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Messages - Legudon

"Your secret is safe with me. But be warned, the more you deceive these people, the less they will trust you when your gifts are brought to light."
Legudon looked at his newest apprentice. "If we both come out of this alive, Alexia, we will begin your training immediately."

He turned back to look at his companion. "Drengar, I have trained you well. I have no doubt you will fight well."

"Thank you, Master. It will be an honor to accompany you in this battle."
Legudon watched as the Heraan stood over him. The ornately-armored warrior pulled Drengar's khala from his armor and dropped it to the ground. "Take it," he said. "Your loss is a great enough trophy for me this time."

Legudon picked up the khala from the ground, tucked it into a pocket on his robe, and moved to pick up his own weapon from the ground a meter or so away. Fastening it to his belt, he went back and tore a small scrap of fabric from Drengar's robe. Legudon began walking slowly back to the base camp, as the remaining Heraani soldiers watched him carefully. They stared at him, raising not a single weapon at the Gallifreyan, as he walked, broken, back to his companions. Upon arriving there after about thirty minutes, he was joined by the other Sentinels. They all seemed to already know what had happened.

"Larzik," he said, taking Drengar's khala and the scrap of his robe from his own pocket. "Take these to the Temple of the Fallen."

"Yes, Master," the young Sentinel acknowledged, taking the items from Legudon.

"Alexia," he said. "We should return to the ship as soon as we can. With Drengar gone, we will need everyone we can get, and your training bust begin soon. With Ar'Krakh and his elite guard having left, the Starfleet Marines can wipe up the rest of the Heraani dogs with little resistance."
"No. I'm afraid you're vastly untrained, and would offer Ar'Krakh little resistance. Be ready to evacuate should we fail, because if Drengar and I cannot stop Ar'Krakh, no one here can. My task for you is to keep the battle area clear of any straggling Heraani soldiers."
Legudon saw his apprentice fighting the Heraan alone, knowing he must get back to help. Using his psionic power to augment his speed, he began to dash back to the fight. Almost on cue, as he got there, he watched in horror as his apprentice was brutally slain by the beastly Ar'Krakh.

"DRENGAR!!!" he roared, igniting his khala again. "You! I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Ah ah ah. Watch that temper, 'Master'. Keep that heart pure."

"QUIET!" Legudon grabbed Ar'Krakh with his telekinesis, lifted him into the air, and began to walk to him with his khala pointed directly at the Heraan's face.

"You see?" Ar'Krakh replied calmly. "You are no different than I, the only difference is that I admit it. You are as prone to violence as we are, but you hide it and veil it behind a 'purpose' to save the galaxy. You are worse than any Heraan, because when judgement time comes, you can't even admit what you are."

"You killed my apprentice, dark one," Legudon forced through clenched jaws. "And for that, your life is mine. And I choose to end it."

Legudon propelled his khala out of his hand and toward the Ar'Krakh's head, intending to impale him. But with mere millimeters to go, the warmaster launched it away, where it clattered to the ground and went dark. He repelled Legudon's hold on him, and fell back to his feet.

"If only that were your choice," he replied. "You live this day, Gallifreyan, because I've broken you, and that's worse than any injury I could inflict."
"Take everyone back to the lines, Warmaster Ar'Krakh is here. Drengar and I will remain to fight him, but I don't want anyone else near the fight unless I specifically order it. He has slain even Gallifreyan Masters before, and is to be dealt with most carefully. Post one Sentinel at each of the Starfleet turrets, just to keep the soldiers back."
"Commander Harf, I suggest you conduct extensive testing at the Daystom Institute before putting Tylium into use. It is a very volatile mineral, and I have seen many killed due to accidents in it's use."

"As for food, you will find none. The Heraan do not eat as you do, they infuse their bodies with energy directly, as their cellular makeup has the ability to absorb it. Their power systems can be easily adapted to power Starfleet-issue replicators, however."
In a fitting response, Legudon projected his thoughts back in the same manner. "You judge prematurely, oh great Warmaster. Even the humblest Gallifreyan warrior is quite the telepath, and twice the swordsman as even the most honored of Heraani elites. You will not find us easy prey."
"I can sense a telepath in the vicinity, definitely onboard the ship, and definitely afraid. They can tell we are aware of them, but I cannot yet tell who it is or where onboard they are."
"Prepare yourself, Drengar. The warmaster approaches."

Legudon and Drengar drew their khalai, holding them ready but disabled in their hands. The Heraani warmaster stepped through a plume of smoke, his ornate but sparse battle armor, perfectly suited for a graceful swordsman.

Legudon whispered to Drengar, knowing Ar'Krakh was less likely to hear it, even rather than a silent mental projection. "Apprentice, calm your rage. It will cloud your judgement. We must do this as a team, do not allow your bloodlust and vengeance impede that."
"I have been fighting the Na'jigat for five hundred and seventy-two years, Commander. I am quite confident I can protect one small starship. Is in not Starfleet's mission to go forward and do that which the rest of the Federation cannot? To serve and possibly give your lives for the good of the Federation? I can assure you, this is the gravest threat the federation has faced. If you wish to opt out of this task, you certainly may, but it will be remembered that you turned your back on the fate of your people."
Legudon met most of his knights on the way to the shuttlebay. By the time they arrived, they had all met up. He stood to meet Commander Lauren eye to eye. "Commander," he said stoically. "My warriors and I stand ready. We are yours to command."
"I can assure you, Mr. Spock," Legudon replied in a calm and quiet voice, "that we are more than capable of protecting your vessel."
Legudon walked slowly after Harf, but stopped for a moment to address HK47 with a scowl.

"You take too much pleasure from slaughter, machine, taking no heed to the consequences for those around you, and who may be hurt by such slaughter. Ensure that your desire does not bring harm to anyone but the allies of the Na'jigat, or you will find yourself on the receiving end of my weapon."
"Your training will begin shortly. Until then, return to your duties. We will begin soon enough."