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Messages - Skol

Lets proceed Commander. I see there is not much left, since you already unloaded most of the cargo.
Sorry Commander Sutter, I was kept for some time. Have you finished unloading the cargo?
Commander Sutter, did you understood my question?
=A=Skol to Commander Sutter=A=

Mr. Sutter, please proceed with the unloading of the cargo as planned. I have some business to attend (we are creating a enhanced sensor grid), and that requires my attention. I will leave the task of coordenating the unloading of the cargo on your capable hands. Any problems, contact me at any time.

=A=Skol out=A=

*Is standing right by the ship´s hatch, waiting for it to open*
=A=Skol to Commander Sutter=A=

Mr. Sutter, my sensors indicates that has been a explosing on bord your vessel after it landed. Are there any woundeds?? If there are no woundeds, the cargo or any of your ships systems has been compromised? I am going to meet you there right now.

=Skol out=A=

(Edited by Skol at 5:33 pm on May 8, 2003)

*badge beeps*

Excuse me Commander Sutter and Ensign Art Cone, but there is someone at my office.


Indeed he did Commander. I am here to assit you now, since we finished the instalation of the sensor network. What is left to unload?
*badges beeps*

Apperantly another ship arrived.

=A=Starphoenix to USS Lancelot=A=

This is Fleet Captain Skol, the new Chief of Operations. You have permition to land Lancelot. Welcome back, you were being very expected.

=A=Skol out=A=

=A=Skol to Commodore Marou=A=

Commodore, please join me at ops office. There is a situation that might need your presence.

=A=Skol out=A=

(Edited by Skol at 5:57 pm on May 28, 2003)

=A=Skol to T Hain=A=

Sir, i belive we have situation. Two rougue newly come officers are firing at me and Commander Sutter here at the Lancelot carbo bay. They exploded somthing in the cargo and now they are attempting to get to a tranport located a few km north of the base. I already mobilized captain mAGhnus and Captain Assis, who is now at orbit and taking the Lattes ready to prevent any transports to leave the surface. How should we proceed Sir?

=A=Skol out=A=

Starphoenix Station / Requesting Assignment
April 20, 2003, 04:29:49 AM
Skol, reporting for duty. I just rejoined Starfleet, after working some time at the vulcan embassy. I am trained as an OPS officer, and that would be the logical position to place me.
Starphoenix Station / Requesting Assignment
April 20, 2003, 04:49:31 AM
Very well Sir. I belive the experience of getting back at Starfleet working on this Station will be quite benefical. You are very well spoken both on Vulcan and on the Starfleet command. I shall report to check on my Station and prepare it for the inspection. Live long and Prosper.
That is a valid statement, Admiral.

(Edited by Skol at 9:21 pm on April 26, 2003)