Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

The Dantor City => Starphoenix Station => Topic started by: mahGNUs on December 21, 2002, 02:14:37 PM

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: mahGNUs on December 21, 2002, 02:14:37 PM
Reporting to duty as orderd, Commodore T'Hain.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Jamo on January 09, 2003, 10:51:56 PM
(Yeah I am... Sorry about not posting in a while. I'm still here though.)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on February 04, 2003, 09:35:33 PM
no prob ;)
welcome to Starphoenix!! :D
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Nitrok on March 15, 2003, 11:55:03 AM
Thank you sir, I will report to USS Lancelot immediately.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on April 14, 2003, 12:57:53 AM
no problem :)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Rena on April 22, 2003, 12:29:06 AM
lol...did you wantr to be on the base is that why? lol..or are you just trying it out lol
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 29, 2003, 05:21:32 AM
OFF: I am not sure as to what exact missions that the USS Sphinix will be performing....  I would prefer that you do not transfer to the sphinx but if you would like to make another character you can do that and it can be assigned to the uss sphinx....  I really need to keep the crew that i have on the USS Lancelot on the USS Lancelot....  Because it is only because that i almost have the uss lancelot filled up that i am able to commision the sphinx....

OFF: Btw i do not blame you for the mess ups.. It was partially my fault and Partially the fault of command sutter....

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 30, 2003, 12:12:37 AM
Greetings Sariah Perryman, Eric Hobsbawn, & William Thomson.

I have received all your transfer file.

Sariah Perryman, You will be Tactical/Security Chief on the USS Sphinx, Commander Rank. (Gold Avatar)

Eric Hobsbawn, You will be assigned as the XO on the USS Sphinx, Commander Rank (Blue Avatar)

William Thomson you will be assigned as the Chief Engineer for the USS Spinx.  Commander Rank (Gold Avatar)

Please report to the bridge of the USS Spinx, I believe Captain Jonathan is there now waiting.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 30, 2003, 06:35:53 AM
OFF: Well as CMO on a Medical ship you will be in charge in rounding up the other medical officers for rescue missions etc.  
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 03, 2003, 08:48:04 AM
Hmm perhaps Chief Engineer would be better.. Lieutenant rank.  so if you could change your avatar.. the current Chief Engineer is kinda AWOL at the moment..... so i will demote him to assistant and you take over as the chief engineer....
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Data on May 07, 2003, 08:47:31 PM
Greeting Commodore, I am Data. Do you have the chief of tactical on the lattes still available?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Wil Ohmsford on May 09, 2003, 06:30:20 PM
I would like to control the helm on the USS Sphinx
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: SanDCA on May 13, 2003, 09:11:29 PM
Operations Officer
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on November 20, 2002, 09:13:03 AM
Please state what department you would be interested in and I will get you assigned as soon as possible.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on December 20, 2002, 07:54:17 PM
Well thank you, sir. The feeling is mutual.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on January 10, 2003, 03:52:54 AM
(OFF: oh its fine, I was just curious if i missed something, No worries ;) ))
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Krebb Dtok on February 04, 2003, 05:16:11 PM
I... thank you. And I... thank you for welcoming me to the StarPhoenix Division.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Nitrok on March 15, 2003, 08:55:45 PM
Sir, when is the Lancelot arriving. While I wait, as it could be days, may I be assigned to one of the starbase quarters?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Matthias Cloud on April 10, 2003, 11:09:25 PM
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on April 22, 2003, 12:30:55 AM
OFF: I just want to stay where I can get help faster. And as long as I'm here, I might as well do something to help. I may transfer to the Lancelot when I get the Hang of this.

(Edited by Harn Sulu at 5:33 pm on April 21, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Matthias Cloud on April 29, 2003, 02:40:33 AM
OOC:what exactly is the medical ship (Sphinx) going to do? If possible, may i switch to tactical/security chief,or another position needed on the sphinx,(to help fill in the needed positions)i.e. First Officer..................just kidding,if its possible?!, and don't worry about me messing up any more, i'm ready(i have more time to post,and do other things, i.e. check my posts, so they're accurate.)to start rpg'ing,i'm going to wait a couple days and then check in on the lancelot, and the reply/replies to this message,i'm on PST time, its about 7:46pm right now.Bye!

(Edited by Matthias Cloud at 11:49 pm on April 29, 2003)

(Edited by Matthias Cloud at 11:51 pm on April 29, 2003)

(Edited by Matthias Cloud at 11:52 pm on April 29, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: William Thomson on April 30, 2003, 12:24:35 AM
The Sphinx has arrived? Those brats at Utopia Planitia are faster than I thought! Well, I will report right away. Should I get a shuttle or the transporters are online?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Aaron Grey on April 30, 2003, 06:30:27 AM
OOC:What exactly do i do as CMO,check ups, exams,etc.?(any other info please)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Gabriel Logan on May 05, 2003, 11:45:38 AM
Greetings! I have been looking for an assignment in medical.  Any availible?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Max Brooks on May 07, 2003, 08:37:51 PM
Very well Commodore, thankyou. New charactor is named Data.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 09, 2003, 06:37:46 PM
Very Well, You will be the 1st Helm on the USS Sphinx.  Please report to that vessel.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on May 13, 2003, 09:07:39 PM
sanDCA: Welcome, I believe all our security positions are full. Is their any other position you would be interested in?

J2: (Off: Go to the USS Lancelot forum. Then post in the reporting for duty thread :))

(Edited by Katie Marou at 11:09 pm on May 13, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: ShalaTal on December 10, 2002, 05:28:26 PM
I would like to be a Tavern/Pub owner.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on December 19, 2002, 11:05:50 PM
As Yes, Katie Marou I just recieved your transfer request.  I must say it will be a honor working with you.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Jamo on December 30, 2002, 08:48:14 AM
Thank you very much, sir. I shall do my best.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on March 15, 2003, 06:34:40 AM
reporting for engineering.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Matthias Cloud on April 18, 2003, 03:41:40 AM
OOC:question?:when is the  uss sphinx going to be commisioned,and what exactly is (type)is it going to be,i.e. freighter,etc.(just asking) ;)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 23, 2003, 11:29:48 PM
- CMO Assistant
- Chief Operations Officer
- 2 Assistant Operations Officers
- 1 Assitant Engineer

Are the positions available.  All positions are on the USS Lancelot.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Eric Hobsbawn on April 29, 2003, 09:31:53 PM
Eric Hobsbawn reporting in. I would like a job at the Sphinx, XO if possible. I do have a medical rank.

off: If i can´t be XO, i would like another position, different from CMO or medical assistent.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 30, 2003, 06:14:56 AM
OFF: Commander Rank... Blue avatar... CMO = Chief Medical Officer... So its like "Beverly Crusher" Or "Julian Bashir" or "The Doctor" on voyager etc..... :P  Oh and you have to logout completely at the top... when you are done with each character...  then re login with the next character... you can also change the login info when you go to post and it will post with the character that you type in login info for... Anyway hope that helps...
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 05, 2003, 08:38:50 PM
Hmm, I have Medical Assistant Positions available on the USS Sphinx.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on May 09, 2003, 05:48:17 PM
I would like the position of Helm officer on the USS Lancelot
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Jeremy Hawk on May 09, 2003, 05:58:27 PM
Reporting for duty as Helm officer on the USS Lattes.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: SanDCA on May 13, 2003, 09:43:48 PM
how do i get on the Lancelot division Sir
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on December 12, 2002, 05:55:47 AM
Hmmm, I believe that we already have a Tavern/Pub owner.  But I will have to check assignment rosters.  I shall get back to you as soon as possible.  

Would you be interested in an Assitant Position if the "ownership" is already taken?

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on December 19, 2002, 10:55:12 PM
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on January 09, 2003, 05:50:38 AM
OFF: Jamo??  Are you still with us??
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on March 15, 2003, 06:40:09 AM
Very Well Nitrok you shall be Tactical Officer on the USS Lancelot when it returns to the station.  Your Rank will be Ensign.  (This might turn into Tactical/Security Chief if its confirmed that the current one is inactive and remains as such).

Greetings Xeon.  Please report to Shala at the Bar and Grill she has some holosuites that need to be set up.  Your Rank will be Lieutenant.

Any Questions Gentlemen?

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Matthias Cloud on April 18, 2003, 03:01:09 AM
OOC: sorry to causeall the confusion, okay, to clarify it, i am a Tatical/Sercurity Officer? right?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Runespoor on April 23, 2003, 11:20:15 PM
Reporting for duty.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: William Thomson on April 29, 2003, 09:47:03 PM
Greetings Commodore. I am William Thomson, your assigned Cheif Engineer for the yet uncomissioned USS Sphinx, sir. *salutes the Commodore*

As you can see in my records, I am quite capable as an Engineer and Captain Pierre Louis Assis can confirm that... He and I worked together in his experimental warp core project some year and a half ago, if my memory does not fail me.

*hands over a PADD with his personal record*

I was informed during my journey to the base that the Sphinx is in it's final construction stages... Quite a fine Olympus Class, if I may say so...

No intention to bragg about it, sir, but I was involved in the development of the Olympus Class as an upgrade for the old Daedalus Class... I know her better than the back of my hand. *smiles*

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Aaron Grey on April 30, 2003, 06:09:47 AM
"Thank you sir"

*shakes the commodores hand*

" i will report a soon as possible,by the way do you know where i could find Lt. Matthias Cloud? He is my brother....I heard he was assigned to the lancelot."

OOC:hey its me (matthias grey) i emailed katie about a problem i had, i  tried to login as Matthias after i created this character and it didn't seem to work.oh and, what rank, avatar,etc. (medical right,and what exactly is/does a CMO do?)

(Edited by Aaron Grey at 8:11 am on April 30, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Gabriel Logan on May 06, 2003, 11:25:24 AM
"Very well, I'll take one.  What rank would they carry?"
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 08, 2003, 12:48:53 AM
Yes I do Mr. Data, Chief of Tactical/Security will be your assignment on the USS Lattes, Rank of Commander.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 09, 2003, 05:59:08 PM
Very Well, Please report to the USS Lattes.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on May 13, 2003, 09:24:20 PM
Ok :) Please report to the USS Lancelot as Operations Assistant.

(off: please change your avater to gold. Your rank will be..Ensign :))

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: ShalaTal on December 12, 2002, 06:28:57 AM
What about a plain Cafe for meals only.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on December 22, 2002, 03:11:45 PM
Ah yes, I have your assignment right here.  You will be Chief of Operations with the rank of "Fleet Captain"
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Jamo on December 28, 2002, 09:33:00 PM
Although I would feel better suited to be a helm officer, I feel that I can do some work in engineering.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Max Brooks on March 04, 2003, 09:54:08 AM
Thank you Sir,

Chief of Communications on the station sounds good.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on April 05, 2003, 05:05:19 PM
Mr.Cloud there is a helm position open on the Lancelot...
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 08, 2003, 08:42:22 PM
OFF: Could you please change your avatar to the red ensign avatar.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Jonathan on April 29, 2003, 06:25:48 AM
Thanks! I will go there now!
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 02, 2003, 12:45:43 PM
Which one?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 06, 2003, 05:24:07 PM
Erm Lieutenant Commander. for the first.. then Lieutenant then a couple of Ensigns.... You will be second in medical ward on the sphinx...
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 07, 2003, 07:15:08 AM
You can take the Chief of Operations on the USS Lattes if you would like.  Lt. Commander rank..  

OFF: I don't know when it will be launched for its first mission.  But it will be arriving from the shipyard in a few hours.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 10, 2003, 10:59:02 PM
OFF: I unfortunately do not have any Ships Captain Positions Open at this time.  The list of available positions are in the annoucements.  Check that to see if anything is too your liking..
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on May 13, 2003, 08:02:25 PM
T Hain sir i  can't get a hold of Matthias Cloud so how do i report to then Sir:confused: :confused: :confused:
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: SanDCA on May 13, 2003, 11:17:04 PM
Katie Marou i  scroll down the page but no  forum for USS Lancelot
can you get me the url please .
i thank you for your help in this mater :wink2:
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Vorak on December 12, 2002, 03:48:41 PM
This planetary base will need a facility for people to go have a drink, as well as for food.  So I  think "pub" would be the best, for both food and drinks, and it will also attract more people, including those who are not hungry but just feel like going there and have a talk with other people off-duty.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Magnus Goransson on December 22, 2002, 03:07:04 PM
Magnus Göransson are reporting in sir!
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on December 30, 2002, 07:14:07 AM
Very Well, For now I will assign you as Chief Engineer on the USS Lancelot, Your Rank Will be Lieutenant.

((OFF: The Ship is on the planet surface right now, Just report to the Bridge of the Ship I believe there you will find Commander Sutter, Please select the yellow lieutenant avatar in your profile)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on March 04, 2003, 03:42:48 PM
Very Well.  Please change your avatar to the Yellow Commander one.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Matthias Cloud on April 05, 2003, 10:17:09 PM
thank you, where do i report, to start roleplaying?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on April 06, 2003, 04:29:38 PM
no problem ;)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Sariah Perryman on April 29, 2003, 12:17:20 PM
Reporting for duty.  I would like to request an assignment on a ship or base (no asteroids, colonies, or planets) that involves blowing things up (preferably Security or Tactical).
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Teresa Lipan on May 02, 2003, 11:21:07 AM
Oh, well...... I'll take it!
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Gabriel Logan on May 06, 2003, 06:01:56 PM
"okay, Lt. Cmdr. then.  I'll go to the Clothing Replicator and get the rank pips immediatly."
(OFF: I'll change my avatar too)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Max Brooks on May 07, 2003, 06:20:50 AM
Commodore, Im just curious, when will the Lattes be launched?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: David Azerkopf on May 10, 2003, 11:36:49 PM
"I didn't see anything really appealing, sorry,."

OFF:maybe later when the positions are filled, and you decide on having another ship, you could assign me as captain?,i don't mean to be arrogant or anything,but i really,really,really,want to be captain,........,i'm crazy arn't i,LOL,just kidding."

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: SanDCA on May 13, 2003, 09:04:53 PM
SanDCA reposting. i wood like a POSITION in Security Sir  :)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on May 13, 2003, 09:52:59 PM
OFF: just scroll down this board and a little ways down you should see a forum that says USS Lancelot :)

(Edited by Katie Marou at 11:56 pm on May 13, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on December 13, 2002, 03:50:41 PM
OFF: Vorak is the Head of the Pub taken?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: mahGNUs on December 21, 2002, 02:32:08 PM
I'm honored. Live long and prosper my Commodore.

(Edited by mahGNUs at 4:33 pm on Dec. 21, 2002)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Magnus Goransson on December 28, 2002, 09:37:44 AM
Reporting that my department are ready for normal dutyes. We have repaired everything, sir.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: James Crusher on January 10, 2003, 04:02:37 AM
Reporting For Duty Sir!! I was hoping for a CMO Position perhaps on the USS Lancelot if it is available.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on February 04, 2003, 03:47:38 PM
Hello Mr. Krebb Dtok,
as far as I know engineering assistant is available on the USS Lancelot. I'll have to double check this but if it's free you may have it if you wish.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Krebb Dtok on February 05, 2003, 01:25:38 PM
I thank you Commodore Thain. I would be honored to work with the crew of the Lancelot.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on March 08, 2003, 04:57:16 AM
James Stuart Junior reporting for duty Sir. I am trainned in tatical and security, but i am at your disposal to perform any other function requested. As I curiosity, because i doubt that would be a job in those areas arround here, i also studied psichology, ancient Earth history and archeology in the academy.

(Edited by James Stuart Junior at 8:37 pm on Mar. 8, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Nitrok on March 14, 2003, 02:29:02 AM
I served as a security official of the Great Laboratory of the G´Kak Space Station of Vulcan Space, but it was only during one year. I also have some martial training and I am a Level 5 practitioner of Bat'leth, the Klingon Martial Art with the Kinglon Blade. I am a logical choice for the occupation in the security position, and I would serve at the maximum of my capacities, sir.

>Eik-veshtaya to'ovau kau - lu veshtaya ri glazhau goh na'kastorilaya t'kashan<.
Wide experience increases wisdom, provided the experience is not sought purely for the stimulation of sensation.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on March 17, 2003, 01:40:11 AM
Ah, yes Mr.Nitrok you a free to use one of the stations quarters until the Lanceloit arrives :)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on April 10, 2003, 04:26:46 PM
"USS Lancelot" forum...located near the bottom...
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Rena on April 21, 2003, 11:58:32 PM
Hello....Is this by chance Alex? because if it is this is Hope! and Commodore T Hain will take good care you you!
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 23, 2003, 01:05:34 AM
OFF: Yes it should be the Bartender avatar when I told you to choose the one heimdal had I thought he had the bartender avatar.. oops.. anyway.. yes... "heimdals pixies" is the Tavern... hehehe..  Anyway...  Sorry about the confusion... I made a post about the avatars in the pixie forum...
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 27, 2003, 02:08:53 AM
OFF: Chief of Science isn't open..... I don't know where you seen that :P
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Jonathan on April 29, 2003, 06:06:40 AM
Captain Jonathan report for duty as the USS Sphinx Captain.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 06, 2003, 06:09:51 PM
OFF: Member title changed.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Aaron Grey on April 30, 2003, 04:56:54 AM
"Aaron Grey Reporting for duty sir,requesting if i may be the chief of science on the USS Sphinx sir,if not anything will do."
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 02, 2003, 12:43:43 AM
Greetings Ms. Lipan, Im afraid the rank of "Major" won't be possible......  I do have Assistant Engineer and Operations Officer Ranks on the Lancelot.. both would carry Ensign or Lieutenant JG rank....
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 07, 2003, 01:53:32 PM
OFF: You can either do that.. Or even better make another character just for the Lattes......  Just let me know what you want to do....  BTW you are welcome to make a character for each ship.. Each ship needs crew.. So if you want to have more to do here in this division.. thats another option... You can look at the positions available in the announcements.....
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on May 10, 2003, 02:36:50 AM
(OFF: myself and Ben Tentroi are temporary characters created only for supplementing the storyline, with no permanent assigment.)  
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on May 11, 2003, 01:00:45 AM
Hello Mr.Allou. There's a Chief Medical position open on the Lattes if you want it :)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Marcos Lealo on May 11, 2003, 08:15:21 PM
Ok will do. Ill send you an email just to ask a few questions.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on May 12, 2003, 07:20:38 AM
J2reporting Sir:i wood like to request  Security Officer. Sir :)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: SanDCA on May 13, 2003, 11:39:45 PM
i get is thank you :agree4:
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 14, 2003, 08:49:17 AM
Okay you can be Tactical Officer on the Lancelot.  Your Direct Commanding officer will be Matthias Cloud.  As he is the Chief of Tactical/Security.  Your rank will be ensign, please choose the appropriate avatar.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Vorak on December 13, 2002, 06:23:42 PM
OFF: yes now it is.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on December 21, 2002, 02:18:27 PM
Very Well

You will be Chief of Station Security.  Your Rank Will be Captain

OFF: Please choose the yellow Captain Avatar in you "Profile"

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on December 28, 2002, 11:00:49 AM
Greetinga Jamo, I am afraid to say tho that I do not have an available Helm Position on the USS Lancelot, And the USS Sphinx ix not yet commisioned.  Is there another position you feel like you are suited for and perhaps we can transfer you to Helm at a later time?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on January 10, 2003, 04:03:36 AM
Ah yes Dr. Crusher, Yes the CMO Position Is available on the USS Lancelot, Your rank will be lieutenant Commander.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Krebb Dtok on February 04, 2003, 02:39:07 AM
Krebb Dtok reporting, I would... appreciate an engineering position, if one is available. Otherwise a Security possition would suffice.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 01, 2003, 03:54:17 AM
Dr. Pierre Louis Assis reporting for duty, sir. I would like to apply for a post on the Science Division, so I can continue my research in the Starphoenix Science Facilities.

OFF: I'm a newbie... if you could please help me understand the game... : )

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Daishin Kensuke on March 08, 2003, 04:48:13 AM
Dr. Kensuke Daishin reporting sir. I´d like to apply to a Science Division post if avaiable. My field of expertise is xenobiology.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on March 14, 2003, 12:32:09 AM
Greetings Nitrok, I trust all is well?  Im afraid I do not have any Science Position Openings, Nor are there any Diplomat Positions.  Do you have any training in area's such as Engineering or Tactical/Security?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Matthias Cloud on April 05, 2003, 06:31:40 AM
request assignment as science or helm officer,whatever is  needed,for uss sphinx.

(Edited by Matthias Cloud at 3:44 am on April 6, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Matthias Cloud on April 10, 2003, 02:26:27 AM
ummm,where do i report to,to start roleplaying?which forum?(when it gets back)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on April 22, 2003, 12:20:21 AM
OFF: Yes, This is Alex.

I guess I'll take the Tavern Cook. If another position opens up, I may transfer. That is if I don't get too comfortable.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on April 22, 2003, 10:39:01 PM
Thank you, Sir.

OFF: Sholdn't we switch the avatar to Bartender? By "Tavern" you mean the Pixies, right?

(Edited by Harn Sulu at 3:41 pm on April 22, 2003)

(Edited by Harn Sulu at 3:56 pm on April 22, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Matthias Cloud on April 26, 2003, 05:53:10 AM
OOC:whats this i saw about the chief of sicence position being open?Just wondering,for future ideas. oh, and t'hain "wake up" that alaana bloom has the hots for you.Think.;)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 29, 2003, 06:25:09 AM
Greetings Captain Jonathan.  I have recieved your assigment.  You may report to the USS Sphinx.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 30, 2003, 05:50:47 AM
Greetings Aaron Grey, There isn't a Science Position on the USS Sphinx so to speak.  But You could be the CMO of the Ship..  Which would allow you to serve in some sort of Science Capacitiy.  Please let me know.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on May 12, 2003, 07:22:08 AM
Or Helm.Sir
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Teresa Lipan on May 01, 2003, 10:50:15 PM
Major Teresa Lipan, reporting for dut.  Give me a jobin operations. :):):):):):)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Eddie Pearson on May 06, 2003, 06:10:17 PM
"Lieutenant Commander Pearson reporting in.  I would like to request the position of Chief Science Officer, USS Lattes.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Max Brooks on May 07, 2003, 01:12:52 PM
OFF: Does it have a full crew? because if neccessary I can take a leave of absance from the station and help out on the Lattes until things are running smoothly. It's just that things are quiet in the communications centre and they wouldn't miss me too much if I leave for a bit.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: David Azerkopf on May 10, 2003, 10:49:27 PM
*enters,salutes commodore T'hain*

"Captain David Azerkopf reporting for duty sir,requesting assignment as captain of a starfleet ship, if you need any referrals,or my credentials, i have them ready sir."

*hands a folder,with the information to t'hain, then salutes*

OOF:i would really like to be a ship captain,if the
position as captain is possible.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Jean Marque Allou on May 10, 2003, 11:57:39 PM

"Jean Marque Allou reporting for duty,requesting position as XO, Chief of Operations,or Chief Medical Officer."


Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 11, 2003, 08:11:40 PM
Very well.

OFF: Please change your avatar to the Gold Commander avatar.  And you might change your signature to reflect your rank :P

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on May 13, 2003, 11:33:36 PM
off: Sorry, there's no exact URL :-/ umm when you scroll down you should see:

StarPhoenix Base HQ:
Division Commanders Office
Private Communications
Mission Planning

StarPhoenix Planetary Base:
Station Ops & Communications
Shuttle Bay
Security Office
Medical Facility
Scientific Research Facility
heimdal's Pixies
Holo Suites
Crew Quarters

Planet Dantor:

Starphoenix Ships:
U.S.S. Lancelot - NCC 93001 (this is the forum you want :))
USS Sphinx - NCC 55015
USS Lattes

If you still cant find it I'll have to wait for THain because I dotn have an exact URL...sorry.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Larry Braxton on May 14, 2003, 11:55:50 AM
"Ensign Braxton, reporting for duty as a science assistant for the Lattes, sir."
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on December 15, 2002, 07:28:52 AM
OFF: So I am correct in assuming ShalaTal is the owner of it?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Styrbjorn on January 11, 2003, 08:35:38 AM
OFF: I'm here now the new XO of the Lancelot, I was transferred here because of the death of Lt. Cmdr. Langnickel .... Hi all .... ;)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on March 02, 2003, 06:29:43 PM
Ah, Hello Mr.Assis. Welcome to StarPhoenix.

OFF: Well if you have any questions about the game feel free to either Message me or post the questions in my office or the off game forum :) I will be more then happy to answer.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Nitrok on March 14, 2003, 12:29:45 AM
Nitrok reporting for duty, sir. I just came from Vulcan where I worked in the Science department of G´tak orbital base. I am skilled in sciences and xeno culture, and can also work in the dyplomacy department.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Skol on April 20, 2003, 04:49:31 AM
Very well Sir. I belive the experience of getting back at Starfleet working on this Station will be quite benefical. You are very well spoken both on Vulcan and on the Starfleet command. I shall report to check on my Station and prepare it for the inspection. Live long and Prosper.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 22, 2003, 09:59:08 PM
Very well.  Please report to Tavern.

OFF: Please choose the Avatar that looks like heimdals.  I can't remember what its called.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 24, 2003, 12:37:59 AM
Err Um, Greetings Ms. Bloom.  I have recieved your assignment.  You will be CMO assistant on the USS Lancelot.  The Lancelot is currently away right now, but you are welcome to enjoy the facilities on the station such as the holo suites or heimdal's pixies.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 06, 2003, 06:11:29 PM
Very Well.  The USS Lattes has not arrived yet but should be arriving shortly.  Please report to the Science Research Facility on the Base and report to Mr. Assis.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Marcos Lealo on May 11, 2003, 08:03:27 PM
yeah im interested I am going to tell you this i have only just joined EXPANSION FLEET today but i have lots of experience i will do my best in the new job.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 12, 2003, 07:52:20 AM
You can be Security Officer on the USS Lancelot.  Rank of Ensign.  I believe Matthias Cloud is the Tactical/Security Chief Please report to him on the lancelot.

OFF: Please change your avatar to the Gold Ensign avatar.  

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Art Cone on May 14, 2003, 08:13:36 AM
Reporting Sir: i wook like to go to the USS Lancelot ask a Security Officer or Helm Officer Position Sir:agree1:
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Vorak on December 16, 2002, 04:14:44 PM
OFF: indeed :)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: James Crusher on January 10, 2003, 04:06:34 AM
Thank you Commodore, I will report to the USS Lancelot Sickbay immediately!
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Max Brooks on March 03, 2003, 11:43:26 AM
Max Brooks reporting for duty.

OFF: What is happening with Sphinx?

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Daishin Kensuke on March 11, 2003, 03:14:06 AM
Thank you sir. It's a great opportunity to work here at StarPhoenix base. I shall report to Mr. Assis immediatly.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Rena on April 20, 2003, 07:32:29 PM

This is Major Rena reporting for duty as perhaps CMO?
If that is doable of course

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on April 22, 2003, 09:51:44 PM
Well, News travels fast around here.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Alaana Bloom on April 24, 2003, 12:34:32 AM
*the doors open and a very beautiful woman walks in*

Hello, Commodore. *gets very close to the Commodore, so close he can smell her sweet and faint perfume and her body heat*

I was transfered from Earth... *sits on the desk and crosses her legs* They said you needed an MD... And I can't resist a vulcan, myself... *grins*

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Joshua Flintz on May 07, 2003, 03:12:26 AM
"Joshua Flintz Reporting for duty sir."
"Requesting Chief of Operations,Science, or Tactical/Security as position sir, if its okay, i would really like to be Chief of Science,or Operations if the latter is not possible."

*salutes T'hain*

(Edited by Joshua Flintz at 5:15 am on May 7, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 11, 2003, 07:55:44 PM
OFF: Thats fine

Greetings Marcos, I have the Chief Engineer Spot on the USS Lattes available.  Rank of Commander, are you interested?

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on May 13, 2003, 12:17:24 AM
what department are open Sir
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on May 13, 2003, 11:45:23 PM
no problem. :)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Jamo on December 27, 2002, 09:41:49 PM
I would like to work at the helm of a starship
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: heimdal on January 31, 2003, 07:47:41 PM
Heimdal reporting for duty!

I'd like a job at Tal's Bar & Grill..
I like food.. i can cook, but i'm not a great chef.. but i'm an easy learner!

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on March 03, 2003, 04:13:46 PM
OFF: That is a ship that we are supposed to get from the cooperation when some kinda treaty is signed.  So as of yet we don't actually have the Sphinx, But I think soon we need to get it because im running out of positions lol, Anyway.   Tell me what kinda positions you would be interested in and I will see what we can Do to fit you in.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on March 10, 2003, 10:55:36 PM
OFF: I can make any position I want LOL.  Besides Science should be an important division on this station.  Anyway, please choose the Blue lt. commander avatar.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on April 05, 2003, 10:59:01 PM
Well you'll have to wait to join the Lancelot untill it gets back...it should be back soon. For now feel free to post in the holodecks and the bar. Your rank is Ensign. And change your Advater to helm...(the red one)

(Edited by Katie Marou at 1:00 am on April 6, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 20, 2003, 07:38:50 PM
Ah yes, The old CMO on the Station recently quit!  You can take her place!
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: heimdal on April 22, 2003, 09:10:59 AM
=<~ Heimdal to Harn Sulu ~>=

Hey dude, I heard you're considering signin' up as a cook in the coolest bar in the galaxy.. ;)


=<~ End of transmission ~>=

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 24, 2003, 07:35:12 AM
I haven't had a moment to use them yet.  Although I have been meaning to use them for my relaxation program that I have.  I could have the Tavern people help you get them working perhaps?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 03, 2003, 06:52:29 AM
OFF: Okay ;)

Okay, The USS LAncelot is currently out in space, but please feel free to explore the base and have some fun while you wait!

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 10, 2003, 11:39:05 PM
OFF: Well I might be aquiring the Marines Division as part of this division, but its not set in stone.  A ship will be coming along with that.  If I get that new stuff and ship I will assign you as the CO of the Ship.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: David Azerkopf on May 11, 2003, 07:41:35 PM
OFF:do you mind if i look around a bit?"I'll try and get to know my surroundings,and the other people here. :)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 13, 2003, 12:56:43 AM
StarPhoenix base:

USS Lancelot:
- 1 Helm Officer Position
- 1 Assistant Operations Officers
- Security Officer

USS Sphinx:

- 1 Chief of Operations
- 2 Assitant Medical Officers
- 1 Helm Officers

USS Lattes:

- 1 Medical Assistant
- 2 Science Assistant
- 1 Helm Officer

Are the available positions.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Jonathan on August 20, 2003, 09:56:53 AM
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Magnus Goransson on December 22, 2002, 03:18:19 PM
Thank you sir. I have a greate amount of experience of security and operations since my last asignment. (OFF: Read my profile)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on January 11, 2003, 08:50:00 AM
Ah yes, I got that transfer request this morning, Welcome to Starphoenix.  May I recommend you check out Tal's Bar and Grill before the USS Lancelot departs with the Cardassian Ship.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on March 03, 2003, 04:23:19 PM

Actually these are the positions that need filled.


Chief of Communications, Rank Commander, Yellow Uniform.

USS Lancelot:

3 Operations Officer Spots, Rank Ensign, Yellow Uniform

1 Tactical Officer Spot(Not Chief), Rank Ensign Yellow Uniform

1 Security Officer Spot(Not Chief, Rank Ensign Yellow Uniform

1 Helm Officer Spot, Rank Ensign, Red Uniform

CMO Assistant, Rank Ensign, Blue Uniform

The CMO of the USS Lancelot is actually still on the station as we had an accident.  Bear in mind if you do take a spot on the ship, you will not be able to post on the ship as you are on the station and the ship is out heading back to Avalon.  Let me know what ya want and Its yours.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on March 10, 2003, 10:52:53 PM
Thank you sir. I did not know I would have the opportunity to work such areas here in the station. I am honered serving with you.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Matthias Cloud on April 05, 2003, 11:00:26 PM
Thank you
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Rena on April 20, 2003, 08:00:21 PM
Thank you.....and I will get to work on it ASAP!

*shakes THains hand and Walks to Sickbay*

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Rena on April 22, 2003, 01:29:29 AM
ok...lol coolness..you better be able to cook some mean grub...no lol..! Macaroni and cheese will be good for mes lol...THain will prbably tell you to report there lol...Lol

Isn't that right T Hain lol? dry

*walks back to Sikc bay and works*
Hey  Alex...come in to sick bat to get your check up ASAP so i can log u!

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Alaana Bloom on April 24, 2003, 12:39:53 AM
Holosuites, huh? *grins again as she rubs her leg on the Commodore's* Sounds fun... Maybe you could show me how they work...
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Teresa Lipan on May 03, 2003, 02:35:29 AM
Assistant Engineer.
(OFF:To keep from forgetting passwords, I give all my characters the same password.  It really helps.)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: David Azerkopf on May 10, 2003, 11:45:29 PM
OFF:aquiring?,what type,class?,why,could i name it toby after my dog,......,LOL,just kidding about the name-thing,but thank you very much,i'll take that offer. ;)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Jean Marque Allou on May 11, 2003, 07:36:50 PM
"Thank you, i will report as soon as possible."

*salutes,then leaves*

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 13, 2003, 01:37:50 AM
OFF: Please change your character "J2"'s avatar to the gold ensign avatar
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: heimdal on January 31, 2003, 07:52:13 PM
Yes mam!
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Krebb Dtok on February 04, 2003, 11:51:08 PM
OFF: as you can see I currently have a civilian rank avitar, what should I put on my avitar so I have a S.F. rank.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on March 10, 2003, 10:44:34 PM
Very Well  Daishin Kensuke, Your assignment will be Xenobiology rank of Commander.

James Stuart I believe you would be suited to be in the Science department aswell, Archaeology will be your assignemtn with the rank of lt. commander.  Please report to your departments gentlemen>

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 20, 2003, 04:38:06 AM
Matthias Cloud: Yes Tactical/Security on the USS Lancelot, Please change your avatar to Lieutenant avatar.

Skol Greetings, Yes I think that would be the most logical choice of position for you.  Your Rank will be Fleet Captain.  Please change your avatar to Reflect as such.  

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on April 21, 2003, 10:31:40 PM
OFF: I was sent to this site by a friend, not entirely sure what to do, I should know tomorrow where to find her (she said she was on the phoenix base), Anything I should know about 'til then?
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 23, 2003, 06:32:40 AM
OFF: Thanks :)
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 24, 2003, 10:43:45 PM
T'Hain gets a blank confused look on his face, wondering what Ms. Bloom meant.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on May 09, 2003, 05:56:15 PM
OFF: Ok that's been done
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Marcos Lealo on May 11, 2003, 03:30:25 PM
I would like a Chief Engineer or Engineer position if posible.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on May 12, 2003, 04:57:09 AM
"Captain Samuel Ringstone Reporting for duty sir,requesting position as XO."
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 14, 2003, 12:40:10 PM
Very well, Please report to the USS Lattes.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Katie Marou on January 31, 2003, 07:50:58 PM
Hello Mr. Heimdal.
The job's yours. Please report to Shala at the bar.

(Edited by Katie Marou at 8:52 pm on Jan. 31, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on February 05, 2003, 05:45:15 AM
Please change your avatar to the "Ensign" Engineering Avatar, Yellow color.  I will modify your member title to reflect your position.  You can have the Engineering Assitant Position on the USS Lancelot.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on March 08, 2003, 11:36:07 PM
Quote: from James Stuart Junior on 1:57 am on Mar. 8, 2003
James Stuart Junior reporting for duty Sir. I am trainned in tatical and security, but i am at your disposal to perform any other function requested. As I curiosity, because i doubt that would be a job in those areas arround here, i also studied psichology, ancient Earth history and archeology in the academy.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Skol on April 20, 2003, 04:29:49 AM
Skol, reporting for duty. I just rejoined Starfleet, after working some time at the vulcan embassy. I am trained as an OPS officer, and that would be the logical position to place me.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on April 21, 2003, 11:57:04 PM
StarPhoenix base:
- Tavern Cook

USS Lancelot:
- CMO Assistant
- Chief Operations Officer
- 2 Assistant Operations Officers
- 1 Assitant Engineer

Those are the positions that I have open.  You can take your pick.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: on April 23, 2003, 03:30:23 AM
OFF: It's all right, Just, well... trying to be helpfull.
Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: Alaana Bloom on April 24, 2003, 11:11:29 AM
You vulcans... *shakes her head as she runs her right index finger through the Commodore's chest* Never get the subtle details of a conversation, do you?

Well, *stads up* if you need me, Commodore, I will be in the Medical Facility, updating some of my old patients files... *frowns her head and leaves the room*

(Edited by Alaana Bloom at 9:51 pm on April 24, 2003)

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 09, 2003, 05:49:16 PM
Very Well

OFF: Please change your avatar to the Red Ensign Avatar.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 11, 2003, 03:25:47 AM
OFF: Well with the Marines will come one ship and 4 fighters(one person ships).  The ship is already named.  But anyway I don't know much about it and im not even sure if i am going to be getting it..  But It looks hopeful maybe.  

Yes as Katie Marou said you are welcome to take the CMO Job on the USS Lattes.  Rank of um Commander.  Just let us know.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on May 12, 2003, 05:14:36 AM
StarPhoenix base:

USS Lancelot:
- 1 Helm Officer Position
- 1 Assistant Operations Officers
- Tactical Officer
- Security Officer

USS Sphinx:

- 1 Chief of Operations
- 2 Assitant Medical Officers
- 1 Helm Officers

USS Lattes:

- 1 Medical Assistant  
- 2 Science Assistant
- 1 Helm Officer

Are the positions I have for the "Main" Starphoenix division.  I have some other positions in the Starphoenix Marine Fighters subdivision.  The available positions are posted in that forum.  Perhaps you would like to pilot one of the Fighter ships?

Just let me know.

Title: Requesting Assignment
Post by: T Hain on July 29, 2003, 01:31:45 PM
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