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Mission 5 "The Great Blue Yonder"

Started by Andrew Yates, November 28, 2007, 05:58:34 AM

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Dolan went to the Heraani ship's bridge, which seemed very foreign to him, after checking everyone was on board.  He braced himself for the takeoff, fairly sure any ship in this condition would most likely have a rough time getting off the surface.
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
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Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html

Nathen Keller

*...As the battle went on and the firey torch of heated battled was ignited Nate finally leaped form the cliff side and eligently dropped to the vally were his comrades and party members were fighting bravily against the greatest fow the federation has met yet. He touched ground with his left knee and right hand and instantaniously he thrusted forward and ran tword the fight. As he approached the strey fire wizzed by his head and he dodge the strey shots with ease. As he got closer Heeran troops turned and fired at him with precision and great accuracy but nate avoided each blast as simply as he had before. As he arrived he had unsheethed two daggers from the sides of his armor and swiftly slayed the Heeran firing squad. With out a moment to loose he moved on and continued his sequance of combat killing a number of Heeran. He stopped and turned to see a gernade land in front of him and before the blast he had lunged backwards and when it detonated he was thrown back by the blast and he rolled on the ground and he rolled back onto his feet while bracing him self by dragging his hand ont he ground. When the dust settled the Heeran that had thrownt he gernadelost his avheived grin when he saw the seven foot tall super soldier charge at him with his blades at his sides. He jumped into the air and in one swift movement the Heeran dropped to the groundwith two daggers in his spine...
http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/6562/starpheonixidkellercopy4uo.jpg" border="0">
http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/9340/kellerpo3.jpg" border="0">


"I have back up's, Ancient Meatbag.  Im here by the Col. command not by any of your feeble and inferior requests." HK said as he rechecked the programming and left the room away from the inferior species.
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">


Quinn was about to look over the calibrations sent over when the ship shook suddenly. He steadied himself, gripping the sides of his console for support.

"Shields are holding at 92%,"

((I'm assuming the fighters don't do any major damage))
"Sorry Admiral, thought you died,"

The Heraan

The bolt of phased energy reflected off of the commander's golden-hued alien armor, leaving nothing but a small grey scorch. He then used his psionic power to do something otherwise impossible; curve energy away from himself. The phased bolts ended up scattering in multiple directions, most in the general vicinity of the Starfleet troops. He was about to pounce onto the insolent human officer, but was interrupted by Raszagal's foot hitting his armor with heavy force. He was knocked to the ground again, and one of his bracers was broken from his armor.


<Underground Research Complex>

After the skirmish in the complex was over, Dolan wiped the sweat off his face.  Several of the marines were dead, most from their wounds, which were too extensive to repair.  Dolan himself had a nasty cut on his face when he was forced to go hand-to-hand for a minute.  The marines tended to their wounded as Dolan took his tricorder off his belt and scanned for the location of the Omega.  His scans didn't show any lifesigns besides the marines, the General, and himself, to his relief.  He had several marines accompany him, along with the General, to the location of the Omega.  When they reached the room, Dolan realized the thick metal doors were fused shut, probably from stray fire from the fight earlier.  Dolan took out his phaser and began to cut the doors open.
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
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Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html


=^= "Captain, All marine personel and equipment that could be salvaged is onboard, now lets get out of here." =^= Balkazar said holding a PADD ready to remote detonate the warp core.
http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/8804/balkazaridcopyso3.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

"So if I gave you an order to shoot me to save my life, you wouldnt do it?" he asked.
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">


Dar'Nas tapped his com badge.

"Reporting sir, he said, the deflector pulse was succesful, we dispatched the Herann commanders, they've regrouped at their ship but without their commanders they seem disorganized, we now have a tactical advantage."
"All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by"
                                              - "scotty"
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">

Aariya Sayuri

((I actually have no idea where exactly a counselor is supposed to go durring a red alert. *fails*))

Since she was already on the bridge and had yet to encounter a Heerani vessel up until now, curiosity urged her to remain. Finding an unmanned console near the back of the bridge, she quietly walked over to it and began to tap at the controls. After entering in her clearance, she skimmed over the data that had been gathered herself. This may have seemed a bit suspicious considering her position, and under normal circumstances she would have avoided doing it in such a public way (instead, she would have gained access from her office or quarters. After all, she didn't need to hide who/what she was from the Captain, so this wasn't an issue...) but after being briefed as a member of the senior staff, and being talked to privately in the Captain's ready room, most people would probably shrug it off as something he had asked her to stay involved in, which wasn't entirely inaccurate. He had asked her to keep an eye on things, after all...

That's when the ship shook beneath her, nearly knocking her off her feet. She hunched against the console in front of her, bracing for impact that was surely to come again.
http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p235/submissed/teyla_160.jpg" border="0">
Lieutenant Aariya Sayuri
USS Lothlorien


<< crash site, Bridge>>
(Dar'Nas steps out of the turbo lift) Captain, turbo lift one is operational, however there is debris in the turbo lift shaft and the trip may be unpleasant but it is safe.  I recomend that we caution all personell about the hazard sir.
(OFF: I' m not sure what it's called turbo lift or ship elevator??)
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/confused.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'>
"All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by"
                                              - "scotty"
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">


Dolan was probably the only person in the room not completely offended by the droid's behavior, but that would most likely come from his lack of contact with the droid, considering everyone else's unhidden dislike of it.

He distanced himself from the conflict between the droid and the other officers, not wanted to get drawn into the conflict.

Dolan double checked that he restored life support to the entire ship, along with artificial gravity and every other primary system.  He then began to look through the now-translated Heraan database and was very interested in the technology they possessed and species they had "encountered".  Some of the technology reminded him of his life briefly before Starfleet.  He downloaded any information the Heraan had on interdimensional travel and similar items...he always held an interest there ever since he joined Starfleet.
William "Voyager" Dolan
Lieutenant Junior Grade
U.S.S. Normandy
Chief Science Officer
http://www.expansionfleet.com/ships/ambassador2.gif" border="0">
Ambassador class specs: http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html" target="_blank">http://techspecs.acalltoduty.com/ambassador.html

mimas elfeneye

mimas standing behind john, whispered:
l wish we could teleport some explosive device into the wave, it would sure save a lot of our own ppl....


<Scout group>

"Of course Lizard Meatbag, but I must remind you our primary objective is to secure the crash site.  We would be disobeying orders if we proceeded with this action." HK said while he kept up passive scans of the area and detailed what appeared to be a head quarters or Landing Zone for enemy troops.

"Their seems to be a Landing Zone of over 200 Heraani soldiers up ahead, displayed in a standard defense parameter.  We should pull back for now.  We dont have nor are ready to take out such a large force as if yet." HK said with amusement and glee as his sensors were superior to those of the Puma.
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a318/admiralkarelia/HK47.jpg" border="0">

Simon Rajnus

<The ship held together as the Lothlorien hit the ground with such speed that the entire bridge shook as it skidded for almost 20 miles till it hit a mountain side with a large THUMP!>

"Richards, Brown, Quinn.  Are you 3 alright." the barely conscious Rajnus called out.  "Status." was all Simon said as he tried to get up but slumped to the ground and hit his shoulder on a fallen bulk head.
http://images.snapfish.com/3423435523232%7Ffp7%3Enu%3D3247%3E%3A53%3E452%3EWSNRCG%3D323276%3C335%3A%3B8nu0mrj" border="0">