes got one heck of a scanning equipment and can pick up anything and track down almost anything :)........So dont be surprised if he pops up :)........maybe next time i post #### show up i dont know......

ON**Works continously at his engineering station and hears VS barking out orders......In the confusion Spock notices VS sorta going into a daze while hes trying to keep his composure*

Sir....The engines are being pushed to the max.....But we are staying ahead of the Nijgat...

*I set up the sequence i was ordered to set up*

Sir....Im telling 5 of the decks to cramp up on teh uppder decks.....And im taking power from those decks and rerouting them into the engines.....But i dont know how long i can keep pushing them the way they are now......We may haveta eject the warp core from having the ship explode........

*Spock to engineering*

Get me more power from down there and watch the warpcore.....We dont need to burning out until LATER!.........Re route power from anything......that isnt needed but give more power to the engines......Thats an order......Spock out*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 22, 2004, 05:58:19 PM
Capt.......Im making modifactions for a Catapult manveur and it should take place on your command......Im making the modifactions now..................................

Im accessing helm control......*gets access to helm control and starts to fiddle with things.....and the speed of the Evolution has been increased to what looks to be warp 10.9.........

*Thomas JAckson has a look of disbelief in in facial expression and stares at the droid in astonishment......on the few screen they can see the cloud catching up but its having a hard time getting ahold of the evolution.........*

*accessing tactical*

*makes some modifications on a full spread of torpedoes and fires then 5 minutes later..........Next thing that they see is the cloud is backing off.....It looks as if its hurt and its trying to go faster to stay up with us but cant.....it drops off*

OFF**I added :)...........Those missle modifications are my own lil secret....That i gathered from the scans i took from starpheniox base and just before i beamed aboard to hook up to the evolution.....

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 27, 2004, 01:28:51 AM
Off: HK47, You are a droid. Bud. Take your time on your own repairs. Work with your crew. Let them have their chance to come up with their own ideas. They are also a big part of this story. You ARE part of the team. Work together. A friendly neighborhood reminder. lol. REMEMBER THAT!  :). You are NOT all powerful. :). I am sorry if I sound a bit harsh. I just don't want the story to be ruined. I had too much bad experience with good roleplaying ruined when no one else is left to have their chance to play or post in this case. :). Take care. Thomas Jackson is IN charge of the ship while I am down.

(As of now, Vurak Spock is currently still unconscieous on the floor. The evolution is currently being docked on landing bay 4. The repair teams by the Avalon Station engineering and the ships engineering is being summoned. ANd eventually the droid will be fully charged in the MORNING if you plugged in the ship's computer so an overnight re-charge is required. That would solve that dilema.  The droid will NEED security clearance from Thomas Jackson. Access denied until Thomas Jackson or Captain Sanchez gives the ok. :). So repairs are only beginning. Ftima is working on waking Captain Sanchez. :). Lt. Spock is working on repairs on the ship. Let's have some fun with this guys. :). lol.)

OFF: Thomas Jackson. YOU are in charge of the ship. Thank you. :).

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on September 03, 2004, 08:25:23 PM
"Well, doctor, I believe I owe you a thank-you for saving my life. I wouldn't be sitting in my favourite chair here on the bridge now, if it weren't for your professional work."
*Sanchez smiles as he sees his trusted crewmembers acting normal as usual again. Then he looks around, noticing for the first time that his first officer's chair is empty, and his first officer is nowhere to be seen.*
"Where is commander Brooks? Is he all right?"

OFF: I am aware that Brooks informed us he would not be able to continue to post for an indefinite time, so therefore we need to replace him (if he can return in the future, I'm sure we can find a suitable place for him again). I already know who will be promoted, but I just got out of coma so the captain needs to hear what happened to his first officer, first. I don't know if the leaving of Brooks was anywhere weaven into the storyline, but if not, perhaps you can make something up (that he was transferred back to the Alpha Quadrant or something, as soon as we got back to Avalon Station - just don't kill him off so he can return in the future). Thanks. :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on September 05, 2004, 08:36:45 AM
"Am I to understand, Mr. Spock, that you are building a transwarp engine in our tiny little ship? Was this even approved by Starfleet Command?"
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 24, 2004, 10:59:19 PM
*Heads to the medical Console and checks to make the EMH is still intact and repair him if needed...*

Morgan when your done help the other engineering teams out maybe we can get this room all spick and span soon.....and work on the rest of the ship if need be.....

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on June 28, 2004, 06:49:53 AM
*Sanchez and Jackson beam aboard.*
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on June 29, 2004, 11:20:29 PM
(Addressing Lt. Commander Freeman)

Ah. Thank you. Freeman. I appreciate your help. Logically should you not be with the Rivendell?? It's a bit unusual for you to be here when your ship may need your help, but you are more than welcome to remain with us if you wish. Thank you graciously. Lt. Commander. I believe we are ready to commence operations of departure.  It's really your call unless you wish to assist in departure procedurings. Thank you again.

(addressing Captain Sanchez)
Welcome back Captain.
( Off: Long time no see. Sheesh. :))
Captain, Logically Speaking. We are ready. ALL operations are in orders including the new warp core with slight modifications to help us in case we need to escape the N'jygat and hopefully buy time for other ships without affecting the warp core too badly. We will be able to warp normally. It may help us, but it can be only used ONCE and it's last ditch AND at your command I would initiate it. Captain. Something I had a bit of time to work on while I was on Avalon Station. We are ready for departure anytime. Report on the table already along with Commander Brooks copy. Now shall say as the earthling put it "Go save the day."  Ready at your orders, Departure in ten minutes accoring to my time.............

Off: I believe what Spock was refering to was a type of torpedo that offers an area of effect when shot out of the tube. It sounds like an area of effect weapon from what he describes to help hit many targets in a wide area from what I have been getting glimpses. I recommended he passes this by you first. It's kinda of a neat idea but I may have heard this used in one of the trekkie episodes. NOt sure. That's your your call on the addition. lol. He has to tell you what he wanted to do. :)

(Addressing Lt. Spock)
Lt. Spock. Prepare for procedure of departure in Engineering for we are about to depart. Make sure final quick analysis is done for operational integrity of power and propulsions systems. I will take care of checking the Flight and Navigational Systems for us to depart and initiate the departuring sequence for our new helms officer to take over when ready.

(:). We have a new helms officer. YIPPEE! lol.)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on July 01, 2004, 05:14:37 PM
"Good, good."
*Then Sanchez pushes a button.*
"All decks, this is the captain speaking. We are due to depart in 5 minutes, and set out to Starphoenix Base, where we will face the most dangerous threat known so far, in this universe. I want the ship ready for battle, and everyone at their stations. Sanchez out."
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Valen StarChaser on July 21, 2004, 06:36:39 AM
*the Evolutions recieves a communications from teh sphinx*

This is Valen StarChaser of the USS Sphinx...Im the helmsman/Surgeon at this point.........We have been getting wounded over here alot.....Im the only surgeon who knows what there doing over here....But so far All i know is I need more medical staff.....If you can provide aid please do....The sphinx is safely away and on minimal power......The computer here warned me of your presense and a delta cruiser.....Please tell them where The sphinx is at......I cant talk to them seeing as how im busy....Barely enough time to send this message.........Please send any MEdical aid you can.....I fear that our stores wont last long if the bodies and the injured keep tallying up like that are......So far 100 are injured 50 dead from the base.....The command staff have yet been beamed aboard so i figure there still on the planet...........So is the capt of the sphinx.....Well Time to get this job done with.......Sphinx out!

*the communications to the evolution was cut as Valen leaves to go and do his surgeonly duties....*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 22, 2004, 10:35:16 PM
Captain!!!!!! No!! Not the Captain. Take me instead!!!

(In a flash, a change in his personality is being noticed. He rushes forward the panel that was damaged noticing the medical officer readily by his side. He no longer looks affected by the voices that whirls in his head as he rushes forward to aid on the control panel.)

Computer: Bring ship to yellow alert. We are going evasive maneuvering. Power down to a minimum at this moment except for tactical.

Vurak Spock to Lt. Spock.

Cancel all calls. We need ALL available engineers to montior the ships systems right now. Lt. Spock. Get those torpedos of your ready. We must DRAW them AWAY from Plantet Dantor and the Starpheonix base. Prepare the other code sequence to the modifications of the warp core I made. We NEED to draw their attention away from Planet Dantor. Be prepared.

Lt. Ftima, Please take him to medical bay and get him what he needs. We need to work with a clear area.

To Lt. Commander Jackson,

The idea, Thomas Jackson, is to draw the N'ygat away from the attacking ships and the Starpheonix base. We will slowly draw into the battle at very low energy then power up and light up like a beacon. Act as another attacking ship as it draws on others.  A bait and switch. We will use the torpedos, Lt. Spock, has modified for us and any other weapon modification that has been made on the ship from other crew and draw as much attention to us as we can to bring ALL their being on us. We will power up fully when we get their attention. Then we bring up speed and try to have them chase us. We will build up speed. The idea is to draw attention to us AWAY from the rest of the ships and the crews aboard those ships. It's a suicide run, but we have a chance of escape due to a modification I have made to the warp core. Mr. Jackson. When we are a distance out of the way from the planet and the rest of the ships and we are nearly caught. The warp core will let out a huge plume of energy for which a large amount of energy shall be released giving the N'ygat somethng to bite on for a little while while we can STILL warp ourselves out of harms away and then we can rendez-vous with the other ships if we can successfully divert the N'ygat away from the planet and base. That's the plan if we all willing to make the sacrifice. I know it's a long shot, but I realize it's not going to be destroyed that simply and it won't. I had an encounter with this creature once before. It really not going to die with the technology we possess now..........................

Your call also Lt. Commander Jackson. I have been working out this plan since I left once long ago when I first encounter this being. I was going through a trail period. I will NOT let this ship and it's crew die without putting myself in it's front, but if you decide it's not a full proof. I will remove myself to one of the ship pods and use it's energy to draw the N'ygat away from here so I can at least give you and the crew time to assist the rest of the starships and help with the casualties. I do not ask anyone to put their lives in jeopardy un necessarily unless they are willing freely. Thomas Jackson and to all the rest of this crew. I also care for this ship as if it was my home and I will NOT let my home be destroyed by a mindless feeding mechanism!! Your call Thomas Jackson and the rest of this crew. I await your decision as well on this matter.

(He quickly returns to repairs the panel as the ship goes into a yellow alert and the power is being brought down as we approach the area of battle.)

Helms, Steer course toward the battle area, but keep energy at a minimum. Approach with caution. Keep evasive maneuvers currently. Hold fast.

Engineering. MONITOR all energy signs. Watch for any drain of energy of ANY kind. Prepare for offensive on command. When I give the call, power up. Lt. SPock prepare your torpedos when ready on my command.

(ONce again. Looking at Thomas Jackson.)

It's your call. Commander. Your will and your call. We work together on this. The Captain is down. We need your decision as well. Do we work together. It's a good day to die. Mr. Jackson for the lives we protect with our own. IF not, I will go with the space pod idea to draw them away from us if they should notice the Evolution.

(Addressing the crew)

It's all up to you as well. Are you all with me on this. The call is yours..................................

(He contines as he first started from day one. Determined and focus to the last of his reserves. He continues on as he monitors the viewscreen seeing once again an old nemesis that nearly took his own life not too long ago in another galaxy not so far away..........................:))

Off: Have fun. Be back in a day or two.(;))

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 28, 2004, 10:52:02 PM
Off: Currently, I believe someone should have responded to the distress signal of the Spinx. A message should be sent to the U.S.S. Rivendell to intercept the Sphinx and assist them if needed. The Rivendell is supposed to be assisting us in this mission...Hang on I will send that message. :) Then we go to plan as proposed. Nah. By no means is this convention. A distraction is a wonderful idea........:) That would be great. We need helms. Thomas. :)

Helms, Are we in range? Prepare to warp when on the mark when we are past the point of distraction. I will let you know. we are go to red alert when in range.

Tactical. Have the modified torpedoes ready to fire. ON my MARK!. Aim toward the cloud itself away from the beam of light. Aim for the thickest part of the cloud.  We are going into red alert once in range. Power down when we are in range. Maintain impulse at current speed. Engineering. Prepare to power down on my mark.

Whoever wants to take tactical for now. Be my guest. :)

Tactical: Yes, sir.

To Kelli Lauren: Yes, conventional weapons would not work in this case, but a distraction would be a logical conclusion to draw away this creature. I am currently trying to do a bait and switch on the N'ygat using the modifications that was made on the modified torpedos and the modifications on the warp engines. The whole idea is to draw them away from the ship onto us currently so we can draw the N'ygat to safe distance and then we can let out a huge plume of energy for the N'ygat to feed upon then we can back track back to Starphoenix base to assist when needed. Logically, this should not interfere with the warp engines so we should be able to warp right out of its way while it feeds and buy time for the rest of the ships.......Do you wish to help Lt. Commander. It's a suicide shot, but it would draw the N'ygat away from the rest of the ships AND away from the base itself, but it means a chance of possible destruction of our ship. It's not something I would ask lightly, but I want to get this creature AWAY from other lives......I AM going to bring this ship HOME!! Or my life is forfeit!!!!. I also have a contingency plan to assist in your escape fear not....................(As he stares blankly on the screen as the view of the N'ygat gets larger. The clouds get closer and the voices in his head get louder. "MUST FEED!!! ENERGY MUST FEED ON ATTACKING SHIPS!!!!")

VS to Ftima

Permission granted to do what you must to keep our Captain alive and well. Do not fail us. Ftima. Bring him back to us. I trust you your medical skills. I am counting you. Bring him HOME!

VS to Lt. Spock

Assist tactical in the weapons operations since it is your design. I need you on stand by to hit sequence code for the operation of the warp engine modifications on my mark.

=A=VS of U.S.S. Evolution to U.S.S. Rivendell
Requiring assistance to assist the U.S.S. Sphinx with casualties and medical personal. Please respond!!!

(He pages over the communications..........)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 01, 2004, 10:31:20 PM
Ready to warp on your mark, Mr. Vurak. Sounds like things are getting rough down on the Starphoenix...
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: keilah on August 19, 2004, 08:35:24 PM
OFF: Oh finally there is fresh blood in the medical Department. Welcome Ftima :D, I'm Keilah your partner ;). Btw I've heared from Admiral Montrell that your ID-card is ready, it only needs to be uploaded but that is beyond his control. He'll inform you and Jackson too when you can put them in your profile ;)

                       =A= Dr Keilah to Dr Ftima =A=
"I have taken position in sickbay, so you can focus on your energy bomb. When your duties up there are finished, please help me down here.
                               =A= Keilah out =A=

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on August 22, 2004, 08:59:28 PM
(OFF: Technically, going over Warp 10 is impossible, but I'll assume you mean the transwarp equivalent of 10.9...)

"What the #### did you do to those torpedoes? Whatever it is, we need the specs on that!"

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 27, 2004, 01:39:58 AM
OFF: Thanks, VS. HK, I'm sorry if I was too harsh. I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just trying to keep things going in a way that makes sense. Regardless, I really won't be around for the next couple days, so consider my last couple of posts a result to Jackson's head wound and I'll pick it back up when I get back home.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on September 03, 2004, 09:26:24 PM
"Commander Brooks left the Evolution on a shuttle about 36 hours ago, sir. He told us he got a communiqué from Starfleet Intelligence, and had to return to Earth immediately. He never told us when, or if, he would be back."

(OFF: BTW, who's the new XO gonna be?)

(Edited by Kelli Lauren at 4:31 pm on Sep. 3, 2004)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on September 05, 2004, 02:03:13 AM
(OFF: Just drop it, its over with...)
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Nick Brooks on June 21, 2004, 01:48:53 PM
Very good Mr Spock. The Captain will be pleased.

OFF: Spock, what is your rank? and can you change to the appropriate avatar? :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on June 29, 2004, 03:58:36 AM
*Jackson enters the bridge behind Sanchez and takes the science station.*
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 07, 2004, 03:35:56 AM
OFF: If the lack of a helm officer is all that's keeping us from leaving, I'll volunteer for a temporary assignment. Although, after the round in Celtic Corner, I might be "driving drunk." lol

(Edited by Thomas Jackson at 12:36 am on July 7, 2004)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 21, 2004, 11:12:21 PM
Off: No biggie. :)

Captain, I am receiving data from the Sphinx declaring the ship at 30% working efficiency. Medical supplies are dangerously low currently they need as much engineering and medical personal as possible. I will transport some of our engineering staff to assist on the sphinx to keep it running.  I have set coordinates for the U.S.S. Sphinx and the base should you need beaming aboard crew and assist in lightening the load of those with casualties and use our facilities as the need arises. All tactical on evasive maneuvering when needed upon your command. Impulse at 1/4. Awaiting Orders. Medical Facilities are in 100% working order. Sensors are picking up VERY strong energy patterns. Maintaining viewscreen patterns.  Evolution's energy patterns are beginning to fluctuate a bit.

VS to Transporter Room:

Attention: Please prepare to beam casualties from U.S.S. Sphinx AND from Starphoenix Base aboard upon the order of the Captain. (Whoever should be the leader at this moment.:)

=A=VS to Lt. Spock: Prepare to select the best qualified of our engineering staff to be sent to the U.S.S. Sphinx to assist in the repairs and to get their med facilities back in order. They may be using the same tactic to keep their energy at a minimum to keep the N'ygat at bay. Await Captain's Orders on the matter or mine.


Currently sending out hailing message to the N'ygat. Your call Captain. All communications are open pointed to the N'ygat. I am receiving some static noise............................(As he opens up frequencies with the N'ygat. He begins to wince a little like he is trying to concentrate on his task. His hand begins to shake a little, but manages to accomplish the task.........................Stubborn vulcan determination. :))

(Currently, in the mind of Vurak's head. N'ygat, "I hunger. I must feed. Stronger and Stronger. I be. Stronger.................................................:))

Awaiting your communication, Captain Sanchez. I can logically say. Hunger is definetly on it's mind..........(His face looking very expressionless again. He awaits his orders.)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on July 29, 2004, 12:31:26 AM
*the evolution scans the area constantly for any weakness and outta no where an unidentified object comes hurling out of transwarp into the vicinity of starpheniox base.....and starts to communicate with the USS Evolution*

My name is HK47 heavy assault battle driod sent bye the high  queen of the delta alliance to assist in the fight against this unknown im reading....I have no data on it......I am to talk to Capt Sanchez.........If hes available......Ill await your response.......HK47 out()

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 03, 2004, 12:06:13 AM
OFF**VS you got one!!!! strange way of fun dude!.....your gonna get the evolution to be SPACE DUST!!! but thats just me :).........

I just read down VS....Until i get to my brothers house with the cable I cant actually inform everyone of this last message :)....You need to find someone else....But my driod will put this in his memory banks.....Since HK keeps all info he knows :) since he knows he may need it for later when/if he comes up against this threat again :)......But as i said before you need to get someone else to tell everyone whats going on seeing as how i dont have cable and it will take too darn long waiting fo rsites to DL :)

*HK47 to VS*

Ive beamed out everyone except the command staff....It seems that the admiral down here doesnt much appreciate what a mere robot is trying to do for them.....Shes quite moody for an admiral....I hope all Starfleet admirals arent this moody.........I have told the Lancelot and the cortez to move into transporter range....I have also called for driod ships to be sent to aid in teh storage of these mere humans.....No offense intended.....Lt.....HK out*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 18, 2004, 12:21:38 AM
(Addressing Major Hedford:
I am sorry Major Hedford. I must do what I must to save the lives of this ship and all who have suffered under the N'ygat. I promise you I will bring Captain Sanchez and everyone on this ship HOME in one piece. That is my solemn promise as a starfleet officer. Please forgive me if my actions are out of sorts.......................
(He turns to continue barking out orders to pick up speed.....) :))
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 23, 2004, 08:46:30 PM
OFF**YEah see Thomas you dont understan........HK47 is self recharged.....Hook him up to any power source and within a few hours hes half to fully recharged........IF HK47 wanted too he could access the entire ship with minium of power and feed of the warpcore until his power cells and his back up cells are recharged......Along with HK47 was a power conduit....HE was built to take all sorts of punishment;........So he can light up like a light bulb and his inner systems wouldnt be harmed get it ?

ON**Accesses the entire ship to speed up repairs with his own invention*

*few hours later the integrity of the ships hull was rapidly fixed in matters of hours and the bots are heading to other parts of the ship to fix them up*

OFF**The Bots are an added REpair tool to fix HK47s innter and external workings......:) so HK47 is using them to repair the ship.....:)........I hope this doesnt prove to be a problem with the story line of FICXING THE SHIP ooooooooooooooo

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on September 03, 2004, 01:07:35 AM
*sees the capt awaken and soon after HK47 appears....and over hears what he said about the warpcore....*

Thank you hk47......You probly just saved a tons of man power to fix it......Thank you again.......*turns to Doctory Ftima*

I dont need bed rest I only came in here to help with the repairs of sickbay so your not working with so primitive tools like a Knife!............Im here to help with teh repairs and give you more power here so you can take care of my wounded if anything explodes while we are repairing the ship...........Alright..........So stay away from me with that thing...Or ill have security down here to protect me and my team from you!.........*does a lil wink and a rarely smile at the doctor*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vorak on June 15, 2004, 01:26:01 PM
OFF: already starting this topic to continue the posting here. Note that at this point, no distress call from Starphoenix has been received yet, so we do not yet know ANYTHING of what the topic's title suggests. Just pretend you're having some days off still at Avalon station :)
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 20, 2004, 06:15:09 PM
OFF**No im not mocking you Morgan just having some fun....If you took it as me mocking you then I apologize for it

ON**Salutes the commander as he walks into engineering*

We are almost there....Weapons up to full....Just finished them as you walked in.....Morgan is working on the sheilds should be up to full soon....Vurak is on the warp core.....Everything is running smoothly so far....Cept for one minor injury....Morgan was a lightening rod for a few minutes

*does a VERY! rare smile that vulcans never do at morgan*

OFF**I need my Thing changed from Civilian too Cheif engineering assistant....I think thats whats its called anyways :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 29, 2004, 12:06:01 AM
*Replaces the panel he was working at in the med bay*

*Spock to Vurak*

Yes sir.....Its all good as a go now

*Spock out*

OFF**Sanchez That cluster tech ?.......Can i install it ?.....

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on July 07, 2004, 08:59:34 PM
OFF: looks like Darren has disappeared as fast as he had appeared at first, so yes that would be most welcome indeed, until we got a new helm officer again.
Travis: to my knowledge, Taurik isn't on this ship any more. But he should be around soon, he has been online today in the chatroom, and will probably be back today still too.
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 22, 2004, 05:33:24 AM
*receives the communications from VS*

*Spock to VS*

Read you loud and clear.....

Turns out that security matter was taken care of......It was a sensor ghost......Ill see to the repairing of the sphinx Personally if you wish ?

*spock out*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 28, 2004, 11:22:38 PM
YEs sir im heading to the bridge now....Ill keep an eye on egineering from there....And give tactical the info he needs....With the new prototype missles......

*starts to instruct tactical on the use of these new missles and how to program them to do different patterns as needed*

OFF**Okie hehehe finally something good is happening :D

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 02, 2004, 11:40:38 PM
OFF: Is anyone letting the other areas know of the happennings here. lol. It could be really bad if we float off the story. I am trying to keep the Rivendell posted, but who's keeping track of the Starpheonix base and U.S.S. Sphinx. It could turn really interesting if no one knows of our intentions and be for naught. :). If anyone is willing to help in communication with the other forums. It would be greatly appreciated. Let me know or anyone else on this forum. That would be great. :). I have an extra character right now that is my 'eye' in the Rivendell right now. Please let me know if more help is coming on this. From what I have quickly read. We are still on course, but it may be a bit weird if we do something out of the blue without anyone else knowing what is going on. Please inform me if our intent has gone through with everyone. Thanks. :)
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 18, 2004, 01:48:32 AM
The shuttlebay doors are blown, and I'm pushing the warp engines to the limit, Vurak. That thing is still draining our power, but we're managing to pick up some speed. We'll make the black hole in about 15 minutes, but I'm guessing that our engines will be down to 50% or less....
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on September 03, 2004, 01:03:11 AM
OFF**Oh My G*D...........This is too funny.....LOL!!!!!!....I think jackson and kelli needs to be in sickbay for a few more days :)....They got amnesia...This is good :D...Okie ill try and expalin it to the best of my abilities :) since its been a month i cant give ya details :) so dont ask!

The Story begins:
           Starpheniox base was attacked bye a energy cloud called the Nygjat or whatever its called....ITS A HUGE ENERGY DRAINING CLOUD!........IT attacked Dantor and the base there.....6 ships was sent including a security ship from Delta alliance.....And later I was sent...but ill get to that later.......6 ships was sent....to help with teh evacuation of dantor because this cloud was tearing the place apart.....The evolution found that this cloud loved energy so it became one heck of a light bulb and diverted the cloud away....then the other 5 ships was getting the dead and drowning off the planet....PRetty much the wounded....Then all of a sudden DA sends a battle droid from H*LL!........**Which is Muah!** to help with the evacuation.....Soon after everyone is off planet all except for the gallfry and the droid.....After doing a quick sweep of the base that was submerged in water....After doing a sweep HK47 ((Which is the droid)) got away from teh base and transported ppl to the lothlorien....so HK47 being a droid of miracles.....Pulled off a catapult manvier and only could get teh lotherlorien and not the rest of the ships....So soon the lothlorien was on its way to avalon station......then the Q popped in and said she could rescue the other ships....And said that her brother was the one who sent the cloud.....SO! the rest of the fleet was transported to avalon station.....Then the evolution crew had to finish there story line...So we did.....We finished it.....and now everyone is back at avalon station.....SO!.......Right now HK47 is plugged into the ship and is helping with teh repairs...

Thats the story and it ends :).................With HK47 you Sanchez his history and stuff..................HK47 is now an ambassador between the DA and the evolution :)....This character is going to be a VERY!!!! interesting addition to the evolution crew TRUST ME!!!l..........:).......HK47 is one heck of a miracle worker...But even he has his limits.....:)......


*hk47 unplugs from the warpcore and tells Spock that the repairs are finished and the warpcore is working properly now....*he scans teh rest of the ship with his own scanners and teleports to sanchezes location*

*turns to face sanchez*

Good to have you back capt.....I think your second in command should fill you in as to why im here.....But I know this is throwing along your way since you woke up from your coma.....But i need an answer now before i can make fursther repairs to the ship......

I can make your ship more transwapr friendly....Your hull was nearly torn apart when i toook the evolution into a transwarp portal......I can increase your warpcores integrity along with a few other things on your ship to where i can enter transwarp with this ship...But it will take time to make all teh modifications to the ship...But i can make it more transwarp friendly...If you so wish? but its your call in this.........

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 23, 2004, 03:44:07 AM
*Jackson rises slowly from the floor and sees Station Avalon shining like a beacon on the viewscreen. His ribs hurt -- he probably busted something when he fell down. He notices the medics treating Vurak and realizes that he is in command. He struggles into the command chair.*

Status report, all stations. How the #### did we get here?

Open a channel to the station.

=A= Evolution to Avalon =A=

Lt. Commander Thomas Jackson reporting. Requesting permission to dock. We're back, although I'll be d*mned if I know how we did it.

=A= Evolution out =A=

OFF: HK, VS said you were drained of power, therefore, I don't see how you could access the whole ship or anything else. I thought you were supposed to be inactive until you recharged ;)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on June 17, 2004, 09:52:28 PM
Off: Of course, Admiral. :) Currently, I would probably raising holy #### in Engineering on the ship anyway finding out the EXTENT of the Evolution's damage. I REALLY don't want to see a Vulcan how can we say. Hot tempered if there is such a thing in their philosophy. LOL.

(As the story goes, Vurak heads back into his Main Office in Engineering as he is beamed aboard the ship. He looks over the records and damage reports from the last mission. A look of consternation appears in his face as he looks over the damage to the U.S.S. Evolution especially of what happenned to the warp core. As he is once again re-writing his logs. A statement is entered. In terms like this.
"In the interim, I will be making the necessary modifications to the warp core as it's being installed. The high explosive use of excess energy released from the warp engines will leave the signal for the N'ygat will hopefully  be "baited" to lure them away from the Evolution in the vicinity. Only a time buyer.  I will also make modifications to the warp engines where we can
escape on the instant the energy is released. I need to work on the modification also to the shielding where it will give out more to assist in the releasing of the energy. This will only be a temporary fix until I discover more about Singularity Networks defense systems........................................."

As he is finished, He looks over the damage report once again and look of focused concentration returns to his eyes.)

Time to fix what is broke. An old earth saying. The captain shall have his ship FIXED!

=A=Lt. Spock, I request your presence in the warp core for repair work to be conducted. I will be with you shortly. I also need a diagnostic report on the done on the current progress of the repairs of this ship. I need a full report on my desk very shortly. Vurak Out=A=

(He looks over his report and then looks over the modifications of the torpedo weaponry that Lt. Spock was suggesting as the day progresses into evening hours..................)

Off: To Spock, To answer your question, The engineering lab I was refering too was on the actual direction of the Engineering Lab on the Evolution that was indicated on Ship Specifications section on this forum. One topic posted by Marianne Weber. There is no actual place to post in engineering for this section. I am sorry to say. Just post your thoughts if you wish on this area and I will do what I can to respond according to the posting that is being done. My best advice keep to the story. Just roleplay your idea into the story. It don't have to be anything that technical. lol.:) )

NOte to Captain Sanchez: I don't think it's a nova class 2 according to the ship specs on this ship. Only a nova class science vessel. :) I may be wrong. LOL.

See ya all soon. :) VS

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 20, 2004, 03:33:21 PM
Off:  LOL Very funny,  Mr. Spock.  You would think with over a decade of starship repair I would not do something like that.
However if you wish to mock me so I might as well allow it. :-(
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on July 06, 2004, 01:14:36 PM
OFF: I'm still waiting for the new helm officer (wasn't it Darren or something?) to post. Or are we without helm officer once again?
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 02, 2004, 11:34:44 PM
Off: To HK47 A communications man from what I have seen. Thank you. I appreciate that. Use this message as your last communications when you pass it along to the U.S.S. Rivendell, U.S.S. Sphinx, and the Starphoenix base. Thank you. Use the actions of the story that has been written to describe the situation that has happened. I'd appreciate it if you want the job. The Captain would appreciate it. LOL.  It's up to you on this. Thanks again. :)

=A=Vurak Spock to HK47

I need you to pass the message to U.S.S. Rivendell and Starphoenix base, and the U.S.S. Sphinx of the U.S.S. Evolutions intentions so they don't risk themselves in assisting us in this venture. Please inform them of everything that is happenning with us and our plan of attack. This may be our last communications before #### begins to fly. It is important to let them know what we are planning to do. We are attempting to DRAW the N'ygat away from here. Tell them to continue your operations as is and evacuate and remove all civilians and personnel. We will attempt to get the N'ygat away from here away from everyone..... This is my last communications.......(Static.) Please this message must get through for the sake of this crew. Please tell them........................(Static.) Farewell from Lt. Commander Vurak Spock, Chief Engineer, of the U.S.S. Evolution...Pass the message..............Must.....Send...........................Next....FIRE!!!!!............

(Another volley is fired, The U.S.S. Evolution hits inside the dark cloud of the N'ygat. The anger grows......and the N'ygat notices.........In Vurak's head, The N'ygat replies...."Anger growing. Anger protruding...Stop Galifreyans.....Stop attacking ship. FEED. Feed. Must feed on light...................................................Must stop annoying ships.......Vurak mildly flinches at the remark. He screams in his head. "YOU HUNGER FOR ME. YOU HUNGER FOR MY SHIP!!! I OFFER YOUR MUCH FOOD. FEED YOUR HUNGER!!!)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 17, 2004, 11:20:03 PM
*HK47 appears on teh bridge of the Evolution and begins to work on getting power back up to where life support isnt a problem*

*turns to the person whos in charge while doing this at engineer station*

your at Avalon now....The entire fleet is.....Ill see what i can do with your life support situation.....

*works works works works for the next few hours and then the lights begin to flicker on and the computer states that life support is up and running*

there you go.....

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 24, 2004, 01:24:36 AM
OFF**Pppl rarely post as is so it wouldnt make much of a difference......But nice try......Im only here to assist and aid you......Which means helping you to get back out there with the action......But yea see i may beable to do alot of stuff and probly be virtually indestructable but theres going to be something out there more powerful then me which can harm me :)....So what would happen if i go offline ? Whos going to run the ship then ?...........Yeah see i still need humans to work the ship.....Im just saying i can repair the ship faster with these lil bots of mine.....So technically the ship still needs you :) to maintain it when im not there :).....so you still haveta post :) to help speed up the repairs........So your outta luck BUDDY!

ON**Gets a status report*

The ships hull has been fully repaired....Working on weapons.....

*waits for more posts :D*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on September 03, 2004, 01:38:30 PM
OFF: Thanks for your update. There is one thing not consistent with the planned storyline regarding the Na'jigat energy cloud, however: no Q has ever sent it. We'll have to figure out a way to explain this, in the future. Surely we'll come up with something.

OFF 2: Doctor, what happened to me while I was gone? I was unconscious, but what happened to me until I came here?

"I see I missed all the fun of the battle."
*Sanchez sighs, and sits down in his chair again.*
"Oh well, maybe next time. When are repairs scheduled to be completed?"

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 18, 2004, 05:58:08 AM
*recieves the message from Vurak*

*Spock to Vurak*

Im on my way now sir.....

*walks into engineering and heads over to the console and starts doing diagnostics........*takes 6 hours to do the Diagnostics*

*transffers the diagnostics to a PADD*

*spock to vurak*

Done with the Diagnostics and im going to start the repair work if you dont mind.....I cant sleep at night either.......

*spock out*

Starts to tell the repair teams where to go to start the repairing of the ship...

OFF**So i can use my imagination and just ADD!!! to the story line however my mind goes too? and you guys WONT! get mad ?

PS.........Ill be gone for 2 days :) AGAIN!

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Nick Brooks on June 20, 2004, 02:55:21 PM
*Enters main engineering*

Status report. How long until the ship is ready?

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: William Travis on July 07, 2004, 12:07:34 AM
off: Captain Taurik was supposed to have been on the Evolution. Or so i was told. He seems to be 'missing'. Is he still here?
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 02, 2004, 11:01:49 PM
Ftima, Give the device to Lieutenant Spock and it shall be implemented for the third volley. Great work. Ftima. We shall see what that can do. I am sure it would do it's job especially if it came from the Captain and yourself I am sure. (He smiles briefly.) We can use all the help we can get.


Keep the speed steady. Mr. Thomas. I am sure they are hurting at starpheonix. Keep firing HARD!! I will give you my mark to steer clear and prepare to warp!!!!..................................

Vurak Spock to Lt. Spock

Please assist Lt. Ftima with the installation of the box in the third torpedo volley. Thank you.

Off: :) This is fun. lol.

=A=Vurak Spock to HK47=A=

Beam them to the U.S.S. Rivendell if the ships are to full capacity!! They can carry more if needed.....................Inform them of your intentions.

=A=Vurak Out

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 17, 2004, 11:50:36 PM
Off: As of now with the David's backing (So there is no misunderstandings.), the storyline I have worked is permitted to continue. I have read pgs. 37-38, but I wish to run this scenario for everyone BEFORE the vanishing back to Avalon Station by Q entity, I am figuring the N'ygat can split into different sections. Then I will go with the idea. I have gotten word from David on this. I have managed to get a hold of him. By the way, they are doing well and happily married. Of course. LOL. :).  

Mr. Jackson, I need you to GAIN speed. We need to outrun the N'ygat as far as possible. Do what you must.

Lt. Spock, Do what you must. Lighten the load where you can. Make those modifications. WE must gain speed. Keep pushing them to FOLLOW us, but KEEP US ahead. Max warp to our destination. WE MUSt reach out to the coordinates of the Black Hole. It's a priority. Concentrate our power to the warp engines. Concentrate our power on speed. Do what you must!!! Get engineering on it. ALL POWER TO WARP ENGINES.

Ftima, Do as you must, but our trip is about to get very interesting. Logically, It would be a wonderful idea, but do it quickly. Logically. Get those samples.  We are.....................................

(You hear the sound of the Warp Engines as speed begins to pick up. The N'ygat cloud begins to envelope the Evolution, but strangely the Evolution manages to stay barely ahead................................)

(As Vurak sends a communication to the U.S.S. Rivendell. Last words before cut off into silence..............................................No one is dying. Trust me on that. :))

(Read Rivendell for communications. :). Send a message.)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 24, 2004, 12:59:53 AM
OFF: I see, so you can do everything all by yourself and no one else ever has to post. That'll work. Makes for a great story. ;)
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on September 03, 2004, 10:58:15 AM
excusses lt. but i think i m also a little confused by al of this, and these new shot are so fun working with are you sure you dont one. *giving the lt. a big bajor smile.

Captain welcome back you gave me a lot of work but i think you are all together now. fine seeing you alive and well

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 18, 2004, 06:03:57 AM
*heads over to Vurak and gives him a PADD with that Cluster Missle Tech i mentioned to the capt and vurak on avalon station.....*

oh one more thing Vurak

*gives vurak another padd with tech for a new hull and ship armor design that.....designed for ramming......*

OFF**Pretty much what that tech is is that we can ram aliens or other ships without us suffering a whole lot of damage but we can also Take more Punishment then normal thanks to the new hull plating........So think of a knife cutting threw butter but we are a ship doing the cutting :) and we come out the otherside almost with no scratches :).......HOWEVER! downside to this tech is that we gotta drop shields to use it :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 22, 2004, 12:58:16 AM
Very good morgan.....

The power grid is good to go.....Lets start the rest of the repairs then........I think we should start scanning each deck....Deck bye deck scans., to make sure everthing is good....I think in our last battle we lost containment on a few decks.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on July 09, 2004, 09:17:22 PM
"Thank you, Mr. Jackson. Engage!"
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 06, 2004, 12:44:35 AM
Off: To all involved:

Who said the Evolution is going to be destroyed. Misinformation. I am glad someone is finally here. NO!!!! THE EVOLUTION IS NOT GOING TO BE DESTROYED! It's a diversional tactic and the evolution AND it's crew will not be destroyed. Clarification is being made. David had given permission for either me or Thomas Jackson to assist in running the evolution. Please read back a couple of forum posts. The original intent of the whole idea is to draw the N'ygat away from the Starphoenix base and draw the creature to a deeper part of space and let it feed on something else. A modification of the Warp engine was made to let out excess of energy for the N'ygat to feed upon in a "different part of space" AWAY from the Starpheonix base. An idea was pulled to perhaps lead this creature NEAR a black hole since it likes to feed on energy!!! ANd a black hole SUCKS on all energy matter. So why not try the idea to alleviate the problem by having one energy source suck another energy source to fix the problem. ANd if the black hole idea don't work then it will "Feed" on the energy only. A huge plume of Warp exhaust was going to be release like a balloon releasing air, but at a SAFE distance.  Then the Evolution was going to be WARPED  BACK to the original location with the threat alleviated at the moment even if the black hole idea was a bust. ALSO if sacrifices were to be made. My character was going to "BUY" the time by sacrificing it's self by launching himself with an space shuttle and committ himself to the N'ygat AND "BUY" the evolution enough time to escape by diverting it's attention. It was only a diversional tact to help en-liven the story since there has not been an event holder keeping track of the story to help guide it. There was little communication. THAT'S not right either. There was PLENTY of room to re-route the story back to it's original intent as well. I am sorry if this has caused havoc and I apologize for any mis-content among the group. I RESPECT david very much. I will NOT jeopardize his work, but I believe in David also wished for us to roleplay in his absence to keep the story going even if it does go off base eventually the intent was supposed to re-route us BACK to the original story, but I was only trying to roleplay my character so I used very descriptive narratives and attempted some brand new ideas. They don't have to agree with it.  I will respect your decision, but make sure everyone else will agree with it. That's all I can say about it. I will not use my free will against another. :). To each his own. I will abide by ALL your decisions on this. You DON'T have to play the idea. Since it's only thus. An idea. Thank you for your times. Once again, my apology. :)

Off: Temporarily holding off further roleplay of my character until resolution has been seeked. :) Should an action deam necessary. I will stand down so another person can take command of the Evolution or an event holder can bring the story back to it's correct sequence as you wish it the story, but I will NOT edit my posting. It CAN be fixed based on story, but I don't not wish to stand on anyone's toes either.  It's really up to you all. I will post this statement on the Rivendell as well. Thank you.

OFF: To HK47, The message was MEANT for dramatic effect no more. The message was to see what the others would do. And read this forum to seek the result of the story. No more. SInce we had no event holder. I needed help getting our intentions ACROSS so there would be responses like this, but NOT a way to sabotage any ships. NO more. Thank you. I understand your situation. I thought I ask anyway. :) Thank you very much for letting me know, but that invitation was meant for ANYONE for sent if they have time also. :). I am also on a tight schedule. It's rough on me also. :) I work for a living. lol. :) Thank you.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 18, 2004, 11:44:03 PM
(The Evolution continues its head long run into the darkness as it plummets toward it's rendezvous with the black hole. BARELY managing to keep ahead of the N'ygat. You see the ship's energy being slowly drained as it prods along. Wisps of energy being fed into the N'ygat as it fights to feed it's hunger. In the mind of Vurak, he endures the pain of the voices klinging to his mind. FEED NOW. N'ygat ANGRY with the ship. MUSt get ship for making N'ygat hunger. It's taunting us. Get ship. Get EVOLUTION. GET VURAK!!!! The taunter of N'ygat. Get ship and crew! Feed! FEED!!!.....................)
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 25, 2004, 12:49:38 AM
Understood, Spock. Good work. We are currently waiting for docking clearance at Avalon.

OFF: I sent a message there and I'm waiting for a response. Yawn ;)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Randall Sanchez on September 02, 2004, 02:51:34 PM
*A slightly confused captain enters the bridge, looking around.*
"Umm... status report?"

OFF: ok can someone fill me in of what happened to the ship this past month, and what happened to me? Thanks :) I already have a next mission planned, just be a little more patient :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on September 04, 2004, 08:27:51 PM
excuse me lt. Spock it was not me who was confused because i was talking about two luitant commandors, since you are a luitant like me i was not adressing you but luitant commandor Vurok Spock. But i am fine hearing that you are in good health and you did a #### of a good job in sickbay thank you for that. :smile:
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 18, 2004, 03:13:57 PM
Commander Freeman arrives in engineering an walks over the the chief engineering.  
"Lt. Commander Freeman Reporting to assist with repairs"
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 21, 2004, 07:41:15 PM
"Aye Aye sir."

Morgan goes to the panel and begins his scan.   After a few minutes the panel beeps.

"The gelpacks are installed and functioning at 100 percent effencieny"

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 10, 2004, 12:21:11 AM
Engaging, sir. Maximum warp. We wouldn't want to be late to our own funerals.

ETA to Starphoenix is 27.3 hours. Is the Rivendell with us?

OFF: If my ETA is way off, feel free to correct me lol.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on August 04, 2004, 01:16:56 PM
OFF That is alright Spock no hard feelings.

I'm on my way just finished the last preparations we have to put  this box n the head of the volley, be carefull, because when it is opened in here we can forget it.
Also the captain is wishing us the best of luck, and he let us know that altough he is not here physicaly mentaly he is with us, and he is trying his best to return as soon as possible.

Commander the captain is well pleased with your work he let you know.

Ok now lets go to work and let us hope for the best

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Hedford on August 19, 2004, 09:02:29 AM
OFF: I'm sorry for the confusion, but during my short absence it seems that every ship has it's own storyline. You are still fighting the cloud and the rest has been transported(by Q) to Avalon.

Hedford was sitting in the chair next to Commander Spock and was watching his actions. He saw that the Evolution was in good hands and had no thought of interferring with any of the command duties at hand.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 24, 2004, 01:29:19 AM
*gets a status report ready for when VS returns*

Well the decks are repaired......

*spock to Jackson*

All the decks hacve been repaired of there damage......sending repair teams to help with getting main power online.....

Spock out*

*heads a repair team to main engineering and starts to get main power back online.....It takes only 4 hours but main power is back up.........**the power flickers for a minute and then flickers back on*

Alright time to get the rest of the ship ready for trouble once again.......Ill send a report to avalon station.....

*gets a PADD redy for VS and sends a status report to avalon station*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on September 02, 2004, 12:10:24 PM
*ftima walks into sickbay and see the two lt cmd. walking and talking through sickbay* luitanant commandor Spock and Jackson ignoring doctors orders. Do you really want i knock you out with this big shot i gave you last time. I m absent for just a little while running some test on our captain. and you two thing this is a sign of your well being. lt.cmd Jackson i´ll give you 24 ours bedrest and then you may do your duty on the ship but i mean 24 hours bedrest, for you lt.cmd Spock as soon the live support is working 100 % youre of duty in Sickbay and you well enough to go to work 98 % the other two you need still be resting. Btw thank you for helping me out in sickay.

I can also report you that our captain is recoverd he will be soon on the bridge again.

*ftima walks out sickbay to research her sample of the cloud, When she arrives there is only the container left in wich the sample was put. *

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on September 04, 2004, 09:45:40 PM
Yea yea yea yea...Whatever...
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on June 19, 2004, 01:45:16 AM
(Addressing Morgan Freeman) Ah, Lt. Commander Freeman. I could use help in getting the repairs down on the shield functions of the ship. It has taken extensive damage from the last encounter from the N'ygat. I am currently working on the modifications of the Warp Core and it's installation currently since it has been giving problems as of late. I will gladly accept your help. I thank you very much.

Off: Spock. You are getting it now. NO, we will NOT get mad. That would be very BAD form. Blend with the story line and stick to it. Just add your ideas OVER time kinda like I am doing with my warp modification ideas as you noticed. :) If something was wrong, The story should be worked around it or someone like Captain Sanchez will inform ya if something is a bit out of sync. :))

Well. Lt. Spock. I will have to look over the specs. I am interested in your torpedo designs. A ramming modification for the ship interesting, but I am not sure if the ship can take this kind of extra armorment, but it has some good points in case we need to make a tactical hit and run.  (See ship specifications on the U.S.S. Evolution forum area to give you a better idea of our ship design and weaponry design. :)) I want to look into the design specs for making improvements on the weapons systems. I see you have done diagnostics. Good work. I need your help on getting weapon systems on line. Get your torpedo modifications done for that area right now. (Here I leave room for your imagination. You come out with the improvement idea now so that it fits the ships conceptions with the Captain's approval of course. You need to talk to him as well. lol.) And please make sure the Ensigns do their job to my specifications. Take care. Lieutenant.

(He returns to monitoring warp core installation.)


(Edited by Vurak Spock at 3:50 am on June 19, 2004)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 21, 2004, 05:32:25 PM
I think i was given the rank of LT commander but im not VERYU!!!! sure on that :).....Youll haveta ask Sanchez or go to the new recruits forum at avolon station thing on these forums to find out :)

And Im Vurak Spocks Cheif engineering Assistant :)....

I think i was    given rank as either commander *not sure* or LT commander hehehe......Sanchez may know ;D

ON**Morgan just informed me that the shields are good to go.......

*Motions towards morgan to follow*

Lets go and see what else needs to be fixed.....Im pretty sure that...We should check the power....And make sure all the Gel Packs are still intact..........So you check the Gel packs and ill run Diagnostics on the power Grid.....

*Motions Morgan towards the scanning station*

Go on.......Start scanning to make sure the gel packs are there........If there is anything outta the normal inform me or Vurak

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 06, 2004, 02:33:34 AM
ON**Does his work at his station to make sure everything is going smoothly.....And checks the warpcore to make sure things are AOK.....*

OFF**Okie last post till i either get a new system:>) which i hope is sometime next week.....OR! until i get back :) so have fun all :) should be back in 5 days if im not PLEASE!!! dont cosider me KIA lol

I like being the Cheif engineering assistant....to much:)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 07, 2004, 10:35:37 PM
Off: Again. No helms officer. We are losing them like hot cakes. Sigh. lol. It seems like we are shooting them out of torpedo shoots or something. he he. :)

At ease, Lieutenant. (:))

Ah. We are really logically ready Captain. It sounds like a solo run on your part again without helms. Captain Sanchez.  

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Jonathan on August 04, 2004, 06:13:41 AM


Okay obviously people didn't bother to go and read the story line in the Station Ops thread before they started playing in the story.

Firstly the Evolution doesn't even need to be fighting the Na'jigat.  David posted with the Galifreyans before he left and left it that the galifreyans were holding back the Na'jigat and that hedford/montrell is suppose to continue that story line..

What the Evolution and Rivendell need to do is make contact with the USS Lothlorien and coordinate rescue efforts...

This means that Alot of what you have already posted via the story line needs to either be editted out or ignored because it is WAY OFF THE STORY.  

So Make contact with the Lothlorien and get things coordinated on the rescue efforts, there are still thousands of people on the surface!

Also i was told by the person who is playing HK47 that there are plans in the works that would cause the Evolution to be destroyed?  THIS CAN NOT HAPPEN!  I don't remember David leaving any instructions about the evolution being destroyed.. And that sort of story plot has to have HIS AUTHORIZATION!

So leave any story line involving the Evolution fighting the Na'jigat as it shouldn't have even been happening!

(Edited by Jonathan at 1:21 am on Aug. 4, 2004)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: ftima on August 18, 2004, 09:46:33 AM
Yes, i succeeded to get hold of a sample of this energy bomb. For now i saved it in a container outside the ship it is only a small quantity so it can not effect us. but to be sure it wont i will leave it outside the ship untill we regain all our powers. It is possible for me to run some test on it even it is outside the ship. The test i run now are above all expectations. This cloud it is ............... i have no words for it what a construction. Let me run some more test, by the way our captain he is doing just fine give him some couple of weeks and ik think he will be standing on the bridge again :happy1:
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on August 21, 2004, 09:01:52 PM
(OFF: I think I got the gist of it. And I play SW: KOTOR too :P)
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 26, 2004, 01:46:42 AM
OFF: Gotcha, my mistake.

(Edited by Thomas Jackson at 11:33 pm on Aug. 25, 2004)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 28, 2004, 05:01:26 AM
*The NExt morning HK47 awakens from his recharge cycle and notices to himself that his back up power cells and his main power cells have been completely recharged and runs a few self diagnostics to make sure everything is in running order.....When its done he goes over toe the engineering station and hoooks up to it and begins repairs from his current station*

*HK47 contacts Vurak Requesting permission to have access to the entire ship to help with the repairs*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on September 02, 2004, 11:59:40 PM
Ugh, ftima. I'll obey. No more shots for me. I'll rest until you say otherwise.

OFF: Captain, I'm still a little confused about all of it, myself. Things started getting weird during the mission to Dantor. First we were transported back to Avalon...then we weren't. We tried Vurak's plan...then we didn't...then we did again. There was something about a Q somewhere in there, and the Gallifreyens also showed up, I think. We were damaged on the way back to Avalon and some of us were injured. Repairs are underway and we're back at Avalon...I think. Frankly, I'm confused about a lot of things and I've been here most of the time.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 19, 2004, 08:20:41 PM
"Aye sir, I will get it done. "

Morgan grabs his tool kit and goes to the shield generator control matrix in engineering.

"Command Spock, I will start her that go to the generators themselves.  We should have shield effency back up to 100% in about 1 hour."

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Morgan Freeman on June 21, 2004, 03:19:11 PM
"Spock.  Shields are up to %110 thanks to the modifications to the power assembly in the matrix.  A little jolt can go a long way to clearning the mind.  
 How can I be of further assistance?"
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 05, 2004, 10:51:44 PM
*Looks out at the stars as the Evolution leaves the station.*

Here we go again.

OFF: lol

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on July 08, 2004, 01:24:20 AM
Sir, for the time being, I'll take the helm.

*Moves to the helm station and looks over the controls. Hmm..it's been a while since I did this, but I think I can get the hang of it again.*

All systems show ready sir. We can leave whenever you want.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on August 03, 2004, 12:10:41 AM
*Spock to Lt Ftima*

Meet me in the armory and we can put this box in the next volley......GEt there asap

Spock out*

*spock rushes down to the armory and waits for ftima to get there with this box of hers....Once she gets there I prepare the next volley with this box in it*

OFF**Sorry i sorta posted for ya Ftima....HAd to hurry our destruction of the EVolution along

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 18, 2004, 11:37:03 PM
Off: ;). Captain Sanchez would be proud with a #### of a crew.Thanks for your patience in all this. I am proud to serve everyone here. Thank you graciously. :).

I will work on putting all our energy towards the Warp Engines. I need you to keep all our power except life support on the warps. We NEED to make it. Keep going Thomas Jackson!!!!.

Lt. Spock. I need to type in the sequence code to be put on stand bye. Prepare our warp engines. As soon as we reach the Black Hole coordinates. I want to launch the excess energy from the warp engines. It's going to be a huge mixture of energy with anti-matter energy combined to act as food and a deterent to push the N'ygat back enough, but keep it hungry enough to feed on it.

(Think of it as the Evolution is going to release a HUGE amount of gas like having very hot chili and you feel a bit of an uncomfortable rumbling in your tummy. :). IT's cute. A mixture of bug repellent and chili kind of mix. You'll see. LOL.)

Ftima, Excellent work on obtaining the samples. Keep our Captain Alive. Hang on for the ride.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 21, 2004, 04:53:23 PM
Okie kellli ill try and fill ya in best i can

Starpheniox base was attacked bye an energy hungery cloud called a nijgat *bad spelling and bad with names so sue me*.....Avalon sent 2 ships. DA sent 1.....Then the ships of starpheniox was alredy there....Lothlorien showed up.....So there all transporting dead bodies and stuff off of starpheniox base.....So the evolution is trying to deal with this cloud but the Q showed up and rescued all the ships save for this one because VS wanted to finish out the story...........So we are stuck here trying to lure this cloud into a black hole :).........

Oh BTW HK47 is a DA droid sent bye them to help with the evac *hes now an ambasssador between the evolution and DA........But he must complete this thing with evolution before he actually becomes the ambassador :)*........so right now HK47 is plugged into the evolution.........giving them power from himself and rereouting so much power that the crew doesnt know what to do.....So there just standing there as VS is barking out orders :) and im just being one heck of a power conduit :)

Does this make sense to ya yet ?........If not sorry :) but i tried :D

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: HK47 on August 25, 2004, 03:12:27 AM
Jackson we are alredy docked.....Sarah sent a message to us saying that once when our storyline was threw that we would be docked.........There for we are!..........we dont need to wait for clearance LOL

ON** *HK47 to jackson*

I got weapons and shields up and running......I think the evolution might be ready for action once again......

Hk47 out*

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 28, 2004, 09:49:17 PM
=A=Vurak to HK47=A=
Currently, I am in medbay. Seek security clearance from Kelli Lauren. She is the Chief of Security. She may be able to assist you on this. Right now the Warp Core is in bad disarray from that last burst. Please assist Lt. Spock on repairing it if you wish. Currently, I am resting up from my so-called excursion.
=A=Vurak Out=A=

(As he slowly gets up slightly disoriented, but quickly recovers his composure)

Dr. Keliah and Dr. Ftima, May I assist in any repairs in medbay. I will take it rest if I get to tired. I am logically speaking restless to get back to my job, but I will take doctor's orders to take it easy. (He remember last time he disobeyed doctor's orders......:).) I would be glad to assist in any way.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on September 02, 2004, 11:49:40 PM
"Ahh, Captain, good to see you up again. We just got back to Avalon not too long ago, and the Rivendell a little before us. I was in sickbay for a few days, so I missed most of the mission too. That d*mn access junction loves to explode on me..."

(OFF: Like I said , I missed most of it too, so I cant really fill you in...)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on June 20, 2004, 04:42:57 AM
*Taps commbadge and whispers into it **Spock to Vurak*

Our new ship mate really likes his job....Spunky isnt he for a human....


*nods to mr freeman*

Very good morgan.......Go about your business....

*points to freeman as he reaches into the sheild battery*

Dont pull that *too late and theres a very loud noise and freeman became a lightening bolt rod*

*Spock to the doctor*

We got an injured crewmate down here....I think itd be wise if you got down here to tend to him


*The doctor comes walking into the egineering bay and tends to freeman*

Mr freemen i suggest routing the power from that first before you do anything like that again....*nods*

*goes back to work*

*few hours later after keeping an eye on freemen and helping him where needed I get the weapons systems back up and running at 75% efficentcy

Cheif weapons are up and running at 75%

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Nick Brooks on June 25, 2004, 02:22:46 AM
Well done crew. carry on.

OFF: Sorry it took me so long. I've been sick. :(

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Spock on July 05, 2004, 02:39:55 AM
OFF**My last post made no sense when i read threw it a few minutes ago :(

ON**Walks into engineering and nods to vurak and goes to do his work......

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Darren Steer on July 18, 2004, 03:38:02 PM
OFF: I appologise for my recient disaperarence, but my ISP decided to cut my internet access off - however all is well again as I went to a more reliable ISP.

ON: Sorry about that Captain but i beleve I was stuck in a time loop and could not escape until i fired my phaser at myself (on stun of course) but I am back now - so I am ready for orders.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on July 26, 2004, 12:11:04 AM
Off: Just waiting till everyone responds to the last few posts. I be back in a few days. :) Take it easy everyone. It would be nice to have a full house on this. he he. Thanks.  :)

VS to Spock

Thank you Lieutenant.

(As the story goes, Vurak looks on the viewscreen. The voices in his head as he hears their shocked voices for which sounds totally amazed of the new energy source. He hears their hungry cry to feed. A feeding frenzy is about to begin from the sounds of it. He looks on the viewscreen with a disturbed look in his face as the light pierces through the clouds toward the station.................................)

Helms, State your position at this moment. Time till we reach our destination point.

Off: Or anyone who wishes to respond to this. :)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Kelli Lauren on August 21, 2004, 04:00:49 AM
(OFF: Well, I have fallen out of the loop... oops...)
Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Vurak Spock on August 28, 2004, 01:44:49 AM
Off: Don't matter to me actually. I had my fun with the blackhole theory with N'ygat. he he. Someone else can run for a bit. LOL. :).

To HK47, Best take it up with expansion administrators on how you wish to have your character played to everyone. So I honestly thought he was a droid or an android. My mistake then. I can only make suggestions from my own experiences. No more. I do apologize. Take it up with administration on this. :). I am more concerned with having fun with my quiet and workaholic engineer. :). I only want to roleplay and have some fun. And that is exactly what I am going to do. Enough said. Thank you.

Note to all:
Smiles to everyone here. Thanks again for letting run that little scenario. Enough said. Being part time trekkie is a neat little way to get away from it all. My stress reliever.  Thanks again to everyone's hard work. Thanks again everyone!!! :).

ON: Vurak eventually awakens from his slumber in sick bay. He looks around wondering where he was at the time. He awaken to see Lt. Ftima treating Thomas Jackson in the next bed sleeping and Captain Sanchez he sees before him lying peacefully sleeping.  He inquires from what he heard as he awakened from his slumber.

Lt. Ftima. I am well enough to get up. I will take it easy, but maybe I can be of assistance until in med bay until Dr. Karelia comes around. I have had some medical training when I was at the academy and also may be also to use my engineering skills to work out the bugs of this place. Let me be of assistance if you wish. I am at your command. Lieutenant.  
(He genuinely smiles warmly. A vulcan smiling. he he. :).)

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on August 27, 2004, 01:10:09 AM
OFF: LOL...Keep pushing it, pal, and I'll post the original message that I deleted last night. ;)

ON: Spock, inform station Ops that we've completed repairs. You and your alter-ego seem to accomplished everything by yourselves, so you should probably get medals. Regardless, find out if we are needed anywhere in the near future. In the meantime, I'll be in my cabin.

*Jackson rises from his chair, and then falls to the deck. Apparently his head wound was worse than originally thought.*

OFF2: I won't be around for a couple of days...going out of town for the weekend, just to let you know.

Title: U.S.S. Evolution Mission 8: Starphoenix Base under attack
Post by: Thomas Jackson on September 04, 2004, 01:02:02 AM
OFF: Spock, I think when ftima was talking about sedating Spock, she meant VS, not you...but I could be wrong lol Having two guys named Spock on board is just the least of the confusion ;)

On: Dr. ftima, I think I'm fit to return to duty, if you say so. Other than confused memories from the past few days, I feel fine.