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Messages - pfakkert

Deep Space Academy / Student Activity Center
February 01, 2006, 09:44:10 AM
After a bit of reading , ensign pfakkert took a look at some of the other cadets that were in the Activity center.
There was an impressive Marine recruit at the other side of the room together with a Vulcan.
Some of the other students were human cadets that had also just arrived.
Shall I walk up to them and start a conversation?
Suddenly Ensign pfakkert's padd makes a sound and starts to light up. Aaah, my first Diplomacy test case!!!
Deep Space Academy / Student Activity Center
February 07, 2006, 09:21:20 AM
Right, This can't be very difficult.
We've got a similar game on Romulus but with an oval board and the pieces represent the members of the senate.
It's played by four Romulans and the goal is to make alliances and use tricks and betrayal to get rid of your opponents. The one that wins will recieve the honour to keep the 'EMPEROR' piece at home until the next match.
Unfortunatly I have never had that honour.. Everytime I play my diplomacy and mediation skills spoil the game for me. But...enough talk, Ensign pfakkert places one of the pawns two places forward and after a short time the board is filled with chesspieces.
The first piece is about to fall.
Aai, I hope Hall does not see that I forgot to cover my queen that is now being treatended by one of his rooks; pfakkert thinks.
Deep Space Academy / Student Activity Center
January 30, 2006, 10:14:06 AM
Ensign pfakkert walks into the student activity center and sits down at one of the tables. The room is empty.  Shall I walk to the replicator and have a cup of tea, he thinks..?  He walks to the replicator and orders a cup of tea. After sitting down and taking his padd, he start reading about the 'rules of diplomacy'  I'm really hoping to get my first diplomacy testcase soon. Isn't it exiting!, I'm really at the academy!!
Deep Space Academy / Student Activity Center
February 03, 2006, 10:04:51 AM
Ensign pfakkert looked up from his padd and saw the little droid going from table to table.
Hello Hal  pfakkert said , whilst shaking the grabber arm. That's a nice piece of work, Ensign Ardeth! Is it a protocol or translation droid?
Deep Space Academy / Student Activity Center
February 13, 2006, 01:48:43 PM
Hall!! Can you come over here for a second? I have a question and am ready for the next move!
First of all, what is checkmate? Does that mean that I cannot move the most important piece anymore,Hal?
And.. can I form an alliance with Ardeth? Or are alliances not allowed in a chessgame?
Well, luckely it's only 'check' , so maybe I can still do something and not be humiliated.
Ensign pfakkert was about to spill his drink over Hall, hoping he would short-circuit when he saw that by moving a pawn two places forward, it was standing between his king and the peice that had just 'eliminated' his queen!
pfff, saved for this moment,pfakkert thought
Btw, what do I gain when I win, Hall? pfakkert said, hoping to bring Hall 'off balance'
Deep Space Academy / Student Activity Center
February 06, 2006, 09:58:55 AM
Nice to meet you, Hal.. I like a firm handshake!pfakkert said after quickly pulling his arm back.
Did anyone see that it was a bit too firm?, I don't want to look less strong than the marine guys!pfakkert thought.
It reminds me that you robots have much more strength than us Romulans. I do remember working with a pair of robotarms once. Really nice , gives you the feeling that you are invincible!
But..talking about invincible, can you show me how this chess-game works? It's a human game so it can't be very difficult! Can it?
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
February 06, 2006, 07:33:51 AM
Thank you for the promotion, sir.
My family on Romulus will be very proud and this will certainly make me perform my duties even better.
I will start with the second test right away!
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
January 26, 2006, 09:15:02 AM
Goodmorning sir.
There is more than one reasons for me to become a diplomat.
First of all is the fact that i'm quite open-minded and am able to see the logic in a lot of problems that occur when trying to build a treaty.
Also, as a Romulan, gaining respect with diplomacy is vital once i'm returning to the Romulan home planet as a free-lance diplomat. In the long term I wish to become a Romulan ambassador.
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
January 30, 2006, 08:36:07 AM
Sir , <raises his hand to ask a question> as a Romulan it's easy for me to bluff and lie , but what about Vulcans? It's should be easy to negotiate with a Vulcan because they can never tell a lie!
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
February 08, 2006, 02:57:59 PM
Good morning sir.
Here is my solution to this conflict.
The first issue I would discuss before meeting the Cardassians is the possibility to also invite a Bajoran representative to the negotiation table.
They will probably refuge that request , but this will show me that this conflict is pure about Bajor and has nothing to do with the federation.
If the Cardassians allow to let a Bajoran take place at the negotiation table will mean that they take Bajor and the provisional government very serious  and the this blockade might have a different reason than we all think.
I will first ask the highest ranking Cardassian officer if he is willing to meet me at one of our own starships to give him the feeling that we are neutral , although I'm almost certain the Cardassian officer will insist to meet at one of the Cardassian Galor-class cruisers, because this will give him a feeling of superiority.

A possible solution
Make sure the blockade makes the Cardassians look like the agressive party.
Try to get federationships to dock at Deep Space 9, if questions are asked, they are here for resupplying.
Ask Friendly races from the Gamma quadrant to dock at DS9 and let the Bajoran Government invite official representatives from the Gamma quadrant to Bajor.
This will mean that the bigger starships will orbit around Bajor and the Cardassians will not take the risk to attack Bajor and make them look the agressor in the eyes of the Gamma quadrant guests.
Explain the Cardassians the terrible consequences of guerilla warfare, and use the example of the Cardassian freighter that exploded at DS9 on stardate 47800.
As as last option bluff and tell the Cardassians that if they will not stop the blockade, the federation will speed up the Bajoran entry to the Federation and that they could be members within a few days.
How to make the Cardassians leave the blockade without losing face , and gaining something.
Give the Cardassians the possibility to board the convoy with relief supplies to scan and search the ship for any illegal goods they think might be on board.
The search will be done by the Cardassians crew but supervised by the highest ranking cardassian officer an myself as Federation representitive.  
Tell the Cardassians officer that the Bajoran and the Federation will not make anything public about their short blockade of relief goods to the visiting guests from the Gamma quadrant.
If that is not accepable we can make public that they were working in the interest of security for the delta quadrant and were expecting to find tools and hardware used for terrorist activities.
If these options do not help we could 'bluff' and offer to "consider" delaying the entry of Bajor to the Federation for some time. (Although we are not at liberty to make that decision!!http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
February 01, 2006, 10:22:02 AM
Looking at the paper
Thank you ,sir.. I'll start at it right away.
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
February 10, 2006, 01:17:32 PM
Thank you, sir..
First, you have honoured my family on Romulus and me with this promotion.
Second, I really enjoy the test that are layed before me although I think this new test will take me a little more time to complete.
I'll try to offer a solution to this test as soon a possible, but it might take me a few days.
Thank you, and hope to see you soon,sir
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
February 03, 2006, 09:59:23 AM
Good morning, sir !
Here are the results of my first diplomacy testcase;
The first issue I would think about is;
Who to invite at the negotiations-table.
I would like to invite one diplomat from Kataan and one from Seiryan.
I think it's easier to discuss several issues with one person instead of more persons with mutiple points of view.
Where are the negotiations take place'.
I would like to use one of our own larger starships and let the negotiations take place at the intersection of the two races solar systems.
Or if possible in high orbit at the rogue planet.
Our starship would be 'neutral' ground and I would start with a tour of the starship and carefully talk about the benefits of joining the federation of planets.
Carefully talking about joining the federation of planets will give them the feeling that there is even more benefit in solving their disputes.
Our large Starship shall probably impress our guests and give them the feeling that they are dealing with a serious race.
The fact that we take the time and effort to mediate and try to solve their problems will make them see that the federation is  very serious about peace and stability in their region.
"How to solve their problem?"
There are more possibilities to solve this,
They can cooperate and each use half the planet for farming., although in most cases this solution will not work out well.
But still, the federation could be used to oversee if there will be no more skirmishes after the planet is devided.
The planet could sybolize the good relations and good intentions that the Kataan and Seiryans have towards each other.
Personally I would suggest the following;
The Kataan will gain ownership of the rogue planet.
In return, the Kataan will share their knowledge about warp technology and about terraforming with the Seiryans.
This will give the Seiryans the possibility to develop warp-engines and terraform the planets in their own system.
It will also certainly open alot of trade oppertunities between the two planets.
Farming products coming from the rogue planet will be offered for trading to to Seiryans.
If both party's can come to an agreement , the federation will oversee the treaty and make sure that everybody keeps his promises.
If there are no more skirmishes for some time, and both races are peacefull both planets can be given the change to join the federation.
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
March 21, 2006, 11:17:50 AM
Thank you, sir..
Due to a short stay in sickbay I was not able to finish the final case yet , but I'm honoured by your recommendation.
Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
January 25, 2006, 02:00:39 PM
Good Morning sir.
Peter F. is ready to start his diplomacy lessons.