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Messages - Viktor Kozlov

Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
January 01, 2007, 08:02:44 AM
*Viktor moved over to one of the desks, he thought about for a bit.  having done a project on it in high school, he started with what he remembered.

= Report Start=
There is not one reason behind the starting of WW2 but many.  The first was the treaty of Versilles, imposed on Germany at the end of the first world war.  These sanctions annoyed the German people to say the least.  

The Second reason was one mans fanatical views.  His name was Adolf Hitler.  His descrimination of the jews eventually led to the holocaust and attempted genocide of the Jewish people.

The next reason was the German Invasion of Poland this lead to Europe being involved in the conflict with England declaring war on Germany, and France being invaded.  In Asia the Japenese moved into China and other key countries.  This Went unchecked.

The Last factor was the cowardly attack by the Japenese on our Paccific Fleet in Pearl Harbour.  This Resuilted the United states declaring war on Japan Germany and their allies.

What was the war fought over.  In Europe Cowerdice.  England only declared war because the knew they would also be invaded.  Russia however Retaliated after they where attacked.  In the Pacific retaliation.  The United States declared war only after Pearl Habour.

World War II ended in Europe with Allied and Soviet armies reaching Berlin.  Hitler Shot himself rather than face the music over his attrociates.  In Asia the War ended after the dropping of Atomic Bombs on the cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What can we learn from it.  Many things too much saftey is a bad thing.  The treaty of Versilles was saftey issue, and contributed to WW2.  No Race Religeon or otherwise is more Supererior than another.  Altough a country is invaded does not mean it is won.  As the French proved.  And contrary to Pacifist believes War could do better than diplomicy even at a terrible cost.

=Report End=

*Viktor takes it oover to Captain Rajnus.

"Hope it mets your standards, Sir." Viktor says wearily.
Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
December 07, 2006, 02:27:12 AM
Viktor, Stood safley out of the way, wainting for it to be safe to report in to Captain Rajnus.
Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
December 12, 2006, 12:11:10 AM
"Power" Viktor says thoughtfully.  "I'd say the ability or skill to get things done immediatly and with out every descision being questioned by others.  I also see it go partially hand in hand with respect.  Without Respect your power can not be absolute.  Power can be a dangerous thing, 'power corrupts, but absolute power corrpts absolute'" Viktor finishes.
Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
December 27, 2006, 07:32:57 AM
"I Would have to disagree on a couple of points.  knowlegde is not survival as even the most powerful people can be killed either by a slip up or freak accident.  Knowlegde is Ability, the knowledge of knowing how and when to use such an ability.  Knowledge is also pateince and humility, knowing how much is too much."
Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
December 10, 2006, 04:57:33 AM
"And me sir?" Ressik ask's
Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
December 08, 2006, 10:16:21 AM
*Viktor alters a couple of settings on the phaser.

He aims and fires.  The round almosts shreds into three shots hiting each target at least once.

"Well, that was weird." Vikot says stunned.
Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
December 07, 2006, 04:53:32 AM
*He lifts the phaser up again. taking more time to aim.

He fires this time the round passes through the targets one at a time moving slightly to the side until it just knicks the last one

"does that count sir" Viktor asks, not to please with only knicking the last target.
Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
December 07, 2006, 04:42:58 AM
Ressik, picks up the phaser.  Heswitches it up the most concentrated level.

He lifts it up and takes aim.

He fires the round passing through one target then the next and a few more before narowly missing the last couple.

"Crap, sorry sir" Viktor appoligies.
Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
December 07, 2006, 04:10:08 AM
Viktor, begain to think further.

"To Uphold and enforce the laws of the federation accordingly.  In same case's they may be required to undertake 'civic' duties like escorting lost childeren or they may spealise and work as a bodyguard in the specialist side of the job."

Kozlov sweated hoping the word 'civic' wouldn't get him beaten to death.
Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
December 09, 2006, 06:44:47 AM
Viktor stands seeing Captain Rajnus more impressed with the other cadet doing training.
Deep Space Academy / Holodeck
December 07, 2006, 03:57:21 AM
Viktor thinks about for a second and then says.

"A Security officer is their to provide the saftey for any person, Military, Civlian, or Criminal, at all times and if the need requires to use force to maintain peace and saftey."

Viktor Finishes hoping this is a good answer.
Security Department / Viktor Kozlov's Office.
January 03, 2007, 12:48:01 AM
Viktor Kozlov's Office
Station Ops / Ops Communications
January 08, 2007, 04:18:03 AM
"Aye sir, any idea's to where Captain Brodie may be located?"
Station Ops / Ops Communications
January 02, 2007, 11:59:30 PM
Ensign Kozlov enters the deck and asks the first person he see's where Admiral Madison's. office is.  The person he ask's meerly points in the direction.

Viktor walks in the direction he was shown and comes across a door, with a plaque stating that this is Admiral Madison's office.

"Is the admiral free?" He asks the person just leaving.

"Sure, just go on in." they reply.

Viktor enters the office stands to attention and salutes.

"Ensign V. Kozlov reporting in sir.  I'm Your new cheif of security."
U.S.S Lothlorien / Mission 1: "Refitting"
February 22, 2007, 08:16:06 AM
"No Sergeant you will do your job, the way i want you to do it, or i will make life very difficult for you."