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Messages - Zwak

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 30, 2003, 11:48:14 PM
"I agree, but i need to discuss this with my council."

*screen goes blank, and there is a 5 minues wait*

"my council also agrees, we will follow you, and if you would agree to it i could send over one of our engineers and an escort soldier, the council suggested that,to help you make some repairs, we could also, transfer some power to your ship, so that you could get back to your atlantis station......?"

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
July 07, 2003, 09:47:01 PM
OFF:forget about the post above this one, i clicked the back button on my browser, forgot to add some things.

*As capain prester thinks about  wha is going on, a voice suddenly speaks to him, inside his mind(telepathy), it is Zwak*

"Captain Prester, i assume that you are ready for our arrival, i have chosen three engineers, and two scientists of ours to be accompanied by five soldiers, one each to protect, let me know if you are not ready."

(Edited by Zwak at 6:48 pm on July 8, 2003)

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 27, 2003, 11:13:53 PM
*Shadowfire is being hailed by the unknown species lead ship*

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 29, 2003, 08:03:15 AM
OFF:(if captain prester acknoweledges the hail and listens, then this post has relevance)

*an alien appears on screen,looking a little angery, only to have the crew and captain realize that it is identical to how a human looks like*

"Greetings Unknown Ship, I am Zwak, captain of the  Antaran ship Dragos, i would like to know why you obliterated our homeworld, though you did destroy one of our enemies ships, along with the whole galaxy?"

"We will not take an offensive, although not all of my crew seem to think alike,....., I ask that you simply apologize and pay reparitions (ie money or similar), for the loss of so much, i also have suggested sending an ambasseder to you government."

*screen goes black*

OFF: trying to get something going here.  (Jermaine Miklos)

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 30, 2003, 02:12:02 AM
* zwak appears *

" it seems you don't believe us , then i will show you."

*an image of an obliterated planet appears on the screen*

," does that look familiar?,......, again i ask you to heed our requests, in exchange we will assist you with your repairs, and share with you some of our technology."

and yes mr. prester our species is telepathic, that is why i new you did not trust us.............

(Edited by Zwak at 11:13 pm on June 30, 2003)

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
July 09, 2003, 09:32:06 PM
"Very well, my engineers will be convering power to our ship, hopefully enough to have us get to your atlantis  quicker, we will met you there."
*zwak looks to his left and yells an order*
" Mr.  Dyingar, please re-route our excess power to the FTL12 Core, and re-cloak the ship."*turns back to face the screen*, "have a good flight, Mr. Prester."

*the screen goes blank, and their ship jumps to warp 12, sending a small shockwave*