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Messages - Palleon Chastin

Lieutenant Chastin his commands at his station until a reading is displayed.  "Sir, theres nothing out there except us and the Tiberon.  No shuttles, no debris, nothing."
Chastin yawned abit and took his seat, noticing that by the looks of things, he would have lost track of time as well.  "Looks like either you hit something or something hit you.  Hope no one was seriously injured."
Palleon franticly puts in commands to his consol, trying to stay put in his chair as the ship is shoved around.  "Powering down, sir."  The lights at his station fade into darkness, as do those at all the others on the Bridge.    
Palleon finished up burned the melted curcuit boards off witht he phaser and sets it down ontop of the consol.  "So what happened here anyway?"
OFF:  Im here too, just sitting around until someone decides to shoot Dalon in the back or something hehe
"Aye, sir."  Lieutenant Chastin punches in afew commands into the consol and the Main Deflector Array comes online.  "Firing Dekyon Beam."  He hits the consol once more and a stream of energy bursts forth from the Deflector.
OFF:  Look!  Im not dead! lol sorry I sorta had comp troubles, for a LONG time, though reading all that I missed was fun lol


Palleon Chastin walks onto the bridge, yawning and stretching his arms and looking around with a raised eyebrow.  He scratches his head for asecond.   "Huh...how long was I asleep?"

"The Cloud is, indeed, digesting the core but at a very restrained rate.  I think it knows somethings wrong."  
The Lieutenant readjusts his position at the helm and turns around to look at the Commander.  "What are we going to do now?"

(Edited by Palleon Chastin at 8:41 pm on Feb. 5, 2004)

Smirking, but not taking the time to turn around, Palleon speaks to Nelson.  "Perhaps that would work if this was a ship and not a sentient energy wave!"  
The fact that this thing was chasing the ship made his hands twitch.  His instincts told him to switch to manual control and bring the ship about but he would wait for orders.  One of the downsides of being a Helmsmen instead of a Fighter Pilot.  "I dont suppose it would hurt to try a concentrated burst from the Main Deflecter, but if our weapons are useless we should get out of here.  I realize leaving the away team on the planet isnt an option but we cant do them any good if we are dead, Sir."  Once again, his fingers twitched abit over the consol but he would keep his head.  Not the time or place to act at his own accord.
"If there nothing more, Captain, id like to be given leave for the time being so I might give my attention to something higher on the agenda.  Ill report to the Doctor after I am finished."
"I should have stayed in bed..."  Palleon is somewhat confused from watching things unfold but finds it easier to just assume its another random act in the universe.  
"Well, asside from some insability from the port nacelle, everything looks like its returning back to normal.  Orders?"
Palleon reminds himself to keep his cool as he prepares a system bootup, taping his com badge in the process.
=A=Chastin to Engineering.  Bring the Warpcore back online.=A=
A moment later his station lights up, as do the external lights and the other consols on the bridge.  He quickly plots in a pursuit course and darts across the bridge to another station, trying to get a reading on the Tiberons condition.  "Sir, Interference from the energy wave is making it difficult to get a reading and this is not my expertise so the best I can do is try to get us into a position around the wave so we can get a unobscured sensor sweep on the Tiberon.  But if I do that we will, most likely, be too far to lend any immediate assistance."
Chastin sat down at the helm and brought up the navigational computer, feeding it the received coordinated and calibrating the thrusters and impulse nacelles so they would reach it at the appropriate heading and bearing.  "Done, Sir."  The Evolution began picking up speed, moving towards the Catapult as the dull roar of the engines hummed through the bridge.
Palleon quickly moves to his consol, releiving the whoever was at the station before him.  "Lieutenant Chastin reporting for duty, sir." he said calmly as he punched in the necessary commands into the Helm Consol, moving the ship backwards with as much force as the impulse nacelles could muster.
"Ill keep that in mind, Mr Dalon, but remember that im a Fighter Pilot.  Not alot of love for these sluggish brutes."

*Chastin walks off the bridge*