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Started by Eugene Archer, June 21, 2005, 04:30:37 PM

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Oliver Davis

great job! you pass head back to the station.
http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/avery_tex/marine.jpg" border="0">
LT Commander Oliver Davis


Yes sir. * Zack said turning in the command chair and facing Mr. Davis.* Sir permission to respond to the disstress call from the skytoucher?


" Open a channel to the Skytoucher"

Oliver Davis

off: sorry cadet my computer have been acting up. i'm going talk with other officer you getting ens.
http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/avery_tex/marine.jpg" border="0">
LT Commander Oliver Davis


"Understood sir"

*Kawolsky took his position and began a systems check*

"Powering up Tactical systems. Phasers and photon torpedos online...shields ready...all sections reporting in. We're ready to go, sir."
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security


"Ardeth, I suggest you take a statioin now!"  Kawolsky shouted

"Why?" Ardeth questioned

"Because I'm detecting two ships on an intercept course. Aonarin, can you increase warp speed? I'd like to see if they follow us."
Major John Kawolsky
Chief of Security

Chris Newberry

Cadet Kawolsky is beamed off the Lhasa and onto an cloaked vessel nearby which transported General Newberry 10 minutes before.

OCC: Kawolsky, post in the Search for Nightwalker Mission on the USS Unity. There is a reason why this has happened and I will explain soon in futher details.

Ardeth Wildcat

Hal went dormant, recharging as much as possible.  Everything, though, was extremely hot to the touch.  The faintest wisps of smoke trailed from the fan's vent, and Hal wouldn't wake up for anything.  There was a mess from where Hal was originally at, to where he plugged in at.  He woke up slowly.  "Sorry sir.  I guess my temper got the better of me." Hal whispered, a grin on his monitor like face.

Sean Russell

*Cadet Russell stands up and salutes Agent Davis as he walks in.*

I'm ready and excited, sir.  Should I take the tactical controls?
http://excoboard.com/forums/8389/user/49476/116567.jpg" border="0">

Sean Russell

Aye, sir.  This one is going to be hard to pull off!

*Cadet Russell bring the ship full around, heading straight at the other ship in an Alpha Series maneuver.*

Okay, i'm heading straight for it.  I will jump a short distance in warp speed towards it's left.  That way, it wont see me coming until it's too late.  It should appear like there are two of us!

*Sean inserts the commands into the control panel and the ship jumps to warp quickly.  He then stops it and appears off to the left of the ship.*

It worked!  He didn't even see us!  Firing full phasers at the shields and engines of the ship!

*Cadet Russell fires the phasers, drawing the other ship by surpise.*

got it!
http://excoboard.com/forums/8389/user/49476/116567.jpg" border="0">

Oliver Davis

cadet Matthews we will be going on mission. Search and find, the area is every hostile. you need get this ship pass this area.
http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/avery_tex/marine.jpg" border="0">
LT Commander Oliver Davis

Will Matthews

Matthews continues to tap the controls, hearing Russel's report of the ships.
"Beginning manuever Beta-1"
The ship dives between the two ships at full impulse, allowing phasers to be fired quickly and fooling the two ships to fire at the Lhasa, which moved quickly past.
"They have missed sir....and have hit each other!"
http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/60/willmattidzq5.jpg" border="0">
Lieutenant Will Matthews
Chief of Tac./Sec.
U.S.S. Rivendell

Frank Hummel

"Aye sir, Warp 3 engaged."

Hummel sits at the Helm panel engaging.
http://mars.walagata.com/w/sirius000/hummel.jpg" border="0">

Sam Fisher

Incomming message from the academy:

Cadet Kelso Myers and Cadet William Matthews report to the XO office A.S.A.P.!
Nunc aut Nunquam: Now or Never!!!!!

Frank Hummel

Hummel hits weapons control

"Fireing quantum torpedos sir, direct hit. Their shields are down to 20%. Would you like to beam the crew to the brig for interrogation?"
http://mars.walagata.com/w/sirius000/hummel.jpg" border="0">