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The Storming of DS12

Started by Tyler Michaels, October 25, 2003, 04:23:26 AM

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James Walker

"Huw, this isn't a enemy stronghold, it's are home! We don't need you destroying every place you go! Now, I'm sure the Admiral's stealth plan will work just fine."
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Walker.jpg" border="0">
"Keep it moving, keep it moving, get the lead out of your pants." -- Tom Paris


*rolls his eyes*

Nismos, stop being a tough guy and get back to work,

*Huw presses a button on his belt and a large explosion echoes from the jeffreys tube, followed by a scream*

They arent anymore...

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


*another thud issues from the geffreys tubes*

For gods, they dont take a hint do they!

*Huw taps his belt again and another large explosion shakes the room*


Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


*Huw takes 8 phaser rifles and puts them in his buffer, he takes his Katana blade and puts it safely in the sheath round his back*

Ok, Lets go

*Huw picks up his customised rifle*

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


Huw: Nismos, Guard here, i am going after the Romulan Commander

Nismos: Rgr

*Huw disappears into the shadows*

Nismos: where dya go?
Huw: I am still here...
Nismos: Oh cool over there i think

*Huw leaves the area and starts to follow the romulan commander, he lands in front of him, (Think like the Ninja vs Revolver Ocelot from MetalGearSolid, you get the idea)*

RomulanCommander: Stupid Federation Pig, you will never take me alive!!!

Huw: True, but it doesnt stop me trying,
*huw fires at the commander, but he dodges it*
Huw: your good, but not as good as me

Romulan: Hahaha! *The Romulan pulls out a batleth*
Huw: Oh good, a sword fight, i am so looking forward to this!

*Cue the cool blade fight music, Huw draws his katana, the romulan lunges at him, huw manages to parry the blow and slice into the romulans arm, but he doesnt flinch, the romulan spinning kicks huw and floors him*

Romulan: You forget, i am a commander, you are an ensign, i am more experienced!

Huw: And you forget, never try to gloat

*Huw slices with his sword, the romulan screams in pain and falls backwards, but his legs stay where they are, as they are no longer a part of him*

Huw: hehe

*Huw quickly dermo regenerates the skin to stop the bleeding*

Romulan: *cough splutter* Ok, maybe we could negotiate...

Huw: Call off your men and i might let you live...

Romulan: *flips out a communicator* This is your commander speaking, lay down your weapons and surrender, we will not be harmed

Huw: very good
*Huw points his phaser rifle at the romulans head*
Romulan: We had a deal?
*Huw fires a STUN shot into the romulans head and disappears into the shadows*

OFF: I think that about raps it up...

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army

Tara Lollock

***Lollock and team dematerialize in the operations Center***

"Where do you want us."

Name: Lollock, Tara
Rank: Captain
Position: Commanding Officer
Vessel: USS Iroquois

"Act and you shall have dinner. Think and you shall be dinner." - Klingon Proverb
"You never know when Starfleet may call upon you to perform outside your comfort zone." -Commander Tara Lollock
"Die well!"
"Today is a good day to die"

Relic Damen

"Come on Jack, lets take them to the Station's brig; we can question them there."

"We need to be careful not to get ambushed."

Jack led the way to the brig; each clutching a Romulan arm.

DS12 Fighter Chief
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Damen.jpg" border="0">
"I know this ship like the back of my hand," hits his head on a bulkhead. -- Montgomery Scott


OFF: you have been missed Karelia http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

"Mr. Hedford, you have come perfectly in time. The station on your right is available to you. Tap into the communication controls, and prepare to transmit a message to our fleet to enter the Romulan's weapon range and open the battle. Send this transmission on my mark.
Is everyone else ready to initiate the take-over of all the station's controls?"

Flag Admiral Vorak
CO Expansion Fleet

John Casden

The SEV Paladin takes as last ship position in the battle formation, and heads toward the Romulan ships... Soon the Paladin opens fire, causing some considerable damage to a few Romulan ships, until one of the warbirds decides to hunt the Paladin down. Having a warbird on her tail, the Paladin sets immediate course to some other Romulan warbird formation.
This may have seemed a suicide maneuvre, but it was not so: the Romulan warbird on the Paladin's back could not open fire without risking to hit one of their own ships, and the Romulan warbird formation in front had the same problem. Besides, the Romulan formation was already occupied with the USS Evolution.
The SEV Paladin then makes  the mistake, however, to head inside the Romulan formation, as the USS Evolution just decides to head out of it, and the two ship barely miss each other... and while the USS Evolution retreats, the SEV Paladin now finds itself surrounded by four powerful Romulan warbirds...



"Sir your doing my job for me..."

*Looks at nismos*

sweet move... after this maybe you could teach me that...

Oh, my sword is replicated, other than that its all SIA issue.

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army


"Mr.Huw would you mind if I tagged along while you go after the romuan leader or would you prefer to do it alone?"
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Nismos.jpg" border="0">
"Perhaps today is a good day to die. Prepair for ramming speed RAMING SPEED!"-Worf

James Walker

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Walker.jpg" border="0">
"Keep it moving, keep it moving, get the lead out of your pants." -- Tom Paris

James Walker

=/\=Walker to Karelia=/\=

Is my assistance needed? It sure is lonely here with the Comm Array.

http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Walker.jpg" border="0">
"Keep it moving, keep it moving, get the lead out of your pants." -- Tom Paris


OFF: Time for some heroics

Everyone take cover, i will deal with this lot get them to move into the holodeck...

Computer, give me clothes of this period... *A set of workmens jeans appears and huw puts them on*

Excellent these will do, ok you guys take cover, i will walk around casually and Boom, set off a stun grenade...

OFF: I presume you agree

Karelia: Too risky, you must not endanger yourself

Huw: Sir, Rule one of Tactics, NEVER leave an enemy stronghold intact given the chance...

Huw Smith
Starfleet Intelligence
One Man Army

James Walker

James attached a sniper scope to his new phaser rifle, then took off for engineering with the rest of the team.
http://expansionfleet.port5.com/starfleet/id/ID-Walker.jpg" border="0">
"Keep it moving, keep it moving, get the lead out of your pants." -- Tom Paris