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Messages - Legudon

"We know about your duty to Starfleet, and we know you would never betray that. After all, we have been monitoring your mind and mental abilities... But if we fail to stop the Na'jigat, it is not only us, the Gallifreyans, who will perish, but Starfleet will be the next target. None of us can stop the Na'jigat alone, but together we stand a chance. What say you?"
"Yes, by staying away as far as possible from the Na'jigat, and avoid large masses of energy such as is produced in space battles, like the one that took place here. Apart from that, know one thing, not for all the advanced technology you may know of, can you begin any defense against the Na'jigat. There is only one other weapon effective against them, but the Rassilon decreed forbids me to speak of it, or to use it. If that will be all, we shall be going now."
"I wouldn't count on it."
*Suddenly, someone walks up from behind them, as if appearing out of nowhere. This was no human, though he was also of a humanoid species, yet his features were very different.*
"What you are seeing out there, is the single most dreadful danger in this galaxy. They are the Na'jigat, energy beings that cannot be destroyed, against which no weapons will be of any use but on the contrary, and the most energy-hungry beings you'll ever encounter. At this moment you're safe... still, because their attention has been drawn to the huge Loxian fleet out there. But once they drained the energy of the last ship and dust is all that remains as residue, YOU will be their next target. The Skytoucher is wrecked and nearly out of energy, so they aren't all that appealing to the Na'jigat, but the Evolution is in a better shape. Don't think you can beat or escape them, even the Borg, Dominion and Species 8472 are powerless against them. If you wonder how we know all this, it is because we, like the Na'jigat, are telephats too, though not as powerful as the Na'jigat. Yet, telephatic teamwork is the only defense we have against them. The Na'jigat do not belong here, they have been at war with our species for millions of centuries since the dawn of the universe, and always have we been able to keep them in check within the boundaries of their home: the Galaxy Core. But our forces have grown weak, and we can't always prevent one of their beings to escape and head into these parts of space. That's all I'm going to tell you, because that's all what may be remotely of your concern. Now if you'll excuse us, we have some telephatic battle to fight here."
*Others like Legudon appear, and sit down in a circle before the viewscreen. They close their eyes and begin some sort of meditative humming. Their humming increases after some moments, as they build up invisible telephatic energy in the center of the circle they have formed. Suddenly, the invisible telephatic energy grows so strong it makes the entire ship shudder slightly.*
"Narajagi.... Sovogula... Najigat sanjanaaaaaaaaaa!"
*Legudon gets back on his feet, followed by his companions, and turns to the bridge crew.*
"I am sorry for the interruption here. The Na'jigat are pushed back, for now. They should never have escaped the Galaxy Core in the first place, but all we can try to do, is get them back in there. There's no destroying them. We should have prevented this encounter between you and the Na'jigat, but we can't be everywhere at once, and I believe that your huge battle here in the Dark Passage, which contained huge amounts of energy power by weapons and shields and all those ships, awakened them and made them come forth. This area is safe again, they won't risk returning any time soon. But in our telephatic attack, we have seen one small glimpse of their mind... and I fear I know which their next target will be."
*Legudon and the other Gallifreyans continue their meditation session, sitting with closed eyes quietly on the bridge's floor, as if nothing in the world can harm them, or bother them. They keep humming, and the ship's walls and floor are starting to shake more intensively.*
"Narajagi.... Sovogula... Najigat sanjanaaaaaaaaaa!"
*Then suddenly, a white, blinding flash can be seen and is gone just as quickly, leaving everything to normal. But outside the ship, a huge concentration of telephatic energy begins to form...*
"They ARE worse than the Borg, or Species 8472. You are warned, for we may not be able to be in time to save you, next encounter with the Na'jigat. As for now, I leave you with one warning. Starphoenix Base will be their next target."
*Without any other word, Legudon turns around to face his own people, he nods and they walk slowly toward a wall, and disappear with a shimmer before they even reach the wall, as if they had never been there.*
Flag Admiral's Office / Avalon Fortification Meeting
August 25, 2005, 12:43:48 PM
"There is little you can do to 'fortify' your station, admiral. The only weapon truly effective against the Na'jigat is... Well, classified. Taurik and Vurak know, and they also know that a Gallifreyan law has once stated to forbid the usage of this substance, because it is unstable and can do even more harm than the Na'jigat would. There are, however, a few alternatives that may help you out. The Na'jigat is not capable of travelling at high speed, that is their weakness. They cannot travel faster than light. Therefore, anything related to warp speed can make it a little more difficult for them. Gather warp particles, which are emmitted by your starships while travelling at warp speed, and use these particles in your shielding and station's structural integrity. I am aware that this is not easy to do, but if your scientists and engineers work together, it may be possible. Another suggestion is, what you call a 'soliton wave', a subspace wave of energy that does not diminish and obtains warp speeds... This could be used to drive back the Na'jigat, and though it will not damage them, it may cause the Na'jigat cloud to disperse and become separate clouds that are therefore less powerful and don't have the ability to communicate with one another. If you can keep them separate during the battle, then we of the Order of Gallifrey will have better chances of driving them back. Those are the only options I can offer you."
*Then he regards Vorak.*
"Send your ships to the destroyed Deep Space 12 station, as you had already planned, and gather what remains they can find there. It can be used to mix with warp particles to create shielding and an effective structural integrity. That is all the advice I can offer you, admiral. I must return now, but we will meet again at the right time, we will return before the battle begins."
*Legudon disappears.*
Flag Admiral's Office / Avalon Fortification Meeting
August 25, 2005, 12:15:20 PM
*Out of a dark corner, a humanoid shape appears out of nowhere, and Legudon steps into the light. He faces Taurik and Vurak.*
"I received your call. You would not have called me, if it were not important."
*Then he turns to Vorak.*
"But I already know why you have called for me. We meet again, admiral Vorak. I wish there was no need for our meeting, but it seems you do need our help."
*Without anyone inviting Legudon to it, he takes a chair and sits down.*
"The Na'jigat is more powerful now, than they have been for many centuries. Each target they attack, gives them additional fuel that strengthens them, more energy that makes them crave for even more. They have attacked some major areas in this area of the Delta Quadrant already... the Delta Alliance, the Loxians, Starphoenix Base, Deep Space 12. They now no longer care for small prizes any more, and leave small starbases or planets for what they are. I know their next target will be this very station. It is a major place of power and energy in this sector, for the size of the station, the people that reside on it, and the ships that visit it. But there is still some delay, the Na'jigat will not attack instantly. First, they are preparing and increasing their powers, before attacking. They want to make sure they will obtain victory, and the defense of Taurik and Vurak at Deep Space 12 was unforeseen."
*He glances at Taurik and Vurak, then back at Vorak.*
"Believe me, if these two captains had not come up with the element of surprise, the destruction at DS12 would be far worse... there would be no ships returning from it in one piece, and this station would already have been under attack too. You are unusually fortunate, admirals, to have the delay these two captains managed to give you. Believe me, we would not be sitting here having this conversation otherwise."
*He gets back up again.*
"The Na'jigat will not attack for at least another three weeks. You will need every moment of this time to prepare your defenses. When the time comes, I will return in force, and offer you our defense. But even with our help, and the help of Taurik and Vurak, it will not be enough. You need all the help you can get for this battle. It will be like nothing you have ever seen before in your history. But if the Na'jigat succeeds in destroying this station, Starfleet HQ in the Alpha Quadrant will be next. Do you have any more questions?"
*He looks around.*