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Messages - Rena

Crew's Quarters / Rena's Quarters
February 03, 2008, 07:37:05 AM
*Commander Rena walks into her quarters after a long day of filling the paperwork for her re-assignment*

"I am so ready to hit the holosuites!" Yells Rena in a fit of frustrations.
Crew's Quarters / Lt. Cmdr Lilque's Quarters
February 03, 2008, 10:19:53 PM
*Rena knocks on her sisters door.  And after no answer she left a note on the door to her telling her about her new assignment. It read...*

~Hello Dear Sister,

I came by to say hello, but you are not here so I will just tell you in short that I am being reassigned but we are used to being apart huh? Ok well hope to talk to you soon, and I love you. Oh and father said hello!

Love Always, Rena~

*With that posted on the door she walked back to her quarters.*
Starphoenix Station / CHECK UPS
April 20, 2003, 09:06:06 PM
I am going to list the people who needs to come in and get thier check up done......If you are away on a mission..do it when you return to the base..Thanks!
Major Rena


Commodore T Hain (DONE)1
Commodore Jr. Katie Marou (DONE) 1
Fleet Captain Skol
Captain Pierre Louis Assis
Commander Max Brooks
Lt. Commander James Stuar Junior (DONE) 1
Harn Sulu (DONE)1
Colonel Rick Halfdale (DONE) 1

USS LANCELOT- (when you return)

Commander Sutter
Lt. Commander Styrbjorn
Lt Commander James Crusher(DONE)1
Lieutenant Jamo
Lieutenanu Matthias Cloud(DONE)1
Ensign Krebb Dtok
Lieutenant Ali Marou


None as of now
The following numbers next to your completed Check-up mean :

1- Perfect Health and no medicine
2-Good Health with 2 month check ups
3-Good Health and on Medication
4-Fair Health and continuous supervison
5-Inacctive and in Medical care
6- Medical leave of Abs. (for Pregancy or similar issues)

Please Report to the Medical Bay Topic

(Edited by Rena at 10:28 am on April 26, 2003)

(Edited by Rena at 12:35 pm on Sep. 21, 2003)

Starphoenix Station / CMO's Office
April 25, 2003, 01:05:03 AM
Oh...are you under the impression I am upset with you Ms. Bloom? I am not of course....lol....I sensed you were having an emaotional day...and I wanted to bring you in here for a little more comfort compared to the typical sick bay surroundings...so why are you so angry? I bet if i looked at your bio functions now...they would be skyroucketing...not to mention that you are a very strong willed person for they mind patern you give off.....
So tell me whjat's wrong and what Vulcan are you talking about?
Starphoenix Station / CMO's Office
April 22, 2003, 12:02:41 AM
Well...Nice to meet you and I hope you can deal with a new CMO...I asure you I won't bite! lol...If you would setp into the Medical Bay for your check up you could get it over with! while you have timelol......
*points to a small pad on the floor next to the wall scaner*
Starphoenix Station / CMO's Office
April 25, 2003, 11:06:43 PM
T Hain could ya wait in the medical bay please....I will help ya in just a sec....
Starphoenix Station / CMO's Office
April 22, 2003, 12:07:27 AM
*follows and poitns to where he should stand*

(OFF: post in Medical bay lol)

Starphoenix Station / CMO's Office
April 21, 2003, 11:41:07 PM
Hello...If you need anything...medical or not please do not hesitate to come see me! I am on call alwasy and if I am not here one of the staff with find me ASAP day or night! You can talk to me about anything...nothing is a stupid question or a comment!

Major Rena

Starphoenix Station / CMO's Office
April 25, 2003, 11:12:46 PM
*T Hain walks out*

Ms. Bloom....I am the CMO aboard this station and this order was put out by me and I have to follow through with it.....and also as you may find out that reading my thoughts with be very difficult......Vulcans are not cold at all....they justhide the emotions they have because they get more work done with out it.......T Hain of all vulcans is not cold....and because he refused you doesn't mean he thinks you are ugly, just that he is not wanting a woman right now.....and you never know things may change....you just need to calm down...there are plenty of vulcans abard this staion....and also as a betazoid you of all people should be able to tell he is not cold...don't let attraction cloud your brain Ms. Bloom

*walks out of office to start THain's check-up

Starphoenix Station / Requesting Assignment
April 22, 2003, 01:29:29 AM
ok...lol coolness..you better be able to cook some mean grub...no lol..! Macaroni and cheese will be good for mes lol...THain will prbably tell you to report there lol...Lol

Isn't that right T Hain lol? dry

*walks back to Sikc bay and works*
Hey  Alex...come in to sick bat to get your check up ASAP so i can log u!

Starphoenix Station / Requesting Assignment
April 20, 2003, 08:00:21 PM
Thank you.....and I will get to work on it ASAP!

*shakes THains hand and Walks to Sickbay*

Starphoenix Station / Requesting Assignment
April 20, 2003, 07:32:29 PM

This is Major Rena reporting for duty as perhaps CMO?
If that is doable of course

Starphoenix Station / Requesting Assignment
April 21, 2003, 11:58:32 PM
Hello....Is this by chance Alex? because if it is this is Hope! and Commodore T Hain will take good care you you!
Starphoenix Station / Requesting Assignment
April 22, 2003, 12:29:06 AM
lol...did you wantr to be on the base is that why? lol..or are you just trying it out lol
Starphoenix Station / MEDICAL BAY
September 21, 2003, 02:42:45 PM
Thank you very much....

*Nods and walks to a station on her left to work on some new data tables*