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The Bridge

Started by John Casden, December 27, 2004, 06:46:45 PM

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Ken Garcia

Ok. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

 I am hoping to get most of the required slots filled so that we can get moving on our mission.

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Ken Garcia

Major perhaps you would like to take a look at the mission planning section for the brief?

and may I suggest sir that if we do not have enough people that the Helm be considered an NPC type character?

OFF: Nyssa, I don't know where or who you PMed I could not find anything.

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James Picard

Aye Captain. I will be here.

OOC: Captain Ah I see is not the answer I was looking for. What is the sit rap with Huw and I. If he is to be CO Promote him to whatever if not I shall happily take it.

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Ken Garcia

Ok I am glad you all showed up.

*Looks around the table at everyone's spot*

Several Days ago, we recieved intelligence that required our attention.  The inhabitants of a Federation Colony Planet were under attack from an unknown and dangerous enemy. There is essenially a war raging on that planet.

We will head out to the location of the signal, near Deep Space 5  (Take a look at the stellar map on the left) And begin our investigation.

Any threat that we come across we must determine their status to Starfleet.

All stations will need to run pre mission diagnostics to make sure this ship can handle space travel again.

Anyone think there might be any problems before we dismiss?

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James Picard

Grabbing enough for all crew members I return to the bridge after putting mine on. I enter the bridge with the others over my shoulder handing the first one  to Commander Huw and then starting at the top I hand them to the crew.
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Ken Garcia

OFF: Nyssa; What other section are you talking about?

ON: Lt. Grant, you'll have to wait I guess, Nyssa.
I want you to monitor all communications and frequencies for strange anomolies and document them. If you come across any discrepencies within the crew manifest I want you to report that to me as well.

All stations report your readiness.

<Helm>: Helm is ready sir

"Good, lay in a course for Deep Space 5"

<Helm> Aye sir plotting course, and at what speed sir?

"Warp 5" ::Looks around at the bridge crew::

<Helm> ::Punches in the coordinates and awaits further commands::

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I have been on this ship longer than anyone, I know her inside and out *hits head on bulkhead*


Shall we continue with the systems check?

Whos in ops?

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army

Oliver Davis

yes, sir will do, on my way there.
http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j235/avery_tex/marine.jpg" border="0">
LT Commander Oliver Davis


*enters bridge from a turbolift*
Sir, if you don't mind me asking, what is our business with DS5?
-You can't go out there, you don't even know what you're looking for!
-I am looking for mr Neelix's instinct. Perhaps it will be marked.


OFF: PM me to tell me what i am supposed to find

*on the transporter pad, everyone starts pulling out phasers, Huw pulls out his Katana*

Ok, here we go.

*Beams over*

@ ==^==
@ I am aboard
@ ==^==


Ensign: Ok sir, looks clear

*blast marks all over the walls*

Huw: Shutup ensign...

Ensign: oh, sorry my bad.

Ok you secure here I will scout ahead

*A crewman crawls out from under a table*

Crewman: Please help me, it was the... *feints*

Huw to Phoenix, medical emergency

(Edited by Huw at 8:10 pm on Jan. 17, 2005)

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


Ok, Jorak, help me secure this area...
Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army

James Picard

OOC: OPPPS you mean the Chief was transported away.

IC: With Commander Huw in two and Davis arriving from a different direction at the same time, we all enter Cargo Bay two...... It was Empty.

=/\= Picard to Captain Garcia, Captain well what ever was here it isn't now Captain, the two teams are going to search for transporter patterns Captain if we find nothing we shall look for other trace evidence sir. =/\=

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What shall we do now sir? Shall we find the persons responsible for this and teach them a lesson?

*taps some buttons*

Sensors show there are no ships within range.

Although there is the possibility of a cloaked ship, but i am un able to detect anything like that.

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army

Ken Garcia

Indeed Commander Cloak the ship.  Scan the area for more ships.  

Lt. Davis try to see if you can hail the colony.  See if you can use a hidden signal

Commander Huw, can you have a strike team ready if needed to board the Romulan vessel?

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James Picard

Yes Captain I will get the strike team ready.  Takes position at Tactical and starts the list of names and watching the planet get closer.

OOC: I would expect that it would be difficult to run both ship and division. Ships are hard enough.

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