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Messages - Danok

Klingon Restaurant / Klingon Restaurant
February 08, 2006, 06:34:38 PM
OOC:  Whoops, wrong board...  Someone delete this?
Deep Space Academy / Student Activity Center
February 03, 2006, 12:11:43 PM
Danok turns to look at Jase.
"Force, Cadet Jellico, is a necessary evil.  And when it becomes necessary, Vulcans must play their role in it."
Deep Space Academy / Student Activity Center
February 02, 2006, 10:32:01 PM
Danok ahhs.  

"Simply because to do so would be illogical.  On Vulcan my primary interests lay in the area of close and ranged combat, narrowly coming out over positronic circuitry and time-space theorum.  However, if one looks at the fact that there are many of my race involved in those areas, and at the fact that being Vulcan I am naturally appoximately three times stronger than any human counterpart, such as you my fellow cadets, and the fact that my skills are most developed in combat and combat-related areas, it would be logical that I should become something with a primarily combat role.  Vulcan peacekeeping forces did not show an especially promising future, and it therefore is only logical that I should join the Federation's Marines.  I realize I may indeed be the only Vulcan to date to be involved in such a thing, but I do not see this as a setback."
Deep Space Academy / Student Activity Center
February 01, 2006, 04:49:01 PM
"You are welcome," replies Danok, and then turns to Jase.

"Why not?" asked Danok.  "I was unaware of any restrictions stating that a Vulcan could not join the Marines?"
Deep Space Academy / Student Activity Center
February 03, 2006, 06:04:31 PM
"Protecting oneself is surely a necessary use of force, for instance.  Self-preservation--in most circumstances--is both a logical and an appropriate action.  However, I would not condone the use of force unless it were absolutely necessary."
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
February 09, 2006, 02:51:29 PM
(OOC: This is assuming the enemy base is to our Southwest)

"I think it would be logical to attack them head-on, that is, from the northeast position.  You will, with your men and the vehicle, bear to the left of my position.  When I give the signal, attack on their flank.  I'll make a full forward push at that instant.  As soon as you get ahold of the flag, put it on the vehicle and personally see that it returns to our base.  I will cover your retreat with the rest of your men.  Do you concur?"
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
February 10, 2006, 01:08:04 PM
Danok nods quickly to Jellico and West and makes the Vulcan handsign.  He then turns to his own 'men.'

"Form up.  We will be leading the initial assault on the enemy.  Let us go."

That said, he put himself at the head of them and lead them through the city.  Midway, a group of the enemy began to open fire on them.
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 27, 2006, 11:55:28 PM
Danok powered up his phaser.  He picked one of the drones moving quickly to the right.  
Acquiring target...
Calculating for velocity...
Target hit and destroyed!

Danok took another shot and destroyed another drone.  It was simple, really.  There was a methodical, logical process in which everything could be done.
Whoops.  So he missed one.  After all, it was only a single miss among ten or twelve direct hits.  Not bad.  Not bad.
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 30, 2006, 02:16:54 AM
Danok gives a quick, efficient salute, and heads to his quarters.
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 27, 2006, 07:55:29 PM
Danok gives the Captain a quick salute and heads towards the rifle range.
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 29, 2006, 02:48:09 AM
Danok handily knocks off a few more targets quickly and efficiently.  There was nothing difficult about shooting, if one knew what one was doing.
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
February 13, 2006, 03:17:13 PM
=A= Danok here.  Begin now. =A=
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 24, 2006, 02:31:21 PM
Danok sits quickly.  

"No tricorders?  In such a case I would simply scan the area to the best of my abilities using my senses."
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
February 06, 2006, 02:57:16 AM
"I suggest we leave seven here to guard the flag.  It ought to be enough.  A group of seven more should assault the enemy's flag position, while six others, Puma in tow, flank the enemy position.  If anything goes awry the three in the Puma can make it's way back to the flag and support it with its phaser turret.  Each one of us will lead one of the groups.  I will be perfectly happy to take any position, though I suggest I lead the frontal assault due to its high-combat nature and my natural physical efficiency, I think I could be of most use there.  If this is disagreeable, however, I will remain behind and hold our position."
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 31, 2006, 11:36:21 PM
Danok raises his two very Vulcan eyebrows.

"I see.  I suppose I could accompany you.  It might be an interesting experience.  Very well then, do lead the way."