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Messages - T'lana

U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
September 03, 2007, 05:32:08 AM
T'lana looked up as Taurik's last orders were given, she was completely appalled. Destroying all of the Heraan's military forces in the system was bad enough, but unfortunately necessary for the survival of the galaxy, but she didn't see the logic in destroying the entire Heraani colony planet.

"Captain, I would like to go on record that I find this action appalling and question your ability to command."

OOC: "GLASS" the planet? Somebodies a HALO fan.  http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'> Me too, but oh well.
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
June 15, 2007, 09:34:32 AM
"Captain, the telemetry from the geosynchronous probe is coming in clear and the Gallifreyan vessel has jumped to Slipstream Space, sir."
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
August 24, 2007, 03:47:56 PM
(OOC: It's fine, there is nothing wrong with creative license, as long as you don't go to godtech, that's left to the Gallifreyans and other such ancients. Besides we have the Quantum Discharge Beam Cannon. http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'> )

IC: T'lana went back to the Science Station and began scanning the super-weapon after Cadet Beta's report.
It took ages of cross referencing and analyzing the telemetry data to realize what was going on with the weapons platform.

"Mr. Beta's super-weapon seems to be using a subspace transfer device, possibly the first domain. The super-weapon seems to be generating large amounts of Negative Energy, which would indicate that it's primary weapon manipulates gravity."
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
September 07, 2007, 07:30:08 PM
OOC: I don't really care much.


The Radiant Thunder spent about thirty seconds in the blue-shifted hyper-dimensional vortex, colloquially known as a traversable wormhole.
The powerful Gallifreyan vessels exited hyperspace with a slight jolt and a burst of quantum energy, as Avalon Station quickly came into view.
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
July 26, 2007, 07:30:02 PM
"Sounds logical."

T'lana moved out the way she had come towards the Slipfighter and manually closed the bulkhead door.
Cycling the airlock system which was still powered, T'lana climbed in to the cockpit and closed the canopy just as the  cycle completed and the out doors opened.

Powering up the MPDD and GFG, T'lana turned the throttle and the Slipfighter launched out of the tube.

"Computer, initiate a sensor sweep, power signatures only."

Computer: Acknowledged.

T'lana piloted the Slipfighter  around the station in a deck by deck grid pattern as the sensors read of one by one the power signatures it detected.

==Electromagnetic Telemetry==

-Command 5.2%
-Communications 0.032%
-Shuttle Bays 0.35%
-Docking areas 12.6%
-Habitat 2.5%
-Recreation areas 3.2%
-Stabilizers 9%
-Pneumatic Doors 5%
-Airlocks 8%
-Computer Core 2%
-Structural Integrity Field Generators 25%
-Electrostatic Security fields 0%
-Lighting 0.012%
-Offensive Systems 0%
-Defensive Systems 0%


After the scan was complete, which only a moment, T'lana sent the information to Morgan's tricorder.

=A=T'lana to Morgan=A=

"I have sent the data to your tricorder Morgan."

=A=T'lana Out=A=

T'lana switch the sensors back active full spectrum mode and as soon as she did that  the computer reported  a sensor anomaly.

Computer: Higher concentration of anti-protons, tachyons and neutrinos detected, suggest cloaked vessel

With this new information, T'lana decided to keep traveling around the space around the station.

=A=T'lana to Morgan=A=

"Sensors may have detected a cloak vessel, it is not determinable, but I will remain in space just in case."

==A=T'lana Out=A=
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
August 07, 2007, 05:32:21 PM
=A=Kelata to Morgan=A=

"I terminated the individual that was controlling the intrusive code, Mr. Freeman.

=A=Kelata out=A=
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
April 13, 2007, 08:11:42 PM
OOC: Certainly Commander...Although the Mission was premature, a temporal anomaly was introduced which has now dissipated, we are still on route, but there is no word as yet to whether the actual distress call has been made...waiting for Captain Taurik.
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
April 14, 2007, 06:12:45 PM
T'lana finally found the answer for the inability to find the USS Evolution, she was looking for external causes and it was the Rivendell all along.

"Captain I suggest dropping out of warp sir, the negative energy of the Warp Field is the cause of the temporal anomalies. The compression of spacetime ahead of the vessel is generating quantum tears in to subspace.
It also might explain the slight power loss, as these quantum tears are occasionally being reflected back to the ship."

OOC: That should help and explain things...at least if we stop for repairs, it gives the players something to do and gives the Evolution crew time to SEND the Distress call.
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
July 25, 2007, 06:45:35 PM
T'lana walked in to the reactor room directly after Morgan and raised her forcelance.
At their current position in the huge reactor chamber, Morgan and T'lana could not directly see anyone in their with them.
But the last sensor readings T'lana took did show someone in there surrounded by unknown bio-readings.

T'lana held her forcelance in her left hand, grabbing  the tricorder with the other.

"Be careful Morgan, the tricorder shows one Vulcan surrounded by six lifeforms of indeterminable origin and type."

T'lana put away the tricorder and activated the forcelance's fighting pike mode.
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 11: "Impromptu Heroism"
July 16, 2007, 04:30:52 PM
Sagittarii looked at Morgan questioningly, believing that he had nothing to hide she said.

"That will not be necessary Mr. Freeman, I will just take the 'Phoenix Rising' to the nearest star and refuel her there, but thanks for the offer."
T'lana noticed on the Kelata's sensors that a Heraani squad were on their way to ambush the Rivendell away team.

Decloaking the Stealth Ship, T'lana opened fire on them with the Phased Plasma Pulse Cannons.

Each 25,000 kilojoules plasma bolt, struck the ground with explosive force decimating some of the squad and scattering the rest.

T'lana cloaked the Kelata and contacted the away team...

=A=Kelata to Away Team=A=

"Cadet your position has been compromised, find cover and run to the coordinates I gave you."

=A=Kelata Out=A=
OFF-Game / Star Wars Revelations
July 25, 2007, 02:06:26 PM
I downloaded and watched  Star Wars: Revelations, it's really wizard.
The special effects are well done, the story is engaging and the starships are awesome.
The acting is so-so, but who cares, the rest of it is worth watching.
No they don't Luke, sorry; Warp 9.97 is about it.

Travel time for one light year (1 ly)  is as follows:

Warp 1 = 1*C = 365 Days
Warp 2 = 10.08*C = 36.21 Days
Warp 3 = 38.84*C = 9.37 Days
Warp 4 = 101.59*C = 3.59 Days
Warp 5 = 213.75*C = 1.71 Days
Warp 6 = 392.50*C = 22.32 Hours
Warp 7 = 656.16*C = 13.35 Hours
Warp 8 = 1024.31*C = 8.55 hours
Warp 9 = 1516.43*C = 5.78 Hours
Warp 9.9 = 3052.95*C = 2.87 Hours
Warp 9.97 = 5316.85*C = 1.65 Hours
Warp 9.99 = 7912.35*C = 1.11 Hours
Warp 9.999 = 10267.08 = 51.19 Minutes
Warp 9.9999 = 199515.9 = 2.63 Minutes (Terminal Velocity)

(C = Speed of Light, 300,000km/s)
Federation Technology Database / Replicants
February 14, 2008, 01:50:08 PM

By Commander T'lana

Synthetic Biology is the engineering of biological organisms from their basic inorganic components, which are; Sugars, nitrates and phosphates.

Synbio, the portmanteau of Synthetic Biology, is the next logical step in genetic technology. The steps to synbio technology is usually taken by most sentients, beginning with genetic engineering – the splicing of two separate organisms to improve or create a new organism – and cloning – a perfect copy of a parent organism, that is achieved by accessing the DNA of individual cells.

The reason for using the scientific discipline of synbio is due to its seemingly infinite uses. Organisms have the capacity of going beyond what any form of mechanical technology can achieve, from single cells to complex multi-cellular organisms.

DNA or Deoxyribonucleic acid is in essence the software that tells individual cells what to become, so once the secrets of DNA are revealed, the complex nature of organisms can be understood and duplicated.

Synthetic Biology started in earnest on Earth in the twenty first century and continued until World War 3, where the technology was forgotten but reinvented in the twenty second century. There was some dissention amongst the ranks of the scientific community in regards to synbio technology. One of the concerns of this form of technology was what it would be used for and the ethic and moral problems that would arise. The other concern was who would own the patent of synbio technology and the monopoly of such a technology that may occur.

During the twenty first century, synbio technology was monopolized, with the formation of the Tyrell Corporation, owned and operated by Eldon Tyrell, a genetic engineer that continued the work on synbio technology with the creation of Replicants. The last known replicant model was the Nexus 6 and one prototype Nexus 7, which were controlled by augmented humans and was the major contributor to the commencement of World War 3.

The second evolution of synbio technology began with the creation of biomimetic gel, the future incarnation of the twenty first century biobricks.

The second evolution of Replicants began twenty three years after the reinvention of Synthetic Biology. Due to some quirk of fate, these new Replicants were also called Nexus, which was the next phase in robotics. Fortunately the neural networks of the new Nexus Class Androids, called Replicants, were more advanced thanks to the computer systems that designed them.
The United Federation of Planets use synbio technology only when it is necessary, usually for mining in the outer colonies, or other such dangerous work.

The organization that created Replicants and other synbio technologies for this second incarnation was called Rossum's Universal Robots.
R.U.R. was named after the famous play written in 1920 and released in Prague in 1921 by playwright, Karel Capek, which first used the term robot for artificial life forms.

Although organic, replicants have none of the failings of their natural biological creators and are far more advanced.

Models of Replicants

Nexus 1 – Single celled organisms used for the purpose of environmental and ecological restoration.
Nexus 2 – A series of non-sentient organisms created for the purpose of domestic companionship.
Nexus 3 – single celled or multi-cellular organisms used for the purpose of surveillance, reconnaissance and other forms of detection.
Nexus 4 – The first human model replicant prototype, menial task laborers.
Nexus 5 – The second evolution of human model replicants, used for combat, security, sex and menial task labor.
Nexus 6 – This is the most advanced and complex form of human replicant and is almost indistinguishable from normal humans, leading to the reinvention of the Voight-Kampff machine, for empathic response indication. Nexus 6 replicants possess superhuman abilities that far surpass their creators.
Nexus 7 – This replicant type mimics it's creators in everyway, except the ability to reproduce. In fact no replicant model has ever had the ability to reproduce. The Voight-Kampff machine and subsequent empathy test is useless when used against the Nexus 7 replicants. This model is only used in extreme emergencies and only for clandestine reasons; therefore this model is also the first black market replicant. This model is now favored by the Orion Syndicate, in various black market endeavors.

Moral and Ethical issues

Due to moral and ethic issues involving artificial organic life forms; cloning, genetic engineering and synthetic biology are now illegal on Earth and various other members of the United Federation of Planets. Replicant (synbio) technology was considered immoral and unethical due to the organic nature of these machines.

Synbio Synthesizers (the name for the machines that create replicants and other organic machines) can still be found in research laboratories, but only for the synthesizing of single celled organisms for use in medical applications and research. The creation of multi-cellular organisms is strictly forbidden, even for research purposes.

Having said that, there are various Federation and Starfleet outposts and colony words in the outer reaches of Federation space, that still use Synthesizers and subsequently, replicants for various potentially hazardous works and for pleasure. The Federation Council and Starfleet Command do know about this fact, but turns a blind eye so-to-speak, due to the locations of these colonies and outposts.

Replicants are robots that have been constructed by means of Synthetic Biology.

The first ever usage of the word robot was in the 1921 play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) by the playwright Karel Capek, from the suggestion of his brother Josef Capek.  The word robot comes from the Czech word robota, which means laborer.
Alien Technology Database / Replicants
February 14, 2008, 01:51:06 PM

By Commander T'lana

Synthetic Biology is the engineering of biological organisms from their basic inorganic components, which are; Sugars, nitrates and phosphates.

Synbio, the portmanteau of Synthetic Biology, is the next logical step in genetic technology. The steps to synbio technology is usually taken by most sentients, beginning with genetic engineering – the splicing of two separate organisms to improve or create a new organism – and cloning – a perfect copy of a parent organism, that is achieved by accessing the DNA of individual cells.

The reason for using the scientific discipline of synbio is due to its seemingly infinite uses. Organisms have the capacity of going beyond what any form of mechanical technology can achieve, from single cells to complex multi-cellular organisms.
DNA or Deoxyribonucleic acid is in essence the software that tells individual cells what to become, so once the secrets of DNA are revealed, the complex nature of organisms can be understood and duplicated.

Synthetic Biology started in earnest on Earth in the twenty first century and continued until World War 3, where the technology was forgotten but reinvented in the twenty second century. There was some dissention amongst the ranks of the scientific community in regards to synbio technology. One of the concerns of this form of technology was what it would be used for and the ethic and moral problems that would arise. The other concern was who would own the patent of synbio technology and the monopoly of such a technology that may occur.

During the twenty first century, synbio technology was monopolized, with the formation of the Tyrell Corporation, owned and operated by Eldon Tyrell, a genetic engineer that continued the work on synbio technology with the creation of Replicants. The last known replicant model was the Nexus 6 and one prototype Nexus 7, which were controlled by augmented humans and was the major contributor to the commencement of World War 3.

The second evolution of synbio technology began with the creation of biomimetic gel, the future incarnation of the twenty first century biobricks.

The second evolution of Replicants began twenty three years after the reinvention of Synthetic Biology. Due to some quirk of fate, these new Replicants were also called Nexus, which was the next phase in robotics. Fortunately the neural networks of the new Nexus Class Androids, called Replicants, were more advanced thanks to the computer systems that designed them.
The United Federation of Planets use synbio technology only when it is necessary, usually for mining in the outer colonies, or other such dangerous work.

The organization that created Replicants and other synbio technologies for this second incarnation was called Rossum's Universal Robots.
R.U.R. was named after the famous play written in 1920 and released in Prague in 1921 by playwright, Karel Capek, which first used the term robot for artificial life forms.

Although organic, replicants have none of the failings of their natural biological creators and are far more advanced.

Models of Replicants

Nexus 1 – Single celled organisms used for the purpose of environmental and ecological restoration.
Nexus 2 – A series of non-sentient organisms created for the purpose of domestic companionship.
Nexus 3 – single celled or multi-cellular organisms used for the purpose of surveillance, reconnaissance and other forms of detection.
Nexus 4 – The first human model replicant prototype, menial task laborers.
Nexus 5 – The second evolution of human model replicants, used for combat, security, sex and menial task labor.
Nexus 6 – This is the most advanced and complex form of human replicant and is almost indistinguishable from normal humans, leading to the reinvention of the Voight-Kampff machine, for empathic response indication. Nexus 6 replicants possess superhuman abilities that far surpass their creators.
Nexus 7 – This replicant type mimics it's creators in everyway, except the ability to reproduce. In fact no replicant model has ever had the ability to reproduce. The Voight-Kampff machine and subsequent empathy test is useless when used against the Nexus 7 replicants. This model is only used in extreme emergencies and only for clandestine reasons; therefore this model is also the first black market replicant. This model is now favored by the Orion Syndicate, in various black market endeavors.

Moral and Ethical issues

Due to moral and ethic issues involving artificial organic life forms; cloning, genetic engineering and synthetic biology are now illegal on Earth and various other members of the United Federation of Planets. Replicant (synbio) technology was considered immoral and unethical due to the organic nature of these machines.

Synbio Synthesizers (the name for the machines that create replicants and other organic machines) can still be found in research laboratories, but only for the synthesizing of single celled organisms for use in medical applications and research. The creation of multi-cellular organisms is strictly forbidden, even for research purposes.

Having said that, there are various Federation and Starfleet outposts and colony words in the outer reaches of Federation space, that still use Synthesizers and subsequently, replicants for various potentially hazardous works and for pleasure. The Federation Council and Starfleet Command do know about this fact, but turns a blind eye so-to-speak, due to the locations of these colonies and outposts.

Replicants are robots that have been constructed by means of Synthetic Biology.

The first ever usage of the word robot was in the 1921 play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) by the playwright Karel Capek, from the suggestion of his brother Josef Capek.  The word robot comes from the Czech word robota, which means laborer.