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New Bartender

Started by Ayala Mirez, October 06, 2002, 01:08:07 AM

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"Really? How could there have been any confusion with that?" *asks and raises her eyebrows in amazement*
"That's weird..." *stays quiet for a moment, and realizing Niles has asked her a question, she continues*

"Anyhow, I did hear something about Vorak going somewhere, but I didn't know it was Vulcan. Have you heard anything of why the rush?"

Leonid Pushkin

So your new around here?
I'm Leonid Pushkin i'm the chairmen of knight enterprises and a retired starfleet marine he said.

Good drink you know how to make a Vodka Martini Shaken, not Stired james bond would go out of this mind.

Zukovsky: Can't you just say "hello" like a normal person?

Ayala Mirez

*blushes a little more* Well Wilton, i'm Ayala, it is a pleasure to meet you *smiles*
Ayala Mirez
Let your life flow free.

Ayala Mirez

*Ayala stares into Pierces eyes with terror in her own*
Ayala Mirez
Let your life flow free.


*gets out of the kitchen walking fastly and walks towards Johnny Goransson* "Okay, okay, I'm here now.. Ayala told me you wanted to see me.. I'm Shakira, how do you do?" *shakes his hand and takes a seat*
"I'm sorry it took me so long , I had some things to do in the kitchen.. by the way, here's your lemon juice" *leaves it beside him*

"So, without wanting to sound rude.. who are you?"

Vonter Nek Gente

*Drinks the Vodka*
"mmmmm that was nice, thankyou for makeing that choice"
Dr Vonter Nek Gente [Fleet Captain] Chief Medical Officer on Space Station Avalon


Well I just arrived on the station a short time back myself.  The Lancelot dropped me off.  Seems that there was some confusion with my "Assignment", And Well They sent me to the starphoenix base when I was supposed to be the Counselor on the Rivendell, But ahwell hehe.  I heard Admiral Vorak had to run off to Vulcan?  Do you know anything about that?
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Niles.jpg" border="0">

Will Karelia

"Aye, sir."

(OFF: Rellek, Keach, and Freeman are now to post in the topic that will be created in the Tactical department offices.)

Name: Karelia, William Michael
Rank: Fleet Admiral
Assignment: Commanding Officer, Avalon Division
                        Executive Officer, Expansion Task Force

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/meritoriousservice.gif" border="0">
"I'm glad that Karelia always understands the things, which I don't..." - Fleet Admiral Montrell

Ayala Mirez

Comin right up sir *Makes the Vadka Marini..shaken...not stirred* http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> *hands the drink to Leonid*
Ayala Mirez
Let your life flow free.


Ayala thats a name from the heavens i knew it.
Wilton turned around and pushed some buttons on this tricorder and flowers beamed in to this hand.

he turned back.
For you my dear

Johnny Goransson

Excuse me? I have some experience with medicin, perhpas if I could help you?


"Philosophy, you say?  Ever heard of Greek philosophy, it's from the ancient days of Earth, many centuries ago.  I'll give you an example...

Imagine you pick up a stone, and you hold it one meter above the ground.  Then you lose your grip over the stone, and then it falls on the ground.
Is the fact that, this once, it fell on the ground, a proof that it will do the exact same thing next time you try it?  It's not because something happens a 100 times exactly the same, that the 101st time it will do so as well... Think about that"

And he returned to his seat, peacefully polishing his sword...

Enoch, Camelot Medieval Store
Drop by, you may find something you never knew you wanted, and remember... if we don't have it, surely we can find someone who does!
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Enoch.jpg" border="0">


*nodds and smiles*

"Ahh! Thanks! Kilkenny should be the synonym of the word 'good' hehehe!"

Enoch, Camelot Medieval Store
Drop by, you may find something you never knew you wanted, and remember... if we don't have it, surely we can find someone who does!
http://idcards.expansionfleet.com.sparks.priorweb.be/ID-Enoch.jpg" border="0">


"On the way, then!" *She goes to the kitchen for some moments, and returns with a tray, on which Niles' order is ready*

"There ya go" *places the hamburguer & Co. on the table*

"So tell me, " *she begins, hoping not to bother the customer as he eats* "what's new? I haven't been 'around' lately, I mean, I have been here but not really focusing on what happens outside the door, so maybe you could catch me up a lil bit?"

Ayala Mirez

*brings James Walker a Bajoran Ale* is there anything else you'd like?
Ayala Mirez
Let your life flow free.