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Mission 12: "When It Rains..."

Started by Morgan Freeman, October 09, 2007, 03:12:28 PM

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Larial was fascinated by the USS Rivendell which is only natural having never set foot onto a Starship before, having only been "born" a few weeks ago.

"This is quite amazing Father, T'lana and this must be the Captain."

Larial made her way up to the Command Chair and held out her hand.

"Na'Shaya Captain, I'm Larial, an android." Stated the beautiful blonde matter-of-factly.

If she hadn't stated what she was , no one could have known. She never acted robotic or showed any other signs of being Synthetic. Of course this was thanks to her creator's expertise and T'lana's mind-meld with her Positronic Neural Net.
http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d128/AeiLanTenie/LarialBanner.jpg" border="0">


"I agree," the captain said, walking to the operations console. "Mr. Beta, I hereby instate you fully into the crew of the U.S.S. Rivendell as the chief tactical officer, and grant you the rank of Ensign, with all of the rights and responsibilities thereto. I will send a message to your Academy professors immediately that your apprenticeship has ended."
Captain Taurik
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Rivendell - NCC-84540-B

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Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Member of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste


OOC: Now I don't much like the retconned BSG, but there are points of it I do like, this is one of them. This is an atmospheric jump, but it gives you some idea at what I am looking for in the Jump Drive.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJpvFcLWYX0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJpvFcLWYX0

Goto http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/FTL" target="_blank">http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/FTL

For the underpinning theory of the Jump Drive, specifically on the section entitled: Background to FTL in the Re-imagined Series

Sorry Taurik, you've got some cleaning up to do, but I do want this right and with real Science, despite the retconned BSG being mostly felgercarb it does have real science in it, although no thanks to RDM for it.
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OOC: And your problem is? I can't believe I have to explain this, but the TARDIS was the name of a Gallifreyan vessel, nothing more, nothing less.

As for a Jedi, it is a big universe. What you think Expansion Fleet is Star Trek Canon, funny I didn't see Expansion Fleet mentioned in any of the series. There also happens to be Lightsaber(Khala) wielding Gallifreyans, they are not in Star Trek Canon either.

There are also Droids, Loxians, Heraani and various other characters that are not in Star Trek canon.

STAR WARS is set in another Galaxy, in this case and is also a proposed location of the Galaxy far far away, as ANDROMEDA.

Gene Roddenberry once said, "Science Fiction is only fiction, until it becomes fact."

STAR TREK exists not to show how wonderful humans can be, or to have space battles with humanoid beings, or Beings of Light. It exists to show that the Vulcan IDIC is absolutely correct.

IDIC stands for: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.

There is an old saying: "Anything is Possible." I suggest you remember that, above all else.
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"Aye Captain." T'lana made her way to the turbolift and stepped in.
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OOC: Bugger, I forgot about the Borg Sphere.

IC: "What would suggest Mr. Beta, at maximum Warp the Borg Unimatrix is approximately 50 years from our present location."
T'lana then listened to Orpheus.

"Good...negative Orpheus, all available power to the shields, use the Rivendell as a distraction only. Signal the fleet to disable the Borg Sphere only."

T'lana turned to Beta,

"Mr. Beta, please assemble a strike force, your objective will be to place this Transporter Beacon onto a Borg Transwarp Node."
T'lana handed Beta the beacon that she had previously replicated and continued...

"The fleet will disable or at least distract the Borg Sphere, beam in and beam out as expediently as possible. Avoid any unnecessary contact with the drones. Distortions from the Sphere's Gravimetric Engines will prevent beaming in directly, so I am sending you to this location."

T'lana handed him the PADD, which contained the location and beaming coordinates for the Transporter Chief.

"Dismissed Mr. Beta and good luck, as humans say."
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"More posturing Three of Twelve?" The Borg Queen asked angrily.

The Borg Queen directed her transport and 50 Borg Cubes to go to Transwarp.


Both the Borg Queen's Royal Transport and 50 Borg Cubes engaged their Transwarp Drives for the rim of the Milkyway Galaxy in the Gamma Quadrant.

Two hours later, the Borg vessels emerged from Transwarp. On the screen of the Central Plexus, a decimated star system could be seen, with only a few chunks of eviscerated rock floating around clouds of dust particles, orbiting a compressed ball of Uranium-258, that used to be the system's star.

The Borg Queen released Taurik from the security field, allowing him to get up from the Assimilation Table.

"Come here." Ordered the Borg Queen to come standing where she was in front of the Holographic Display. "This is the result of the Na'Jigat, the entire sector is the same. A Borg Cube witnessed the destruction from a distance." The Borg Queen showed the visual telemetry from the cube that was monitoring the system prior to assimilation, but holding off due to the arrival of the Na'Jigat.

The Holographic Screen show space with the system in the distance. A blue swirling mass of energy suddenly appeared and began to envelope the system. All transmissions from the system ceased. The monitor switched back to real time.

"Three more systems making up the sector, were similarly decimated." The Borg Queen continued, "Where were your precious order? We were on our way to offer the population of these planets perfection and immortality. Unfortunately we were too late." Stated the Borg Queen, sounding like she actually cared.
We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is Futile
http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d128/AeiLanTenie/BorgBanner.jpg" border="0">


T'lana got up from the Science Station and left the bridge, taking the turbolift to the deck her quarters were on.

Once in her quarters, T'lana took a sonic shower and a change of uniform. After doing her hair and make-up, T'lana walked to the replicator and ordered Plomeek Broth, followed by a Caesar salad and an iced Vulcan Spice Tea.

Finishing her meal an hour later, T'lana meditated, making sure she lit her favorite candle scented with frangipani.
Vulcans never used perfume, or deodorant, having no sweat glands there was no need. T'lana was the only Vulcan she new of who used certain scents to accentuate her personage. Perhaps being around humans for so long had corrupted her, or maybe she just really liked the smell of frangipani.
Frangipani is a desert flower, mainly found in the northern areas of Australia where T'lana spent several years in the consulate of New Maryborough, Victoria. During which time T'lana traveled around Australia, taking in the diverse wildlife and the still untouched areas of the desert. That was where she came across the frangipani flower and the various uses of it's oil, especially perfume.

Once T'lana finished meditating, she went back to the en suite and grabbed the bottle of frangipani perfume from the vanity. Spraying herself lightly with the beautiful scent.

Leaving her quarters, T'lana went to engineering to see how the repairs were going, at least that was her excuse anyway, the real reason was that she just didn't want to be alone at the moment.
Entering engineering T'lana noticed Beta, the new crew members and Commander Freeman, all in engineering busy.
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Chaya Sar

Chaya Sar walked over to Morgan and Larial, she was fascinated by the chemical make-up of Tylium Fuel, but felt foolish when she stated.

"The Blue Harvest might know, it would be strange if a ship didn't know what was fueling it. By the way Morgan, I thank you for seeing if you could refuel my vessel, I really appreciate it. But my Viper isn't in desperate need of fuel just yet, the tank is three quarters full at the moment. The Viper Class Starfighter has enough fuel for two weeks of constant sublight travel."

With that said, Chaya Sar walked back to Shuttle Bay One, climbed into the cockpit of the Viper and queried the Computer as to the composition of it's fuel.

The Computer monitor displayed the composition of the Tylium Fuel. The Science Lab analysis was absolutely correct, but the Viper new what the other two elements of the fuel was. As known by the Science Lab Computer, it did have Tritium and Ununpentium. The other two molecules were unique to Chaya Sar's home galaxy, being Carbonite and Tibanna.

Luckily the Starfighter had the molecular make-up of Carbonite and Tibanna, so Chaya downloaded the information to her HoloNet Comlink, climbed back out of the Viper and took the information back to Morgan in the Science Lab.
Once there, Chaya took out her HoloNet Comlink from a hidden pocket in her robes, walked up to Morgan and activated it.

"According to the Blue Harvest Morgan, this is the molecular structure of Tylium Fuel. Sorry, I should have thought the Viper would know what fuel it used."

The information showed Carbonite to be a complex chain of carbon molecules with a crystalline substrate. Tibanna was a complex chain of helium molecules in vapor form.

"Could you synthesize it now Morgan?"
http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d128/AeiLanTenie/ChayaSarBanner.jpg" border="0">



<USS Rivendell>

The Borg Drones had already assimilated three of the crew and beamed them back to the Cube for stage 2 and 3 of assimilation.

OOC: These crew are Red Shirts, non-player characters, unless some players want to be assimilated. http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/assimilate.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':assimilate:'> http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>
We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is Futile
http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d128/AeiLanTenie/BorgBanner.jpg" border="0">


"Aye Captain." Stated T'lana.

Turning to the Helm Officer, "Mr. Sarpedon, set course for Space Station Avalon and engage the Transwarp Drive."
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"Ah yes Captain, thank you for coming. With all that is going on with the Na'Jigat, the Heraani and their allies. I have been working on making the Quantum Slipstream Drive viable for Starfleet, the USS Rivendell in particular."

T'lana continued, showing Taurik the PADD she was working on.

"This PADD contains the schematics for a Quantum Slipstream Drive, a Biomechanical Computer, a Quantum Induction Core and a Quantum Singularity Reactor, depending on which reactor is better suited for the Rivendell. The technology was given to me by the Doctor, when I was designing the Kelata. Along with the Phrase that helped us rescue you from the Borg, so it is logical to assume there is a reason. However, it is up to you."
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Taurik pressed a button on a PADD, and a black pin appeared on Beta's collar, as the pin in the box was simply for show. He then handed the medal to the Lieutenant, so that he could display it in his quarters.

"And finally, Lieutanant Commander T'lana. You have been a valued member of my crew from the moment you stepped onboard. You have been a vital consult, a constant voice of reason and logic... and a friend. You have never faltered in your efforts to make this vessel, and Starfleet as a whole, more than it is. Your service to this ship has been beyond exemplary, and it is for this that I grant you the rank of full Commander, and award you the Meritorious Service Medal. I would also like to take this opportunity to offer you the position as the permanent executive officer of the Rivendell."

(OFF: If you want to display it, http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/meritoriousservice.gif" target="_blank">here's the medal.)
Captain Taurik
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Rivendell - NCC-84540-B

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/starfleetcross.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/redcrest.gif" border="0">
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Member of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste


As they walked to the Engineering Lab, T'lana stated,

"The Jump Drive is the obvious cause, so if it is a simple matter of adjusting the anodyne relays, that is the logical thing to do. But if it is not just the anodyne relays, then the logical thing to do would be to design and build a device that does not cause this power drain to occur again. Otherwise we may simply have to remove the Jump drive."
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"Greetings, Larial, I am Captain Taurik. It is good to meet you. It is evident that Mr. Freeman has considerable skill in positronics."

Taurik stood from his seat. "I'm certain I could arrange a tour of the Rivendell for you as soon as we are underway."
Captain Taurik
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Rivendell - NCC-84540-B

http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/starfleetcross.gif" border="0">http://www.expansionfleet.com/medals/redcrest.gif" border="0">
Master of the Gallifreyan Order
Member of the Gallifreyan Sentinel Caste