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Messages - Telek R Mor

Operations Center / Mission 2: Mysterious Romulan
April 18, 2004, 03:06:05 AM
"Admiral, I have already explained to Captain Freeman here that I wish to request political asylum in the Federation."
Operations Center / Mission 2: Mysterious Romulan
April 03, 2004, 01:05:36 AM
"I cannot blame you, Captain. I myself did not expect you to help, but you did, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I assume you remember me, although the last time I was aboard your ship I was a lieutenant, and I was willing to give my life to the Coalition. I did not know their true agenda. But when I was promoted to Sub-Commander, I was briefed on the Coalition's true intention. I believed we were out here to get away from the Empire and to build an empire of our own. But when I learned the truth, I began to believe that I didn't belong there. I learned that the Coalition's true purpose is to build a military so powerful that we can attack the Empire itself! I may dislike the Empire, but I dislike the idea of a Romulan civil war much more! So I planned my escape. But I never got the chance to execute it until now. But I knew that the Federation would accept almost any enemy of the Coalition, especially after what we did to you. So Captain, I would like to formally request asylum in the Federation, and possibly even aquire a Starfleet commission, so that I may prevent the Coalition from conquering the Empire.
Operations Center / Mission 2: Mysterious Romulan
April 02, 2004, 03:55:28 AM
Just then, a Romulan Warbird drops out of warp and opens fire...
...on the scout.

=/\= This is the R.C.S. Rilhan to Federation outpost! I request immediate assistance! I repeat, this is Sub-Commander R'Mor, I require immedia--- =/\=

The commlink broke as the warbird destroyed the Rilhan's comm array.

Operations Center / Mission 2: Mysterious Romulan
March 29, 2004, 04:06:03 PM
A mysterious Romulan scoutship drops out of warp near DS12.
"I cannot blame you, Captain. I myself did not expect you to help, but you did, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I assume you remember me, although the last time I was aboard your ship I was a lieutenant, and I was willing to give my life to the Coalition. I did not know their true agenda. But when I was promoted to Sub-Commander, I was briefed on the Coalition's true intention. I believed we were out here to get away from the Empire and to build an empire of our own. But when I learned the truth, I began to believe that I didn't belong there. I learned that the Coalition's true purpose is to build a military so powerful that we can attack the Empire itself! I may dislike the Empire, but I dislike the idea of a Romulan civil war much more! So I planned my escape. But I never got the chance to execute it until now. But I knew that the Federation would accept almost any enemy of the Coalition, especially after what we did to you. So Captain, I would like to formally request asylum in the Federation, and possibly even aquire a Starfleet commission, so that I may prevent the Coalition from conquering the Empire.
A mysterious Romulan scoutship drops out of warp near DS12.
"Admiral, I have already explained to Captain Freeman here that I wish to request political asylum in the Federation."
Just then, a Romulan Warbird drops out of warp and opens fire...
...on the scout.

=/\= This is the R.C.S. Rilhan to Federation outpost! I request immediate assistance! I repeat, this is Sub-Commander R'Mor, I require immedia--- =/\=

The commlink broke as the warbird destroyed the Rilhan's comm array.

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - Romulan Vessel
July 08, 2003, 10:58:04 PM
No... you will... never.... take me... Federation... scum...
U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - Romulan Vessel
July 08, 2003, 11:04:27 PM
No... I wont go...

Telek dematerializes

U.S.S. Tiberon / U.S.S. Tiberon: Sickbay
July 08, 2003, 11:12:43 PM
Telek materializes on Sickbay biobed

No... let me go... noooo......

The EMH sedates him