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Messages - Thomas C. West

Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 24, 2006, 04:24:16 PM
West  speaks up.

"That was what I meant by scan, check the area for danger such as indigenious lifeforms and enemy troops. And, of course, any other survivors."
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
February 12, 2006, 03:19:32 AM
West quickly explains his idea to the sergeant. The sergeant listens, then nods.

"Sounds good, sir."

"Alright, let's do it."
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 24, 2006, 02:43:39 AM
West  thinks for just a second before answering.

"Sir, I believe the first course of action would be to scan the area, looking for other survivors and potential threats. Once you are sure the area is secure, the next course would be to check the wreckage for anything and everything that might be useful. The third course of action would be to take survival action appropiate to the climate."
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
February 14, 2006, 03:13:11 AM
The sergeant comes jogging back to where West is standing.

"We've finished shifting the flag, sir."

West grins.

"Perfect. You left two men behind?"

"Yes, sir."

"Excellent. Now, sergeant, let's make a big show of guarding our 'flag.'"

The faintest traces of a grin touch the corners of the sergeant's mouth.

"Yes, sir!"
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 24, 2006, 06:33:20 PM
West West quickly sums up the situation, then strides to the computer console.

"Computer, activate defensive force fields on Second Level, and seal the level off. Also seal all exits and entrances to DSA. Then bring up a 3D model of the academy with current enemy positions."
He turns to the sergeant.

"The force-fields will prevent them from moving, unless they can hack the computer, which will take at least three or four minutes. We've got that much time."
He  turns back to the computer.

"Computer, decrease pressurization to 2/3rds in all rooms with intruders."
The Sergeant  looks suprised.

West turns to him.

"That will cause nausea, headaches, and loss of concious within two minutes. Then we'll beam in and secure all intruders to the brig. Order medical to standby, and have the wounded transferred to sickbay. Tell Security to make safe the command center, comm room, and main engineering. Then assemble all Marines to beam to Second Level and capture the intruders. Understood?"
The sergeant  snaps to attention and salutes.

"Yes, sir!"
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 22, 2006, 10:19:41 PM
Thomas West  enters the room in first year cadet uniform. He is just over 2 meters and weighs in at about 81-and-a-half kilograms. He has dark brown hair with occasional natural blond highlights, and alert brown eyes.

Cadet Thomas West, reporting for duty, sir!
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
February 09, 2006, 05:51:41 PM
(OOC: Sorry, haven't been able to log in for several days, don't know why.)

"Alright, I'll hold the fort down here. You men scatter around the flag and take cover. Anyone attacks, we'll ambush them."
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 25, 2006, 04:55:26 PM
The computer follows standard procedure and shifts to the Secondary Reactor while sealing the Primary to prevent an explosion. As systems switch to the Secondary, the lighting returned, and the console comes back up. In spite of the situation, West grins.

"Good! Secondary is up. We're not beat yet. Computer, reactivate forcefields, completely depressurize all areas held exclusively by enemy troops."

West taps his commlink.

"Sergeant? Can you hear me?"



The sergeant's voice barely comes through.

"Yes, sir. Orders, sir?"

"I've arranged things so that their reinforcements will be cut off. If you can eliminate the ones that you are currently engaged with, we'll be in the clear. Do you copy?"

"Yes, sir. We'll do our best, sir."

West returns to the computer console.

"They may not hold. We'd better have a Plan B..."
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 8
January 25, 2006, 07:21:39 PM
OOC: My character is the son of a Starfleet Marine, who was also the son of a Starfleet Marine, and his father and grandfather told him to always carry a Type I phaser in his boot, since a Marine never knows when he may be captured or caught without a weapon.

Quick as lightning, West reaches down to his boot, snatches up his hidden Type I phaser and blasts the alien at Setting 8.
Admiral's Welcome Desk / DEEP SPACE ACADEMY
January 22, 2006, 01:24:17 AM
Cadet West, Thomas C, reporting for duty, Sir!
Race: Human
Division: Marines
Admiral's Welcome Desk / DEEP SPACE ACADEMY
January 22, 2006, 01:59:27 PM
Understood, sir. Which classroom is Marine training in?