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Messages - James Crusher

At that moment James Crusher comes rushing onto the Bridge of the ship

omg! I just had to fight my way through borg and then crawl through tons of jeffries(sp) tubes!  But I made it are there any injuries?  Anything I should be made aware of?

James Crusher turns from his station.

AH! Commander Sutter So good to see you, how are you doing?  Well I hope, Well it seems we are about to set off on another mission soon, Isn't it so exciting?  Well anyway I should get back to work here...

Dr. Crusher: Commander! What is wrong?

Sutter: Im not feeling very well...

Dr. Crusher: Quick Commander Lets get to sickbay

Dr. Crusher and Commander Sutter go to sick bay immediately

.........A Bit later.........

=^= Dr. Crusher to the Bridge =^=

Commander Sutter is very sick so I will be keeping him in observation for this next week, If the XO of the ship Mr. Yugiman can take command of the ship then I will send commander Sutter up to the Bridge just as soon as he is well.

Ah your Awake!  That is good, Well I think you will be fine..  Just go ahead and go on up to the Bridge!
James Crusher reporting as CMO of the USS Lancelot.
=^= Sickbay to Bridge =^=

Sickbay is ready!

Commander Crusher turns to Captain Sutter

"Well Captain we have all the repair and medical supplies loaded I believe that we can leave and head to DS12 anytime"

#### mate your just a bit fast on your feet there i kinda lost ya in the corridors lol, well im here now.

How are things coming along Captain?

Enters onto the Bridge and walks over to one of the empty seats in the center

"I thought I would come up onto the Bridge for awhile.. Kind of a down time down in sickbay at the moment.."

"Well sir i believe you need to come down to sickbay with me and im going to run some scans, and no resistance!"
=^= Crusher to the Armoury =^=

Are there any injuries?

"Very Well I am on my way..."

Mr. Crusher gets up from his seat and heads off to the bridge and enters the turbolift


Just then the Turbolift accepts his voice command and starts its way towards the deck with the Armoury..Moments later the turbolift comes to a halt and Mr. Crusher steps out and walks down the winding corridors to the Armoury

"So Mr. Miller how are you feeling?"

I was down in the Medical Ward and was just leaving when I see Jeremy Hawk walking down the corridor so I figured I would follow hoping he knew were the Bridge was and well.... We found it finally..
Starphoenix Station / Returning to Starphoenix base
November 03, 2003, 04:17:32 PM
James Walks up onto the Bridge
Starphoenix Station / CMO's Office
April 21, 2003, 11:59:24 PM
Hello Dr. Rena, Sorry for my delay in getting here.  I hear that you are taking over for Dr. Katrina here on the station?  Seems she had to go back to Earth suddenly was quite a shame I was enjoying working with her.  Well Anyway.  I am Dr. James Crusher the CMO on the Lancelot.  Unfortunately I arrived a bit late and the Lancelot had already left the planet heading for Avalon.  So I been enjoying relaxation on this beautiful Planet.