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Messages - Lance Moris

Docking Bay & Shipyard / Rivendell Construction
March 03, 2004, 08:59:15 AM
Theres a difference between being needed and being useful.  And being the latter doesn't mean you  should be treated as the former.
Docking Bay & Shipyard / Rivendell Construction
March 03, 2004, 06:44:37 AM
Lance walked into the OPs room of the Rivendell with a pack carried on his shoulder.

"Sirs, Lt. Lance Moris reporting as helmsman.  Are those AI arguing or plotting?"

Docking Bay & Shipyard / Rivendell Construction
March 04, 2004, 08:58:01 AM
Of course he's unfazed... he's a vulcan.  You can't exactly faze a vulcan.
Sighs softly to himself.

"When is this mission going to be over..."

Realizes what he just said.

"This mission has to start first."

Continues to mind his buisness by entering a repeatitive series of commands on the console.  A series of commands that in the end did nothing.  Still, it kept the reports out of his hair.

"how does he get any work done with all of these reports to drege through?"
"Orpheus... I think you might be slipping.  That's actually the third time I entered the commands.  Aside from that, this is a starship, not the Love Boat.  These reporters need to actually write up some classing articles, instead of selling glitter.  When are we going to get around to launching, anyways?  I think I'm getting cabin fever."
Relinquishing the helm station, Lance was forced to listen to the reporters.  Standing next to the Commander, he glanced over.

"Permission to punch the reports, sir?"

::turns to the captain after, entering a few commands into the conn::

"Helm is good to go, Captain.  We'll be ready for launch on your command."

"We're all automitons of the Great Bird of the Galaxy, Orpheus.  Perhaps I should replicate a pillow and an empty synthol bottle.  I could keep them on the console, and whenever things got boring around here with the news crews, I could just fall asleep.  Maybe, I could start rambling on about ex-wifes and derelict shuttles."
"Aye, sir.  Slowing to one half impulse.  The Aztec is coming to bear on our starboard side.  Distance.... 10,000 kilometers.  Continuing on course to DS20."

Lance found himself the subject of many camera shots in that moment.  A fact that greatly annoyed him.

"Is it possible to give the reports a tour of the airlocks?"

"I guess I should be thankful that they haven't hounded me yet.  It not like I help save the universe everyday or anything."

(Edited by Lance Moris at 3:39 pm on April 12, 2004)

Slow news day eh?