Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

The Dantor City => Starphoenix Station => Topic started by: on May 19, 2003, 01:55:44 AM

Title: Holo Suite #1
Post by: on May 19, 2003, 01:55:44 AM
"Computer, activate orchestra program 143-D.  Full band, wih a trumpet for myself."
*band and conductor materializes*
"Computer, create audience.  Leave extra seats in case someone wants to watch."
*Audience materializes*
"Run program."
*Begins playing a swingy, jazz-style version of The Marine's Hymn*


Title: Holo Suite #1
Post by: T Hain on March 14, 2003, 12:55:17 AM
T'Hain begins to get to work on getting the holosuites setup

Yes this should not take me too long, Pretty much installiing them and hooking them up to the Main Computer, No lets see...........

[several hours later]

Ah yes, Just hook this up here and it should be done.

Computer status of Holo Suite?  

Computer: Holo Suite is functional.

Well it seems I have not lost my touch after all.

Title: Holo Suite #1
Post by: on May 29, 2003, 12:37:34 PM
*Hears the alarm sounding*
"Computer, end program."
*leaves holodeck*
Title: Holo Suite #1
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 23, 2003, 12:48:33 AM
*walks in*

Computer, enable programmer mode. Load personality patterns Assis Alpha-0034-Gamma-Phi.

Patterns loaded and ready. Programming mode enabled.

Computer, enable visual sculpting mode and load appearence pattern Assis-Epsilon-997.

Pattern loaded and ready. Sculpting mode enabled

*the image of a young woman wearing a science uniform with no pips appears, smiling*

Run program

*computer beeps*

Hello SARAH, how are you?

- I do not think there is a possible answer to that question sir, but if you are refering to the integrity of my program, I am fine.

Good... I'm going to update somethings and upload more scientific databases to your memory banks today and then we will start working, ok?

*three hours later*

Hum.. let's see how you perform today... Computer, run experimental warp core program. Authorization Assis-2643-Kappa.

*the room turns into something like the main engeneering of a ship, though the warp core is smaller and there are small nacelles next to it*

So SARAH, let's get to work. You take the intermix console and I'll work on the field harmonics.

Title: Holo Suite #1
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 23, 2003, 05:19:52 AM
- Yes Captain.

SARAH, ignite the warp core, please. Use the intermix formula I have just uploaded into your memory banks. And remember to keep an eye on the antimatter inlet. Last time we almost lost the constrictors because of too much antimatter comming in!

-Yes sir, I will try to correct this.

*SARAH taps some commands on her console and the warp core starts humming and the characteristic thumps from the matter-antimatter reaction begin to be heard*

Good SARAH... What's the temperature of the primary induction coils?

-I am reading 5093.45 degrees Kelvin, sir.

Please, call me Pierre... I made you to look like my wife, so please try to be a little more human, ok?

-I am a scientist, not an entertainer! My personality patterns are not made for informal chatter...

Ok then... Just keep an eye on you console then... Gotta remember to fix that attitude sometime...

*The thumps become faster and faster*

Reaching first energy treshold... Prepare to transfer energy to the warp coils!

-Aye sir. On your mark...


*The small nacelles get brigter, but they do not move. Somehow, they just appear blurred, out of focus. Some kind of coruscating energy field surrounds them*

Ok, first resonant layer deployed. Field integrity at 100% and holding. Report.

-All readings nominal. Antimatter inlet working as expected. Reaction at 92% efficiency and trying to compensate.

*The thumps get faster and faster*

Deploying second harmonics now!

*The nacelles get more out of focus and sometimes appear to shift in place. The field surrounding them gets brighter and makes the whole place take a bluish shade*

The field is holding, 88.5% of integrity... Reading some neutrino fluctuations... Report.

-All remains the same, sir. Efficiency at 89.3% Primary inductor coils reading 50,000 degrees Kelvin, internal structure unchanged.

*Again the thumps get faster and a bit louder*

Deploying third harmonics! Apply the gravimetric corrections to the intermix formula in 5 seconds... Now!

*The nacelles shift heavilly and are completely out of focus. The field becomes more transparent*

-Corrections applied. Reading massive density fluctuations on the nacelle structure. Their integrity is down by 50%... Primary coil temperature reaching safety limits.

Engage auxiliary plasma coolant injectors. Adjusting harmonic frequency. Hows the structure now?

*The nacelles come a bit more into focus*

-Integrity restored sir. Proceeding to next energy treshold.

Engage in 15 seconds. Recalibrating field simmetry.

*The same thing happens, but the humming from the nacelles increases a lot and the field is almost completely transparent*

Fourth harmonic field in place. Prepare to change intermix formula on my mark. How's the structure?

-Down again, but by 20%. Temperature reading 65,237.32 degrees. Ready to change formula on your mark.


*The nacelles come almost perfectly into focus*

-Ready to next step sir.

Ok, but this time we'll try something new... When I implement these new harmonics, you'll have to constantly recallibrate the warp coil's output, ok? Do it as I have put in your memory banks...

-I will try to respond as quickly as I can, sir...

Then let's do it... Ready... Engage!

*The thumps get really fast. Suddenly the field around the nacelles starts to change colours and hums really loud. The nacelles get distorted*

-Trying to compensate, sir! *SARAH taps her console at blinding speed*

Adjusting harmonics... almost there...

*The nacelles come almos perfectly into focus, the field becomming an almost perfect transparent blue shell*

Almost there... harmonic sequence almost locked in.

*Suddenly the nacelles get blinding white and the hole room vanishes*

Program terminated for safety reasons.

Wow! I guess even the safety protocols weren't ready for this one... Nice work SARAH, but I'll have to study what's happened...

-Thank you sir.

Computer, deactivate program SARAH.

*SARAH vanishes*

Transfer data recordings do my quarters.

*leaves the holosuite*