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Operations Control

Started by Vincent Garhart, January 09, 2006, 04:53:48 PM

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Vincent Garhart

ensign: "Sir, I have tried every biological scan I know of and can't get it straight. From what I can surmise the ships hull is made of a material that our biological scans can't punch through.  It could very easally causing the fractured scan I am getting back."
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

James Madison

Madison sighed.
"Admiral, this has gone from a simple trade to under attack. I strongly suggest we end relations with these people. We don't need what they have that bad. I don't speak against anything without cause. We'd be better off to do things like we always did. I'll contact Starfleet and get thier opinion. We just finished with one attack and now its becoming a bombardment."
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO

"This is no time for chain of command discussions Nesbitt! Admiral Garhart and myself have been entrusted with overrides of any security situation, this is not the time Commodore!".


Sorry my bad alright
Back in character
Nesbitt leaves ops and gos to the shuttle bay where he boards a shuttle and pilots its out of the bay.
Now in the Shuttle:
Computer set course for vulcan and engage at maximum power!
Computer: Yes sir
=^= Farewell my friends i hope to see you again someday=^=
Prince Nesbitt of Vulcan
^ this should explan everything, meaning the name left!
1st LT. Mitchell Nesbitt (Marine Doctor)

William Richerd

William Richerd looked confused, "Okay... so we are off lock down? Could someone explain to me what is going on? I've been documenting the computer virus and as such, been out of the loop. Could someone tell me what's going on?"

OOC: personally I do know what is going on, but my character doesn't... roleplaying folks.
http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/5811/starpheonixidricherdscopy8gy.jpg" border="0">
The security of this organization is number one

Mark Jarret

*Returns to Ops after the meeting*
"Will security be needed for the new ship?"
Lieutenant Mark Jarret
Aide to Admiral J. Madison

Richard Ransom

*team look at eatch other*

Team Lead: That is Classfied to only Admiral Ransom or Commondore Nessbitt Sir, If Admiral Ransom tells me other wise I would tell you

Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Richard Ransom

Secuitey Officer: Sir, This Mister Brown is a sneaky fellow I have order the Computer to place the personal Force feild system around him so then he whont be able to esacape also Sir I have found a Program in the Main Computer its Connected to the Main COmmand Subroutine and that Subrouteine has the total Secuitey Lockout and Overrides and every Command Code and Command In it and the Program was Locked out by Lieutennent Richard Brown and was incerted into the Main COmputer just as the Rivendale left I tryed to get into the Program it had 12 layers if secuitey Lockouts all Intelligence Lockouts as well and there are only Three pepole on this Station pospley get this Lockout off this Program Fleet Admiral Ransom, Vice Admiral Garhart and Lieutennent Richard Brown him self.
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

"The main docking bay has been open for some time".

Richard Ransom

Yes but Garhart ca;nt leave for an other week or so until we get the supplys shorted out  I can only spare 1,000 LBS of Trulithum at the moment.
Name:Richard Ransom
Rank: Captain

Dean Starwind

*Dean runs in and looks to Richerd. He waits a second to catch his breath then speaks to Ransom.*

"Admiral, waht is the meaning of this?!"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/ross_william.jpg" border="0">
Commander Dean Starwind
Executive Officer
Uss Rivendell- NCC-84540-B

Vincent Garhart

**Steps over to the head of Commodore Nessbitts team **

Where is the commodore?
Vincent Garhart
Lt. General

"Your enthusiasim is appriciated Commodore. On the otherhand this station needs to function, the lockdown will need to be disengaged, and the focus on assisting the retrival party is of the upmost importance. The Rivendell and small craft left with the approval of this deck, no security breaches I can assure you. If you will, you can take the tactical control here on Ops and coordinate with the ships sent for recovery".

James Madison

"Shall i go greet our guests?"
http://archive.expansionfleet.com/charpics/dougherty_matthew.jpg" border="0">
Admiral - High Command
Avalon Station CO