Expansion Fleet - Avalon Archive

OUT OF GAME => OFF-Game => Topic started by: Vorak on June 17, 2003, 02:35:16 PM

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 17, 2003, 02:35:16 PM
I am pleased to see that people are willing to help out making Expansion more active everywhere.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on June 19, 2003, 03:27:59 PM
FSS? cool...
i will have a chat, i am currently engaged in a mission aboard the SF inteligence USS phoenix after i find a suitable part of the story to leave i will join him, in the mean time i will express my interest
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on June 23, 2003, 11:02:52 AM
Yea CO of FSS i will help!

To all you others, please keep the language and content to the subject...
I started this forum for Ensigns and beginners to express their views

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on June 24, 2003, 10:00:46 AM
I am not super logical, i prefer to confuse them with words, then put a hole in there head with a phaser rifle
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 28, 2003, 11:58:00 PM
The FSS board of course lol
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on July 01, 2003, 02:01:03 PM
Interesting lol.
Well I had Paint Shop Pro 7, but the trial period has passed and it doesnt work any more. Only Animation Shop works still. Ugh :(
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 07, 2003, 04:42:09 PM
umm just to be safe i go [img-] then [/img-] without the
-'s then in the middle www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/id-nailo.jpg
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 11, 2003, 07:41:24 AM
Umm, sorry will but i am only doing FSS logos, you will have to talk to vorak or someone to do that.

(Edited by Nailo at 8:42 am on July 11, 2003)

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Randall Sanchez on January 04, 2004, 12:06:36 AM
OFF: Just to let you all know, the first Expansion Yearbook is now available on the Expansion online store. It includes a bunch of articles and biographies, and alot of "mission logs" too of missions of the past year. And there's gonna be a second one later this year, including lots of missions from the Avalon, Starphoenix, Intel, FSS and Omega division.
Don't forget that when you buy a yearbook, you help support expansionfleet.com  
Just check here: http://www.cafeshops.com/expansion.8971411  
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Gramaracose Luxor on June 03, 2004, 06:40:58 AM
Hey guys i just landed a character, civilian at Tritheladee.
If you would like to assign/reasign me that's cool, just like to avoid having to watch the bloody power struggle for FSS by it's two remaining members lol

Thanks ;)

(Edited by Gramaracose Luxor at 1:43 pm on June 3, 2004)

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Gramaracose Luxor on June 03, 2004, 09:24:41 PM
lol what a grandstand... your people love you!  Your friend needs help looking silly, you on the otherhand do not.  please delete my account.  thank you
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on June 09, 2003, 07:38:18 AM
Is it me or do not many people post often?
I make a habit of posting at least once a day i am SF inteligence, we just hailed a ship, and i checked there board, they haven't logged on for ages.

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on June 17, 2003, 04:12:59 PM
I am in my last year of school in the UK, and i have a lot of free lessons, i saw this site and thought brilliant a star trek RPG.

But then i found it was inactive for a while, now i see it is active in parts...

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 19, 2003, 02:33:27 PM
Ah that is good news.
Well, if you want to help and you have enough time, let me tell you where we need more people and activity.

1. There are some spots open on station Avalon itself right now. The Deep Space Academy is one of them, though we don't really have any active cadets right now. Of course, we won't have any cadets either if there is nobody to train them there.
2. The Station Avalon Embassy is empty, though it is usually not a very active role, we have nobody there at the moment.
3. There are a number of divisions that are VERY inactive and will likely to be removed. However, the Omega division's CO has abandoned and it is a very dead division therefore, but we will keep it linked IF we find someone else to run it and restart it again.
4. The CO of the FSS (Federation Secret Service) is still active, but has no people in his division to lead his division as it should, he perhaps will find it useful to have a division XO.

Just let me know what you are interested in :)

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 23, 2003, 03:17:59 PM
Ok let me get to one thing at a time :)

Mr. Karelia: we will proceed as follows.
- Register your name on the Omega division board. If you are going to use another name than Will Karelia, please let me know which one.
- When you are registered there, I will give you administration access. This will allow you to have full control of the board. You will be able to add/remove/rename/move forums, add or remove moderators, modify the board looks, and so on.
- Next I will give you access to certain private forums on this forum (I will let you know when I have done so)

And then, a website will be needed too.  The website should mainly contain informations, like e.g. specifications on the ships of the division, a list of crewmembers (that makes it easier for you to see which spots are still open on what ships, and such), including a "join us-link" (there is a specific fill-out form for each division already so that can be used still) and a link to expansionfleet.com of course.
Do you have any experience with creating webpages? Frontpage Express is the easiest to use if you don't know html codes and don't want to use a too complicated program.
Let me know :)

Mr. Huw:
is everything settled regarding the FSS yet? Please keep me updated on how things evolve there. If the FSS can revive, I will do my best to find it a stable location on another server so it won't be down any more :)

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Zack Mannion on June 24, 2003, 07:29:31 AM
No ofense, but I prefer non super-logical persons. :)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Zack Mannion on June 28, 2003, 03:55:10 PM
What board? :)

Anf for quotes, nothing american (anti US politic. =P)

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Prester John on July 01, 2003, 09:01:42 PM
Shareware, shareware...
Why don't you install freewares?
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on July 07, 2003, 02:10:55 PM
You got the wrong URL. There is no /cgi-bin/ in the URL I gave.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on July 11, 2003, 10:47:11 AM
I didn't make those other ID cards myself, and the person who did is kinda gone. Thats why I hoped you might be able to do it =/
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on November 23, 2003, 04:26:29 PM
I am XO now, but tomorrow i will *evil voice* Rule the world
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Gramaracose Luxor on June 03, 2004, 07:12:36 AM
Okay, I have come to the realization that you all are whacked!  I mean WTF?!!  Lets look and see what I'm talking about.  Hmmm, I blindly land and end up in a science lab... I'm new so i post.  after reading here for a while i go back and realize that the last post is a month old and the 2 before that A YEAR OLD!!!  So, I'm like, okay, just happened to land in a dead area that should have been deleted 10 months ago.  Then I come back here, and lo & behold the "Off game" post... well the last was mine tonight... the one before that is FOUR MONTHS OLD!!! you guys should be ashamed!  At least delete your site(s) so folks don't spend a couple hours here before they figure out you all fell off of the planet!

*maybe someone will come by and read this sometime
then again... doesn't look like it.

So, I guess I'm off to check out **** [negative spamming not allowed] some more though that thing is a chaotic mess... you know? AD&D seems about half the head ach this s$$t is... sorry about the bad attitude if you all are sorry for wasting so much of my time this evening.  Since I'm a civilian, I quit. Yup take this job and shove it... By the way... I hope those nanites I wrote into your abandoned science station find their way into your wheaties!

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 24, 2004, 03:28:03 PM
As apparently nobody else shares Luxor's opinion, we can now change the conversation to a mature and constructive one again with the other people :)
Needless to say that Luxor is not welcome to post.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 11, 2003, 02:28:14 PM
I know that tends to happen, and we are aware of it. Some divisions seem to go totally idle, and then such situations unfortunately occur. We try to keep Expansion optimal and try to avoid this as much as possible, but with all our efforts, there are still people who just seem to "forget" to post again, or simply leave without a word (it even happened to division CO's, and you would be surprised to hear what kind of excuses they come up with when you confront them with their responsibilities as Division CO).
Either way, Expansion is quite large and it is not always possible for us to be everywhere at once, so if there is a certain division, forum or ship, that seems to have gone idle for too long, do not hesitate to let us know so we can look into the matters, and take action where necessary to fix such problems.
If everyone would be as consequent and responsible on such things as you are, Mr. Huw, we would never have had this kind of problems in the first place. Unfortunately, some people do not seem to care sometimes.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on June 18, 2003, 04:14:40 PM
Just another thing, if you need any forum moderators or division CO's, i am on Expansion guaranteed every day, and weekends!
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Zack Mannion on June 21, 2003, 06:27:38 PM
I am Zack mannion, CO for the FSS. I have heard that yopu are intrested to join?
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Sariah Perryman on June 22, 2003, 03:46:35 PM
Oh, and, please, get your own E-mail adress Mr Ktara.  I hate havong your E-mail sent to my adress.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 24, 2003, 03:06:23 PM
Ok Mr. Karelia, it's all fixed. Go to the Omega division and you will find a reply from me to the topic you created there, and all instructions can be found there.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 03, 2003, 11:21:26 AM
what do you think?

well its a work in progress!

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 06, 2003, 03:11:22 PM
lets see if it works...


Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 09, 2003, 07:05:00 AM
i havent even done that, it is simply:
[img ]/starfleet/images/id-nailo.jpg[/img]
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Jonathan Mason on August 14, 2003, 01:50:43 AM
um, what is to be done with the FSS?

our leader has not posted for a while.( I know he has a character in avalon as teacher)

I wish to help by being able to give people assignments and keeping the board active.

I realize I may not get a response but whatever anyone has to say would be fine. thank you anyway.

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on January 28, 2004, 04:49:59 PM
This forum is also a good place to say things like:


Comeon, youll be glad you bought it

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Montrell on June 03, 2004, 07:34:02 AM
You explored one of our boards and immediately you have your opinion about the whole site, huh? Maybe you should apply for a position in the correct forum and not in this OFF-Forum, because not everyone checks this forum every day. But I wish you much fun with this SpFl. and I hope that they are able to fulfil your "high-standard" demands or else they will also loose you :S.

P.S The next time you may pass Expansionfleet, apply with one of the Division and you will be assigned. Maybe this is more of a challange for you, as I have seen you posting you should not abandon your skills and quit a good RPG.

Greetings Admiral Montrell

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Will Karelia on March 13, 2005, 02:01:30 AM
Wow... I wish I had been monitoring this board when this happened. I would have liked to get my two cents in, but too little, too late.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on June 12, 2003, 04:42:47 PM
Now that you mention it...
the SF marines have been idle for a while, and if you have read my profile you will see that i am  a marine at heart, this is a big request coming from an ensign, but could i take over the marines?
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on June 17, 2003, 10:19:01 AM
FINALLY AN ACTIVE BOARD, i will be there soon
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 18, 2003, 02:39:42 PM
Yep, and it is our intention to keep the active parts active, and make the inactive parts active too. But with people like you, that is certainly not a mission impossible now :)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 19, 2003, 03:51:35 PM
You can also remain aboard the USS Phoenix, and create another character to work under the FSS, if you want. The main difference between Intel/S31 and the FSS, is that Intel/S31 works for Starfleet, and FSS works directly for the President of the UFP.
I will send Zack Mannion, chief of the FSS, this way so he can post about it and you two can discuss arrangements.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Will Karelia on June 20, 2003, 08:43:19 PM
Admiral, I saw your post on the status of Omega Division and would like to volunteer to command it. I am a very active Avalon lieutenant (known there as Taurik) and am interested in Omega Division. I, like Huw, am on almost every day and have much free time. If you consider me, please let me know.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Yagr Ramsey on June 22, 2003, 01:41:17 PM
"Screw Starfleet! JOIN THE CORPORATION!"
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Will Karelia on June 23, 2003, 12:46:32 AM
I do believe I can run the division: I have lots of time, I am really interested in it, and I would like to see Omega become a respected division. I do have a question, though: Will I need a web page editor, and if so, what do you suggest?
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on June 24, 2003, 07:21:57 AM
Ok i will register on the FSS site as Nailo the wordy vulcan and speak to the CO, BTW, pretty pretty please can i make a starfleet card :wink2:
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 24, 2003, 02:15:28 PM
Mr. Karelia, I have already announced on the Omega board that there will be a switch of Division CO's. I will give you Admin access later today, and post here when I have done so, with further instructions.
As for editor, I suggest Frontpage Express, it is likely on your computer already if you have Win98, and perhaps with other versions too. If you know HTML, I suggest the freeware program Arachnophilia (I probably spelled that wrong lol).
You may already make announcements on the Omega division board where you see fit.

Mr. Huw, yes please register the Nailo character on the FSS board and contact the FSS CO Zack Mannion there. I would like to see the FSS up and going again :) As for the starfleet card, if you know how to make it yourself, then feel free to do so, and I will upload it to this webspace so you can put it on your profile, if you want.

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on June 25, 2003, 07:17:43 AM
I was thinking i could design one from SCRATCH,
i am thinking Federation logo with cool font FSS in the middle...
Then it has Name:
               Division: CLASSIFIED
then an FSS slogan like umm...
He who dares wins... (SAS moto)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on June 30, 2003, 04:30:22 PM
i am halfway through editing the FSS logo,
i am also good with:
Paint shop pro 7
Dreamweaver 3
Illuminatus 4.5
All of Microsoft Office,
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on July 03, 2003, 02:27:18 PM
The picture doesnt show up for me =/
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on July 04, 2003, 02:12:43 PM
All I get is this:

This page is not available.  
We're sorry, but this page is currently unavailable for viewing.

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Will Karelia on July 11, 2003, 04:28:36 PM
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 03, 2004, 09:15:09 PM
First of all, I am the owner of Expansion Fleet. Therefore yes I do have every right to step in here, have my say, and defend the people that you are trying to make look silly. I don't know if you do this on purpose or not, but it is what it comes down to.

I must say that when I read your "threats" of your "megaphone" spreading your own personal opinion to as many people as possible - clearly with the intention of opposing Expansion Fleet, or else you would not do such a thing - is purely pathetic and childish. Which makes clear to me who here is the adult, and who isn't.

So let's be clear here, for once and for all.
Like I said before: you are totally 100% FREE to stay, or leave. But if you intend to stay, stop putting down people or boards. Nothing will be removed, everything is as it should be, and if anything should be changed of forums, the division CO's will do their part for it.

Now, if you have any comments, or suggestions, you are 100% free, and even WELCOME, to make them, but NOT the way you are profiling them now. You can put in constructive, or negative criticism. The first is welcomed, the second you are free to take elsewhere, but not here.

People are enjoying themselves here, or they wouldn't stay. There are always those who leave, or come back after a lengthy period, and those who stay through whatever happens. It is up to you, to decide for yourself which one of those you are. Stay or leave. Your choice. But if you stay, I expect some respect for the people that are here, because I will defend each one of them, to whatever extent. They are all great people, one after one, and I don't care if you attack them personally or if you attack Expansion Fleet in general, you always attack the people behind it, and that I will not allow.

So my final remark: stay, with respect. Or leave. Your choice.

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on July 04, 2003, 06:53:59 PM
Uploaded and you will have an email back ;)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 07, 2003, 04:44:42 PM
did it, instead of putting [img ]www.expansionfleet.com/starfleet/images/id-nailo.jpg[/img ]
i just put [img ]/starfleet/images/id-nailo.jpg[/img]
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Will Karelia on July 10, 2003, 04:40:27 PM
Nailo, if I send you my selected picture, would you be able to make me a StarFleet ID card?

The URL is http://images.google.com/images?....ker.jpg

(Edited by Will Karelia at 8:06 pm on July 10, 2003)

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on August 14, 2003, 08:02:46 AM
He still has not selected who is to be CO and XO of the FSS? I had clearly asked him to do so, and I know he has been online again in the past few days.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on August 17, 2003, 06:08:56 PM
What? So Zack Mannion has STILL NOT posted? How much longer is he going to wait? :phaser:
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on January 28, 2004, 04:29:28 PM
Why is it that nobody talks in this OFF-game forum any more? After all, its a perfect place to get to know each other out-of-character :)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Gramaracose Luxor on June 03, 2004, 07:47:58 AM
LMAO!  I'm half offended... how is it you make a position when you are so fast to make sure it's someone elses fault? pfft!  Listen chump... there are 3 people on the active list... 1 is you 1 is me and 1 is named guest... if i think this site blows it's because I investigated the evidence.  So ok... it's my fault lol feel better?
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Marcet on June 25, 2004, 08:38:35 AM
Indeed....pff what a dumb-ass :P
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 13, 2003, 02:14:30 PM
The marines fall under the command of Division CO T'Hain. Maybe he could use a Sub CO for the Marines in particular, but I would need to discuss that with him and get a report from him on the Marines status. I will try to contact him as soon as possible (this weekend will be busy for me so don't worry if it takes a few days) and get back to you about this.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 20, 2003, 02:02:31 PM
Very good :) I will tell Zack Mannion to post here so you two can discuss the FSS matters :)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 22, 2003, 02:12:27 PM
Mr. Kaleria, indeed if you take over the Omega division, it will at least not be lost.  Will you have enough time to run a division completely? It will be your responsibility to take care of it, keep it running, get members, and to post regularly. The previous one who was going to rebuild the division seriously neglected his responsibilities, resulting into Omega the desert division.

Also, indeed, we need more people who are willing to spend time on expanding the Corporation.  My goal is that, in time, Starfleet and the Corporation are balanced in members so that a good equality can be formed. Who is willing to help on this?

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Zack Mannion on June 24, 2003, 04:56:06 PM
Please, do that. :)

Anyone who have the FSS logo? No swords in it.

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Zack Mannion on June 29, 2003, 04:09:56 PM
That´s the wrong logo! The one I made was without swoard and eagle.


Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 04, 2003, 07:18:53 AM

i will post the url to it, will you upload it and put it on expansion...

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 04, 2003, 04:08:19 PM
E-mail is on its way...
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Will Karelia on July 22, 2003, 01:59:12 AM
Admiral Vorak, is it possible to upload the shadowfleet and merchant avatars onto Omega? I have been getting a few requests for those.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on August 17, 2003, 04:52:08 PM
I outrank you mason...

and i have been speaking and advertising the FSS a bit...

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on February 01, 2004, 02:09:56 PM
Its worth it believe me
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Gramaracose Luxor on June 03, 2004, 08:17:33 AM
just a couple of questions...  What led you to believe that I was to only one board?  The amount of times that I happend to post?  Do you really believe applying for a position in the wrong area caused any fustration?  What are these "High standard" DEMANDS?  do you really think 3/4 of this site should still be here when most were last posted in '93?  Should the navagation bar on the main page be fixed so that it's not greyed out and you can actually navagate to a place to sign up?  with out those "grey buttons" to the left the sign up guide/page is all but useless.  Please explain these demands that were outragous enough for you to coment like that about.  The post script kills me... may i translate?  "the next time you come to this site do it right and we'll do our part.  Maybe posting a rant is more fun for you than playing the game the way it was intended, but hey I think you are an okay writer".   If that's not the intended comunication then please clerify, because it looks to me you simply attempted to say rude things nice enough that someone wouldn't call you on it...   ::RING:: pick up the comm, I'm callin you on it ;)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on June 16, 2003, 07:16:18 AM
Thank you sir...
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on June 20, 2003, 10:20:42 AM
I am the guy who plays Huw's new character...

Well in the real world my name is Kris
i now have Huw and Nailo

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Peter Ktara on June 22, 2003, 02:16:29 PM
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on June 24, 2003, 04:41:31 PM
Actually i might design an FSS specific one...
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on June 30, 2003, 10:55:42 AM
I have a nice image editing software, i can edit out the sword thing if you want...
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 04, 2003, 07:19:14 AM
i can see it...?
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on July 04, 2003, 03:41:46 PM
Send it to my email, masterphoenix@skynet.be and I'll upload it on this server :)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on July 22, 2003, 02:09:51 PM
Certainly, I will do so asap.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Jonathan Mason on August 16, 2003, 01:45:38 AM
I understand the difficulty, but wouldn't the right choice be to choose someone who has been in FSS for a while ie. controlled a character in the division, not to mention being a Captain of a ship.

I would completely agree with whatever decision is made. (if someone chooses to make a decision)

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Montrell on January 28, 2004, 05:29:41 PM
I am currently sending Admiral Sullivan the money to buy it for me :P...*YAY* :)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 03, 2004, 01:56:31 PM
Simply bashing another's work without proving you can do better, is the easiest thing that everyone can do.

If you don't like what you see here (or don't see, apparently), then you are free to leave. There is no law or contract that forces you to stay here. You came here by own choice, you may leave here by own choice, that is your freedom.

But while you ARE HERE, you will show at least a minimum of respect that the many people that do enjoy being here, more than deserve.

The next thing I want to read here, is an apology from you, or no response at all. Don't think of responding anything else, I will simply remove it.

This is my one and final warning. I won't repeat it.

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: T Hain on June 16, 2003, 10:03:41 PM
Greetings, I am Commodore T'Hain the CO of Starphoenix.  If you feel like you can sub command the starphoenix marine fighters as the "SF Marines" has been renamed then please report to the starphoenix board and we can get things setup.  I must say that this will require you to be very active.
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Huw on June 20, 2003, 10:08:35 AM
Thanks.. i will post a new character.

You guys are so kind...

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Prester John on June 21, 2003, 10:42:26 PM
Only one thing :
What about the Corporation?
Is only StarFleet allowed to gain more members?

*thinking of resigning*

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Will Karelia on June 23, 2003, 04:24:03 PM
Admiral, I have registered under the same name on Omega division.

I will try to get my hands on an editor, but if I can't I may need assistance.

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 25, 2003, 02:18:15 PM
There is an FSS logo that you can see on the board :)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on June 30, 2003, 02:08:42 PM
Ah, Mr. Nailo knows how to work with graphical software? Good to know :)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 04, 2003, 03:23:22 PM
hmmm... ok
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Vorak on July 08, 2003, 02:37:50 PM
when you add the domain name, you always have to add the http:// part too. Thats why it didnt work :)
Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Nailo on July 11, 2003, 11:50:22 AM
Doh, thanks vorak...

umm i will try...
but it might not be very good, i can make good ones from scratch, but converting is not my strong point...
but i will try...

i will post a link to it when it is done

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Mason on November 17, 2003, 11:21:19 PM
Yes Nailo (Huw) I see you have doing well for yourself. Already an XO, that's quite impressive.

It seems that you exploited the supply and demand rule quite effectively.

I will have to call you Sir from now on.

Title: A humble ensigns views...
Post by: Gramaracose Luxor on June 03, 2004, 07:05:17 PM
LOL an apology?  Did I lie?  and why are you posting anyway?  Is your friend incapable of backing his own words up?  "You will", no I won't... remove it if it embaresses you!  Maybe his reply to my messege should have been "Hey!  there are people here you just haven't found us yet"  but as you see it, assuming you are not a child, you know it's out of line, and I doubt you even mentioned it to him.  Your tone, upon reading your post makes me believe that you are on some kind of  power trip brought on by the game.  When i showed disrespect, and I did, it was aparent that it was not directed at any one person but a group of people that have abandoned the site months & months ago and I even comented on how I doubted anyone would even see it.  Hey, I like the site!  just bumed me out when it appeared to be completely abandoned.  Why are you two so defensive?  You know your site is 75% empty and needs to be reworked.  If that causes problems with people that are not regular visitors to these kinds of sites then you should be interested in that fact with the intent to fix it so that it doesn't keep happening.  Instead, you champion a friends words and they aren't even in the right here.  
By the way, deleting this post would be dirty, yes dirty, an abuse of your power, you would be censoring me simply because YOU disagreed with me, not because of any rule violation.  In the event this happens I will email all of the corrosponding posts to every member i can dig an email address up on.  In other words, turning down my volume here may have me putting a megaphone up to ears of those who ARE this site and ARE this game and it's not only one sim/person.

I see you altered my post, negative spamming? I am not allowed to mention another star fleet?  where is the dot com? the dot org?  where am i asking anyone to do anything?  Are you paniced that your site may be dying.  Please restore my post as written!  "Spartan Fleet" even notice i comented on how chaotic it is... that is spamming? lol their chaos brought me here,  You are benefiting from their advertising.  I do not believe it's disrespectful to call it a chaotic mess either, it is.  Didn't say that about this site, because it's not... just appears empty and need to be "pruned".

Lets discuss what you had to say...

"Simply bashing another's work with out proving you can do better..."

Where do I simply "bash" another's work?  Lets see if we can find it.  Ok, "areas that should have been deleted 10 months ago"  bashing? NOT! Service the site.  Hello?  Do  you think that if I or anyone could do better it gives them the right to bash someone elses work? Kind of looks to me like you are going off in another direction here because you have the low ground if we stay on topic.  In otherwords you are avoiding what was truely said.
what was next...? oh the whole "you can leave" thing... go read what you wrote.  Why did you write it? with what intent?  Do you think I don't know how to close Explorer?   It makes me wonder if it's the same person posting with two names (both admarials lol).  
Next: R-E-S-P-E-C-T (find out what it means to me)  :)

Where do I disrespect any individual on this site?  If one of the members got a stern reply it's because it was in order.  Are you able to put friendships aside in order to make a proper judgement call?  Seems to me that about the same level of respect has come from both parties, but pick and choose or Play favorites if you must. (yes implying that you are/have been)
Oh and the "more than deserve" part... nobody gets extra respect as a person because they play a rpg. lol  Nor you for being an admaral (x2) in the game.  I do not expect an ensign to get less real life personal respect than an admaral, or someone simply because they post on boards.  Everyone here gets the same respect as anyone I encounter outside this site.  Thus far people are fine with the general level of respect I show to them.  In the future, when accusing me of a fault, please have supporting evedence of the offence.

The last part is pure game induced EGO!  Need i say more?  Maybe we should go back to the whole respect thing for this one.  Please don't talk to me like your 8 year old child, you have them for that ;)

and finally the final warning part.

sorry the only warning I saw was getting cencored for not giving into your "apologize to my friend" blackmail.