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Skytoucher Ms. 7: The Final Attack of the Loxians

Started by Vorak, November 14, 2004, 11:24:46 PM

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*Balkazar to security*....Barricade yourselves in and fire at will.....Take out those boarding parties.....

Balkazar to engineering*

Get me those shields NOW!........

http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


OFF: ok fine then lol ill post http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>

*ships engage the aires...they start heading toward the skytoucher they take down our shields and now we are being borded.....*

Helm Officer
USS Skytoucher


*a couple of days pass and Balkazar wakes up......his leg is feeing better and the wounds have been healed up as much as possible but there is scaring on his face from what wasnt healed bye the dermal regenerator....he gets up and starts to walk around but his leg is sore so walking around is somewhat painful.....Once he had enough he went back to lay on his biobed........*

*sees the the commanding officers are still out and they seems to be in good order.......and Nofftz is asleep*

*Balkazar to all crewmen that are still working*

Status report............What has happened the past few days after the battle ?

http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Jesse Nofftz

Lt. Commander Balkazar I advise you to report o sickbay. Those burns are pretty bad.
Lt. Jesse Nofftz
Assistant Cheif of Security
USS. Evolution


*nelson wakes up and hearing people crying and yelling for help*

"where am i?!"

*he finnally notices hes in sickbay*

"i got to get back to the bridge!"

*nelson stands up and then feals light headed one of the nurses sees him and pushes him back onto the biobed*

Nurse: stay here you were injured on the bridge just stay here!

Nelvok: i need to get to the bridge im fine! you can go help out others that are more serious than me that would be the Logical thing to do.  This biobed i dont need it that guy over there needs it more than i do

Nurse: fine go just make sure the CMO doesnt see you

*Nelvok hops up and goes out the door with a Thank You mam to the nurse*

*Nelvok reaches the turbolift and gets in it*  "Bridge!"

*Nelvok reaches the bridge and the doors open noticing that the bridge is heavily damage but lighter than it was sinse he last seen it*

Nelvok: have we got power to our stations yet?!

Officer of the bridge: yep we dont know how but we did...everythings fully functional

*Nelvok goes to his station and notices that it has power to it*

"I have impulse! alright now where to go Commander *noticing that the captain was in sickbay and the next highest rank is the Commander*?"

Helm Officer
USS Skytoucher

Lucas Bailey II


"Sir, is there any way to use the jeffery toobs and shut the ship down,by bypassing the computer...???"


*At a steady speed, the Loxian Government fleet sets course toward the location of Avalon Station, unaware of the Klingon battleship hiding in their ion wake. On board the flagship, the largest of all, many Loxian officers are busily preparing for battle, as the Loxian Prime Commander stands on the bridge, waiting...*
Officer: "Prime Commander, we are arriving at Avalon Station!"
Prime Commander: "Put it on screen!"
*The viewscreen shows Avalon Station, in orbit around a planet nearby the vast Expansion Nebula.*
Prime Commander: "So the signals from the device of our spy did not lie. This is where our people are being held, no doubt! Kowan, Vakin, Varnek... We must find them, and silence them! Enough damage has been done, and it is time to avenge it! Signal all ships to drop out of warp!"
Officer: "Yes, prime commander!"
*In an instant, a large fleet of various different ships comes to full stop in front of Avalon Station...*
Prime Commander: "So it has come to it at last! Scan their defences!"
Officer: "The station's weapon and defence systems are armed and targetted, sir! Apart from the station, I can only scan one ship, right in front of it."
Prime Commander: "One ship, and one station... that's all? This will not be a long battle! Signal to the first squadron to line up in front of the station and their pity ship!"
Officer: "Aye, sir! Sending orders now!"
*Instantly, several smaller but still powerful ships form a line in front of the flagship, facing Avalon Station and the U.S.S. Venture. On board the bridge, the Prime Commander keeps looking at the viewscreen, when his second-in-command approaches him.*
"Prime Commander, may I remind you that we emptied the entire army system of Loxius, for just this cause alone? We could have handled it with far less ships, without having to leave our homeworld vulnerable."
Prime Commander: "Vulnerable for what? The Loxian Exiles? They are scared, hiding in that Cardassian station! But when we were there last, we fought a wary battle, with an entire fleet against only two of their ships, and their Cardassian station. Still we lost! And why? I'll tell you why! I have no idea why! They must have unleashed some weapon that just 'ate' our ships alive, something of a power cloud, I have no idea what it is. No, I will not make the same mistake twice, I will not underestamate them again. These Starfleet people are tricky, but this time I am prepared for them, and I will not return to Loxius until they are utterly crushed, so that there will not be spoken of them in the Delta Quadrant again! Is that understood?"
*The second-in-command nods and steps back, as another officer announces that the first squadron is ready at the frontline.*
"Good, very good. Signal all ships to open fire at my command! Three... two... one... FIRE!"
*Instantly, the frontline ships open fire at the Venture and Avalon Station. The battle has begun...*


*turns to luke*

Stay on there flanks and stay with the rivendell..........

*works at his station at tactical*

Firing another full spread of slavos and firing all phaser banks*

*balkazar reports another 3 are disabled and 3 more more smaller ships were destroyed bye the phasers*

http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Event Horizon

*Meanwhile in sickbay, many wounded are brought in. More then the doctors can handle, even with the help of the EMH. The doors slide open and reveal two more injured patients... One is Nelvok, and the other is... commander Rasmain himself. An officer that accompanies the two injured patients, gets the attention of one of the nurses.*
"This is commander Rasmain and Mr. Nelvok! They were badly injured when the Loxian intruders threw a grenade into the bridge! They need immediate medical attention!"
*The nurse helps both Rasmain and Nelvok on a biobed and begins treating their wounds.*

OFF: this way the injury of Nelvok is confirmed, and also the absence of Rasmain (I'm sure he'll return soon).

Comm One

*Comm One regards sickbay.*
"It appears that the battle has ended. Mr. Kowan, your timely assistance has enabled us to win this battle. I am certain that Starfleet will be most grateful to you. But one question remains. What must be done with the Loxian device?"
http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/6403/commone4yz.jpg" border="0">
Grade 5 Director  Comm One
Delta Alliance Officer
CO of the ASC Revox
http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/alliance-general.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/alliance-contact.gif" border="0">


*As the 8 Loxians start fireing at us*

Nelson starts fireing back he doesnt hit anything but does cost the loxians their lives because they are trying to duck and cover while shooting....

Nelson gets materialized on the battle bridge and says "woooo" he then goes back to helm to see that he has 20% of impulse online...he can start moveing closer to the station to guard it or he can manuver out of the battle which should he do

"Captain/Commander which one should i do?...Get us the #### out of here or move us closer to the station to guard it?

Helm Officer
USS Skytoucher


*materilizes beside balkazaar*

Oh your still here.  Didn't we put you out an airlock?.

Anyway.  Thank you for keeping ht eloxians busy. wWhile they were busy it was easier to tamper with the main computer.  I've ghosted their override. meaning they still have override, but http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> the computer will also accept your override. Meaning http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> smart use means smart counters.

I could try and just take the ship offline completely *contemplates a warp core breach*


Perhaps we simulate a warp core breach
they wont likely stay on a ship thats about to explode.

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Orpheus(Red).gif" border="0">


*Rasmain stood and watched the officers on duty*

"I would like to have all senior officers in the Conference room. I will brief you all on what will happen in the coming hours."

*Rasmain walks towards the doors that lead to the Conference Room and touched the panel that opened them. He entered the dark room and awaited the arrival of the senior bridge personel*

OFF: To make sure the storyline is right, and for the fact you shouldn't already know what is going to happen :P. We will have a mission briefing, in the other topic I will create. Could all senior officers report in that topic, so we can discuss our battleplan

http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Rasmain.jpg" border="0">


OOC**Right now the flag ship is beating beaten into well pulped pulp bye the station, the aries, and the newyork....so there looking pretty bad bye now

ON** Tactical is fine sir and im alright if i dont get firing this ship wont be around long enough TO! tend to the wounded......

*fires a few more vollies and fires all phaser banks......Destroyed 5 ships and disabled 5 of the smaller ships with well placed accuracy

http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">


*Balkazar works at his station readying for the coming conflict......Makes a few orders to security stations*

*Balkazar to security*

All security officers to your stations.........Battlew ready.........Secure all stations.....Prepare to repel boarders if there are any....Balkazar out*

http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">