Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

AVALON STATION => Station Ops => Topic started by: Enoch on September 28, 2003, 02:17:05 PM

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Enoch on September 28, 2003, 02:17:05 PM
Enoch enters cargo bay 1, holding his traditional Scottish bagpipes.

"Mr. Enoch reporting, sir. You asked for me and my... bagpipes?"

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on September 28, 2003, 07:11:34 PM
"Thank you, Mr. Montrell, your report is impressive. Can you please request the personell from Celtic Corner to arrange food for us? I will announce the funeral on the comm over the entire station."

*Vorak touches his combadge*

=^= Attention to all Starfleet personell and civilians =^=

This is Flag Admiral Vorak speaking. Today at 1500 hours, the funeral ceremony will be held for Admiral T'Hain, commanding officer of StarPhoenix Base. His tragic end was caused by the Borg, and his commending actions in his life deserve a sign of respect, so please come to cargo bay 1 now, where the ceremony will be held according to the customs since the demise of Mr. Spock. Please report to cargo bay 1 immediately.

=^= Vorak out =^=

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Tyler Michaels on September 29, 2003, 05:11:02 AM
OFF: Card, why not try yellow. :)
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on September 29, 2003, 09:07:34 PM
Vorak lowers his gaze to the ground and remains silent for one minute.
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Will Karelia on October 01, 2003, 08:51:58 PM
(OFF: Flag Admiral Vorak, Admiral Karelia, Commodore Hedford, and Commanders Walker, Nismos, Lollock, and Berik.)
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Will Karelia on October 02, 2003, 11:19:42 AM
(OFF: I am already in SickBay, but you should go on one of the ships. Kinda inconvenient to have to pick some people up :P)

(Edited by Will Karelia at 7:20 am on Oct. 2, 2003)

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on September 05, 2003, 02:36:34 PM
"Mr. Montrell, Mr. Nocturnus. Admiral T'Hain was a very respected officer, and thus he deserves a worthy funeral. May I know when his body will be transported here?
Please bring me a complete list of the following people on my desk:
- his relatives
- his possible close friends
- commanding officers he worked under/together with

So that they may receive a proper invitation from me. This also includes people he worked with on Starphoenix Base.

The funeral will be held in the common fashion way on station Avalon. Please also send for a bagpipe player, so that it may be done in the same style as once Mr. Spock received a funeral.

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on September 28, 2003, 02:18:53 PM
"Indeed, Mr. Enoch. To my knowledge, you are the only one experienced in playing bagpipes on board the station. Today, we will have the funeral of Admiral T'Hain in here, which will be a ceremony similar to the demise of Mr. Spock. Do you agree to perform bagpipe music during the ceremony?"
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Montrell on September 28, 2003, 06:46:19 PM
*Walks over to Admiral Vorak*

"Admiral, sorry for the delay, but there were several difficult arrangements to make."

*Grabs a padd and gives it to Vorak*

"Here is the list with officers that are invited outside the personel aboard Station Avalon. I think it's best to give everyone aboard station Avalon acces to this funeral, right admiral?"

Contents of the padd

Invited Relatives

T Pai                Mother of T'Hain

High Commanding Officers Dantor
Commodore Marou            XO Starphoenix Base
Colonel Halfdale                Third Command Starphoenix B.

Avalon Station
Everyone can attend to this funeral.


Place: Cargobay 1
Music: Bagpipe music played by Mr Enoch
Food: Several snacks made by the CC personel

Other happenings:
There is time for speeches in Cargobay one.
After the funeral there will be gathering in CC or in Cargobay one, only for Starfleet Officers and Family who want to talk about T'Hain, to share memories about him.

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Randall Sanchez on September 29, 2003, 02:41:24 PM
*quickly slips inside the cargo bay, just in time before the ceremony begins, and takes a seat next to his first officer, commander Brooks*
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Montrell on September 29, 2003, 04:16:11 PM
*Steps forward and walks over to Admiral Vorak*

"Sir, can I say something?"

*Admiral Vorak nods*

"Well, first off all you have to know that T'Hain was a good friend of mine. We kept a close band, because we shared the same occupation. There were always discussions and a lot of competition between us two, and I will miss that...It seems that every Vulcan is the same, they can not laugh or cry...but T'Hain proved the opposite...we had many laughs and several cries, the hard part is to see this! He always denied it, but I knew...within that Vulcan shell, there was a part Human. Today we have lost a good officer and I have lost a good friend, let us remember him and honour his deeds. I request one minute of silence....."

*Montrell stands down and folds his hands*

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Julia Rellek on October 01, 2003, 08:07:58 PM
(OFF: Didi we ever finalize whose going on the infiltration team and whose stayin on the ship)
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on October 02, 2003, 03:51:26 PM
Vorak sees to the final conclusion of the ceremony, and watches the crowd leave the cargo bay again, while some officers begin cleaning up everything so that the place can be used as cargo bay once more.
Vorak remains silent, and does not seek to speak with anyone. He is resigned for the fact that this is a final goodbye to T'Hain, and also the beginning of an important battle with the Romulan Coalition.
Quietly, he leaves cargo bay 1 as well, and heads for the medical department.
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Montrell on September 05, 2003, 06:19:47 PM
         =A= Admiral Montrell to Admiral Vorak =A=
I am currently helping my defendant, I will be in OPS in a few minutes. Commander Miller will handle this JAG case

                        =A= Montrell out =A=.

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Richard Halfdale on September 26, 2003, 01:19:02 AM
That is true.
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Will Karelia on September 28, 2003, 06:45:28 PM
[/i]Admiral Karelia enters, takes a seat, and taps his combadge.[/i]

=/\= Karelia to all Omega Division crewmembers. Please report to Cargo Bay One for Rear Admiral T'Hain's funeral. Thank you. =/\=

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Montrell on September 28, 2003, 07:35:24 PM
"Yes Sir, I will ask Miss Mirez"

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Robert Miller on September 28, 2003, 08:59:20 PM
'd*mn, I'm late.'

Robert takes a empty seat.

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Tyler Michaels on September 28, 2003, 09:07:16 PM
Not sure if he should or shouldn't be there, Tyler took a seat in the very back.
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Jeff Keach on September 28, 2003, 11:06:46 PM
*Jeff Keach, Reeves, Reynolds, Berik, and Marco Diaz enter at roughly the same time and each find and take a seat*

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on September 29, 2003, 02:41:45 PM
"Indeed, we are.
Welcome everyone, to gather together here today, to pay our last honour to a most respected Starfleet officer, admiral T'Hain.

Many of you have known T'Hain personally.
Others have only known him by name or reputation.
And that does not surprise me. His name was well known beyond the boundaries of Starphoenix Base, which he commanded from the very beginning. His name was not known all the way back to his homeworld, Vulcan, as well as Earth, Federation Headquarters. And now, his name will be remembered in our thoughts and memories."

Vorak looks up, and at the end of the cargo bay, behind the crowd of people, the doors open, and a coffin is carried by some Vulcans in Starfleet uniform. They were Vulcans that T'Hain knew best from previous assignments, and back from his time when he lived on Vulcan. They placed the coffin on some sort of ceremonial table, especially installed in the cargo bay for this occassion. Then, they bowed in front of the coffin and joined the other crowd.

"Maybe it would be logical to tell something about the past of T'Hain. He was born on Vulcan in the year 2302, thus making him now 77 years old, which is a very young age to die. His mother was Vulcan, but his father was human. Little was known about his personal life, as he kept often to himself, but he served Starfleet as a model officer.
In 2334, he graduated from Starfleet Academy at the top of his class. Two years later he was promoted to lieutenant for his outstanding service, and in 2338 he became Chief of tactical/security on board the USS Yosemite, with the rank lieutenant commander. His first command position came to him in 2347. In 2378 he was assigned as Commodore and Commanding Officer of StarPhoenix Base, where he oversaw the whole construction and maintenance of the large complex on planet Dantor. He was promoted to admiral not long before his demise.
He was unfortunately captured by the Borg, who decided to assimilate him. The Borg vessel was destroyed, unfortunately along with him. We do not have any remains of his body, and you see an empty coffin before you. Yet we wish to honour him with the same ceremony, so our thoughts can be with him on this day.
Those who wish, may now step forward and symbolically greet the coffin to leave a last greeting to T'Hain."

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Will Myers on September 30, 2003, 03:32:58 AM
Some tears formed in Will's eyes. :crying2:

(Edited by Will Myers at 8:33 pm on Sep. 29, 2003)

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Will Karelia on October 01, 2003, 07:54:40 PM
After another moment of silence, Will stands up and addresses the crowd in a more serious manner.

"I have an announcement to make. Those of you coming with the invasion fleet to Deep Space 12, please report to SickBay immediately. We must make haste to begin the assault, as my sources tell me that the Coalition technicians are less than a day away from decyphering our command codes. We will leave at 1700 today, giving you an hour to prepare. That is all."

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Tyler Michaels on October 02, 2003, 01:24:23 AM
Taylor, Damen, Myers, Nerotis, and Ternok head back to there assigned vessels.

As for Michaels and Walker, they head for the station's medical facility.

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Montrell on October 02, 2003, 08:44:05 PM
*Remains standing in Cargo Bay one as he sees all officers walking out*

"Well, I guess that this was it...."

*He moves to the loadinghatch and opens it, now only a forcefield keeps him from floating through space*

"Hmm...nothing can replace the relaxing feeling when looking at the stars and planets. Computer, play the bagpipe music once more."

*The computer replied and the bagpipe music was to be heared again. Officers that were cleaning the cargobay looked up*

"Carry on Ensigns, don't mind me :)...I am just paying the last respects to a lost friend. Let's hope his soul will rest in peace"

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Jeremy Sullivan on October 08, 2003, 07:06:15 AM
Just so ya know..  I am the same person that played T Hain hehe :P
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on September 08, 2003, 02:38:08 PM
*waits for Admirals Nocturnus and Montrell*
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on September 28, 2003, 02:12:26 PM
"Cargobay 1 will be used for the funeral ceremony, as it is the largest one and can contain the most people. Please gather all people together there, and have all necessary material delivered there at once. I would also like a bagpipe player during the ceremony, as it is often customary since the... first demise of Mr. Spock."

Vorak narrows his eyes as he thinks, then suddenly touches his combadge.

"Vorak to Enoch. Please report to cargo bay 1. Bring your bagpipes. Vorak out.
The funeral ceremony will commence at 1500 hours."

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Enoch on September 28, 2003, 02:19:28 PM
Enoch looks surprised at the admiral.
"I... I would be honoured, admiral. Thank you."
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Julia Rellek on September 28, 2003, 07:34:25 PM
**Captain Rellek walks in and takes a seat directly behind Admiral Karelia, Wanting to save the closer seats for T'Hainns Friends and family**
Leans in front of her towrds admiral Karelia and says "It's to bad that i never got a chance to meet him, He's a very decorated officer. I could of learned a lot from him"
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Robert Miller on September 28, 2003, 08:58:18 PM
Will Myers, James Walker, Relic Damen, Daniel Nerotis, Donald Taylor, and Ternok quietly take a seat.

Ternok : "Admiral T'Hain was a fine commander. He will be deeply missed."

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Crystal Enriquez on September 28, 2003, 10:17:19 PM
"Mike, I never met T'Hain, do you know anything about him?"
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Will Karelia on September 28, 2003, 11:52:37 PM
Will leans over and whispers to Keach.

"Are we ready to go after the ceremony?"

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: john logens on September 29, 2003, 03:18:07 PM
*Counselour Logens silently enters the cargo bay and stands at the very back*
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Richard Halfdale on September 29, 2003, 11:25:38 PM
Rick also lowers his head in remembrance. After the minute had elapsed, he stood up to face the crowd.

"Admiral, may I address the congregation?"

After recieving permission, Colonel Halfdale made his way up to the casket, where he turned around to face the gathering.

"I know many of you did not know of Rear Admiral T'Hain, while some others among us did. I know many of you also did not have to watch as T'Hain was brutally assimilated in the worst way possible. For that, you are blessed. But regardless of if you have met him or not, I would like to say that Division StarPhoenix has suffered a terrible loss, one of the worst in it's history. Now, what I am about to do may be overstepping my authority, but I hope it will be overlooked."

Rickwalks behind the casket so everyone can see what he is going to do. He had a small object in his hand.

"Without further ado, I hearby posthumously grant Rear-Admiral T'Hain with the Starfleet Red Crest, for sustaining irreversable injury in the field."

Rick brings up the object, a small oak box, and opens it to reveal a small red ribbon about 5 centimeters long. He removes the ribbon and places it delecately on top of the casket. He then adresses the casket itself and forms his hand into the standard Vulcan salute.

"Live long and prosper, Admiral T'Hain. May your katra live on, and may you find happiness in the afterlife."

After a moment or two of silence, Colonel Halfdale returns to his seat.

(Edited by Richard Halfdale at 7:27 pm on Sep. 29, 2003)

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on October 01, 2003, 03:27:47 PM
"Thank you, Mr. Chellick. And than you everyone for attending this memorial service. We shall now proceed to the final part of this ceremony."

Vorak turns to face the coffin himself, and raises his hand in a Vulcan salute.
"Live long and prosper, in the afterlife."

Then he nodds at Enoch, who stood at the side all this time. At this sign, Enoch steps forward and takes place on the side of the coffin, having his scottish bagpipes in front of him. Vorak walks to a control panel near the wall, and begins pushing some buttons. At the far end of the cargo bay, a large viewscreen appears, showing a display filmed from the station, into space toward planet Revox, which the station orbits.

At that moment, Enoch begins to play on his bagpipes, and the song "Amazing Grace" resounds in the cargo bay.
Click here to listen: http://www.jaxpipes.org/music/jpd-amazinggrace.mp3

As the music resounded through the hall, the coffin dematerialized as Vorak beamed it over to the torpedo bay. Moments thereafter, the large viewscreen showed how a torpedo, containing the coffin, was fired from the station, toward the planet. Rapidly, the unarmed torpedo flew through space, taking more and more distance from the station, getting smaller and smaller at the horizon.

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Blake on October 02, 2003, 11:11:17 AM
Admiral Karelia, should I remain here on Avalon?
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Alfangor on October 03, 2003, 10:04:50 AM
*slowly walks in and walks up to Admiral Vorak*

Mr Vorak. I"m responsible for a loss of a fine officer you had, on behalf of myself I offer you my deepest apologies.

Although what I did I had no control over I still feel deeply sorry for hte loss of your officer.  He was strong to the end.

Perhaps I waited to long to apologize, but I could not anticipate the raction of his fellow officers.

(Edited by Alfangor at 12:05 pm on Oct. 3, 2003)

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Lilque on October 05, 2003, 11:08:45 PM
*runs to the Cargo Bay and hopes she is not late.......opens the cargo bay door and no one is there....Crys  allitle and salutes the cargo bay door in memoriy of a good friend*

Your always here friend. I will miss your presence truely!

*tear runs down her face and hits the floor of the cargo bay....blows a kiss to the air and walks out of cargo bay*

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on September 25, 2003, 03:04:35 PM
Vorak is becoming the Vulcan equivalent of impatient.

"Vorak to Admirals Nocturnus and Montrell. I would like to have the funeral of T'Hain be held this weekend. Please report to me at once with a status report of the preparations you have made."

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Mike Nickerson on September 28, 2003, 08:37:08 PM
Captain Nickerson and Cadet Enriquez come into the cargo bay hand-in-hand, and take seats next to each other.

(Edited by Mike Nickerson at 4:38 pm on Sep. 28, 2003)

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Nocturnus on September 28, 2003, 10:20:35 PM
Mr Thain was indeed a fine Man captain. He just unfortunantly engaged the wrong speicies. but I guess he was ht emost corageous he never gave up :).

*stands next to Mr Vorak*

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Chris Chellick on September 30, 2003, 11:33:08 PM
*puts his hand up and also stands up*

uh, here sir.  I would like to say something as well, if you don't mind.

*takes the alter*
Admiral T'Hain..., I didn't know the man, I never even had a look at him. As I sit here and listen to all the wonderful praises to his character, I think to myself, why oh why didn't I get to know him. I  regret now not being able to say hello or even salute him in his presence, but from what I have taken in from all the gratitude towards his legend, I ... *clears his throat* just can't help but wonder how he could have affected me.... and then I think, he has affected me, or rather the crew aboard Avalon station. If he hadn't risked his life to the Borg I might not be here, who knows, we might all still be engaged in a struggle we never wish to face, to be assimilated. Thank you *wipes his eyes a bit*

*then goes and sits down*

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Taurik on October 01, 2003, 09:57:28 PM
Commander Taurik stands up and leaves for the Evolution.
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on October 04, 2003, 08:42:03 AM
OFF: let us assume that Alfangor came to me just prior to my departure from cargo bay 1.

"Thank you for your aplogy, Mr. Alfangor. However, it is unnecessary. I am aware that as Borg drone, you do not have the ability to choose your own actions. Therefore, you cannot take responsibility for them, or you would have to take responsibility for the entire Borg Collective's actions, and that only the Borg Queen can do. Live long and prosper, Mr. Alfangor."

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Montrell on September 25, 2003, 09:21:45 PM
"It will be ready ASAP Admiral...it's not easy to arrange the whole friends and family transfer to Station Avalon"
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Taurik on September 28, 2003, 08:30:53 PM
Commander Taurik enters the room and takes a seat.
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Chris Chellick on September 28, 2003, 11:04:26 PM
*walks into the cargo bay and takes a seat*
Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on September 30, 2003, 02:43:14 PM
*Vulcan looked at Richard Halfdale with the Vulcan equivalent of a pleased expression*

"Thank you, Mr. Halfdale. Does anyone else wish to speak, before the ceremony is concluded with the last stage?"

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Tyler Michaels on October 02, 2003, 01:21:47 AM
Quote: from Will Karelia on 1:51 pm on Oct. 1, 2003
(OFF: Flag Admiral Vorak, Admiral Karelia, Commodore Hedford, and Commanders Walker, Nismos, Lollock, and Berik.)

OFF: And me :)

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Jeremy Sullivan on October 04, 2003, 09:08:35 AM
Jeremy walks into the cargo bay shortly after everyone cleared out. and walked over to mr. alfangor...

Greetings Prince, how are you today?

Title: Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
Post by: Vorak on October 11, 2003, 09:09:47 AM
OFF: with the funeral being officially over, lets continue in the T'Pai topic.