Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

The Dantor City => Starphoenix Station => Topic started by: T Hain on January 20, 2003, 05:32:11 PM

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on January 20, 2003, 05:32:11 PM
That is correct, I believe it will be able to make it back to Avalon with its Impulse engines.  Hopefully the Impulse Engines don't go offline.  The ship will have an Engineer this time.  As we have had personal arriving on nearly a daily basis in shuttles etc.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 02, 2003, 03:57:42 PM
=A= Capt. Assis to engineering crew =A=

Please inform me as soon as you can begin building the Research Facilities. I will require a special power grid, as well as other special equipment. This will be discussed after I hear from you.

=A= Assis out =A=

*Nods to Commodore T Hain*

I will be at the Science Facility if you need me Commodore. Thank you once again.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 13, 2003, 02:23:42 AM
=A= Assis to T'Hain =A=

Commodore, we are having a friendly meeting here at Shala's Bar, perhaps you could come and get to know better my two new coleagues on the Science Department.

Also, the food is great.

=A= Assis out =A=

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on April 18, 2003, 08:40:30 AM
Greetings Admiral, It is an honor to see you again.

Ah yes Ms. Mirez I believe we have met before when I was the XO of Security on starphoenix.  You work in Celtic Corner correct?

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Aaron Grey on May 06, 2003, 02:05:29 AM
OOC:that's what i was emailed by katie. :)
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on May 27, 2003, 11:42:37 PM
=A= Assis to T'Hain =A=

Commodore, the Lattes has received a distress call from a Starfleet ship. As it is out of our sensors' range, we will need to go there and investigate. As you have not yet visited our ship, I'd like to ask you if there are any problems in doing so, sir.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Ternok on July 18, 2003, 03:39:28 AM
OFF: Please do so. I have nothing to do in here. Out of my four characters, I'm only able to play one. Thats in Omega, the busiest division here, in my opinion.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: David Azerkopf on July 20, 2003, 03:20:42 AM
OFF:Whch post?
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on November 20, 2002, 09:18:47 AM
My office.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Marcet on January 20, 2003, 04:20:03 PM
That is certainly strange, but ofcourse we will help your freighter..you said it had impulspower...so we are there to protect the ship, not to tow it..
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 02, 2003, 11:32:06 PM
=A= Assis to T'Hain =A=

Commodore, I would like to discuss with you, the Security and Ops Chiefs the instalation of a basewide system of emergency containment fields, especially near the Research Facility, due to tha nature of the work we will develop there. It would also help dealing with intruders...

=A= Assis out =A=

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on March 13, 2003, 02:22:07 AM
OFF: I am kinda wondering the same thing myself, I know Alissa is out of town currently.  Malia I have no idea probably needs to be replaced eventually.  Luc leblanc needs to be replaced.  Your CMO is on the station.  Where your XO is I have no idea.  And then the engineers.. *shrugs*
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Ayala Mirez on April 19, 2003, 02:16:44 AM
*smiles* why yes sir, you are correct
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on May 05, 2003, 04:05:55 AM
OFF: First of all its Matthias not Mathias..... and that is the right password.....
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on May 28, 2003, 06:55:01 AM
Ah Yes, I did want to go on the ships maiden voyage and since this is the first voyage i do believe I will be coming. I will be beaming aboard immediately, please have your transporter room ready to recieve me.

=^= T'Hain Out =^=

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: David Azerkopf on July 17, 2003, 04:00:20 PM
OFF:also would you like me to cover for you in the marine division until everythings back to normal,Mr. Kareilia can take care of starphoenix, an i'll take care of the marines, so you can take care of what ever you have to do.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Ternok on July 20, 2003, 04:01:44 AM
OFF: You taking care of the Marine Division.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on December 21, 2002, 03:38:02 PM
Commodore, I will start my security analysis of the
Starphoenix Planetary Base now. It would be good if construction of my office could be initiated.
From there, i could with more ease manage station security.

I realise the rather limited engineering resources we have at the moment, but, construction of station forcefeelds, etc radar capabilties and devices for personal security controll should be built within a not distant future.

In the first stage of the construction of our base, we are very vurnable. If it is ok with you, I will proceede to oversee the engineering of our base, and inform your staff of my precense.

(Edited by mahGNUs at 11:56 pm on Dec. 21, 2002)

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on January 19, 2003, 12:24:22 PM
Im afraid at this time We do not know why we were attacked by the Pirates.  

But we do know where the bomb come from.  It seems the Borg have resorted to undercover "agents" so to speak.

You may find that strange or curious, but we are just as shocked as you may be.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on March 02, 2003, 01:32:21 PM
Ah yes Greetings, I have heard of you coming.  Yes I authorize whatever you feel necessary, I will allow you to make the proper arrangements etc.  Now as far as your Rank and Assignment, Ah Yes Chief of the Science Department Here on starphoenix should suit you well.  I should say that would carry the rank of Captain.  

Anything else I can help you with today?

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on April 17, 2003, 10:30:17 PM
*salutes the admiral as he arrives with Ms. Ayala and mah' GNUs and then steps aside to the other side of the door, facing mah'GNUs*
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Matthias Cloud on May 06, 2003, 02:36:02 AM
OOC:the problem has been solved,yeahhhhhhh!!!!(finally)it worked matthias cloud,ekul387,its strange i remember logging in as that exact password and id. Im going to report to the lancelot, and start a posting frenzy! ;P
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Ryan Reynolds on July 15, 2003, 02:41:30 AM
Yes that sounds like a good idea.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Richard Halfdale on July 19, 2003, 10:31:33 PM
Thank you, sir.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on December 21, 2002, 09:20:41 PM
*Looks at the Commodore for an answere.
Then hacks for a short while on his PADD and hands it over to T'Hain*
Commodore, this is abit what i have in mind. May I proceed?

The logical way of any attacker that might be present, is to strike now, when we are in our most critical stage, and have not yet set up proper defense.

(Edited by mahGNUs at 11:57 pm on Dec. 21, 2002)

(Edited by mahGNUs at 11:57 pm on Dec. 21, 2002)

(Edited by mahGNUs at 11:59 pm on Dec. 21, 2002)

(Edited by mahGNUs at 1:01 am on Dec. 22, 2002)

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Marcet on January 18, 2003, 06:43:59 PM
Yes ofcourse we are of service, but are there any reasons for an assault on the freighter?

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 02, 2003, 03:38:46 PM
Thank you Commodore. It will be an honour serving with you and the crew, sir.

I will star by talking to the Operations Chief so we can arrange the construction of the Research Facility. I am aware that the USS Lancelot is away, returning to Starbase Avalon for supplies. Perhaps I should contact them so they can bring us what I need, sir.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Nocturnus on April 18, 2003, 08:23:36 AM
*returns the salute* At Ease Captain.

Commodore Thain. Pleaseure to meet you again.

I"d like to introduce you to my fiance and personal assistant.

Mz Mirez.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Aaron Grey on May 06, 2003, 02:27:15 AM
OOC:what exactly is the uss lattes going to do? is it going to be like voyager? if not we shoul try,later on after the lattes is filled,build an exploration ship,for fun ;), and i could create a character to fill as captain ,xo,chief of science,medical,security,etc, whatever is needed.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Matthias Cloud on July 14, 2003, 05:17:54 AM
OFF:My other character,one of many,has posted in the cortez, but i'm just waiting to see what's happening, because it seems the whole starphoenix division has gone dead, eversince summer vacation started,the XO hasn't posted in awhile, and neither has some other crewmen of the cortez, i'm going to talk to thain,or at least try, and seem if we can't(you,i, and any one else, start our own mini-storyline, or some thing to do until the division gets back on course.if mr. sinclai, and the other crew don't arrive we might have some osition changes, maybe...., not sure exactly.(My Characters, Joshua Flintz, Jean Marque Allou, Aaron Grey, Matthias Cloud, David Azerkopf,and Sam Ringstone<----not yet assigned.)---Lucas Bailey
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Ternok on July 20, 2003, 12:19:21 AM
OFF: Yes
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on December 22, 2002, 12:09:01 AM
Ah yes.  Well I have just the thing for you actually.  It seems that a bomb was planeted on the USS Lancelot by someone who does not want this base to be built.  I need you to investigate it.  Perhaps you can coordinate your investigation with Lt. Malia the Security/Tactical Chief on the USS Lancelot.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Magnus Goransson on January 28, 2003, 07:42:41 AM
WAIT MR GLINN!!!! May I follow you and work at the weapons console or something?
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 01, 2003, 05:47:36 AM
Commodore, I have noticed that the scientific facilities of the base are not yet ready. Perhaps I could help the engineering staff with a list of necessary equipment. It is important to point out that we will need an improved power grid to support the main computer core, as well as a security field generator, to seal the research facility in case of an emergency.

If I am assigned to do my reserch here, as I hope to be, I would also require an experimental warp core and aditional computer units, to run simulations.

*Taps something on his PADD*

I can handle you the specs list anytime. And I think that my research material can be brought here from the Cochrane Institute if there are any cargo ships that are bound to bring us supplies...

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 09, 2003, 12:25:22 AM
=A= Assis to Thain =A=

Commodore, I have sent a subspace message to the Lancelot asking them to deploy the orbital probes for the Astrometrics Station when they arrive here.

This way we will have full sensor capacity extending to the border of the system with the regular probes and with the subspace sensor we'll be able to detect closing ships or other warp signatures up to half the distance to Avalon, sir.

=A= Assis out =A=

(Edited by Pierre Louis Assis at 11:29 am on Mar. 9, 2003)

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on March 13, 2003, 02:25:56 AM
Very Well, I will be right there.

T'Hain walks out of his office and heads towards the Bar and Grill

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Katie Marou on March 24, 2003, 11:24:42 PM
Distress call? Captain at what time did you get this?
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on April 01, 2003, 05:47:59 PM
I am aware of that, I don't know who posted that...
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Nocturnus on April 19, 2003, 09:15:51 PM
Perhaps we should get the mundane tasks out of the way first before the fun huh *winks at thain*.

*pats the vulcans shoulder* :p

After you my lady *gestures to Ayala*

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on April 20, 2003, 12:19:23 AM
*opens a HUGE smile*

Very well... Mademoiselle Ayala, gentlemen, I think the best way to get to our Research Facilities will be by taking our mag-lev train.

*walks out of the administration building and stands by the mag-lev's door*

OFF: Continues on Science Facility

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Skol on May 12, 2003, 12:38:44 AM
=A=Skol to T Hain=A=

Sir, i belive we have situation. Two rougue newly come officers are firing at me and Commander Sutter here at the Lancelot carbo bay. They exploded somthing in the cargo and now they are attempting to get to a tranport located a few km north of the base. I already mobilized captain mAGhnus and Captain Assis, who is now at orbit and taking the Lattes ready to prevent any transports to leave the surface. How should we proceed Sir?

=A=Skol out=A=

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: on May 13, 2003, 12:05:57 AM
report Sir
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Ryan Reynolds on July 13, 2003, 02:24:42 AM
Commodore T'Hain, I am wondering what is going on with this division, what I mean is that I am the only one posting in the Starphoenix Marines area for a week now.

Name: Ryan Reynolds
Rank: Major
Position: Chief Engineer
Ship: USS Cortez

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Will Karelia on July 16, 2003, 04:15:02 AM
No need to apologize. My tenure as third-in-command (not even sure yet) may be temporary, in which you would be a good candidate for the position.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: David Azerkopf on July 19, 2003, 02:19:59 AM
OFF: were you replying to my post Mr. Ternok?
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on December 22, 2002, 12:11:15 AM
Will do Commodore.
*Starts walking towards the USS Lancelot*

(Edited by mahGNUs at 3:05 am on Dec. 22, 2002)

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on January 23, 2003, 02:20:37 PM
Very Well, Just Let me know when you are ready.

=^= T'Hain out =^=

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 02, 2003, 02:45:53 AM
It is also importanto to add that, though warp theory is my main field of research, I am able to perform research duty in a number of other areas. For instance, I am a certified consultant for First Contact risk assessment and am familiar with the Starfleet Holographic Programming Protocol. In fact, I was working on a Scientific Automated Research Aid Hologram (SARAH), similar in structure to the EMH. The SARAH was intended to serve as a lab aid in times of personnel shortages and I supose it would be useful here until a full Scientific staff arrives.

I could add the specs for the SARAH HoloGrid to the previous specs if you wish, Commodore. *Taps something on his PADD and smiles*

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: ShalaTal on March 08, 2003, 11:56:17 PM
A message is delivered to the Commodore's office from a ship in orbit.

"Commodore T Hain, permission to dock and unload several holosuites for Miss Shala Tal."

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: on March 19, 2003, 04:03:44 AM
* enters the office, looking very nervous *

- Commodore T Hain, this is Lt. Commander Stuart, I am sure you still remember me.

Huh, Sir, i would like to make a request... It is nothing urgent, and can come back if you are too busy.

* note: he is quite nervous, and doesn´t know what to do with his hands, and stuff like that*

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 25, 2003, 12:14:23 AM
It has just come in, Commodore
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Max Brooks on March 31, 2003, 12:37:30 PM
Just letting you know that the chief of communications position on the station is filled. I was given the position in March 2003.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on April 19, 2003, 09:30:22 PM
Ah yes.  Very well Admiral.

Well lets go Gentlemen.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on April 19, 2003, 11:22:37 PM
OFF: continues in 'Scientific Research Facility'
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on May 06, 2003, 05:31:57 AM
The USS Lattes is a Oberth Class ship.  Science Vessel.  Scientific research.... But it will have another function aswell but i can't get into that much.....  I need staff for it tho.....

Chief Medical Officer
Medical Assistant
Chief Engineer
Chief of Tactical/Security
Chief Science Officer
Science Assistant
Science Assistant
Chief of Operations
Helm Officer
Helm Officer

Are the positions needed.....

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: David Azerkopf on May 14, 2003, 04:40:19 AM
OFF:just a suggestion,but could we get either a galaxy,or Sovergn, (or Enhanced Deterrence Explorer-uprated class),class of ship here,we could make it pretty much any type by just looking at the specs,checkout www.ditl.org and check out ships-galaxy/sovergn,then it shows the specs and history of the class.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Matthias Cloud on July 12, 2003, 02:10:45 AM
OFF: Everyone seems to either be waiting to post, or have gone on vaction, the whole rpg's like a ghost town................

Just a Question, my characters are: Matthias Cloud, Aaron Grey, Joshua Flintz, Jean Marque, David Azerkopf, right? I think i'm missing someone? jus' wondering, its been awhile.......

                                   -Lucas Bailey

(Edited by Matthias Cloud at 11:11 pm on July 12, 2003)

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Ryan Reynolds on July 16, 2003, 04:01:02 AM
My apologies Will Karelia, I was not sure what was to be done. I retract my request.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on July 19, 2003, 07:41:51 PM
Okay Mr. Halfdale, You are 3rd in Command of the Starphoenix Base.

Major will be your rank.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on December 28, 2002, 07:10:00 PM
=<~ To Commodore T'Hain from Captain mah' GNUs ~>=

I have sent a *sub-space message to the Admiral Nocturnus, requesting the StarFleet access-logs/lists concerning the USS Lancelot.

Lt. Malia and I will now proceed to secure the logs locally at the USS Lancelot.

OFF: * http://fake.id.au/cgi-bin/starfleethq/topic.cgi?forum=61&topic=25

=<~ Over and Out ~>=

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Katrina on January 23, 2003, 02:00:37 PM
=A= Medical Facility to Commodore T'Hain =A=

Commodore, I believe it to be in the best medical interest of our patient to speak to you at the earliest he is able...with your permission, I will be asking you to, if at all possible, come to the Medical Facility when that time comes.  Is this acceptable, Commodore?


(Edited by Katrina at 3:19 pm on Jan. 23, 2003)

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on February 15, 2003, 12:57:49 AM
OFF: Try clearing all cookies and temporary internet files. It should do the trick ;-)

(Edited by mahGNUs at 2:58 am on Feb. 15, 2003)

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: ShalaTal on March 04, 2003, 06:49:05 PM
To:  Commodore T Hain
From:  Shala Tal

Commodore T Hain, I have just recieved word that a shipment of Holosuites, I ordered, will be arriving by the end of the week, if not sooner.  I would like to request that a crew of engineers be made available to install them.  I hope the stations crew, officers and civilians will enjoy their use.

OFF:  OK you can decide when the ship actually arrives, since they need clearance to actually make the delivery.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on March 21, 2003, 09:26:04 AM
What is it that you need?
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 28, 2003, 09:47:58 PM
Greetings Commodore. I was wondering if I could discuss with you the situation of the USS Lancelot.

It will take some time for it to be fully repaired and as long as it doesn't come back this base is pretty much stalled. At least the Science Department.

Admiral Nocturunus is arriving and, I'm sure he will understand the fact that the Lancelot was damaged on a terrorist action, but I have little or nothing to do with the limited resources we have here.

Dr. Daishin is doing his best to maintain the specimen he collected alive, Mr. Stuart is grounded becouse we have no shuttles and I have to content myself with a holosuite simulation...

Though the holosuite is a very good one, it lacks the computational capacity of a scientific holodeck. I have some obtained data from it, but it is sketchy at best.

I was wondering if you could ask Space Station Avalon to send a supply ship with the cargo the Lancelot would bring. This'd also give the engeneers there more time to fix or even refit the ship, sir.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Sutter on March 12, 2003, 08:29:30 PM
Commodore, I would like to know what happend to my XO and other crewmembers...they didn't post for a looooooooooooong while...I am kinda alone on that big thingie called Lancelot :S
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on April 17, 2003, 09:33:20 PM
*mah' GNUs, Nocturnus and Ayala arrives outside the Commodore's office*

We are here. Let me announce you're arrival Fleet Admiral.

*Opens up the door and takes on step inside*

Fleet Admiral Nocturnus of the Federation and his personal assistent Ms. Mirez.

*Salutes and waits for Nocturnus and Ayala to step inside*

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on April 19, 2003, 02:22:22 AM
*smiles and turns to mah' GNUs*

*whispering really low* So, what now? Do we stay here? I've never received an Admiral before and all Starfleet protocol has always been confusing to me... I'm a scientist after all... :)

OFF: Sorry, but I really don't know what to do... :)

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Teresa Lipan on May 05, 2003, 12:59:37 AM
"I don't think you've heard of TCT, and info is on a need-to-know basis only, but, well, I think you should know.  The TCT is an elite branch of FSS dealing specifically with underworld contacts. My operatives can tell you anything.  Any piece of info, any report, any proof that you need to prove guilt or innocence, any item you could imagine.  If you ever need anything of that nature, just ask me or the other operative here, Agent Perryman."  
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on May 14, 2003, 06:54:01 AM
OFF: As much as i would love to have a ship of that class, My Division is not allowed to have a ship that big.  And really the only reason we got the Cortez was because i took over the Marine Division.  Otherwise I would not have a war ship of any sort :o
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Will Karelia on July 11, 2003, 04:32:41 PM
Now that I can do...
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: David Azerkopf on July 17, 2003, 03:56:21 PM
OFF:is the mini0storyline idea ok with you t'hain, and i also ask that if mr.sinclair doesn't return that mr reynolds be promoted, or take over the character, its up to just an idea i had.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on July 18, 2003, 02:41:52 PM
Mr. Karelia you are 3rd in command... But if you could just make a character for that we can get that further setup....
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on October 16, 2003, 02:58:07 AM
OFF: Captain Pierre Louis Assis reporting for duty after a long absence... Sorry, but Physics is a demanding subject... On the good side, I'm thrilled to be back with you, and I see that my old post hasn't been filled yet... Could I recover my status as CSO?
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on January 06, 2003, 09:04:00 PM
=<~ Encrypted message. From: Captain mah' GNUs to Commodore T'Hain ~>=

Commdore, I have now installed a security system around the base. It will help greatly in the investigation.

Abnormalities that I've run across is the fire at the medical facility, I do not yet know if this was an act of terrorism or not.. and a replicator in the Bar & Grill with crossed wires, that could have caused a malfuntion in the replicator, possibly leading to fire. I have secured some clues at the Bar & Grill, but it is too soon, to speak of any suspect at the moment.

About the fire;
I do not suspect Lt. Commander Jamo. It would be logical, if the one/ones behind the bombing of the USS Lancelot, is taking no risks, that could lead to discovery.
Though, I do not rule out anything at the moment.

=<~ Over and Out ~>=

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Marcet on January 20, 2003, 09:06:49 PM
Allright then, I will go to my ship and prepare it for the mission.

*steps up from his chair*
It is a good thing to work with Starfleet as partners...and we will do everyting in our power to protect the freighter..

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 01, 2003, 04:04:33 AM
OFF: I'm new into this, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.. : )

* Walks respectfuly into office *

Good evening Commodore, I'm Dr. Pierre Louis de Assis, theoretical physicist from Cochrane Institute, Paris. I've been looking foward to work with you here at Starphoenix. My fields of expertise include Warp Field Theory and Astrophysics and I am currently researching a way to use a subspace warp field as a shielding device. I hope I can be of some help around here.

*Smiles nervously, trying to be as "starfleetish" as he can*

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Katie Marou on March 04, 2003, 09:54:46 PM
OFF: THain is away right now and he's not posting on a regular basis. So you may ge your shipment in anytime you want. Just when you wanna let the ship dock post in my office that the ship is docking and I'll give my ok if THain isnt back.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on March 10, 2003, 11:03:52 PM
*sends a message to the ship that just arrived in orbit*

Permission granted to dock, We have been awaiting your arrival.

Very Well Mr. Assis

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: on March 21, 2003, 04:28:47 PM
Sir, me and Captain Assis have been working on a project that might need a shuttle pod for a field trip on the planet surfice. Is it possible to provide such shuttle?
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 25, 2003, 01:50:57 AM
I must say that even though we cannot help them, as we have no combat ships, we are directly threatened, sir. I have not yet determined their exact position at the time of their distress call, but they were less than a day and a half from here at warp 5.

It is still too early to say anything, but we are a very, very vulnerable target. We have not yet established a defense grid and we are somewhat far from help.

From what I have seen from the starcharts and the sparse sensor data I have, since we haven't a sensor grid online and I'm having to get the delayed data from the Avalon sensor network, the closest friendly ship is the USS Evolution, that was heading to the fluidic gate.

They are still far fram us, close to the asteroids, but they are the closest to us, last time I looked. And that data is some two days off...

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on April 17, 2003, 02:57:26 AM
*stands outside the CO office, wlaking from one side of the waiting room to the other*

I hope I am not late to this meeting...

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: David Azerkopf on May 15, 2003, 01:43:51 AM
why???,whats the biggest size???
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on April 19, 2003, 11:49:02 AM
Fleet Admiral Nocturnus, do you wish to proceed out to the base facilities and start you're inspection, Sir?

I'm sertain that Captain Assis is eager to show you how our scientific facilities are coming along.

We can then proceed to 'Heimdal's Pixies' for food and drinks, and then visit OPS, Security and Medical.

As the Chief of Security on the base, I will be escorting you - Sir, Commodore T'Hain and Ms. Ayala where ever you wish to go, Sir.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Aaron Grey on May 02, 2003, 11:01:28 PM
OOC:ummmm, t'hain i've still not been able to log on as Mathias,i've done,Password:ekul387, Username Mathias Cloud, that i swhat i was e-mailed,ohhh boy,its about 4:00 now (PST-oregon)see ya.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on July 11, 2003, 08:00:43 AM
Vorak takes care of the Webpage as far as updating who is who and what rank on the ships... I mainly just need help in keeping track of the goings on here on the board and watching the threads and making posts as a high ranking officer as needed etc.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Ryan Reynolds on July 16, 2003, 05:50:40 PM
thank you for that statement.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Richard Halfdale on July 18, 2003, 04:21:26 PM
This is Karelia's new character, Commodore.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Marcet on January 17, 2003, 10:32:35 PM
Hello Commodore
You wish to speak to me....

OFF: sorry I am so late...but I waited for a reply of some officers...it seems I am the only Cardie right here now...

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Katie Marou on March 06, 2003, 06:00:54 PM
off: lol thats good ;) but just so you know I'm going on course tomorow and I wont be back till the 18th. ;) cya then.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on March 22, 2003, 01:46:00 AM
You will need to check with the Chief of Operations about that, but if my memory serves me well I don't believe we have any shuttle pods at this time.  I think they are supposed to arrive with the USS Lancelot, But I could be wrong, Talk to the Chief of Operations and see what he says.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on April 16, 2003, 08:48:38 PM
=<~ Captain mah' GNUs to Commodore T'Hain ~>=

I will be arriving with the Fleet Admiral and his personal assistant in aprox. 30 minutes.

=<~ End of transmission ~>=

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: David Azerkopf on May 12, 2003, 03:40:51 AM
OFF:would you like me to start posting on the cortez,since you said i was the captain????
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Will Karelia on July 10, 2003, 10:04:03 PM
Whatever assistance you need, I would be happy to help. I must add, though, that I dont have a web page editor, but I can take care of any problems and give you a little more time to take a break or whatever you choose.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on July 15, 2003, 08:52:52 AM
As for your characters matthias cloud, I unfortunately do not keep track of who plays what character... I just do not have that kind of time to go be looking at e-mails/passwords to figure out who is who and who plays what lol....  You will have to scan through threads to find that out....
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on January 18, 2003, 07:09:17 AM
Yes, I believe you are responding to a distress single that was sent out correct?  Well I am sure you are wondering what that is about.  You see on the USS Lancelot's trip here to Dantor It was attacked by pirates thus causing damage along with a bomb that has exploded on the ship causing futher damage.  The ship is in no state to be able to make it to Station Avalon on its own.  It needs to be escorted.  It has impulse power only.  Will your ship be able to assist us in this?  Can you escort the USS Lancelot back to station Avalon for further repairs and for it to be resupplied with supplies for here.

OFF: Its quite alright.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on March 05, 2003, 05:07:13 PM
OFF: I think I can officially declare that Im back :)
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: on March 22, 2003, 04:55:23 AM
Very well Sir.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Sutter on April 05, 2003, 09:54:19 PM
OFF: Owwww....sorry I haven't been in the chat lately. That's not to good, does anybody know about his condition?
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Vorak on May 12, 2003, 01:04:52 PM
Important notice regarding the intergrated Marines section:

I have moved the topics from the old Marines board in the respectively forums of the Marines on this board. I have done this to preserve the missions that went on and can perhaps be interesting/important for the timelines. You have the choice to continue these storylines, or else keep them as "archive". All members that were registered on the old Marines board, are automatically registered here too and should not need to register here again.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on July 10, 2003, 12:37:42 PM
Ah thank you for responding...  Yes if you wish to make another character for this division.  I have spoke with Admiral Nocturnus who is the division supervisor here and has okayed this.

I say another character simply because your Will character is at the Omega base and busy there... So its hard to be in two places at once ;), Anyway.....

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on July 15, 2003, 08:48:56 AM
Well I know that several people have gone off on vacation.  I have a couple people who are very busy with exams and so forth... I am trying to get to the root of the problem..... If you all please bare with me for just a bit longer..
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Krebb Dtok on February 12, 2003, 01:18:03 PM
OFF: I was unsure of were to post this, and if it is deamed unfit my appologies. I am have severe difficulty logging off my user name, for some reason I am also logged at SFHQ and can not log off there either.:confused: Could you have some one fix this asap.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 08, 2003, 05:07:40 AM
=A= Assis to T Hain =A=

Dr. Kensuke Daishin is reporting to you on my request for an assistant. Though his field of expertise is very different from my own, Dr. Daishin is very well spoken on the scientific community and would be a valuable addition to our staff.

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Sutter on March 24, 2003, 02:25:52 PM
Greetings Commodore
I see that Lieutenant Malia has left us and would like to ask if Ensign Nitrok could be promoted to that place.
When there is a posibility that Cadets come on the USS Lancelot, they could take a Security or Tactical place but Mr Nitrok would be their superior.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Katie Marou on April 05, 2003, 07:36:06 PM
OFF: Boris has been in a very bad car accident and wont be back for a little while.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: mahGNUs on April 19, 2003, 11:20:13 PM
Captain Assis, you may lead the way to the Scientific Research Facility.

*mah' GNUs and the others steps outside and starts walking towards the Scientific Research complex.*

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Will Karelia on July 09, 2003, 04:26:43 PM
Commodore, if you need a 3rd in command, or just some temporary help, just tell me, and I would be happy to assist.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on May 12, 2003, 02:02:42 PM
Thanks Admiral

=^= Commodore T Hain to Fleet Captain Skol =^=

Very well I will be right there.

Computer intiate Sight to Sight Transport Authorize Code Alpha-Omega-1282

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Will Karelia on July 16, 2003, 03:42:37 AM
That is the position I am applying for, Mr. Reynolds.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Katrina on January 30, 2003, 04:19:52 PM
=A= Medical Facility to Commodore T'Hain =A=

Commodore...if you would please come see the patient?  At your convenience, of course....


Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Sutter on April 05, 2003, 05:13:05 PM
"Greetings Commodore. I would like to ask if there is a possibility that Miss Marou (Current Helm Officer, USS Lancelot) would become my XO, during these missions.
My current XO is away all the time, and due to unexpected absence of other team-members I need a higher ranking officer. When she is promoted, other "Cadets" for example could come aboard :).

Or if you have more information about my XO (Boris ;)), please tell me so. Then I know what's happening :)

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on March 06, 2003, 08:28:37 PM
OFF: OMG What will I do without you?????  For THAT LONG???  
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Pierre Louis Assis on March 24, 2003, 11:10:48 PM
=A= Assis to T Hain =A=

Commodore, I was running a checkup of the comm array with Commander Brooks and we have just received what seems to be a distress call from Fleet Admoral Quinn Mallory of the Shadowfleet. I asked him to send his coordinates.

Should I contact the Lancelot?

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: heimdal on April 19, 2003, 11:20:38 PM
=<~ Heimdal calling Commodore T'Hain ~>=

Sir, have you any plans on stopping by my establishment? If so, when should I have everything ready?

=<~ Over ~>=

(Edited by heimdal at 2:22 am on April 20, 2003)

Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: T Hain on May 12, 2003, 02:05:55 PM
OFF: Yes Colonel David.  Start making the threads for like "Bridge" and "Reporting In" Etc.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Ryan Reynolds on July 16, 2003, 02:38:17 AM
Commodore T'Hain, is there a third-in-command position. that I could maybe help with. I am here every day to post, but I have nothing to post to.
Title: CO-Commodore T'Hain's Office
Post by: Aaron Grey on June 27, 2003, 04:54:50 AM
OFF:I had an idea on a new division, based on whats happening in the vang 'nu cluster,.........,something like that,with the uss shadow fire,i was going to email the idea but i don't know your email, i thougt you might like to hear about it , also i wasn't sure what to do,ie HELP, IDEAS,soooooooo,oh and how do rpg a diplomat, magistrate,etc...............

PS my email is ekul87@yahoo.com